WC REST API | Attributes not uploading - php

I have a Attribute called "Color" and it has two attributes "Red" and "Green".
When i run this using WC REST API
Everything is working from the below code, i am stuck with the attributes.
print_r( $client->products->create( array(
'title' => 'Nile - Over Counter Basin',
'sku' => '91081_Nile',
'type' => 'simple',
'regular_price' => '7260',
'sale_price' => '5445',
'description' => 'Nile - Over Counter BasinOver Counter BasinHindware Italian CollectionContemporary design with smooth flowing line Space for toiletries',
'dimensions'=>array( 'length' =>'67.5' ,'width' =>'39.5','height'=>'12.5'),
'categories'=>array( ' SANITARYWARE' =>'592',' WASHBASIN' =>'650',' Table Top Wash Basin' =>'508'),
'images' =>Array ('91081_Nile'=>Array('src'=>'http://www.somethingsomething.com/images/products/91081/2.jpg','title'=>'91081_Nile','position'=>'0') ),
'short_description'=>'Contemporary design with smooth flowing line Space for toiletries <table id="ProductDescriptiontable"><tr><td>Brand</td><td>:</td><td class="thirdcolumn">Hindware</td></tr><tr><td>Product Name</td><td>:</td><td class="thirdcolumn">Nile - Over Counter Basin</td></tr><tr><td>Product Description</td><td>:</td><td class="thirdcolumn">Table Top Wash Basin</td></tr></tr><tr><td>Product Color</td><td>:</td><td class="thirdcolumn">StarwhiteIvory</td></tr></table>',
'attributes' => Array ('name'=>'Color','slug'=>'color','position'=>'0','visible'=>'true','options'=>'Red'),
'enable_html_short_description' => true, // This is the line you need to add
) ) ) ;
Anand: After adding the attributes in multiple array, the attributes are displayed in correct section, but they are not considered as attributes, .. please see the image, they are seen as a plain text and not as an attributes.
My Code is:
'Slug'=>'model','position'=>'0','visible'=>true,'options'=>'Pedestal Wash Basin'),array('name'=>'Brands','Slug'=>'brands','position'=>'0','visible'=>true,'options'=>'Hindware'),array('name'=>'Washbasin Size','Slug'=>'washbasin-size','position'=>'0','visible'=>true,'options'=>'56 x 46 x 38.5 cm'),array('name'=>'Washbasin Type','Slug'=>'washbasin-type','position'=>'0','visible'=>true,'options'=>'Washbasin With Pedestal'))

You need to pass attributes as an array of arrays, change
'attributes' => Array ('name'=>'Color','slug'=>'color','position'=>'0','visible'=>'true','options'=>'Red'),
'attributes' => array( array( 'name'=>'Color','slug'=>'color','position'=>'0','visible'=>'true','options'=>'Red' ) ),
P.S: I am presuming there that the taxonomy and term already exist, and that the taxonomy's type is set to text.
When the taxonomy's type is set to "text" pass options as plain text
'options' => 'term'
When the taxonomy's type is set to "select" pass options as an array
'options' => array( 'red', 'white' )
To pass multiple attributes, send them as an array of arrays, for eg:
array( 'name'=>'Color', 'slug'=>'color', 'position'=>'0', 'visib‌​le'=>true, 'options'=> array('Starwhite') ),
array( 'name'=>'Washbasin Type', 'slug'=>'washbasin-type', 'position'=>'0', 'visible'=>true, 'options'=> array(‌​'Washbasin With Pedestal') ),


Filter list that does not have an invalid email and opt-out email using SugarCRM 7 API

