How can I ignore excluded images in this query? - php

I have this query, it is not written by me and I'm not very good at PHP and Magento. I have this client who has several images in some products, lets say, there are 14 images for one product but half of them are excluded and they don't want to show them. So my query returns all pictures for each product. You can see the code below:
$_mediaGalleryData = $_read->fetchAll('SELECT
main.entity_id, `main`.`value_id`, `main`.`value` AS `file`,
`value`.`label`, `value`.`position`, `value`.`disabled`, `default_value`.`label` AS `label_default`,
`default_value`.`position` AS `position_default`,
`default_value`.`disabled` AS `disabled_default`
FROM `catalog_product_entity_media_gallery` AS `main`
LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value` AS `value`
ON main.value_id=value.value_id AND value.store_id=' . $store_id . '
LEFT JOIN `catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value` AS `default_value`
ON main.value_id=default_value.value_id AND default_value.store_id=0
AND main.attribute_id = ' . $_read->quote($_mediaGalleryAttributeId) . ')
AND (main.entity_id IN (' . $_read->quote($collection->getAllIds()) . '))
ORDER BY IF(value.position IS NULL, default_value.position, value.position) ASC
I have added value.disabled=0 like this:
value.disabled = 0
AND main.attribute_id = ' . $_read->quote($_mediaGalleryAttributeId) . ')
AND (main.entity_id IN (' . $_read->quote($collection->getAllIds()) . '))
But it did not work either. Any ideas on how can I work that out?
EDIT: So I changed my code to following but still getting the same result;
$_mediaGalleryData = $_read->fetchAll('SELECT
main.entity_id, `main`.`value_id`, `main`.`value` AS `file`,
`value`.`label`, `value`.`position`, `value`.`disabled`, `value`.`label` AS `label_default`,
`value`.`position` AS `position_default`,
`value`.`disabled` AS `disabled_default`
FROM `catalog_product_entity_media_gallery` AS `main`
INNER JOIN `catalog_product_entity_media_gallery_value` AS `value`
ON main.value_id=value.value_id AND value.store_id=' . $store_id . '
value.disabled = 0
AND main.attribute_id = ' . $_read->quote($_mediaGalleryAttributeId) . ')
AND (main.entity_id IN (' . $_read->quote($collection->getAllIds()) . '))
ORDER BY IF(value.position IS NULL, value.position, value.position) ASC


How to get another column values from MySQL Query in opencart3 admin panel?

The code below uses 2 tables "category_path" and "category_description" to get id=>name of all categories and sub-categories. Im bad at mySql, so I would appreciate if you help me.
In this function I need to also get values of 'cat_name' column FROM THE OTHER (third) table named 'category'
public function getCategories($data = array()) {
$sql = "SELECT cp.category_id AS category_id,
c1.parent_id, c1.sort_order
FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "category_path cp
LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "category c1 ON (cp.category_id = c1.category_id)
LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "category c2 ON (cp.path_id = c2.category_id)
LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "category_description cd1 ON (cp.path_id = cd1.category_id)
LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "category_description cd2 ON (cp.category_id = cd2.category_id)
WHERE cd1.language_id = '" . (int)$this->config->get('config_language_id') . "'
AND cd2.language_id = '" . (int)$this->config->get('config_language_id') . "'";
You are already using that category table in the first join and you gave it an alias of c1 so
SELECT cp.category_id AS category_id, c1.cat_name,
. . .
. . .

