The update cannot be installed because we will be unable to copy some files. This is usually due to inconsistent file permissions.
When trying to update plugins from the admin interface. I’ve set the user to www-data for both directories and files … but nothing works.
What do I have to do to simply being able to use Wordpress as it is intended?
This issue is usually caused by incorrect file permissions or ownerships on your server (rather than being a problem with the plugin itself). Basically, WordPress isn’t able to properly access its own plugins folder, and as a result, can’t put the updated plugins files in there.
Permissions can be set to 644 for files and 755 for folders. To do so, you can run two quick find commands.
To make all folders in your website path with 755 permissions run the following command
find /path/to/your_website -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
To make all files in your website root directory with 644 permissions, you can run
find /path/to/your_website -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \;
Please make sure to change /path/to/your_website with your real path.
Ownership means which user and group are controlling the files. Usually, that’s www-data. So what you’ll need to do si
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data /path/to/your_website
Please make sure to change /path/to/your_website with your real path.
Once you do it, that’s it, you are good to go.
We have a Magento website hosted on EC2 and for some reason var folder permissions keep on changing after some time. I think its happening because of magento default cron which runs every couple of hours and it seems it flushes the cache and at that time folder permission gets changed. Because of this website stops working.
Here is the screenshot of the error which we get once permissions are changed:
I am solving this by running chmod command through terminal but this is happening every couple of hours, so we need some permanent solution so that this problem is not repeated.
The probable answer is that the cron job executes under your user - and the directory is owned by apache (or www-data or nobody or whatever user your webserver runs as).
To get it to work, you could set up the cron job to run as the webserver user. Something like this:
su -l www-data -c 'crontab -e'
Alternatively, you could change the permissions to 775 (read-write-execute for the owner and group, and read-execute for others) and set the group ownership of the folder to the user running the cron job.
I think that you have some permission restriction in your folder, try these commands:
Magento File permissions:
chmod -R 644 ./*
find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} ;
find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} ;
chmod 550 ./mage
I have a deploy BASH script which runs as Jenkins CI job. It runs under the jenkins user. Deploy needs to delete old directory and replace it with new one. But there is a problem. Laravel generates the files like session or cache with chmod 644 as www-data user. It means although Jenkins is in the www-data group he can not delete the generated files cause group has only read permission.
I found something about permissions in Laravel documentation, but it does not work cause it is only for storage/app folder.
The question is is there a way to force Laravel or PHP demon to generate files with required permissions e.g. 664? Hope it is. Thanks for any help.
My straight forward solution is to run endless background script as root which find and deletes required directories every 10 seconds. It runs as nohup so it is still running although I close the terminal.
while true
find /var/www -maxdepth 1 -type d -name 'deploy-old-*' -exec rm -rf {} \;
sleep 10
The final solution is to set up ACL privileges for parent directory via setfacl command.
setfacl -R -dm "g:www-data:rw" /path/to/dir
This ensures the generated files will inherit the ACL privileges from parent dir.
I'm trying to make some sort of cloud application on a headless raspbian machine.
The testing happens on a wamp-server running on windows8.1. PHP version is 5.6
The code works fine on my testing windows, but I run into issues when running the same code on my linux server. I've narrowed down the issue to the fact that (the linux user behind) my PHP code doesn't have write permissions on the folder where it should store files.
I can think of two ways to solve the issue: either give that php-user permissions, or change the user behind the php code. The last one would be quite interesting if it was possible to change per-script.
So, for my concrete question:
1) Where can I find what user is being used by my PHP code?
2) Can I change what user my PHP code uses, preferably on a per-project basis?
My script was running as root, as is shown by echo get_current_user();. I changed ownership of all files to root:webhosting, which was previously ftpuser:ftpgroup. However, when setting permissions to 770 I get access denied
When using var_dump(posix_geteuid()); instead of get_current_user();, i get UID 33, which matches user www-data.
By looking at the EUID with var_dump(posix_geteuid(); I was able to validate the actual user, which does NOT match the get_current_user();. Changing the directroy and all files in it with sudo chown -R www-data:www-data <root of site> I managed to set the correct permissions.
I am not sure what the specifics are but normally when I have issues like that I change the ownership to www-data:www-data and if necessary for upload folders I change the folder permissions to 0755 and inside files permissions to 0644.
I changed the permissions setting for security purposes.
You're PHP/Apache user is probably www-data. You probably want to run something like this.
sudo find path/to/project/ -exec chown www-data:root {} \;
File permissions may also be a problem. If so, run something like this.
sudo find path/to/project/ -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
sudo find path/to/project/ -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;
I am new to Laravel. I was trying to open http://localhost/test/public/ and I got
Error in exception handler.
I googled around and changed the permission of storage directory using chmod -R 777 app/storage but to no avail.
