I'm getting started with JOIN and I'm trying to fetch all rows from clasificados and the abrev and nombre column from five of the "JOINED" tables, may be this is not possible but I've being reading about and I thought that it was.
I'm using LIMIT
I'm getting 0 as rowCount. Anyone could guide me please?
$sql2 = "SELECT cl.id AS clasid,
cl.email AS email,
cl.tipo_anuncio AS tipo_anuncio,
cl.reid AS reid,
cl.rcid AS rcid,
cl.img_1 AS img_1,
cl.titulo AS titulo,
cl.precio AS precio,
cl.negociable AS negociable,
cl.estado_art AS estado,
cl.intercambio AS intercambio,
cl.retro AS retro,
cl.id_cat_1 AS id_cat_1,
cl.id_subcat_1 AS id_subcat_1,
cl.id_subcat_2 AS id_subcat_2,
cl.clas_pass AS clasified_key,
cl.user_activo AS user_activo,
cl.approved_pay AS approved,
cl.expiracion AS expiracion,
cl.rep_email_enviado AS rep_email_sent,
eid.abrev AS edm_abrev,
cid.nombre AS cdm_nombre,
negoc.nombre AS neg,
exch.nombre AS exchangable,
estadoTB.nombre AS estado_articulo
FROM clasificados AS cl
JOIN 1_ AS cat_one
ON cat_one.id = cl.id_cat_1
JOIN estados AS eid
ON eid.id = cl.reid
JOIN municipios AS cid
ON cid.id = cl.rcid
JOIN negociable_tb AS negoc
ON negoc.id = cl.negociable
JOIN intercambio_tb AS exch
ON exch.id = cl.intercambio
JOIN estado_articulo_tb AS estadoTB
ON estadoTB.id = cl.estado_art
WHERE cl.user_activo = 1 AND cl.approved_pay = 1 ORDER BY cl.id DESC LIMIT $position, $items_per_group";
Problem desc.
I have databese called demo. In this databse i have columns. Two of them are otk and zamestnanci.
/*zamestnanci = employees*/
So i have some data in otk table:
/*otk columns: id_otk|ciarovy_kod|cislo_zakazky|zamestnanci|*/
/*id_otk = autoincrement*/
/*zamestnanci can be only number*/
INSERT INTO otk (ciarovy_kod, cislo_zakazky, zamestnanci) VALUES ('65464', '564', '1');
And now i have some data in zamestnanci:
/*zamestnanci columns: id_zamestnanci|titul|meno|titulz|*/
/*id_zamestnanci = autoincrement*/
INSERT INTO zamestnanci (titul, meno, titulz) VALUES ('ads', 'John', 'das');
And now here is my code for displaing and searching data from otk:
$hladatHodnotu = $_GET['hladatHodnotu'];
// hladat v setkych stlpcoch
// pouzitie concat funkcie pre vyhladanie iba urciteho stlpca
$sql = "SELECT * FROM otk JOIN zamestnanci ON zamestnanci.id_zamestnanci=otk.zamestnanci
JOIN zariadenia ON zariadenia.id=otk.zariadenie
JOIN stav ON stav.id=otk.stav
JOIN technologie ON technologie.id=otk.technologie
JOIN obrazky ON obrazky.id_obrazky=otk.obrazok
WHERE CONCAT(`ciarovy_kod`) LIKE '%".$hladatHodnotu."%'";
$vysledokHladania = filtrovatTabulku($sql);
//Zobrazovanie dat z viacerych tabuliek do jednej
/* JOIN zamestnanci ON zamestnanci.id_zamestnanci=otk.zamestnanci
JOIN zariadenia ON zariadenia.id=otk.zariadenie
JOIN stav ON stav.id=otk.stav
JOIN technologie ON technologie.id=otk.technologie
JOIN obrazky ON obrazky.id_obrazky=otk.obrazok*/
else {
$sql = "SELECT * FROM otk JOIN zamestnanci ON zamestnanci.id_zamestnanci=otk.zamestnanci
JOIN zariadenia ON zariadenia.id=otk.zariadenie
JOIN stav ON stav.id=otk.stav
JOIN technologie ON technologie.id=otk.technologie
JOIN obrazky ON obrazky.id_obrazky=otk.obrazok";
//$sql = "SELECT * FROM zariadenia, otk WHERE zariadenia.id=otk.zariadenie";
$vysledokHladania = filtrovatTabulku($sql);
// funkcia na pripojenie a spustenie $sql
function filtrovatTabulku($sql)
//Zahrnut pripojenie k db
$vysledokHladania = mysqli_query($con, $sql);
return $vysledokHladania;
And now when i empty table "zamestnanci" it will not display data from "otk" with id of that "zamestnanci" because he do not exist. So i want to ask you if there is way how to display if "zamestnanci" is not exist.
You're using the wrong JOIN.
