I want to distribute an amount among some users equally.If amount is not divisible equally then all other member will get equal amount expect the last member who will get rest of the money.Below is what i have tried
$number = $_POST['number'];
$noOfTime = $_POST['no_of_time'];
$perHead = ceil($number / $noOfTime);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $noOfTime; $i++) {
if ($i == $noOfTime) {
echo $perHead * $noOfTime - $number;
} else {
echo $perHead;
Here if number is 7 and member are 4 the first 3 member will the 2 and the last will get 1. Like 2,2,2,1.
But this logic seems to be not working for all cases.
Please help.Thanks.
I think it should help you.
$no = 22;
$users = 8;
// count from 0 to $users number
for ($i=0;$i<$users;$i++)
// if the counting reaches the last user AND $no/$users rests other than 0...
if ($i == $users-1 && $no % $users !== 0) {
// do the math rounding fractions down with floor and add the rest!
echo floor($no / $users) + ($no % $users);
} else {
// else, just do the math and round it down.
echo floor($no / $users)." ";
2 2 2 2 2 2 2 8
EDIT: I nested an if verification so the logic won't fail even if users are 1 or 2. And since it received more upvotes, I commented the code to make it more clear.
For an endless number such as Pi, how would one go about finding the first occurrence of an exact sum of digits for a given number n.
For example. If n=20
then the first occurrence is from digit 1 to digit 5 since:
if n=30, then the first occurrence is from digit 5 to digit 11
since 9+2+6+5+3+5=30
answer should have a working php demo
The answer to this is using sliding window that will maintain the sum. so maintain two pointers say i and j. Keep increasing j and adding the elements inside. when it crosses the desired sum increase i and decrease the element at i. Then keep increasing j until the sum is reached or the sum overflows so you repeat the above process.
Example sum = 30
141592653589793238 >> i=j=0 current_sum = 1
141592653589793238 >> i=0 j=6 current_sum=28
in the next iteration adding 5 will result in current_sum>30 so hence you increment i
141592653589793238 >> i=1 j=6 current_sum=27
141592653589793238 >> i=2 j=6 current_sum=23
141592653589793238 >> i=2 j=7 current_sum=28
Keep going in this manner and it will finally reach the window that is equal to the sum =30 . That should break you out of the loop and help you find the answer.
Method 1 (suggested by Ashwin Bhat)
This implementation uses two pivots. The sum of digits between $pivot_a and $pivot_b is computed. Depending on the value of the sum, we increment $pivot_b (if the sum is less) or $pivot_a (if the sum is greater). If the sum is equal to $n, break. The values of the pivots give the appropriate digit indices.
$pi = "314159265358979323846264338327950288419716939";
$n = 30;
$pivot_a = $pivot_b = 0;
$sum = 0;
for( ; $pivot_b < strlen($pi); ) {
if($sum < $n) {
$sum += $pi[$pivot_b++];
} elseif ($sum > $n) {
$sum -= $pi[$pivot_a++];
} else {
print('Solution found from digit '.$pivot_a.' to '.$pivot_b.'.');
print('No match was found.');
Method 2
This implementation uses one pivot only, from which it starts summing up the digits. If the sum happens to be greater than the desired value, it resets the sum to zero, shifts the pivot one position and starts the summing again.
$pi = "314159265358979323846264338327950288419716939";
$n = 30;
// Let's sum up all the elements from $pivot until we get the exact sum or a
// number greater than that. In the latter case, shift the $pivot one place.
$pivot = 0;
$sum = 0;
for($k=0 ; $sum != $n && $k < strlen($pi) ; $k++) {
$sum += $pi[$k];
if($sum > $n) {
print(' = '.$sum.' fail, k='.($pivot+1).PHP_EOL);
$sum = 0;
$k = $pivot++;
} elseif($sum < $n) {
print(' = '.$n.' found from digit '.$pivot.' to '.$k.'.');
The implementation is not very effective but tries to explain the steps. It prints
3+1+4+1+5+9+2+6 = 31 fail, k=1
1+4+1+5+9+2+6+5 = 33 fail, k=2
4+1+5+9+2+6+5 = 32 fail, k=3
1+5+9+2+6+5+3 = 31 fail, k=4
5+9+2+6+5+3 = 30 found from digit 4 to 10.
