What are best ways to display progress on server work?
xhr processing request
iframe method ( i dont prefer this method )
server sent events
polling with some flash messages on $_SESSION variable in main php script
which is most clean and most used way?
use case is for example when we upload zip files, i want to track progress on unpacking, copying files etc
Your question is a bit vague - there is no "best" way, each one has advantages and disadvantages. Try to explain what is important to you.
For example, the most clean, scalable and performant way would probably be to push an update on progress to the client using WebSockets. However, this may require some special implementation on the server and client side and may be a bit complex.
On the other hand, if you want simplicity and ease of implementation and are willing to sacrifice performance and scalability, going with a $_SESSION + Ajax polling solution could be better - however you should be careful as some session storage backends lock the session which means you cannot have one PHP request updating it while another is attempting to read from it. You can instead use DB / memcache / file storage (depending on your scale needs and server setup) to store this information.
Question about best practices / scaling of the web application.
What would be the best way to access application settings on which all users rely and can not modify. Data needs to be served in JSON, application is written in PHP / JS.
Have 3 ways in my mind:
Serve json as a php get request which will call final method
final function get_requestJSON()
return json_encode(array(.... ));
Serve is as a flat file with JSON written in it and use file_get_contents
Store it in text format in MySQL backed and access it directly with a model.
Which one of those would be considered fastest?
Any thoughts?
Don't worry about speed in this case (unless you know that the wrong solution is unacceptably slow) and instead think of your requirements. This is especially true because if you are issuing server calls through a client, there's going to be a latency anyway that will likely dwarf the time for this operation.
Also, the scenarios are not mutually exclusive. You can store things in a database, and use JSON as your protocol for sending things back and forth (for example).
I recommend you instead think about all the things you can see doing with this information, both now and in the future, and let that guide you towards a decision.
Taking all into consideration, php library with methods is the best solution for me. Thanks for the info though.
Is there any way you can push data to a page rather than checking for it periodically?
Obviously you can check for it periodically with ajax, but is there any way you can force the page to reload when a php script is executed?
Theoretically you can improve an ajax request's speed by having a table just for when the ajax function is supposed to execute (update a value in the table when the ajax function should retrieve new data from the database) but this still requires a sizable amount of memory and a mysql connection as well as still some waiting time while the query executes even when there isn't an update/you don't want to execute the ajax function that retrieves database data.
Is there any way to either make this even more efficient than querying a database and checking the table that stores the 'if updated' data OR tell the ajax function to execute from another page?
I guess node.js or HTML5 webSocket could be a viable solution as well?
Or you could store 'if updated' data in a text file? Any suggestions are welcome.
You're basically talking about notifying the client (i.e. browser) of server-side events. It really comes down to two things:
What web server are you using? (are you limited to a particular language?)
What browsers do you need to support?
Your best option is using WebSockets to do the job, anything beyond using web-sockets is a hack. Still, many "hacks" work just fine, I suggest you try Comet or AJAX long-polling.
There's a project called Atmosphere (and many more) that provide you with a solution suited towards the web server you are using and then will automatically pick the best option depending on the user's browser.
If you aren't limited by browsers and can pick your web stack then I suggest using SocketIO + nodejs. It's just my preference right now, WebSockets is still in it's infancy and things are going to get interesting once it starts to develop more. Sometimes my entire application isn't suited for nodejs, so I'll just offload the data operation to it alone.
Good luck.
Another possibility, if you can store the data in a simple format in a file, you update a file with the data and use the web server to check its timestamp.
Then the browser can poll, making HEAD requests, which will check the update times on the file to see if it needs an updated copy.
This avoids making a DB call for anything that doesn't change the data, but at the expense of keeping file system copies of important resources. It might be a good trade-off, though, if you can do this for active data, and roll them off after some time. You will need to ensure that you manage to change this on any call that updates the data.
It shares the synchronization risks of any systems with multiple copies of the same data, but it might be worth investigating if the enhanced responsiveness is worth the risks.
There was once a technology called "server push" that kept a Web server process sitting there waiting for more output from your script and forwarding it on to the client when it appeared. This was the hot new technology of 1995 and, while you can probably still do it, nobody does because it's a freakishly terrible idea.
So yeah, you can, but when you get there you'll most likely wish you hadn't.
Well you can (or will) with HTML5 Sockets.
This page has some great info about this technology:
Any idea how to implement this (http://fluin.com/63) using MySQL+PHP+Javascript(mootools)?
In a nutshell, it's a realtime threaded conversational web app.
This uses http://www.ape-project.org/home.html
Any idea how to implement realtime stuff without AJAX push (ape)?
Install Firefox.
Install Web Development toolbar
Install Firebug
Install HttpFox
Read docs of above tools re how to use, what they can do.
Go to http://fluin.com/63. Use above tools to inspect.
Read up on Databases and data models, and MySQL.
Build your own.
Well, this depends on your definition of realtime, which, in its technical meaning, is simply impossible with public ip networks and traditional tcp stack, for you have no control over timing.
Closer to the topic though, to get any web page updated without direct user intervention, you'd have to use javascript to poll server for changes since the last successful poll, and do this over certain intervals of time. In calculating these intervals you'll have to consider both network/server load, and the delay that is comfortable for the user.
