Cakephp file upload issue for number of files - php

upload plugin works excellent for me, but when I have multiple file upload-> select 30 images (approx 15 MB) -> Upload only 18-20 images. May be issued with a number of files. post_max_size I have updated from 8M to 20M in php.ini . I have solved the same by using dropzone.js instead of simple file upload.It has no issue upload 100 files at a time. Still want to know why simple file upload is not working?


Server issue with large file upload?

I have a dedicated server Linux WHM/Cpanel that hosts a video streaming website. I have a form to upload videos and I've been trying to upload larger files but failing? I've checked error logs and nothing is leading me in the right direction. Below are my php.ini settings
upload_max_filesize = 1200M
post_max_size = 1200M
max_input_vars = 1000
memory_limit = -1
max_file_uploads = 20
max_execution_time = 7200
max_input_time = 7200
max_input_vars = 1000
I can upload a 100MB file just fine but the movies i have can be up to 1gb. I'm using Plupload to upload files. I've tested several small size files and they upload fine. When I try to upload large movies e.g. 300mb, Plupload returns this error HTTP Error. Upload URL might be wrong or doesn't exist. and this is the only clue I have. Plupload uses chunking to split up large files also.
This only happens with larger files. It's really a nuisance also, since I have to upload large files all over again to see if my changes are successful or not.
Any ideas? Why would it work with a smaller size file but not larger? I have no errors to work from.
HTTP Error is common when there is something wrong with the files being uploaded. Please check your server info with php.ini
upload_max_filesize is the limit of any single file.
post_max_size is the limit of the entire body of the request,
Sometimes the server requires post_max_size greater than upload_max_filesize I might be wrong but I have to check.
Try debugging the issue removing the chunking first and then later add the chunking part when you remove those HTTP errors.

Randomly Images are uploaded of 0 bytes PHP

I recently setup load balancing for my website wordpress blog 2 back-end nodes with HAproxy. Now i am facing a very strange issue. Images are uploading of 0 Bytes randomly.Some images are uploading fine and some are not.This issue happens when I upload post through window live writer.
When I retry 0 Bytes Images they uploaded successfully.
PHP Configuration
file_uploads = On
upload_max_filesize = 8M
max_file_uploads = 40
post_max_size = 8M
max_input_time = 60
Images uploaded through WP or Window Live writer uploaded to server then using lsyncd images sent to the image server.
I am not able to figure out the issue. Please help me to solve the issue.
I would check following:
image uploaded on one server but being use on another (make sure your file processed within one request)
upload data time limit is too short
PS: could you be more specific in your question, describe software you are using, add you config. It will help to localize the issue.

Upload large files on google cloud buckets

I'm trying to upload files to my bucket using this: I got it working but i can't upload files that are larger than 100 MB. The documentation says you can upload files up to 100 TB.
When I try to upload files larger than 100MB i get a request entity too large error.
Solved it. I had these 2 lines in my php.ini
upload_max_filesize = 100M
post_max_filesize = 100M
Changed it to
upload_max_filesize = 100G
post_max_filesize = 100G
and it worked.
When uploading larger files, you can consider the file to be chunked into small sets of requests that Google App Engine supports.
This package could help -

Increasing the Upload Limit of my PHP script

I have a simple PHP script. Its used to upload users into the joomla tables. Basically it uploads users into joomla three main tables.
The PHP uploader sript works fine when the CSV is about 80MB to 100 MB.
It does not work or just nothing happens when the file size is 500MB or above.
How do i make the PHP script work to upload the CSV files of over 500 MB?
Do i actually change something in my PHP.ini settings or is there something else i could
add in the script itself.
Thanks in Advance.
in the .htcaccess file add the following:
php_value upload_max_filesize 500M
php_value post_max_size 500M
in php.ini add:
upload_max_filesize = 500M
post_max_size = 500M
You have to change the upload_max_filesize in php.ini
I had the same issue long time ago with rails and mysql,
You have to consider 3 things when you want to upload a file:
Max upload file in PHP
Be sure that MySQL will save a big file.
Your browser will lost connection after a while uploading a file to your database if it don't receive any answer from the server.
I think that You handled the first 2, but to handle the 3rd probably you will need a upload progress bar to keep the session active. Actually you need some AJAX to keep the server and the client "talking" meanwhile the file still uploading.

upload large files [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Large .PDF Files Not Uploading To MySQL Database as Medium BLOB Via PHP, Files under 2MB Work Fine
Running Unix and php5.
I have an upload form that allows people to upload any file format at any size. As of now when you try to upload it fails most of the time when I try to upload a couple mb file. However if I upload a small text file it is fine. Also I have read about issues of timing out with large files. Is there something I can do server side or preferably in my php code to enable someone to upload really large files without it timing out? Is the browser limit 500MB?
There is a server limit in php.ini here
change the size to allow larger files, default limit is 2 MB.
There isn't a browser limit afaik, but in general uploading large files from the browser just ends up being trouble. Perhaps a an anonymous FTP (with hidden list) would work?
#keith you can try out uploadify plugin you can download from here and then you can set php_values like this
php_value upload_max_filesize 100M
php_value post_max_size 100M
php_value max_execution_time 1000
php_value max_input_time 1000
in .htaccess
