Anybody knows a way to get email id from vk social site? When I am trying, it is providing only below information.
stdClass Object ( [response] => Array ( [0] => stdClass Object ( [uid] => 322372142 [first_name] => Gaurav [last_name] => Pal ) ) )
Am using above below code to make a call.
$success = $client->CallAPI('','GET', array(), array('FailOnAccessError'=>true), $user);
I have found a way to get email from VK.
First fetch "CODE" from below url
Now send CURL request to get "EMAIL", "USER_ID", "ACCESS_TOKEN" from below url:
To get information other than email, use below URL
There is no way to get user email or mobile phone attached to his page. You should not try. Just trust me as worker with vk api for many years.
I want to get my PayPal accounts transaction history. Just the same data I can export when I'm logged in.
All the transactions there where not generated via REST API itself.
I read some posts where it says that one can't use, for example, "Transaction Search" API ( in this case.
I tried this out but could not get it to work.
After I got my access_token:
stdClass Object
[scope] =>* openid*
[access_token] => xxx
[token_type] => Bearer
[app_id] => xxx
[expires_in] => 32400
[nonce] => 2020-09-05T22:25:09ZHAnra0QUpsxgo4E90gqEKtgtUNgkGNzVs1IVCBJfiu0
I tried to call the /v1/reporting/transactions API an got back:
stdClass Object
[localizedMessage] => No permission for the requested operation.
[suppressed] => Array
[message] => No permission for the requested operation.
[details] => Array
[0] => stdClass Object
[field] =>
[value] =>
[location] =>
[issue] => No permission for the requested operation.
[information_link] =>
[debug_id] => feb53d91bc653
The "information_link" in the response ends up at 404.
And yes, I activated "Transaction Search API" in my Developer Account.
Then I found this old API:
There, PayPal says that this API is deprecated but will still work ... for customers who are using it.
For me, this also does not work, response:
"message": "An internal service error has occurred",
"debugId": "a2b554e8cc7b",
"links": [
"href": "",
"rel": "information_link"
So how to get existing PayPal transactions of my PayPal account via API? There must be a way, there are many tools who import this data, but which API do they use?
I tried this out, it don't worked, I could not get the data.
And yes, I activated "Transaction Search API" in my Developer Account.
After activating it you need to wait 9 hours, and ensure you get a new access_token that is not the same as your old one. You should then have a new [scope] returned which includes
Without that scope returned, you can't use the Transaction Search API.
There must be a way, there are many tools who import this data, but which API do they use?
The Transaction Search API is actually not very useful -- most people use the Reports tab in and download a CSV file
Trying to synchronize member information from Mailchimp to our local DB. We are able to request the information, but we get back only the FNAME, LNAME and BIRTHDAY fields. We are calling the function:
$mailchimp_v3_service->get_list_members($list_id, $count, $offset)
And are getting back a list of stdClass objects:
stdClass Object
[id] => <an id>
[email_address] => <an email>
[unique_email_id] => <a unique email id>
[status] => unsubscribed
[merge_fields] => stdClass Object
[FNAME] => Testable
[LNAME] => Contact
Looking at the function call inside the Mailchimp code (MailchimpV3Service.php), it looks like it is requesting more/different fields than we are getting:,members.email_address,members.status,members.unique_email_id,members.merge_fields.LNAME,members.merge_fields.FNAME,,members.merge_fields.PHONE
It looks like the function is requesting PHONE, and not requesting BIRTHDAY.
Any thoughts?
Ok, I figured out the issue - our support team was adding a phone number field to only certain accounts, depending on who needed it. If there is no phone field, it's just not returned. Lesson learned: check your "List fields and |MERGE| tags" section. 8-/
I was developing a Shopify App. It was working fine till yesterday evening, but then I started getting the Bad Request [400] error, after the user allow access to the app for his shop.
Error is below
( in /path/to/shopify/authentication/oauth.php on line 28
Array (
[method] => POST
[uri] =>
[query] => Array ( )
[headers] => Array ( )
[payload] => Array (
[client_id] => {CLIENTID}
[client_secret] => {CLIENT_SECRET}
[code] => {CODE}
I'm doing a POST cURL Request with Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlencode and all the request are validated to be coming from shopify.
If anyone want more information I can provide.
If this happening after the user authorizes the app, it could be an issue with the permanent token they have received. You could try grabbing the token that is generated and doing a POSTMAN request manually to query the API to verify the token works.
If it worked before and you didn't make any changes to the app, it could be a temporary API issue, even though I found that to be rare with my app.
The code parameter that is sent from Shopify can only be used a single time.
If you re-make the original request that sends the code parameter to your server, you should be able to make the call successfully.
I'm working on Shopify API and trying to register uninstall webhook for my plugin which is registered successfully and i do get a response e.g.
stdClass Object
[webhook] => stdClass Object
[id] => 52102211
[address] =>×tamp=1438850605/delete_shop
[topic] => app/uninstalled
[created_at] => 2015-08-06T04:43:27-04:00
[updated_at] => 2015-08-06T04:43:27-04:00
[format] => json
[fields] => Array
[metafield_namespaces] => Array
When i delete my plugin it generates a 302 POST request.
I want to see that where does this request leads so that I'd be sure that it is coming straight to my controller action for handling this i.e. to
I'm working in PHP CI and sending email in my code upon the call of this function. Here are the routes:
$route['default_controller'] = "home";
$route['product_edit/:any'] = "home/product_edit";
$route['delete_shop'] = "home/delete_shop";
$route['404_override'] = '';
Is there any problem with my routes because I never receive an email even after hours?
(email functionality is working properly in the application though)
here is the image for the request generated
A 302 is a temporaly redirect. You can follow the requests with tools as:
Firebug (
Browser console for developers in Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, etc.
The tools above make it possible to log the requests. Detailed information provided, such as request headers, response headers, response body, etc.
How can I retrieve a specific post/discussion from a open group through LinkedIn API using PHP.
I was trying with the following API request as shown in here :,type,category,creator,title,summary,creation-timestamp,relation-to-viewer:(is-following,is-liked,available-actions),likes,comments,attachment,site-group-post-url)
But this returns the following error:
[status_code] => 400
[data] => stdClass Object
[errorCode] => 0
[message] => Invalid String {5835685921059532803}
[requestId] => XW2XMPBNKY
[status] => 400
[timestamp] => 1391441328953
Now, what's the error I have made with this request? What should I do to get a specific discussion?
I just solved the problem. The problem was while making the request. The discussion id (5835685921059532803) I was sending with URL was in wrong format. It should be like: g-GROUP_ID-S-DISCUSSION/POST_ID, for example: g-24405-S-5835685921059532803.
So the URL should be:,type,category,creator,title,summary,creation-timestamp,relation-to-viewer:(is-following,is-liked,available-actions),likes,comments,attachment,site-group-post-url)
Hope this would save someone's valuable time.
You need An Api key and Secret key,to get an AUTHORIZATION_CODE,using that AUTHORIZATION_CODE,you will get an Access Token,and with that Access Token if you hit the url,then you will get the proper data,