Adapting query to JDatabase

How can I adapt the following query to JDatabase?
c.RAZONSOCIAL usu_razonSocial
,c.NIT usu_nit
,c.SEDE usu_sede
,c.EMAIL usu_email
,IF(IFNULL(u.block, 1) = 0, 'Activo', 'Inactivo') usu_estado
,COUNT(ct.ctf_id) nroCertificados
cargacliente c
ON (crg_id = cargas_id)
AND (crg_status = 'Ok')
certificados ct
ON (ctf_sede = SEDE)
AND (ctf_nit = NIT)
database_1.bml_users u
ON (id = user_id)
This is Joomla 2.5.4.
I have read this post but I couldn't do it.
I tried to do it in this way:
->select($db->quoteName(array('c.RAZONSOCIAL AS usu_razonSocial', 'c.NIT usu_nit', 'c.SEDE usu_sede', 'c.EMAIL usu_email', 'IF(IFNULL(u.block, 1) = 0, \'Activo\', \'Inactivo\') usu_estado', 'COUNT(ct.ctf_id) nroCertificados')))
->from($db->quoteName('database_2.cargacliente', 'c'))
->join('INNER', $db->quoteName('database_2.cargas','a') . ' ON (' . $db->quoteName('a.crg_id') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('database_2.cargacert.cargas_id') . ') AND (' . $db->quoteName('a.crg_status') . ' = \'Ok\')')
->join('INNER', $db->quoteName('database_2.certificados','b') . ' ON (' . $db->quoteName('b.ctf_sede') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('database_2.cargacliente.SEDE') . ') AND (' . $db->quoteName('b.ctf_nit') . ' = NIT)')
->join('LEFT', $db->quoteName('joomla_database.bml_users', 'u') . ' ON (' . $db->quoteName('database_2.usuario.usu_id') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('joomla_database.bml_users.user_id') . ')')
->group(array('c.NIT', 'c.SEDE'))
->order(array('database_2.usuario.usu_razonSocial', 'database_2.usuario.usu_nit', 'database_2.usuario.usu_sede'));
The error shown is the following:
500 - Ha ocurrido un error.
Unknown column 'c.RAZONSOCIAL usu_razonSocial' in 'field list' SQL=SELECT `c`.`RAZONSOCIAL usu_razonSocial`,`c`.`NIT usu_nit`,`c`.`SEDE usu_sede`,`c`.`EMAIL usu_email`,`IF(IFNULL(u`.`block, 1) = 0, 'Activo', 'Inactivo') usu_estado`,`COUNT(ct`.`ctf_id) nroCertificados` FROM `biochemical`.`cargacliente` AS `c` INNER JOIN `biochemical`.`cargas` AS `a` ON (`a`.`crg_id` = `biochemical`.`cargacert`.`cargas_id`) AND (`a`.`crg_status` = 'Ok') INNER JOIN `biochemical`.`certificados` AS `b` ON (`b`.`ctf_sede` = `biochemical`.`cargacliente`.`SEDE`) AND (`b`.`ctf_nit` = NIT) LEFT JOIN `biochemical_bml`.`bml_users` AS `u` ON (`biochemical`.`usuario`.`usu_id` = `biochemical_bml`.`bml_users`.`user_id`) GROUP BY c.NIT,c.SEDE ORDER BY biochemical.usuario.usu_razonSocial,biochemical.usuario.usu_nit,biochemical.usuario.usu_sede
The changes were the following:
Remove the first $db->quoteName() in the SELECT statement.
Modify ALIAS from tables.
LEFT JOIN modification.
The final code is the following:
->select(array('c.RAZONSOCIAL AS usu_razonSocial', 'c.NIT AS usu_nit', 'c.SEDE AS usu_sede', 'c.EMAIL AS usu_email', 'IF(IFNULL(u.block, 1) = 0, \'Activo\', \'Inactivo\') AS usu_estado', 'COUNT(b.ctf_id) AS nroCertificados'))
->from($db->quoteName('database_2.cargacliente', 'c'))
->join('INNER', $db->quoteName('database_2.cargas','a') . ' ON (' . $db->quoteName('a.crg_id') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('c.cargas_id') . ') AND (' . $db->quoteName('a.crg_status') . ' = \'Ok\')')
->join('INNER', $db->quoteName('database_2.certificados','b') . ' ON (' . $db->quoteName('b.ctf_sede') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('c.SEDE') . ') AND (' . $db->quoteName('b.ctf_nit') . ' = c.NIT)')
->join('LEFT', $db->quoteName('joomla_database.bml_users', 'u') . ' ON (' . $db->quoteName('c.user_id') . ' = ' . $db->quoteName('') . ')')
->group(array('c.NIT', 'c.SEDE'))
->order(array('usu_razonSocial', 'usu_nit', 'usu_sede'));
This is a bit difficult to say what the problem is without having the right environment.
I would suggest to debug through the driver to see where it fails.
You can of course also put the query direct through the "setQuery" method. It would be however compatible with MySQL only.
But, once again, please update your Joomla! to the latest version ASAP.