Here's another approach. It builds an array of sums along the way and, on every iteration, attempts to add the current digit to the previous sums, and so on, while always only keeping the sums that are still relevant (< target).
The function either returns:
an array of 2 values representing the 0-based index interval within the digits,
or null if it couldn't find the target sum
function findFirstSumOccurrenceIndexes(string $digits, int $targetSum): ?array
$sums = [];
for ($pos = 0, $length = strlen($digits); $pos < $length; $pos++) {
$digit = (int)$digits[$pos];
if ($digit === $targetSum) {
return [$pos, $pos];
foreach ($sums as $startPos => $sum) {
if ($sum + $digit === $targetSum) {
return [$startPos, $pos];
if ($sum + $digit < $targetSum) {
$sums[$startPos] += $digit;
else {
$sums[] = $digit;
return null;
Demo: https://3v4l.org/9t3vf
I am trying to expand and improve the round-robin algorithm from 1v1 group to a 1v1v1v1 group(something like free for all). I've made the function itself to do the schedule, but when I tried to expand it, some teams repetead. For example, I have 16 teams and I want to have 5 rounds, team 1 appears 7 times in 5 rounds and team2 appears 3 times in 5 rounds. I need them to appear 5 times at most.I really can't understand how I can do it. Any advice is welcomed and links.
function make_schedule(array $teams, int $rounds = null, bool $shuffle = true, int $seed = null): array
$teamCount = count($teams);
if($teamCount < 4) {
return [];
//Account for odd number of teams by adding a bye
if($teamCount % 2 === 1) {
array_push($teams, null);
$teamCount += 1;
if($shuffle) {
//Seed shuffle with random_int for better randomness if seed is null
srand($seed ?? random_int(PHP_INT_MIN, PHP_INT_MAX));
} elseif(!is_null($seed)) {
//Generate friendly notice that seed is set but shuffle is set to false
trigger_error('Seed parameter has no effect when shuffle parameter is set to false');
$quadTeamCount = $teamCount / 4;
if($rounds === null) {
$rounds = $teamCount - 1;
$schedule = [];
for($round = 1; $round <= $rounds; $round += 1) {
$matchupPrev = null;
foreach($teams as $key => $team) {
if($key >= $quadTeamCount ) {
$keyCount = $key + $quadTeamCount;
$keyCount2 = $key + $quadTeamCount + 1;
$keyCount3 = $key + $quadTeamCount + 2;
$team1 = $team;
$team2 = $teams[$keyCount];
$team3 = $teams[$keyCount2];
$team4 = $teams[$keyCount3];
//echo "<pre>Round #{$round}: {$team1} - {$team2} - {$team3} - {$team4} == KeyCount: {$keyCount} == KeyCount2: {$keyCount2} == KeyCount3: {$keyCount3}</pre>";
//Home-away swapping
$matchup = $round % 2 === 0 ? [$team1, $team2, $team3, $team4 ] : [$team2, $team1, $team4, $team3];
$schedule[$round][] = $matchup ;
return $schedule;
Rotate function:
function rotate(array &$items)
$itemCount = count($items);
if($itemCount < 3) {
$lastIndex = $itemCount - 1;
* Though not technically part of the round-robin algorithm, odd-even
* factor differentiation included to have intuitive behavior for arrays
* with an odd number of elements
$factor = (int) ($itemCount % 2 === 0 ? $itemCount / 2 : ($itemCount / 2) + 1);
$topRightIndex = $factor - 1;
$topRightItem = $items[$topRightIndex];
$bottomLeftIndex = $factor;
$bottomLeftItem = $items[$bottomLeftIndex];
for($i = $topRightIndex; $i > 0; $i -= 1) {
$items[$i] = $items[$i - 1];
for($i = $bottomLeftIndex; $i < $lastIndex; $i += 1) {
$items[$i] = $items[$i + 1];
$items[1] = $bottomLeftItem;
$items[$lastIndex] = $topRightItem;
For example:
If I set rounds to 5, every team play 5 matches.
Array example Screenshot
Dealing with the 5th round:
Well, after I thought for a bit, maybe there isn't a way for them to play without repeatence, but if it is lowered to minumum, like every team should play 5 times only - this means once a round. That's what I meant. And what I meant under 'they repeat' is that there are like: 16 teams, 5 rounds and some teams are going like 7 times for all these rounds and other teams are going 3 times for these 5 rounds. I want to avoid this and to make every team play 5 rounds at most.
