I have this query:
gender = "$gender" AND country = "$country"
AND ((city = "$city" AND status = "1")
OR (status IN(2,3)))";
How can I write above query in Lumen ?
What I have tried so far is :
$users = User::where('country', '=', $country)
->where('gender', '=', $gender)
->where(function ($users) {
$users->where('city', '=', '$city')
->where('status', '=', "1");
->whereIn('status', [2, 3])
But this query doesn't returns the expected result.
Any idea what is the fault in my query?
Try the following code.
$users = User::where('country', '=', $country)
->where('gender', '=', $gender)
->where(function ($query) use ($city) {
$query->where(function($query) use ($city) {
$query->where('city', '=', '$city')
->where('status', '=', "1");
})->orWhereIn('status', [2, 3]);
My laravel "where" is getting ignored it seems. ->where('products.hide_product', '=', 'N')
Any ideas on what I am doing wrong?
$products = Product::join('brands','products.brand_id','=','brands.brand_id')
->leftJoin('images','products.product_id','=','images.product_id')->where('img_priority','=','1')->orWhere('img_priority', '=', null)
->where('products.hide_product', '=', 'N')->where('products.group_id', '=', $groupID)->orderBy('img_priority','DESC')
You can move the join in a closure an use the first where there:
$products = Product::join('brands', 'products.brand_id', '=', 'brands.brand_id')
->leftJoin('images', function ($join) {
->orWhere('img_priority', '=', null);
['products.hide_product', '=', 'N'],
['products.group_id', '=', $groupID],
->select('products.en_71', 'products.astm', 'images.file_name', 'products.product_id', 'products.product_name', 'products.collect_part_no', 'brands.brand_name', 'categories.cat_name', 'products.status', 'images.file_type', 'images.img_priority', 'products.pop', 'products.color_label', 'products.ai_complete')
->orderBy('img_priority', 'DESC')
Please try below code.
$products = Product::join('brands','products.brand_id','=','brands.brand_id')
->leftJoin('images', function($join)) {
->orWhere('img_priority', '=', null)
->where(function($query) {
$query->where('products.hide_product', '=', 'N')
->where('products.group_id', '=', $groupID)
'products.collect_part_no', 'brands.brand_name',
'categories.cat_name', 'products.status',
$q = Order::select(
->join('items', 'items.item_id', '=', 'orders.item_id')
->leftJoin('orders_items', function ($join) use ($user_id)
$join->on('orders_items.order_id', '=', 'orders.order_id')
->on('orders_items.item_id', '=', 'orders.item_id')
->where('orders_items.user_id', '=', $user_id);
->where(function ($query) use ($select_balance) { // This is where event is in the future, or it has a balance and is not draft.
$query->where('items.date_end', '>=', Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateString())
->orWhere(function ($query) use ($select_balance) {
$query->where(DB::raw($select_balance), '>', 0)
->whereNotIn('orders.status', [0, 79]);
i would like to set a condition if (date_start == date_end) then
$query->where('items.date_end', '>=', Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateString())
->orWhere(function ($query) use ($select_balance) {
$query->where(DB::raw($select_balance), '>', 0)
->whereNotIn('orders.status', [0, 79]);
$query->where('items.date_end', '>', Carbon\Carbon::now()->toDateString())
->orWhere(function ($query) use ($select_balance) {
$query->where(DB::raw($select_balance), '>', 0)
->whereNotIn('orders.status', [0, 79]);
how to set a condition within query i try to end query after ->with(items) but that say $q-> has syntax error please guide and explain how to over come this issue
You can use conditional clauses: https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/queries#conditional-clauses
Animals::when($condition, function($query) {
$query->where('size', 'big');
})->when(!$condition, function($query)) {
$query->where('size', 'small');
In the example, if $condition is true then we fetch big animals, otherwise we fetch small animals.
I'm using laravel 5 in current project. Here is my query to database:
$users = User::where('status', '=', '3')->orWhere('status', '=', '2')->whereExists(function($query1)
->whereRaw('firsts.user_id = users.id')
->where('status', '=', 'approved');
->whereRaw('seconds.user_id = users.id')
->where('status', '=', 'approved');
->whereRaw('thirds.user_id = users.id')
->where('status', '=', 'approved');
->whereExists(function($query4) use($category_id)
->where('provider_id', '!=', 0)
->where('category_id', '=',$category_id);
Idea behind that is to pick all valid users. As you can see at the begining of query I wrote first condition for users. The problem is that users with status = '2' will never have their thirds table status = 'approved'. Is there possibility to put if statment before $query3? Thanks in advance!
