I'm trying to use traits in CodeIgniter. I put the Trait in the libraries directory and then loaded the library in the controller. Then I used the trait in the model, but it didn't work and I received the following error
Trait file (in library):
trait DataTablesTrait{
public function query(){
$this->db->limit(10, 1);
return $this->db->get('my_table');
class myController extends CI_Controller {
public function __construct(){
class ABC_Model extends CI_Model {
use DataTablesTrait;
function callQuery(){
I got this error:
Non-existent class: DataTablesTrait
Please advise
CodeIgniter (CI) isn't trait or namespace friendly but they can be used. It requires working around CI a bit though.
The main problem, the CI thing you have to work around, is the call
CI will find this file but load->library will try to instantiate the trait which fails because it is not possible to instantiate a Trait on its own.
Replace the line above with
include APPPATH.'/libraries/DataTablesTrait.php';
You should be free of the error with that. But you're not going to get results because callQuery() does not return anything. To round out the test have callQuery() return the CI_DB_result object the Trait should produce
public function callQuery()
return $this->query();
Add an index function to the controller so we can dump the output
public function index()
$DB_result = $this->ABC_Model->callQuery();
This should produce the expected output - assuming that 'my_table' has data :)
Worth saying that traits are now fully supported in Codeigniter 4 and can be implemented as you would expect using namespaces etc.
namespace App\Controllers\traits;
trait YourTraitName {
use App\Controllers\traits\YourTraitName;
class Admin extends BaseController {
use YourTraitName;
Facing issues with Laravel's IoC and Singleton.
I have the following singleton class:
class ConcreteClass
function __construct() {Log::info('I iz created...');}
And the following service provider:
class ConcreteClassServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
public function register()
$this->app->singleton('ConcreteClass', function () {
return new ConcreteClass();
However with every App::make('ConcreteClass'), public function __construct(ConcreteClass $concrete) in a single request will cause the log to have a I iz created... which makes it highly doubtful the singleton thing works in Laravel. I am most probably wrong with the configuration. Please help me with it. Thank you.
I'm not sure how you use your instance but it could be a namespace thing. When I tried instantiating my singleton by specifying the full path, for example:
#inject('foo', 'App\.....\FooSingleton');
It did not work.
I had to do it by only specifying the name without the path, i.e:
#inject('foo', 'FooSingleton');
Why? I don't know. It's still a mystery to me.
I am attempting to create my own custom facade for a Search feature, but I'm having a little difficulty:
type: Symfony\Component\Debug\Exception\FatalErrorException
message: Call to undefined method Illuminate\Foundation\Application::create()
file: H:\myproj\vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Container\Container.php
line: 165
This error is caused by my code hitting:
Where my Search facade is set up as follows:
namespace MyProj\Search;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class SearchServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
public function register() {
$this->app->bind('search', 'MyProj\Search\Search');
Search Facade
namespace MyProj\Facades;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Facade;
class Search extends Facade {
public static function getFacadeAccessor() {
return 'search';
Search class
namespace MyProj\Search;
use Elasticsearch\Client;
use Credential;
class Search {
private $elasticSearchClient;
public function __construct() {
$this->elasticSearchClient = new Client(array(
'hosts' => [Credential::ElasticSearchHost]
public function indexObject($object) {
// Code
return $this->elasticSearchClient->index($params);
public function get() {
return $this->$elasticSearchClient;
I have run composer dump-autoload without success, and my facade and service provider is loaded in app.php as follows:
Aliases array
'Search' => 'MyProj\Facades\Search',
Providers array
I've spent the past 30 minutes debugging and searching for this error without any fix. What's going on here?
EDIT: I've added in the stack trace, which you can see below. Additionally, I can see that getFacadeAccessor() is being called correctly, but anything beyond that is outside of my understanding.
The highlighted frame represents the last occurrence of normal operation, both frames on Handler.php represent the formatting and outputting of the error at the top of the question.
Appreciate this is a bit of an old thread, however you'd get the problems described if you compiled cache wasn't cleared after adding your new Facade.
You should run:
php artisan clear-compiled
I know that this question was asked so many times, but none of answers helped me.