Opencart: Product Name Print Several times, How to fix.?

i had added the following Opencart module for my order report list...
I have problems with the column "Products". If there are more than one option the products name prints several times. So if I got a product with three options the product name prints three times. Is there any way to fix this problem?
i want print product name and model number only once, any idea.?
i will attach the results what i got now...
this is my sql query...
public function getOrders($data = array()) {
$sql = "select o.order_id,,o.telephone,CONCAT(o.shipping_address_1, ' ', o.shipping_address_2) AS address,CONCAT(o.firstname, ' ', o.lastname) AS customer,o.payment_zone AS state,o.payment_address_2 AS block, o.payment_address_1 AS address,o.payment_postcode AS postcode,(SELECT FROM " . DB_PREFIX . "order_status os WHERE os.order_status_id = o.order_status_id AND os.language_id = '" . (int)$this->config->get('config_language_id') . "') AS status,o.payment_city AS city,GROUP_CONCAT( AS pdtname,GROUP_CONCAT(op.model) AS model,o.date_added,sum(op.quantity) AS quantity,GROUP_CONCAT(opt.value ) AS options, GROUP_CONCAT(opt.order_product_id ) AS ordprdid,GROUP_CONCAT(op.order_product_id ) AS optprdid, GROUP_CONCAT(op.quantity) AS opquantity from `" . DB_PREFIX . "order` o LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "order_product op ON (op.order_id = o.order_id) LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "product_description pd ON (pd.product_id = op.product_id and pd.language_id = '" . (int)$this->config->get('config_language_id') . "') LEFT JOIN " . DB_PREFIX . "order_option opt ON (opt.order_product_id = op.order_product_id) ";
Product Name = GROUP_CONCAT( AS pdtname,

how to get all attributes in prestashop

I need to get all attributes that exists in my Prestahop store not matter wich or what product is assigned I just want to generate a array of those attributes and then use them in ProductController.php class. I check the file classes/Product.php and a method called getDefaultAttribute($id_product, $minimumQuantity = 0) is present but I think this only works for attributes assigned to a specific product and not return all as I need. Any help? I'm newbie with Prestashop and need to learn a lot of things
Examine file classes/Attribute.php. Your may use static function Attribute::getAttributes($id_lang, $not_null = false). It return all attributes for a given language.
You can get all attributes by using this SQL query:
$atbt = "SELECT a.id_attribute_group ,
FROM " . _DB_PREFIX_ . "attribute_group_lang a
where id_lang='".$id_lang."'";
$res = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($atbt);
$product_result = array();
foreach ($res as $key => $row) {
$sql = 'SELECT AS label,pal.id_attribute AS value,0 AS status'
. ' FROM ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attribute AS pa
RIGHT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attribute_group_lang AS pagl ON (pagl.id_attribute_group =pa.id_attribute_group)
LEFT JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'attribute_lang AS pal ON (pal.id_attribute =pa.id_attribute)
JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute_combination AS pacl ON (pacl.id_attribute =pal.id_attribute)
JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product_attribute AS pat ON (pat.id_product_attribute =pacl.id_product_attribute)
JOIN ' . _DB_PREFIX_ . 'product AS prot ON (prot.id_product =pat.id_product)
WHERE pagl.id_lang="'.$id_lang.'" AND pal.id_lang="'.$id_lang.'" AND pagl.id_attribute_group=' . $row['id_attribute_group'].' AND prot.id_category_default = "'.$id_category.'" GROUP BY pacl.id_attribute';
$result = Db::getInstance()->ExecuteS($sql);

Dynamic MySQL recordset query using join syntax

I can't get the JOIN syntax correct to alter this existing MySQL query in PHP to include a join from another table. I have another table specified as DB_TABLE2 that contains columns InvmNumr and InvmDesc. The InvmNumr and InvlNumr are the exact same value in each table and I need to display InvmDesc from Table 2 in this query?
$res = mysql_query('SELECT LocId, InvlNumr, InvlQuant FROM ' . DB_TABLE1
. ' WHERE LocId = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($cType) . '\'
AND InvlNumr = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($br) . "'");
$markup = '';
Read up on LEFT JOIN vs INNER JOIN depending on how your data is stored in your DB_TABLE2 table.
$res = mysql_query('SELECT ' . DB_TABLE1 . '.LocId, ' . DB_TABLE1 . '.InvlNumr, ' .
DB_TABLE1 . '.InvlQuant, ' . DB_TABLE2 . '.InvmDesc
FROM ' . DB_TABLE1 . ' LEFT JOIN ' . DB_TABLE2 . ' ON ' .
DB_TABLE1 . '.InvlNumr = ' . DB_TABLE2 . '.InvmNumr
WHERE ' . DB_TABLE1 . '.LocId = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($cType) . '\'
AND ' . DB_TABLE1 . '.InvlNumr = \'' . mysql_real_escape_string($br) . "'");
try this
SELECT db1.LocId,db1.InvlNumr,db1.InvlQuant
INNER JOIN DB_TABLE2 db2 ON db1.InvlNumr = db2.InvlNumr
WHERE dbq.LocId = $cType
AND db1.InvlNumr = $br
