PHP/ajax table and Google results - php

A couple years ago I had a client with a limited budget and a short deadline who wanted a sortable searchable table of their parts inventory online - at the time they had only an excel spreadsheet. I created a database, then I just used Script Artist (because I had it) to do the front end. It all works great and he's been happy with it, except now we'd like to make sure that Google can actually find all 17,000+ parts they have available and not just the first 25.
The page where the inventory is located is just and the url remains the same no matter what page you're on.
I've been looking around at different options, using pushState vs html snapshots, and I'm not sure what would be the best option or if I can even do anything with the current Script Artist setup or if I should just pitch the whole thing. I'd really rather not have to start over since he still doesn't have much of a budget, so if anyone could give me any input that would be helpful. Thanks.


Google Maps filters

I am very frustrated with my one old month problem. This is my first web page and it's quite complicated (for me).
My problem is with AND and OR in filtering categories in google maps. All tutorials go in the direction of the OR (golf OR theather). What about Golf and London? The more boxes checked, the less markers on the map.
I have two questions:
I am trying to follow this tutorial. I guess this is a trivial question: where is the data that is displayed in the panel? (I have followed several other tutorials and never had problems with finding the data, but this one...). I believe this tutorial may solve my second question below.
(2) The goal is to have a real estate page where user-sellers can insert properties for sale and user-buyers can view it, filtering the the data by multiple checkbox and/or drop down menus.
The problem I have is that I can't find a way to coordinate the OR and AND.
OR: I could use the Mike's tutorial and I have studied it very carefully.
I didn't find any tutorial when the filters get more complex.
(2B) I tried to work with my old post, and it works with OR as well. but couldn't find the right code when user only checks one (or two) box (like anything in Berkeley). The code(based on the kind Jobsen's code) required user to fill out all checkboxes all the way to the end, then the marker would show up. Couldn't check only 2 boxes and leave others unchecked. Sometimes I want the first filter (City) to be filtered a second time (Bedrooms). Not add any Berkeley + Bedrooms (2 or 3 or 4). Or only Berkeley. Or Berkeley +zip code + type + bedroom OR any combination. The and / or were not working as expected.
Any help with any of the above will be greatly appreciated. Feel free to add any info in the old post as well.Thank you again for your time.
Answer for the question (1) above, pick one:
(a) CSV file; then take a look at this.
(b) stackoverflow question and answer;
(C) you tube;
i chose CSV format. Here is a screenshot to turn csv format into a table using phpmyadmin.
To do the static tutorial which requires only CSV file and not Json (no need to mess with phpmyadmin): download the csv document, but don't open and save it as csv from MS Excel. Saved it inside the notepad as csv file. No idea about google docs.
Any help with the other part of my question (how to filter database with Jquery or Javascript) will be greatly appreciated.

Separate a table in different tabs (HTML, PHP, JavaScript, etc)

Let me start off by saying that this is my first time working with PHP, HTML, JavaScript, and JQuery, so my experience is fairly lacking.
I am helping to build a Web Order Processor, which will display orders, dates, customers, and status. I am pulling orders from our database, and displaying them in a table. the Order Processor is being built in PHP.
Now, I've been asked to separate the table into different tabs, which will be labeled after the possible order statuses we have. Sort of like the tabs at the top of a browser.
My problem is quite a big one: I don't know where to start. I've been searching for a couple hours but I don't think I'm using the correct terminology.
Thank you all in advance. Any help would be appreciated, even if it's just pushing me in the right direction by giving me a couple things to search for.
I would suggest start with this:
First make sure your tabs are working with the simple static content
Second upgrade it so every time tab switched, it loads content from the database.
Depending on a tab you can customize request to the server with the status=(NEW,PROCESSES,REFUND ...), and do the query and return a proper data for the tab.
Hope it helps

How to create fundraising status graphic with HTML5, Ajax and jQuery while incorporating an image in the background

I have been given the task of creating an HTML5 application which shows how much has been fundraised so far, and who has fundraised as well. This is one of the most difficult problems I have been given so far, but with some advice from here and pointers to help guide me I would like to have a decent crack at it.
Here is a more abstract description of the problem:
This is the graphic I would like to utilise below
The dark coloured line you see in this graphic is an old rail tunnel, pictured in an old surveying drawing. The tunnel is 2,880 feet long by 10 feet wide. The person who came to me asking for help is aiming to get people to "sponsor" 1 square foot sections at $10 per section until $288k has been funded. He is wanting the "donations" to be handled by The thing he is wanting is to have the fundraising progress shown on the graphic above - ideally he is wanting the total amount raised at any time to "fill" the tunnel (rather like a thermometer does), showing the amount raised so far just above the tunnel (i.e it could say something like $10,000 raised out of $288,000 - n%). When someone hovers their cursor over the "filled" section of the tunnel, a tooltip of some kind will show who has sponsored that particular section of the tunnel. When you keep moving the mouse along the filled section, tooltips will keep appearing of who has sponsored each section, as you keep moving the cursor.
I know a database with at least 2 tables will be needed. One table would be needed to describe the people who are sponsoring the section, and the other table would be needed to describe the sections (possibly section numbers, their size, how much they cost to sponsor, if they have been sponsored or not, etc). My HTML5 knowledge is still relatively fresh so I am not sure how to go about this using HTML5, but I am thinking Ajax will be needed to pull the data from the server, showing who has sponsored particular sections (as something like tooltips) and the total amount raised (in real time, preferably). I am thinking the Ajax could be used in conjunction with jQuery for effects etc.
I have seen examples of fundraising thermometers online and they look relatively simple. The thing is, the tunnel you can see in the graphic has a slight bend in it - which makes this more difficult.
If anyone could help guide me, or show examples that would help me solve this particular problem, please let me know. If anyone also has suitable alternatives I would also be very interested.
Thanks in advance!
If editing the bend out of the image would be a suitable alternative, any decent image editor (GIMP?) would make things, as you say, simple.