I'm getting exception in Laravel 5
BindingResolutionException in Container.php line 785:
Target [App\Contracts\CustomModelInterface] is not instantiable.
What I've done without success:
Register App\Providers\AppRepositoryProvider in app.php providers
php artisan clear-compiled
Everything works if I replace interfaces on repositories in MyService, but I feel that it's wrong (should it be handled by IoC container?).
- Contracts
- CustomModelInterface.php
- Models
- CustomModel.php
- Repositories
- CustomModelRepository.php
- Providers
- AppRepositoryProvider.php
- Services
- MyService.php
<?php namespace App\Contracts;
interface CustomModelInterface {
public function get();
<?php namespace App\Repositories;
use App\Contracts\CustomModelInterface;
use App\Models\CustomModel;
class CustomModelRepository implements CustomModelInterface {
private $Model;
public function __construct(CustomModel $model) {
$this->Model = $model;
public function get() {
return 'result';
App\Services\MyService.php (Keep business logic / layer between controller and repositories)
<?php namespace App\Services;
use App\Contracts\CustomModelInterface;
class MyService {
private $Model;
public function __construct(CustomModelInterface $customModel) {
$this->Model= $customModel;
public function getAll() {
return $this->Model->get();
<?php namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class AppRepositoryProvider extends ServiceProvider {
public function boot() {}
public function register() {
$models = array(
foreach ($models as $idx => $model) {
$this->app->bind("App\Contracts\{$model}Interface", "App\Repositories\{$model}Repository");
My controller looks like:
<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers;
use App\Services\MyService;
class SuperController extends Controller {
private $My;
public function __construct(MyService $myService) {
$this->My = $myService;
public function getDetails() {
return $this->My->getAll();
"autoload": {
"classmap": [
"psr-4": {
"App\\": "app/",
"App\\Models\\": "app/Models/",
"App\\Contracts\\": "app/Contracts/",
"App\\Repositories\\": "app/Repositories/"
Thank you everyone, but problem was in my AppRepositoryProvider. As it's binding exception, then obviously the problem was with binding :)
Correct file is:
<?php namespace App\Providers;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class AppRepositoryProvider extends ServiceProvider {
public function boot() {}
public function register() {
$models = array(
foreach ($models as $model) {
$this->app->bind("App\Contracts\\{$model}Interface", "App\Repositories\\{$model}Repository");
Note, that I'm using "App\Contracts\\{$model}Interface" (not escaping "{" symbol) and it generate correct string App\Contracts\CustomModelInterface instead of App\Contracts\{$model}Interface (with unexpected escaping).
Every time I create a new repository/contract pair I make sure I do the following:
check the classes used in the service provider (copy/paste the namespaces)
register a new binding in config/app.php
php artisan optimize
Many hours of useless debugging led me to this short checklist.
For me, I forgot to bind in app->providers->RepositoryServiceProvider
the repository like this in the register method
public function register()
Make sure your RepositoryServiceProvider is registered in AppServiceProvider.
public function register()
I got past this error running:
php artisan config:clear
php artisan clear-compiled
php artisan optimize
php artisan config:cache
Related to:
Target is not instantiable. Laravel 5 - App binding service provider
The problem is solved by adding your repository in app/providers/AppServiceProvider
like the example below.
public function register()
$this->app->singleton(UserRepository::class, EloquentUser::class);
Dont forget the name space
use Test\Repositories\EloquentUser;
use Test\Repositories\UserRepository;
It worked for me
On App\Services\MyService.php you are passing that interface with dependency injection which tries to instantiate that -
public function __construct(CustomModelInterface $customModel) {
$this->Model= $customModel;
which is wrong.
Try implement that in that class - class MyService implements CustomModelInterface { and use the function of that interface like -
Or you are using it - class CustomModelRepository implements CustomModelInterface {
So if you do -
public function __construct(CustomModelRepository $customModel) {
$this->Model= $customModel;
then also you can access the interface methods.
I've just experienced an issue similar to this and the cause of my error was that I had set $defer to true in the service provider class but I had not implemented the required provides() method.