I want to filter list that does not have an invalid email and opt-out email in Leads and Contact module using SugarCRM 7 API.
I have added below email filter in arguments but does not work. How to email filter via SugarCRM 7.x rest API.
$filter_arguments = array(
"filter" => array(
"assigned_user_id" => 1,
"email1" => array(
'opt_out' => array(
'$equals' => ''
$url = $base_url . "/Contacts/filter";
This much code will not help you please check this :
Reference Link 1
Reference Link 2
The following example will demonstrate how to add a predefined filter on the Accounts module to return all records with an account type of "Customer" and industry of "Other".
To create a predefined filter, create a display label extension in ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/Language/. For this example, we will create:
$mod_strings['LBL_FILTER_ACCOUNT_BY_TYPE_AND_INDUSTRY'] = 'Customer/Other Accounts';
Next, create a custom filter extension in ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/clients/base/filters/basic/.
For this example, we will create:
$viewdefs['Accounts']['base']['filter']['basic']['filters'][] = array(
'id' => 'filterAccountByTypeAndIndustry',
'filter_definition' => array(
'account_type' => array(
'$in' => array(
'industry' => array(
'$in' => array(
'editable' => false,
'is_template' => false,
You should notice that the editable and is_template options have been set to "false". If editable is not set to "false", the filter will not be displayed in the list view filter's list.
Finally, navigate to Admin > Repair and click "Quick Repair and Rebuild" to rebuild the extensions and make the predefined filter available for users.
Adding Initial Filters to Lookup Searches
To add initial filters to record lookups and type-ahead searches, define a filter template. This will allow you to filter results for users when looking up a parent related record. The following example will demonstrate how to add an initial filter for the Account lookup on the Contacts module. This initial filter will limit records to having an account type of "Customer" and a dynamically assigned user value determined by the contact's assigned user.
To add an initial filter to the Contacts record view, create a display label for the filter in ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/Language/. For this example , we will create:
$mod_strings['LBL_FILTER_ACCOUNT_TEMPLATE'] = 'Customer Accounts By A Dynamic User';
Next, create a custom template filter extension in ./custom/Extension/modules/<module>/Ext/clients/base/filters/basic/.
For this example, create:
$viewdefs['Accounts']['base']['filter']['basic']['filters'][] = array(
'id' => 'filterAccountTemplate',
'filter_definition' => array(
'account_type' => array(
'$in' => array(),
'assigned_user_id' => ''
'editable' => true,
'is_template' => true,
As you can see, the filter_definition contains arrays for account_type and assigned_user_id. These filter definitions will receive their values from the contact record view's metadata. You should also note that this filter has is_template and editable set to "true". This is required for initial filters.
Once the filter template is in place, modify the contact record view's metadata. To accomplish this, edit ./custom/modules/Contacts/clients/base/views/record/record.php to adjust the account_name field. If this file does not exist in your local Sugar installation, navigate to Admin > Studio > Contacts > Layouts > Record View and click "Save & Deploy" to generate it. In this file, identify the panel_body array as shown below:
1 =>
array (
'name' => 'panel_body',
'label' => 'LBL_RECORD_BODY',
'columns' => 2,
'labelsOnTop' => true,
'placeholders' => true,
'newTab' => false,
'panelDefault' => 'expanded',
'fields' =>
array (
0 => 'title',
1 => 'phone_mobile',
2 => 'department',
3 => 'do_not_call',
4 => 'account_name',
5 => 'email',
Next, modify the account_name field to contain the initial filter parameters.
1 =>
array (
'name' => 'panel_body',
'label' => 'LBL_RECORD_BODY',
'columns' => 2,
'labelsOnTop' => true,
'placeholders' => true,
'newTab' => false,
'panelDefault' => 'expanded',
'fields' =>
array (
0 => 'title',
1 => 'phone_mobile',
2 => 'department',
3 => 'do_not_call',
4 => array (
//field name
'name' => 'account_name',
//the name of the filter template
'initial_filter' => 'filterAccountTemplate',
//the display label for users
'initial_filter_label' => 'LBL_FILTER_ACCOUNT_TEMPLATE',
//the hardcoded filters to pass to the templates filter definition
'filter_populate' => array(
'account_type' => array('Customer')
//the dynamic filters to pass to the templates filter definition
//please note the index of the array will be for the field the data is being pulled from
'filter_relate' => array(
//'field_to_pull_data_from' => 'field_to_populate_data_to'
'assigned_user_id' => 'assigned_user_id',
5 => 'email',
Finally, navigate to Admin > Repair and click "Quick Repair and Rebuild". This will rebuild the extensions and make the initial filter available for users when selecting a parent account for a contact.
Adding Initial Filters to Drawers from a Controller
When creating your own views, you may need to filter a drawer called from within your custom controller. Using an initial filter, as described in the Adding Initial Filters to Lookup Searches section, we can filter a drawer with predefined values by creating a filter object and populating the config.filter_populate property as shown below:
//create filter
var filterOptions = new app.utils.FilterOptions()
'initial_filter': 'filterAccountTemplate',
'initial_filter_label': 'LBL_FILTER_ACCOUNT_TEMPLATE',
'filter_populate': {
'account_type': ['Customer'],
'assigned_user_id': 'seed_sally_id'
//open drawer
layout: 'selection-list',
context: {
module: 'Accounts',
filterOptions: filterOptions,
parent: this.context
To create a filtered drawer with dynamic values, create a filter object and populate the config.filter_relate property using the populateRelate method as shown below:
//record to filter related fields by
var contact = app.data.createBean('Contacts', {
'first_name': 'John',
'last_name': 'Smith',
'assigned_user_id': 'seed_sally_id'
//create filter
var filterOptions = new app.utils.FilterOptions()
'initial_filter': 'filterAccountTemplate',
'initial_filter_label': 'LBL_FILTER_ACCOUNT_TEMPLATE',
'filter_populate': {
'account_type': ['Customer'],
'filter_relate': {
'assigned_user_id': 'assigned_user_id'
//open drawer
layout: 'selection-list',
context: {
module: 'Accounts',
filterOptions: filterOptions,
parent: this.context