Your foreach() with the selection of the other 3 teams is wrong. One of them have to make steps with a multiple of 4. If you don't, you will select the teams at the beginning more than one and don't select the teams at the end of the array at all. This will result in wrong team matchups like this (teams are letters here):
And then your break; hits.
Instead it should look something like this:
for ($i=0; $i<4; $i++) {
$matchup = array();
for ($j=0; $j<4; $j++) {
$matchup[] = $teams[4*$i+$j];
$schedule[$round][] = $matchup ;
This way you get the following pairing (again, using letters as teams):
This algorithm will split the team list in four groups:
Keep in mind that depending on the shuffling of the $teams array for the next round you might get the same opponent twice.
Here the teams ad, kl and op will face again.
I want a random integer to be generated in the range from 1 to 3 until 2 will be generated.
Please review the code below - What am I doing wrong?
Thank you!
$min = 1;
$max = 3;
$number = rand($min,$max);
while($number !== 2) {
echo ($number);
your rand() is not in the while loop, so the rand() will execute one time.
If the $number is not 2, the while loop will execute without stoping.
If the $number is 2, the while loop will not executed.
while(($number = rand($min, $max)) != 2){echo $number;}
I have managed to create an algorithm to check the rank of a poker hand. It works 100% correctly, but it's very slow. I've been analysing the code, and the check straight function is one of the slowest parts of it.
So my question is, is there a better way of calculating whether a hand make a straight?
Here is some details:
7 cards, 2 from holder, 5 from board. A can be high or low.
Each card is assigned a value:
2 = 2
3 = 3
9 = 9
T = 10
J = 11
Q = 12
K = 13
A = 14
The script has an array of all 7 cards:
$cards = array(12,5,6,7,4,11,3);
So now I need to be able to sort this into an array where it:
discards duplicates
orders the card from lowest to highest
only returns 5 consecutive cards I.e. (3,4,5,6,7)
It needs to be fast; loops and iterations are very costly. This is what I currently use and when it tries to analyse say 15000 hands, it takes its toll on the script.
For the above, I used:
discard duplicates (use array_unique)
order cards from lowest to highest (use sort())
only return 5 consecutive cards (use a for loop to check the values of cards)
Does anyone have any examples of how I could improve on this? Maybe even in another language that I could perhaps look at and see how it's done?
Instead of working with array deduping and sorting, consider using a bitmask instead, and setting bits to 1 where the card value is set. A bitmask works like a Set datastructure and comes with additional advantages when it comes to detecting contiguous elements.
for ($i = 0; $i < count($cards); $i++) {
$card = $cards[$i];
// For each card value, set the bit
if ($card == 14) {
// If card is an ace, also set bit 1 for wheel
$cardBitmask |= 0x2;
$cardBitmask |= (1 << $card);
// To compare, you simply write a for loop checking for 5 consecutive bits
for($i = 10; $i > 0; $i--)
if ($cardBitmask & (0x1F << $i) == (0x1F << $i)) {
// Straight $i high was found!
Consider the Java implementation at this link. I've included it here:
public static boolean isStraight( Card[] h )
int i, testRank;
if ( h.length != 5 )
sortByRank(h); // Sort the poker hand by the rank of each card
/* ===========================
Check if hand has an Ace
=========================== */
if ( h[4].rank() == 14 )
/* =================================
Check straight using an Ace
================================= */
boolean a = h[0].rank() == 2 && h[1].rank() == 3 &&
h[2].rank() == 4 && h[3].rank() == 5 ;
boolean b = h[0].rank() == 10 && h[1].rank() == 11 &&
h[2].rank() == 12 && h[3].rank() == 13 ;
return ( a || b );
/* ===========================================
General case: check for increasing values
=========================================== */
testRank = h[0].rank() + 1;
for ( i = 1; i < 5; i++ )
if ( h[i].rank() != testRank )
return(false); // Straight failed...
testRank++; // Next card in hand
return(true); // Straight found !
A quick Google search for "check for poker straight (desired_lang)" will give you other implementations.
You could just sort the cards and loop over them in an array - saving always the last card and compare them with the current one.