You should learn how each join works before using them, read more about them here http://www.sql-join.com/sql-join-types/
I am trying to use an if statement to increase a db row ($row[cost]) 20% up to but not including a different row. As of now my code is: $row-->cost/.80 so I basically want it to not hit the maximumbid which is held in this query:
$result = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT bp.*, b.company
FROM `windows_brands_products` bp
LEFT JOIN `windows_brands` b
ON bp.brand_id = b.id
JOIN Windows_last_submissions ls
JOIN windows_materials wm
WHERE ls.username = '$current_user->user_login'
AND bp.width = ROUND(ls.width)
AND bp.height = ROUND(ls.height)
AND bp.material IN (wm.name)
AND bp.type = ls.type
AND IF (ls.minimumbid != '0.00',bp.cost BETWEEN ls.minimumbid
AND ls.maximumbid,bp.cost <= ls.maximumbid)
ORDER BY b.company ASC");
Question being how do I reference row minimumbid so I can prevent this 80%increase from hitting maximumbid?
Okay, I've been tasked with rewriting a small, old PHP app in Codeigniter, and I ran into a bit a road bump. I'm not sure how to go about handling the joins in the query.
(mobiledoc.labdata labdata JOIN mobiledoc.items items
ON (labdata.ItemId = items.itemID)
) JOIN mobiledoc.enc enc
ON (labdata.EncounterId = enc.encounterID)
) JOIN mobiledoc.users users_patient
ON (users_patient.uid = enc.patientID)
) JOIN mobiledoc.users users_Provider
ON (users_Provider.uid = enc.doctorID)
) JOIN mobiledoc.facilitygroupmembers facilitygroupmembers
ON (enc.facilityId = facilitygroupmembers.FacilityId)
And then after that FROM there are a few more joins, which I think would be fairly easy.
JOIN mobiledoc.facilitygroups facilitygroups ON (facilitygroups.Id = acilitygroupmembers.GroupId)
JOIN mobiledoc.patients patients ON (enc.patientID = patients.pid)
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I decided to just put the nested joins inside the for statement, and move on. Here's the original query.
$result = mysql_query("SELECT patients.ControlNO AS PatientID, users_patient.ulname AS patulname,
users_patient.ufname AS patufname, users_patient.uminitial AS patuminitial, users_patient.dob AS
patdob, users_Provider.ulname AS ULname, users_Provider.ufname AS UFname, items.itemName,
labdata.Notes,enc.date, enc.startTime FROM(((((mobiledoc.labdata labdata JOIN mobiledoc.items
items ON (labdata.ItemId = items.itemID)) JOIN mobiledoc.enc enc ON (labdata.EncounterId =
enc.encounterID)) JOIN mobiledoc.users users_patient ON (users_patient.uid = enc.patientID)) JOIN
mobiledoc.users users_Provider ON (users_Provider.uid = enc.doctorID)) JOIN
mobiledoc.facilitygroupmembers facilitygroupmembers ON (enc.facilityId =
facilitygroupmembers.FacilityId)) JOIN mobiledoc.facilitygroups facilitygroups ON
(facilitygroups.Id = facilitygroupmembers.GroupId) JOIN mobiledoc.patients patients ON
(enc.patientID = patients.pid) WHERE (facilitygroups.Name = '". $_POST['facility_id'] . "') AND
(items.itemName LIKE '%X RAY%' OR items.itemName LIKE '%Cast%' OR items.itemName LIKE '%Splint%'
OR items.itemName LIKE '%DEXA%') AND (enc.VisitType NOT IN ('', 'MT', 'TEL')) AND (enc.`date` =
'" . $_POST['txtYear'] . "-" . $_POST['txtMonth'] . "-" . $_POST['txtDay'] ."') ORDER BY
enc.startTime ASC") or die ("could not execute query!");
Here's the new query:
$this->db->select('patients.ControlNO as id');
$this->db->select('users_patient.ulname as lastName');
$this->db->select('users_patient.ufname as firstName');
$this->db->select('users_patient.uminitial as mInitial');
$this->db->select('users_patient.dob as dob');
$this->db->select('users_Provider.ulname as phys_lastName');
$this->db->from('((((mobiledoc.labdata labdata JOIN mobiledoc.items items ON (labdata.ItemId
= items.itemID)) JOIN mobiledoc.enc enc ON (labdata.EncounterId = enc.encounterID)) JOIN
mobiledoc.users users_patient ON (users_patient.uid = enc.patientID)) JOIN mobiledoc.users
users_Provider ON (users_Provider.uid = enc.doctorID)) JOIN mobiledoc.facilitygroupmembers
facilitygroupmembers ON (enc.facilityId = facilitygroupmembers.FacilityId)) JOIN
mobiledoc.facilitygroups facilitygroups ON (facilitygroups.Id = facilitygroupmembers.GroupId)
JOIN mobiledoc.patients patients ON (enc.patientID = patients.pid)');
$this->db->where_not_in('enc.VisitType', $not_in);
$this->db->order_by('enc.startTime', 'asc');
And the output from that query:
SELECT `patients`.`ControlNO` as id, `users_patient`.`ulname` as lastName,
`users_patient`.`ufname` as firstName, `users_patient`.`uminitial` as mInitial,
`users_patient`.`dob` as dob, `users_Provider`.`ulname` as phys_lastName, `items`.`itemName`,
`labdata`.`notes`, `enc`.`date`, `enc`.`startTime` FROM ((((((mobiledoc.labdata labdata JOIN