PHP Help for Echoing Variables

I'm a beginner in writing PHP, but working on developing themes in WordPress.
I have no idea how to echo my style option within my front-page.php.
My meta.php:
$meta_style = array();
$meta_style['meta_style'] = array(
'dash_icon' => 'list-view',
'title' => __('Section Settings', 'fluent'),
'description' => __('These are general section settings.','fluent'),
'context' => 'normal',
'priority' => 'high',
'option_name' => 'meta_style',
'caps' => array(),
'fields' => array(
'style' => array(
'type' => 'select',
'options' => array(//option value = option label
'value' => 'white',
'value2' => 'black'
'multiple' => false,//allow multiple values to be selected - default false
'placeholder' => 'white'//placeholder text for the element
My front-page.php (it's wrapped in a BUTTON just a see if the variable echoes):
<? if($meta = get_post_meta($post->ID)){ if($meta['style'] == true){ echo $meta['value']; } } ?>
Can anyone provide an additional examples on how to echo other types, such as 'type' => 'text'?
I dont know exactly what you want, but you should:
1 - See if you're echoing the right information
2 - Use var_dump()
In your first code example you have a variable $meta_style which is a map. It has one key, 'meta_style' that leads to a next map. Inside that inner map you have the keys 'dash_icon' and so on. So for example this should echo the string 'normal':
echo $meta_style['meta_style']['context'];
However, in your second example, you have a variable $meta which is also a map, having keys 'style' and 'value'. You could echo those with:
echo $meta['style'];
echo $meta['value'];
Based on your example, I have no idea what these should do or how they should be related, or what their meaning should be.

