I am getting an error message in my Laravel 5 application:
PHP Fatal error: Cannot redeclare class Illuminate\\Contracts\\Support\\Arrayable in /var/www/.../bootstrap/cache/compiled.php on line 156
This error only occurs on my staging environment and not on my local website. I would love to post more info but I do not have it. Because I do not know where this error is caused.
If I remove the file (cache/compiled.php) everything seems to work fine. But after every deploy the same error occurs. On my localhost everything works fine as well.
My question: does anybody have a clue where to look because I am out of ideas.
Try this way.
At first remove the cache/compiled.php file
then run this command
php artisan clear-compiled
I had the same problem and found the following article, which was very helpful:
The only solution that was working for me was manually deleting bootstrap/cache/compiled.php. Switching around the order in which the autoloaders are called in bootstrap/autoload.php did not work for me because I had the same problem the other way round, ie. I had a class in compiled.php that was causing something from autoload.php to be autoloaded before autoload.php ran.
In my case, I am using a combination of PSR4 and manual class mappings in my composer.json file. I'm sure this is part of the problem. (Don't judge me: this app started in Laravel 3, so it's taking time to add namespacing throughout the code base :-).
One reason why things may work differently in different environments is because the artisan optimize command will only generate the bootstrap/cache/compiled.php file if you provide the --force option or if debugging mode is not enabled. So it is likely that you are not getting this file in development because debugging is enabled but are getting this file in staging and/or production because debugging is not enabled.
Ultimately, here's what I have landed on as a solution for production deployments:
artisan config:cache
artisan optimize
rm bootstrap/cache/compiled
Update symlink to point to new version.
This way you still get bootstrap/cache/services.json, which is helpful, whereas artisan clear-compiled removes that file. Also, there will be a very brief period of time where bootstrap/cache/compiled.php will exist, which is why it is important to run these commands before you update the symlink to point your web server at the new version.
It is also worth noting that the compiled.php file that is created by artisan optimize in Laravel 5.1 is no longer generated in Laravel 5.4 because, as Taylor has stated, PHP 7 is much more performant and so the benefit of bundling all the application classes into one file, which is meant to save on disk I/O, is negligble now. Taylor recommends enabling and properly configuring your OPcache instead - you will get far more performance benefits from that.
I experienced the same but eventually found the solution.
I have my own helpers.php files in laravel. Just like the framework ones, I added them as autoloads in my composer.json. A couple of those functions are macros for the Collection (\Illuminate\Support\Collection::macro(...)).
When that helpers.php file is autoloaded, the definition of those macros cause the autoloading of Illuminate\Support\Collection. This in turn uses Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable.
So basically all of these are already loaded by the time they are defined again in cache/compiled.php. Boom.
Long story short: For me the fix was simply to switch inclusion of the compiled file and the autoloader around.
$compiledPath = __DIR__.'/cache/compiled.php';
if (file_exists($compiledPath)) {
require $compiledPath;
require __DIR__.'/../vendor/autoload.php';
This might not be a viable solution add include code in your compiled file runs right away and refers to helper functions, but I think the chances on that happening should be pretty minimal.
The problem is with the artisan optimize command. If you remove the compiled.php file and then do not run optimize, it should work.
My code in on production and I ran
php artisan config:clear
After that, my code was not running. The index pages and all other pages went white screen and gave 500 internal server error in firebug. When I tried to run
php artisan
it gave me error as
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method Closure::__set_state() in /var/www/live/vendor/config.php on line 56
My code is in production!! /vendor/config.php file was not present before, what happened with that code??
Have you faced any such error?
I had given all permissions to storage/ folder and vendor/.
Any help/guide would be much appreciated.
I had similar issues when I ran php artisan config:cache. Apparently, it is an issue when the application is trying to load cached configuration files that have closures in it. It won't be fixed in Laravel since it is a bad practice to have closures in config files. Refer this Github issue
The way I solved this is by undo-ing this.
Delete the cache for config.
It is located in here
I had faced the similar issue in past don't know what caused it but as of now you can delete the config.php from /vendor it won't break your code.
And your code will be start working..
Among other root-causes, this error results from calling php artisan config:cache when a closure is defined inside any configuration file that Laravel attempts to load. Laravel does not allow for closures in configuration files; see:
Deleting the resultant cache file, usually located at bootstrap/cache/config.php, "fixes" the error.
The long-term solution is to eliminate closures from all configuration files. The problematic config file can be determined by inspecting the offending line, as mentioned in the error message.
If the offending file is third-party, it is best to open an issue with the library, so that the issue is fixed upstream.
Here is what I did to solve it:
Go to /vendor/tymon/jwt-auth/src/config/config.php and replace the lines for storage and auth with:
'auth' => 'Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\Auth\IlluminateAuthAdapter',
'storage' => 'Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\Storage\IlluminateCacheAdapter'
Go to /bootstrap/cache/config.php and delete it
Run the following commands in order:
A) php artisan config/cache
B) php artisan jwt:generate
C) php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\JWTAuthServiceProvider"
and that should do it!
Try to remove the config.php from bootstrap/cache folder. It worked for me.
Edit vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers\RouteServiceProvider.php:108
and delete required.
Changing the config.php file inside the vendor/tymon/jwt-auth/src/config to this
'auth' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\Auth\IlluminateAuthAdapter::class`
and this
'storage' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\Storage\IlluminateCacheAdapter::class`
before runnning php artisan config:cache worked for me.
solved using
composer update
composer install
I recently inherited a project based on the laravel framework, which after I have set up, installed all requirements by composer and run php artisan migrations on, will not run via php artisan serve.