I changed debug=>true in app.php and visited the page and got Error in exception handler:
The stream or file "/var/www/html/test/app/storage/logs/laravel.log"
could not be opened: failed to open stream: Permission denied in
Then I changed the permissions of storage directory using the command chmod -R 644 app/storage and the 'Error in exception handler' error was gone and a page is loaded. But in there I am getting this:
failed to open stream: Permission denied
Suggestion from vsmoraes worked for me:
Laravel >= 5.4
php artisan cache:clear
chmod -R 775 storage/
composer dump-autoload
Laravel < 5.4
php artisan cache:clear
chmod -R 775 app/storage
composer dump-autoload
For those facing this problem with Laravel 5, this is a permission issue caused by different users trying to write at the same log file within the storage/logs folder with different permissions.
What happens is your Laravel config probably is setup to log errors daily and therefore your web server (Apache/nginx) might create this file under a default user depending on your environment it can be something like _www on OSX or www-data on *NIX systems, then the issue comes when you might have run some artisan commands and got some errors, so the artisan will write this file but with a different user because PHP on terminal is executed by a different user actually your login user, you can check it out by running this command:
php -i | grep USER
If your login user created that log file your web server you will not be able to write errors in it and vice-versa because Laravel writes log files with 655 permissions by default which only allows the owner to write in it.
To fix this temporary you have to manually give permissions for the group 664 to this file so both your login user and web server user can write to that log file.
To avoid this issue permanently you may want to setup a proper permissions when a new file is create within the storage/logs directory by inheriting the permissions from the directory this answer can help you to tackle with that.
You should not give 777 permissions. It's a security risk.
To Ubuntu users, in Laravel 5, I sugest to change owner for directory storage recursively:
Try the follow:
sudo chown -R www-data:www-data storage
In Ubuntu based systems, www-data is apache user.
For everyone using Laravel 5, Homestead and Mac try this:
mkdir storage/framework/views
some times SELINUX caused this problem;
you can disable selinux with this command.
sudo setenforce 0
go to the directory of the laravel project on your terminal and write:
sudo chown -R your-user:www-data /path/to/your/laravel/project/
sudo find /same/path/ -type f -exec chmod 664 {} \;
sudo find /same/path/ -type d -exec chmod 775 {} \;
sudo chgrp -R www-data storage bootstrap/cache
sudo chmod -R ug+rwx storage bootstrap/cache
This way you're making your user the owner and giving privileges:
1 Execute, 2 Write, 4 Read
1+2+4 = 7 means (rwx)
2+4 = 6 means (rw)
finally, for the storage access, ug+rwx means you're giving the user and group a 7
Problem solved
php artisan cache:clear
sudo chmod -R 777 vendor storage
this enables the write permission to app , framework, logs Hope this will Help
For vagrant users, the solution is:
(in vagrant) php artisan cache:clear
(outside of vagrant) chmod -R 777 app/storage
(in vagrant) composer dump-autoload
Making sure you chmod in your local environment and not inside vagrant is important here!
Try again with chmod -R 755 /var/www/html/test/app/storage. Use with sudo for Operation not permitted in chmod. Use Check owner permission if still having the error.
As per Laravel 5.4 which is the latest as I am writing this, if you have any problem like this, you ned to change the permission.
It has a security issue.
Change the permission of storage folder like this
sudo chmod -R 775 storage
Change bootstrap folder permission like this
sudo chmod -R 775 bootstrap/cache
Now please make sure that you're executing both commands from your application directory. You won't face problems in future regarding permission. 775 doesn't compromise any security of your machine.
Suggest the correct permission, if for Apache,
sudo chown -R apache:apache apppath/app/storage
FOR ANYONE RUNNING AN OS WITH SELINUX: The correct way of allowing httpd to write to the laravel storage folder is:
sudo semanage fcontext -a -t httpd_sys_rw_content_t '/path/to/www/storage(/.*)?'
Then to apply the changes immediately:
sudo restorecon -F -r '/path/to/www/storage'
SELinux can be a pain to deal with, but if it's present then I'd STRONGLY ADVISE you learn it rather than bypassing it entirely.
If you have Laravel 5 and looking permanent solution , applicable both php artisan command line usage and Apache server use this:
sudo chmod -R 777 vendor storage
echo "umask 000" | sudo tee -a /etc/resolv.conf
sudo service apache2 restart
See detailed explanation here.
I had the same issue and the below steps helped me fix the issue.
Find out the apache user - created a test.php file in the public folder with the code
<?php echo exec('whoami'); ?>
And run the file from the web browser. It would give the apache user. In my case, it is ec2-user as I was using the aws with cronjob installed in /etc/cron.d/. It could be different user for others.
Run the below command on the command line.
sudo chown -R ec2-user:<usergroup> /app-path/public
You need to identify and use the right "user" and "usergroup" here.