How can I create a list catalouge page for my website, without shopping cart/detailed product page functions

I want to make Newegg's like catalouge functionality for my little website. I want mine to be sligthly different(greatly simplified) though. I haven't done anything so advanced(atleast in my books) before, and wanted to know if it's possible to do. I want to use PHP and JS. The new records will be added manually through using either phpMyAdmin or pehaps I will install and use either SQLyog, HeidiSQL or Navicat for such purposes. Could someone point me to the right resources to get this kind of job done as fast as possible and properly?
What I had in mind was:
For example the cell which contains the thumbimage, all the mini information about the product and the big price tag will not have a separate, more detailed page. Everything user will need to know will be inside that product cell.
Right under the thumbnail image there will be numbers(1 2 3 4 5 6), and when you hover over them, under the cursor, a big version of one of the all available images will appear.
Lastly, it should have the page generation(don't know what you call it). For example there's more than 20 product entries on the page, then the server should create a new page(First 1 >2< Last) to hold the older records.
Oh and there won't be any shopping cart functionality. You can't really "order" these kinds of products, you just find something you like and call me up about it.
I'm sure there are dozens of books on this subject. I'm attempting a short reply, however:
This sounds like something that could profit from:
a MCV-framework like CakePHP (or Django, Ruby on Rails etc), which could handle database-logic (including pagination, which is the word you're looking for), and
a JavaScript library like JQuery to handle Ajax, JavaScript and other UI-related stuff.
For the page numbers, I recently had to do this. The technique is called pagination, and this thread helped me out immensely: PHP Formula For a Series of Numbers (Mathy Problem)
The thumbnail effect you want to include would need to be done in javascript. I'd recommend learning jQuery, as it is pretty easy to use for this sort of thing.
This is a hard question to answer because you haven't given much indication as to your skill level, or progress towards accomplishing your goal. Assuming we're starting at 0, there is probably more to discuss than this thread can contain. :\
To learn PHP's database functions, I would lean on W3School's PHP/MySQL tutorial for a quick summary, referring to the php manual's mysql documentation for details and code examples when W3schools isn't enough. This should at least get you the markup you will need to work with.
For the thumbnails, I would reiterate my recommendation for jQuery, specifically attaching a .hover() event to the image numbers (this is equivalent to the onmouseover and onmouseout events in JS) that uses the .fadeIn() and .fadeOut() animations to show and hide your full size images. Hope that helps.

How should I go about this?

I have a MySQL Database of more or less 100 teachers, their names, and their phone numbers, stored in tables based upon their department at the school. I'm creating an iPhone app, and I've found that UITableViews and all the work that comes with it is just too time consuming and too confusing. Instead, I've been trying to create a web page on my server that loads all the data from MySQL and displays it using HTML, PHP, jQuery, and jQTouch for formatting.
My concept is that the separators will be by department, and the staff will be sorted alphabetically under each department. On the main page, each person's name will be clickable so they can go to ANOTHER page listing their name, email address, and telephone number, all linked so that the user can tap on the email or number and immediately email or call that person, respectively.
HOWEVER, I am completely at a loss for how I should start. Can anyone point me in the right direction for displaying the data? Am I going about it wrong in using PHP? Should I opt for something COMPLETELY different?
PHP to manage the database interaction and generate HTML is fine. There are heaps of tutorials on how to do that (e.g. How to make it look nice is beyond the scope of this answer, and I'd recommend you search for table/CSS examples to get some ideas of what looks good and how they're implemented. If you need interactivity such as expanding rows or changing colors, then jQuery would be an appropriate next step, though you certainly don't need more than HTML + CSS for a nice looking table representation.
What I don't know about is the auto email/call functionality you're after, and whether you can get that "for free" from whatever is rendering the HTML. That's iPhone specific, not PHP/jQuery/etc... And I'd second Alex's advice that if UITableView is the right tool for the job then you will definitely be better off in the long run just buckling down and learning it. (And going through that will probably make pickup up other parts of the API much easier to boot.)
Instead of loading my PHP in my <body>, I created a function that retrieved the data via mysql_fetch_assoc(), which added all the information and created each individual div of data AS WELL AS injecting a <script> to $.append() the list item content for each item retrieved via the mysql_fetch_assoc(). Thanks for the responses anyway!