When I researched possible causes for this, I came across the following on SO:
laravel5: chdir(): No such file or directory (errno 2)
Using artisan serve after changing the public folder name
When I follow the suggested solution in the second one of adding the lines
$app = new Illuminate\Foundation\Application(
realpath(DIR . '/../')
to bootstrap/app.php I get the same exact error.
Is there a configuration file somewhere I need to update? Most of the suggested solutions I've found like changing files under vendor seem to be rather hacky? I'm really stuck on this and any help would be greatly appreciated - thanks!
check the configuration of your Homestead.yalm folder, there you can specity where your project is in the folders->map section.
It may the error from composer so try
Composer dump-autoload -o
First of all I have just begun to tinker with Laravel 5 and php artisan, so don't judge to harsh please ;)
To get rid of ./public/index.php in the website path I did the following:
moved all the files in root/page_local/ folder;
moved files from public folder to root/page/;
modified the root/page_local/index.php file accordingly.
So the laravel works as it should now, but php-artisan is not. Every command that I try to run returns the same error:
Method patter does not exist.
But I remember creating a Controller before and it worked, I tried multiple functions (--version, list, create::controller).
Even when I run composer update it errors when it tries to run php artisan clear-compiled.
I still managed to update the composer by running composer update --no-scripts
Please help me out on this one because I couldn't find any information regarding this issue on Laravel website and google. If you will need me to provide any of my code, let me know what you need and I will do so.
Thanks in advance.
Search your code for patter string, my guess is that you have a typo somewhere and the method is called pattern so use that instead. There is no patter method anywhere in Laravel code.
My code in on production and I ran
php artisan config:clear
After that, my code was not running. The index pages and all other pages went white screen and gave 500 internal server error in firebug. When I tried to run
php artisan
it gave me error as
PHP Fatal error: Call to undefined method Closure::__set_state() in /var/www/live/vendor/config.php on line 56
My code is in production!! /vendor/config.php file was not present before, what happened with that code??
Have you faced any such error?
I had given all permissions to storage/ folder and vendor/.
Any help/guide would be much appreciated.
I had similar issues when I ran php artisan config:cache. Apparently, it is an issue when the application is trying to load cached configuration files that have closures in it. It won't be fixed in Laravel since it is a bad practice to have closures in config files. Refer this Github issue
The way I solved this is by undo-ing this.
Delete the cache for config.
It is located in here
I had faced the similar issue in past don't know what caused it but as of now you can delete the config.php from /vendor it won't break your code.
And your code will be start working..
Among other root-causes, this error results from calling php artisan config:cache when a closure is defined inside any configuration file that Laravel attempts to load. Laravel does not allow for closures in configuration files; see:
Deleting the resultant cache file, usually located at bootstrap/cache/config.php, "fixes" the error.
The long-term solution is to eliminate closures from all configuration files. The problematic config file can be determined by inspecting the offending line, as mentioned in the error message.
If the offending file is third-party, it is best to open an issue with the library, so that the issue is fixed upstream.
Here is what I did to solve it:
Go to /vendor/tymon/jwt-auth/src/config/config.php and replace the lines for storage and auth with:
'auth' => 'Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\Auth\IlluminateAuthAdapter',
'storage' => 'Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\Storage\IlluminateCacheAdapter'
Go to /bootstrap/cache/config.php and delete it
Run the following commands in order:
A) php artisan config/cache
B) php artisan jwt:generate
C) php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\JWTAuthServiceProvider"
and that should do it!
Try to remove the config.php from bootstrap/cache folder. It worked for me.
Edit vendor\laravel\framework\src\Illuminate\Foundation\Support\Providers\RouteServiceProvider.php:108
and delete required.
Changing the config.php file inside the vendor/tymon/jwt-auth/src/config to this
'auth' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\Auth\IlluminateAuthAdapter::class`
and this
'storage' => Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\Storage\IlluminateCacheAdapter::class`
before runnning php artisan config:cache worked for me.
solved using
composer update
composer install
I'm running Laravel 4 in a local environment, and for some reason I cannot run php artisan migrate or php artisan db:seed without encountering the following error:
Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Query\Builder::up()
I'm still relatively new to the framework, but I have tried all of the following to no avail:
composer self-update & full re-install of vendor folder
manually verified all autoloaded classes are mapped correctly and no incorrect dependencies exist
re-installed migrations table
I used php artisan migrate:make products --table=m_products --create to generate the boilerplate, but in case you would like to see:
Migration: http://pastebin.com/931rivia (two custom migrations, pasted together for convenience)
Seeds: http://pastebin.com/zZMgi8K9 (both essentially the same, so only pasted one)
Edit: Just a note, I have made sure that there is no other class anywhere (in the namespace or otherwise) named "Users," "Products," or "Categories." Models & controllers all have different naming conventions so I'm pretty sure no references are being overwritten...
Does anyone have any clue what might be going on? Thank you!
To anyone else who may be having this issue, I did manage to find a resolution:
1) CLI logs are located in /app/storage/logs/* so chances are the stack trace there will help you identify any issues
2) The Migrator class ends up resolving the files in /app/database/migrations based on their NAME and NOT by using the ReflectionClass or otherwise to analyze the actual include.
Note: This is where the error crept in--all the definitions were correct, but the file was accidentally renamed to: SOME_DATE_category.php INSTEAD OF SOME_DATE_categories.php, and thus the Migrator was trying to call runUp() on Category which is in fact a model.
If anyone else comes across this in the future, look at the names of the files in your migrations folder and make sure they don't contain any strings which reference other classes. (or else just make sure not to modify them from the initial artisan migrate:create command.)