If you have deferred the creation of your class until it is need rather than it being loaded eagerly, then you need to also implement the provides method which should simply return an array of the classes that the provider provides. In the case of an interface, I believe it should be the name of the interface rather than the concrete class.
public method provides(): array
return [
Current documentation: https://laravel.com/docs/5.5/providers#deferred-providers
I hope this helps somebody else.
Don't worry guys. I have a solution to your problem.
I have an example for you.
Step1: php artisan make:repository Repository/Post //By adding this command you can create a repository and eloquent files
Step2: After adding that file you have to add/use this repository in the controller in which you want to use.
for eg: use App\Repositories\Contracts\PostRepository;
Step3: After adding that repo in your controller if you will run the app you will get an error like " Interface is not instantiable". It comes because you have created a repo and used in a controller, but laravel don't know where this repository is register and bind with which eloquent. So that it throws an error.
Step4: To solve this error you have to bind your repo with your eloquent in AppServiceProvider.
AppServiceProvider.php file
namespace App\Providers;
// **Make sure that your repo file path and eloquent path must be correct.**
use App\Repositories\Contracts\PostRepository; // **Use your repository here**
use App\Repositories\Eloquent\EloquentPostRepository; **// Use your eloquent here**
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider {
* Register any application services.
* #return void
public function register() {
**// And bind your repository and eloquent here. **
$this->app->bind(PostRepository::class, EloquentPostRepository::class);
Step5: After binding repo and eloquent you can use all method of repo in your controller. Enjoy.....
Please let me know if you have any query.
execute this command :
composer dump-autoload
this command will remap your laravel autoload classes together with all other vendor's i had same issue before and this did the trick you can use it together with "-o" param for optimization .
Note that this can also be caused by the _constructor on the class being declared private, or otherwise being blocked...
If it cant call the constructor, the binding will fail
I think the problem here is that you don't bind App\Contracts\CustomModelInterface to anything so Laravel tries to create instance of interface.
In App\Providers\AppRepositoryProvider.php you have only:
$models = array(
but you should have in this array CustomModel also, so it should look like this:
$models = array(
The last thing you do is to use the interface you bound to the repository.
Set it up and try running your laravel app to make sure you get no errors.
In my case I had a mismatch between my repository and interface.
interface UserRepositoryInterface{
public function get($userId);
class UserRepository implements UserRepositoryInterface{
public function get(int $userId);
As you can see the interface get method does not include a type hint but the UserRepository class' get method has a type hint.
You won't get this error if you immediately start to use your Interface Binding.
register a new binding in config/app.php
In my case I forgot use App\Repositories\UserRepository in App\Providers\AppRepositoryProvider.php
intelephense wasn't complaining and the error-message did not give me any clue, but somehow I found out that it's missing and adding this line did the trick
I had this error, and found out that I should restart the queue because it runs in the job:
php artisan queue:restart
I've been comparing my code to this question and many other guides online but with little success. Everything works fine until I try to inject the the interface in my controller. When I do inject it, I get the Target Interface is not instantiable error.
<?php namespace app\models\Interfaces;
interface InterviewInterface {
public function fetch($id);
use app\models\Interfaces\InterviewInterface;
class Interview extends Eloquent implements InterviewInterface {
public function fetch($id)
return Interview::find($id);
"psr-4": {
"Blog\\Articles\\" : "app/lib/Blog/Articles",
"app\\models\\Interfaces\\" : "app/models/Interfaces/InterviewInterface.php"
use app\models\Interfaces\InterviewInterface as InterviewInterface;
class AdminInterviewController extends BaseController {
public function __construct(InterviewInterface $interview)
$this->interview = $interview;
As soon as I add the
use app\models\Interfaces\InterviewInterface as InterviewInterface;
__construct(InterviewInterface $interview)
$this->interview = $interview;
lines, it gives me the error. I pull them out, no error.
I have run php composer.phar dump-autoload and php artisan dump-autoload commands multiple times and they succeed.
Any ideas? I really appreciate it.
You need to bind the interface to a class in order to resolve it from the IOC:
In routes.php, assuming it is not namespaced:
App::bind('app\modesl\Interfaces\InterviewInterface', 'Interview');