CMSMS simpleform plugin "mail not sent" error - php

Help! I've just set up a page using the simpleform plugin for an easy email enquiry form.
I've checked the stylesheet, the template, and the tags I've used (see below)
{simpleform sendto='' subject='Tickets Enquiry'}
I've changed the email that it's trying to send to, I've changed the subject, I've taken out the captcha bit that I was trying to use initially. Whatever I do, I still get the error message. What is going on??? Have I done something completely stupid?
Thanks for any help...

Can you receive a CMSMailer Test message?
Any errors reported in the Admin log or PHP Error log?
I haven't used that plugin before, but will test it if it helps.

It is most likely to be that whoever set-up the site initially has not correctly set-up CMSMailer. You just need to put in the correct settings to be able to send emails. The smtp mail settings usually work fine, once all the correct settings and password are used.
The error log in cPanel is the right place to look - no errors is good news.


PHPMailer outlook view in browser

Hi to any PHPMailer expert.
Being using the mailer and works like a charm!
I have received mails several from various organizations and I get a "View in Browser" option.
I would like to add that same functionality to my mails. I have googled endlessly without success :(
Can anyone point me in the write direction or post the code?
As per usual your help is always appreciated.
Many thanks
I'm not aware of anything specific to Outlook for doing this, but the normal approach to this (what I do) is to make the same message available as a web page as part of your sending process. On my own system it uses exactly the same mechanism that's used to preview mailings before sending.
So when you have some HTML that you use to generate your email message, do the same thing but render it as a web page directly. If you're using PHPMailer you would do whatever you normally do to build a message and put your content in the Body property and send it, but just output it to the browser instead.

how to add log file for user registration email sent in wordpress

In wordpress project I have added custom email subject and email body when new users are created in admin('wp-admin/users.php') using filter 'wp_new_user_notification_email'.
Now I want to create a log file of email sent when registering new users with data as sent to, email message, sent date time and also whether email is sent or not.
I am not sure where to look for if email sent is success or error when registering new user.
Any help/suggestions are welcome.
Thanks in advance.
In the same filter you're using to change the email contents, you can include a function call to error_log where you can write to the error each time an email is filtered, although whether it's sent or not depends on many factors.
Filter the email contents and then immediately do:
error_log( 'log_info_goes_here' );
Make sure you do this before you return the email arguments though otherwise it'll cause issues with the filter hook returning a proper value.
You can also turn on debugging as well, although this might not be the best thing to do on a production environment, but enabling these two constants in your wp-config.php file will turn it on.
define( 'WP_DEBUG', true );
define( 'WP_DEBUG_LOG', true );
Lastly, install a logging plugin if you want detailed reports on what is actually happening on your site. There's a couple of decent plugins out there but it's down to opinion on which might suit your needs. Bear in mind that WordPress uses wp_mail to send email so if you have debugging on, if something goes wrong it'll record the error as part of that function call.

Contact form 7 loads forever but sends mail correctly.Unfortunately no info at the end

At my wordpress site I am using Contact Form 7 plugin. It works correnctly... it sends mails but without any information at the end. I have all time the rounding circle... It should shows me that the message is sent correctly.
What could be wrong with this message ?
Contact Form 7 has has a messages area where you can configure what message you want to show to the user in different scenarios You can add text from there. If someone already configured it, look for css code that must be hiding the options.

Problems with getFlash and setFlash in Yii

Ok, I know what I'm about to say is going to be super vague, but hear me out:
I want to use flash messages because I like the idea of them, but they don't seem to always work for me.
Here is my workflow:
User creates a group on page A
I send an email notification to
members of the new group
I set the flash message "Success!"
I redirect the user to the newly created group and display the "Success!" flash message.
The problem is after I redirect the user, the flash messages are no longer in the $_SESSION. To make this even more strange, if I take out the step where I send email notifications, it DOES work. WTF?
Has anyone else experienced similar issues with flash messages? Does anyone have any insight into why sending the email would affect the flash messages?
I think at this point I'm just going to stick with setState and manually remove it after displaying them.
Now You can set a property autoUpdateFlash of CWebUser component to false. In this case flash message will be removed only after usage.
How is the email being sent? I know using the Yii Mail extension (a swiftmailer wrapper I think) in "debug" mode uses the setFlash method, so perhaps that's wiping out the array somehow...?
The "flash" variables are updated by the init() method of CWebUser, so if there is an extra call to CWebUser it's possible that's what is clearing out the flash variables.
Considering that you set the flash AFTER the email though, I'm not sure how that would happen. My only other guess besides the "debug mode" thing (not a problem if you are just using the PHP mail methods though) is that sending mail is triggering an extra redirect somewhere.
If you have a PHP debugger like XDebug installed I would set a breakpoint in the getFlash and setFlash code and get a look at what is happening that way.
Good luck!

Installing Recaptcha in Joomla 1.5 user registration

I am trying to install ReCaptcha into the user registration of Joomla 1.5. This may just be an issue with Joomla but when i hit register nothing happens. I think it's doing some JavaScript form validation but there is nothing telling the user what went wrong. if, God forbid, they do fill out the form correctly Joomla will redirect the user to the homepage and give no notice of success.
Is this a Joomla issue or is there something wrong with my install? Does anyone know of a plug-in or module for Joomla that would make this easier?
Thanks in advance,
UPDATE: Joomla does a lot of "stuff"/"something" to the $_POST and $_GET variables which was causing the reCaptcha to not function. This was for work which is past so I am not spending anymore time on it. Shameless Plug: use wordpress instead.
this can be closed as I don't have time to verify which answer works
Are you sure you tried all reCaptcha plugins for Joomla? There are plenty:
Make sure your template contains the message tag to display messages to the user regarding successful or unsuccessful registrations (among other things!)
Are you sure that no error is displayed ? Iam using it with some php applications, the error is inside the "BOX".
Try the community builder component, module.
If by 'nothing happens' you mean the visitor stays on the registration page and doesn't advance, check the JavaScript error log for your browser and ensure that a fatal error isn't keeping the form from being submitted. If you mean that the page does advance and the result is a completely blank page, there may be a PHP error being encountered, and you have errors not being publicly displayed. Log into the hosting server and look at the PHP log to see if there's any fatal errors showing up.
I strongly recommend using mollom/moovum. It works with registration and the beautiful thing is that you don't have to hack any files while users will only notice your protection if there is doubt or spam.
Joomla does a lot of "stuff"/"something" to the $_POST and $_GET variables which was causing the reCaptcha to not function. This was for work which is past so I am not spending anymore time on it.
using wordpress from now on.