The server, of course, will have to store the new data and its timely status (creation timestamps are one way of doing it), to be able to distinguish between content already delivered to various clients.
As soon as the server reports new content, it is inserted into a dom page via javascript and the user sees the response.
This is a bit general, of course, but you should get the idea.
Isn't it like a shoutbox ? here an example of one
Doing this properly using PHP only is very hard. When you have 5 users you could use long-polling, but it will definitely not scale when you have let's say 1000 users.
Using comet with PHP?
The screencast(link) in my post shows how you could implement it, but it has a couple of flaws:
It touches the disc(disc is very slow compared to memory).
To make matters worse it also polls the disc frequently(filemtime()).
Maybe phet(PHP) is able to scale. You should try that out.
To make it scale I think you need at least:
a good implementation of long-polling(at least long-polling. You have better transports) that can handle load.
keep data in memory(much faster than dics) using something like redis or memcached.
I would use:
node.js with socket.io(video) module.
to keep data in memory I would use node_redis(video).
I am working on a project has me constantly pinging a php script for new data, so if I understand this correctly that means that the php script being pinged gets run over and over indefinitely. It works but i'm guessing its a huge strain on the server, and is probably considered ugly and bad practice. Am I right about that?
Is there any way I could keep the connection to the script alive and make use of php's built in output buffering to flush the contents I need, but keep the script running for infinity using some sort of loop so when new data is available it can be output. Is this a bad idea as well?
I'm just looking for input form developers out there with more experience.
One last thing...
Are there any other ways to keep a constant flow of data going (excluding technologies such as flash or silverlight)?
If what you have currently works and continues to work when tested against the kind of load you might expect in this application, it is not really considered bad practice. It is not a crime to keep it simple if it works. Anything that does what you are describing is going to go against the grain of the original model of the web, so you're venturing into shaky territory.
I do recommend you check out the Comet technique. It is mostly popular for the inverse of what you want - the server pushing information to a page continuously - but it can obviously work both ways. Although your mileage may vary, I've heard good things. As Wikipedia describes it:
In web development, Comet is a neologism to describe a web application model in which a long-held HTTP request allows a web server to push data to a browser, without the browser explicitly requesting it. Comet is an umbrella term for multiple techniques for achieving this interaction. All these methods rely on features included by default in browsers, such as Javascript, rather than on non-default plugins.
It almost seems like php wouldn't be the best choice of language for this. Possibly consider something like scala or erlang which are setup to handle this type of long lived messaging better.
You have to learn how to use sockets in php.
Start from here: http://php.net/manual/en/book.sockets.php
And afair here is useful manual about writing standalone php apps: Advanced PHP Programming
I'd say that depends. If you want the data transfers to be started by the client, your best choice here would be some ajax (like getxmlhttpobject or just iframes if you feel like cheating :P). If you want the transfers to be started by the server, then, perhaps php is not the language you want to use.
You can use ajax to have http-streaming. Take a look at ajaxpatterns.
I currently have a custom session handler class which simply builds on php's session functionality (and ties in some mySQL tables).
I have a wide variety of session variables that best suits my application (primarily kept on the server side). Although I am also using jQuery to improve the usability of the front-end, and I was wondering if feeding some of the session variables (some basics and some browse preference id's) to a JS object would be a bad way to go.
Currently if I need to access any of this information at the front-end I do a ajax request to a php page specifically written to provide the appropriate response, although I am unsure if this is the best practice (actually I'm pretty sure this just creates a excess number of Ajax requests).
Has anyone got any comments on this? Would this be the best way to have this sort of information available to the client side?
I really guess it depends on many factors. I'm always having "premature optimization ..." in the back of my head.
In earlier years I rushed every little idea that came to my mind into the app. That often lead to "i made it cool but I didn't took time to fully grasp the problem I'm trying to solve; was there a problem anyway?"
Nowadays I use the obvious approach (like yours) which is fast (without scarifying performance completely on the first try) and then analyze if I'm getting into problems or not.
In other words:
How often do you need to access this information from different kind of loaded pages (because if you load the information once without the user reloading there's probably not much point in re-fetching it anyway) multiplied by number of concurrent clients?
If you write the information into a client side cookie for fast JS access, can harm be done to your application if abused (modified without application consent)? Replace "JS" and "cookie" without any kind of offline storage like WHATWG proposes it, if #1 applies.
The "fast" approach suits me, because often there's not the big investment into prior-development research. If you've done that carefully ... but then you would probably know that answer already ;)
As 3. you could always push the HTML to your client already including the data you need in JS, maybe that can work in your case. Will be interesting to see what other suggestions will come!
As I side note: I've had PHP sessions stored in DB too, until I moved them over to memcached (alert: it's a cache and not a persistent store so may be not a good idea for you case, I can live with it, I just make sure it's always running) to realize a average drop of 20% of database queries and and through this a 90% drop of write queries. And I wasn't even using any fancy Ajax yet, just the number of concurrent users.
I would say that's definately an overkill of AJAX, are these sessions private or important not to show to a visitor? Just to throw it out there; a cookie is the easiest when it comes to both, to have the data in a javascript object makes it just as easily readable to a visitor, and when it comes down to cookies being enabled or not, without cookies you wouldn't have sessions anyway.
http://www.quirksmode.org/js/cookies.html is a good source about cookie handling in JS and includes two functions for reading and writing cookies.