Change subpanel order in SugarCRM 7

How can one change the order on each subpanel either by code or through the GUI?
In Sugar 6 the user could change the order simply by dragging and dropping the subpanels under each module.
From what I can see this is not possible in 7.x.
I have tried to change
'order' => 1
with no luck at all..
As UTAlan stated,
this will become part of the stock functionality of Sugar starting in version 7.5.0: https://web.sugarcrm.com/support/issues/66590
Until then, here is the reason and the solution:
The 'order' => 1, does not seem to work on Sugar 7 at the moment.
Copy the file
Now, add your custom subpanel definition to the beginning of the array or in any order you desire.
My example looks like this now:
$viewdefs['Opportunities']['base']['layout']['subpanels'] = array(
'components' => array(
// This is my custom module
'layout' => 'subpanel',
'context' => array(
'link' => 'opportunities_foobar_1',
.. // Code ommited
'layout' => 'subpanel',
'context' => array (
'link' => 'archived_emails',
'type' => 'subpanels',
'span' => 12,
Long Answer:
Why is 'order' => 1 not working anymore?
Inside include/MetaDataManager/MetaDataConverter.php:327:
public function toLegacySubpanelLayoutDefs(array $layoutDefs, SugarBean $bean) {
foreach ($layoutDefs as $order => $def) {
$return[$def['context']['link']] = array(
'order' => $order,
The order that is being rendered in the view is based on which order each bean-name is inserted inside the 'components'-key inside this file:
Core modules are hard-coded inside the subpanel file for Opportunities.
This will become part of the stock functionality of Sugar starting in version 7.5.0: https://web.sugarcrm.com/support/issues/66590

How do I create a CGridView with custom columns from a CArrayDataProvider?

I have an array of models that looks something like this. The models are extensions of the base Yii model class (BazClass), so that's a little bit of a custom solution, but I don't see why it shouldn't work.
$list = array
0 => FooClass#1
[BazClass:_attributes] => array
'FOO_ATTRIBUTE' => '4567'
'BAZ_ATTRIBUTE' => '1234'
[BazClass:_related] => array()
[_md] => null
[CModel:_errors] => array()
[CModel:_validators] => null
[CModel:_scenario] => ''
[CComponent:_e] => null
[CComponent:_m] => null
I made this a data provider by doing so:
$dataProvider = new CArrayDataProvider($list, array(
And try to render it in the view like so. Basically I'm just trying to show a list of the names, with the column named "Name".
$this->widget('zii.widgets.grid.CGridView', array(
'header' => 'Name',
'value' => $data->NAME,
The examples in the CGridView documentation make it look like that is possible, but the error I get is:
Either "name" or "value" must be specified for CDataColumn.
Well, I did specify a value, obviously, but it seems to be null. I also tried $data['NAME'] (because I somewhere read that the CArrayDataProvider doesn't return models), but it still evaluates to null.
I also checked that $dataProvider->getData() returns the same list as I passed it.
What gives?
you should place quotes around your value otherwise it gets interpreted in the wrong context
array( 'header' => 'Name', 'value' => '$data->NAME', ),

the_field not outputting as HTML

I am helping a buddy out and modifying his Wordpress portfolio for him. I don't use php very often so this might be something simple.
In a template I am calling the Wordpress the_field() method like so:
<?php echo the_field('full_text'); ?>
This is outputting the content of the full_text just fine however the full_text does contain an <a> tag which is not being generated as a link and is showing up as:
The Link
instead of actually generating the link.
What do I need to do to get any HTML contained in the full_text field to show up as HTML and not plain text?
In custom_fields.php I've found:
array (
'key' => 'field_4',
'label' => 'Full Text',
'name' => 'full_text',
'type' => 'textarea',
'order_no' => 2,
'instructions' => 'Write about this item.',
'required' => 0,
'conditional_logic' =>
array (
'status' => 0,
'rules' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
'field' => 'null',
'operator' => '==',
'value' => '',
'allorany' => 'all',
'default_value' => '',
'formatting' => 'br',
It seems like you're using Advanced Custom Fields. If so, you need to turn off the "filter content" setting to get the link to show up.
Thanks to mcrtr I was informed that the template he was using was using Advanced Custom Fields digging deeper I found the field full_text was of type textarea by changing it to wysiwyg it no longer outputted as plain text.
When setting up the field, change the formatting option to HTML instead of none and it'll keep the <a> tag around your link.
You don't need to change it to WYSIWYG in order to keep links as links in ACF.