Try the query below
$users = User::whereIn('users.status', array(2, 3))
->leftJoin('firsts f', 'f.user_id', '=', 'users.id')
->leftJoin('seconds s', 's.user_id', '=', 'users.id')
->leftJoin('thirds t', 't.user_id', '=', 'users.id')
->where(function($query) {
$query->where('users.status', 2);
$query->where('f.status', 'approved');
$query->where('s.status', 'approved');
->orWhere(function($query) {
$query->where('users.status', 3);
$query->where('f.status', 'approved');
$query->where('s.status', 'approved');
$query->where('t.status', 'approved');
I'm not sure what to do with the last part of your query, as it has no relation to any of users, firsts, seconds, thirds:
->whereExists(function($query4) use($category_id)
->where('provider_id', '!=', 0)
->where('category_id', '=',$category_id);
Trying to query a model with a lower level relationship (agreement) and I cannot get chaining to work. I tried the three methods below (the second get me 99% of the way there, but it misses out on one of the results - an inactive equipment "status" and an "inactive" agreement (should have been omitted). What am I doing wrong?
Every piece of equipment needs to be "active" and have an active existing agreement (an active agreement is one that is either "Active", "Cancel on expiry" or "Unsigned").
$thing = Equipment::wherehas('agreement', function($q)use($month)
$q->where('equipment.status', '=', 'Active')
->where('maintenance_months', 'like', '%'.$month.'%')
->where('status', '=', 'Active')
->orWhere('status', '=', 'Unsigned')
->orWhere('status', '=', 'Cancel on expiry');
$thing = Equipment::wherehas('agreement', function($q)use($month)
$q->where('status', '=', 'Active')
$q2->where('equipment.status', '=', 'Active')
->where('maintenance_months', 'like', '%'.$month.'%');
->where('status', '=', 'Unsigned')
$q3->where('equipment.status', '=', 'Active')
->where('maintenance_months', 'like', '%'.$month.'%');
->where('status', '=', 'Cancel on expiry')
$q4->where('equipment.status', '=', 'Active')
->where('maintenance_months', 'like', '%'.$month.'%');
$thing = Equipment::wherehas('agreement', function($q)use($month)
$q->where('status', '=', 'Active')
->where('equipment.status', '=', 'Active')
->where('maintenance_months', 'like', '%'.$month.'%')
->orWhere('status', '=', 'Unsigned')
->where('equipment.status', '=', 'Active')
->where('maintenance_months', 'like', '%'.$month.'%')
->orWhere('status', '=', 'Cancel on expiry')
->where('equipment.status', '=', 'Active')
->where('maintenance_months', 'like', '%'.$month.'%');
i am not quite understand why the where equipment.status is being filter for the same thing over and over again, if i am not understand wrongly the following code might be the result you are looking for.
$thing = Equipment::whereHas('agreement', function($q)use($month)
$q->where('maintenance_months', 'like', '%'.$month.'%')
->whereIn('status',['Unsigned','Active','Cancel on Expiry'])
All I want is to have an if statement that exceeds number of absences and show the message.
Here's the SQL query
public function countAbsent()
$absent = Attendances::select(DB::raw('count(status)'))
->where('student_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)
->where('status', '=', 'absent')
->where('section_name', 'like', Input::get('section_name'))
->where('subject_code', 'like', Input::get('subject_code'))
return View::make('student.view_absent')
->with('absent', $absent);
You can pass another variable to view:
public function countAbsent()
$absent = Attendances::select(DB::raw('count(status)'))
->where('student_id', '=', Auth::user()->id)
->where('status', '=', 'absent')
->where('section_name', 'like', Input::get('section_name'))
->where('subject_code', 'like', Input::get('subject_code'))
$absent_message = 'Students are not exceeding the absence threshold';
$threshold = 10; //whatever you like
if ($absent > $threshold)
$absent_message = 'Students are exceeding the absence threshold';
return View::make('student.view_absent')
->with('absent', $absent)
->with('absent_message', $absent_message);
And echo the $absent_message in the View student.view_absent.