I had the same problem but in the views directory:
file_put_contents(/var/www/app/storage/framework/views/237ecf97ac8c3cea6973b0b09f1ad97256b9079c.php): failed to open stream: Permission denied
And I solved it cleaning the views cache directory with the following artisan command:
php artisan view:clear
Xampp for use:
cd /Applications/XAMPP/htdocs
chmod -R 775 test/app/storage
From Setting Up Laravel 4.x on Mac OSX 10.8+ with XAMPP
Any time I change app.php I get a permission denied writing bootstrap/cache/services.json so I did this to fix it:
chmod -R 777 bootstrap/cache/
rm storage/logs/laravel.log
solved this for me
Setting permission to 777 is definitely terrible idea!
... but
If you are getting permission error connected with "storage" folder that's what worked for me:
1) Set "storage" and its subfolders permission to 777 with
sudo chmod -R 777 storage/
2) In browser go to laravel home page laravel/public/ (laravel will create necessary initial storage files)
3) Return safe 775 permission to storage and its subfolders
sudo chmod -R 775 storage/
If using laradock, try chown -R laradock:www-data ./storage in your workspace container
In my case solution was to change permission to app/storage/framework/views and app/storage/logs directories.
After a lot of trial and error with directory permissions I ended up with an epiphany...there was no space left on the disk's partition. Just wanted to share to make sure nobody else is stupid enough to keep looking for the solution in the wrong direction.
In Linux you can use df -h to check your disk size and free space.
This issue actually caused by different users who wants to write/read file but denied cause different ownership. maybe you as 'root' installed laravel before then you login into your site as 'laravel' user where 'laravel' the default ownership, so this is the actually real issue here. So when user 'laravel' want to read/write all file in disk as default, to be denied, cause that file has ownership by 'root'.
To solving this problem you can follow like this:
sudo chown -hR your-user-name /root /nameforlder
or in my case
sudo chown -hR igmcoid /root /sublaravel
root as name first ownership who installed before
your-user-name as the default ownership who actually write/read in site.
namefolder as name folder that want you change the ownership.
If you use Linux or Mac, even you can also run in ssh terminal. You can use terminal for run this command,
php artisan cache:clear
sudo chmod -R 777 storage
composer dump-autoload
If you are using windows, you can run using git bash.
php artisan cache:clear
chmod -R 777 storage
composer dump-autoload
You can download git form
If anyone else runs into a similar issue with fopen file permissions error, but is wise enough not to blindly chmod 777 here is my suggestion.
Check the command you are using for permissions that apache needs:
fopen('filepath/filename.pdf', 'r');
The 'r' means open for read only, and if you aren't editing the file, this is what you should have it set as. This means apache/www-data needs at least read permission on that file, which if the file is created through laravel it will have read permission already.
If for any reason you have to write to the file:
fopen('filepath/filename.pdf', 'r+');
Then make sure apache also has permissions to write to the file.
Just start your server using artisian
php artisian serve
Then access your project from the specified URL:
I have the same issue when running vagrant on mac. solved the problem by changing the user of Apache server in https.conf file:
# check user for php
[vagrant] ubuntu ~ $ php -i | grep USER
USER => ubuntu
$_SERVER['USER'] => ubuntu
[vagrant] ubuntu ~ $
Run apache under php user instead of user daemon to resolve file access issue with php
# change default apache user from daemon to php user
sudo sed -i 's/User daemon/User ubuntu/g' /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf
sudo sed -i 's/Group daemon/Group ubuntu/g' /opt/lampp/etc/httpd.conf
now, php created cache file can be read and edit by apache without showing any access permission error.
I got same errors in my project...
But found out that I forgot to put enctype in my form.
<form method="#" action="#" enctype="multipart/form-data">
Hopes it helps somewhere somehow...
While working on Windows 10 with Laragon and Laravel 4, it seemed to me there was no way to change the permissions manually, since executing chmod-commands in the Laragon-in-built-terminal had no effect.
However, it was possible in this terminal to go to the storage folder and manually add the desired folders like this:
cd app/storage
mkdir cache
mkdir meta
mkdir views
mkdir sessions
The cd-command in the terminal brings you to the folder (you might need to adjust this path to suit your file structure).
The mkdir-command will create the directory with the given name.
I did not have the opportunity to test this approach in Laravel 5, but I expect that a similar approach should work.
Of course there might be a better way, but at least this was a reasonable workaround for my situation (fixing the error: file_put_contents(/var/www/html/laravel/app/storage/meta/services.json): failed to open stream).
First, delete the storage folder then again create the storage folder.
Inside storage folder create a new folder name as framework.
Inside framework folder create three folders name as cache, sessions and views.
I have solved my problem by doing this.