$cards = array(12,5,6,7,4,11,3);
$last = 0;
$count = 0;
$wheel = false;
foreach ($cards as $card) {
if ($card == $last) {
} else if ($card == ++$last) {
} else {
if ($last == 6) $wheel = true;
$count = 1;
$last = $card;
if ($count == 5 || ($card == 14 && $wheel)) {
echo "straight $last";
$straight = range($last - 4, $last);
You may go like this, you don't need to sort or anything (assuming that 2 is 2 and 14 is ace):
$cards = [12,5,6,7,4,11,3];
function _inc(&$i) {
if ($i == 14)
$i = 2;
return $i;
$straight = false;
for($i = 2; $i <= 14; $i++) {
$ind = $i;
if (!in_array($ind, $cards)) continue;
$s = [$ind, _inc($ind), _inc($ind), _inc($ind), _inc($ind)];
$straight = count(array_intersect($s, $cards)) == count($s);
if ($straight) break;
print $straight;
I would like to draw a random number from the interval 1,49 but I would like to add a number as an exception ( let's say 44 ) , I cannot use round(rand(1,49)) .So I decided to make an array of 49 numbers ( 1-49) , unset[$aray[44]] and apply array_rand
Now I want to draw a number from the interval [$left,49] , how can I do that using the same array that I used before ?The array now misses value 44.
The function pick takes an array as an argument with all the numbers you have already picked. It will then pick a number between the start and the end that IS NOT in that array. It will add this number into that array and return the number.
function pick(&$picked, $start, $end) {
if($start > $end - count($picked)) {
return false;
$pick = rand($start, $end - count($picked));
foreach($picked as $p) {
if($pick >= $p) {
$pick += 1;
} else {
$picked[] = $pick;
return $pick;
This function will efficiently get a random number that is not in the array AND WILL NEVER INFINITELY RECURSE!
To use this like you want:
$array = array(44); // you have picked 44 for example
$num = pick($array, 1, 49); // get a random number between 1 and 49 that is not in $array
// $num will be a number between 1 and 49 that is not in $arrays
How the function works
Say you are getting a number between 1 and 10. And you have picked two numbers (e.g. 2 and 6). This will pick a number between 1 and (10 minus 2) using rand: rand(1, 8).
It will then go through each number that has been picked and check if the number is bigger.
For Example:
If rand(1, 8) returns 2.
It looks at 2 (it is >= then 2 so it increments and becomes 3)
It looks at 6 (it is not >= then 6 so it exits the loop)
The result is: 3
If rand(1, 8) returns 3
It looks at 2 (it is >= then 2 so it increments and becomes 4)
It looks at 6 (it is not >= then 6 so it exits the loop)
The result is 4
If rand(1, 8) returns 6
It looks at 2 (it is >= then 2 so it increments and becomes 7)
It looks at 6 (it is >= then 6 so it increments and becomes 8)
The result is: 8
If rand(1, 8) returns 8
It looks at 2 (it is >= then 2 so it increments and becomes 9)
It looks at 6 (it is >= then 6 so it increments and becomes 10)
The result is: 10
Therefore a random number between 1 and 10 is returned and it will not be 2 or 6.
I implemented this a long time ago to randomly place mines in a 2-dimensional array (because I wanted random mines, but I wanted to guarantee the number of mines on the field to be a certain number)
Why not just check your exceptions:
function getRand($min, $max) {
$exceptions = array(44, 23);
do {
$rand = mt_rand($min, $max);
} while (in_array($rand, $exceptions));
return $rand;
Note that this could result in an infinite loop if you provide a min and max that force mt_rand to return an exception character. So if you call getRand(44,44);, while meaningless, will result in an infinite loop... (And you can avoid the infinite loop with a bit of logic in the function (checking that there is at least one non-exception value in the range $min to $max)...
The other option, would be to build the array with a loop:
function getRand($min, $max) {
$actualMin = min($min, $max);
$actualMax = max($min, $max);
$values = array();
$exceptions = array(44, 23);
for ($i = $actualMin; $i <= $actualMax; $i++) {
if (in_array($i, $exceptions)) {
$values[] = $i;
return $values[array_rand($values)];
The simplest solution would be to just search for a random number from min to max - number of exceptions. Then just add 1 to the result for each exception lower than the result.
function getRandom($min, $max)
$exceptions = array(23, 44); // Keep them sorted or you have to do sort() every time
$random = rand($min, $max - count($exceptions));
foreach ($exceptions as $ex)
if ($ex > $random) break;
return $random;
Runtime should be O(1+n) with n being the number of exceptions lower than the result.