mobiledoc.items items ON (labdata.ItemId = items.itemID)) JOIN mobiledoc.enc enc ON
(labdata.EncounterId = enc.encounterID)) JOIN mobiledoc.users users_patient ON (users_patient.uid
= enc.patientID)) JOIN mobiledoc.users users_Provider ON (users_Provider.uid = enc.doctorID))
JOIN mobiledoc.facilitygroupmembers facilitygroupmembers ON (enc.facilityId =
facilitygroupmembers.FacilityId)) JOIN mobiledoc.facilitygroups facilitygroups ON
(facilitygroups.Id = facilitygroupmembers.GroupId) JOIN mobiledoc.patients patients ON
(enc.patientID = patients.pid)) WHERE `facilitygroups`.`Name` = 0 AND `enc`.`date` = '12/05/2014'
AND `enc`.`VisitType` NOT IN ('', 'MT', 'TEL') AND `items`.`itemName` LIKE '%X RAY%' OR
`items`.`itemName` LIKE '%DEXA%' OR `0` LIKE '%items.itemName%' ORDER BY `enc`.`startTime` asc
With CI's active record you can easily join tables by using the following format
$qry = $this->db->select('*')
->where('table1.id', 1)
->join('table2','table2.t_id = table1.id')
For more information take a look at CI's active record documentation
Also you can specify the join type by adding a third parameter to the join() function
$this->db->join('table3', 'table3.id = table2.t_id', 'left');
im using codeigniter as my framework, but i'm not using active records, im having trouble executing this query, it gives me a Error Number 1064
essentialy, im trying to insert a bunch of data to a table, but querying some id numbers from other tables
$titulo = $datos['titulo'];
$tipo = $datos['tipo'];
$autor = $datos['autor'];
$autor2 = $datos['autor2'];
$editorial = $datos['editorial'];
$ano = $datos['ano'];
$paginas = $datos['paginas'];
$descripcion = $datos['descripcion'];
$image_path = 'hola';
$genero = $datos['genero'];
$genero2 = $datos['genero2'];
$sql = "INSERT INTO productos (titulo, autor_id, autor2_id, editorial_id, ano, paginas, genero_id,
genero2_id, tipo, descripcion, image_path)
SELECT ? AS titulo,
id FROM autores WHERE nombre_autor=?,
id FROM autores WHERE nombre_autor=?,
id FROM editoriales WHERE nombre_editorial=?,
? as ano,
? as paginas,
id FROM generos WHERE nombre_genero=?,
id FROM generos WHERE nombre_genero=?,
? as tipo,
? as descripcion,
? as image_path";
if($this->db->query($sql, array($titulo, $autor, $autor2, $editorial, $ano, $paginas, $genero, $genero2, $tipo, $descripcion, $image_path))){
return true;
return false;
can someone help me with this query?
A select statement can only have one FROM clause.
Look into using JOIN
This is not a perfect query since I do not know the design of your database, but it should steer you in the right direction as far as the syntax goes.
INSERT INTO productos (titulo, autor_id, autor2_id, editorial_id, ano, paginas, genero_id,
genero2_id, tipo, descripcion, image_path)
SELECT a.titulo, b.id, b.id2, c.id, a.ano, a.paginas, d.id, d.id2, a.tipo, a.description, a.image_path
FROM table_1 a
JOIN table_2 b ON a.autor_id = b.id
JOIN table_3 c ON a.editorial_id = c.id
JOIN table_4 d ON a.genero_id = d.id
WHERE a.id = 25
Essentially this will join all of the data you need into one table before you add into "productos". This is the proper way to do what you need with SQL. Of course, this also depends on the relationships between the tables--in this example I assumed that you had foreign keys in table_1 that referred to data in other tables.
You will then be able to execute this query based on whatever parameters you want/need--just refer to those in the WHERE clause.
ok here is my php and mysql code:
where it is bold i wanted to the the uid from the online table and if it in there
where online.uid = '' i needed so it put the uid in there.
$sql = ("select accounts.id,
from friends_list join accounts
on friends_list.fid = accounts.id
left join cometchat_status
on accounts.id = cometchat_status.userid
where friends_list.status = '1'
and **online.uid = ''**
and friends_list.uid = '".mysql_real_escape_string($userid)."'
order by tgid asc");
#sledge identifies the problem in his comment above (I'm not sure why he didn't post an answer).
You are selecting a column from the online table, but you don't include it in your FROM clause. You have to query from a table in order to reference its columns in other parts of the query. For example:
$sql = ("select accounts.id,
from friends_list
join accounts on friends_list.fid = accounts.id
join online on ( ??? )
left join cometchat_status
on accounts.id = cometchat_status.userid
where friends_list.status = '1'
and online.uid = ''
and friends_list.uid = '".mysql_real_escape_string($userid)."'
order by tgid asc");
You need to fill in the join condition, because there's not enough information in your original post to infer how the online table is related to other tables.
PS: Kudos for using mysql_real_escape_string().