I am new to PHP. This is an existing system. I have been told to remove particularly 2 items from the drop down list. The dropdown items is taken from the mysql database. There is 3 items currently in the dropdown: ICD, Product and Doctor Charges. I have been told to remove Product and Doctor Charges.
The codes in PHP:
function split_csv_line($record) {
$first = NULL;
if (strlen($record) == 0) {
return array('');
if ($record[0] === '"') {
$first = '';
$start = 1;
while ($start < strlen($record)
&& ($end = strpos($record, '"', $start)) !== FALSE
&& $end < strlen($record) - 1
&& $record[$end + 1] !== ',')
if ($record[$end + 1] !== '"') {
die("Found characters between double-quoted field and comma.");
$first .= substr($record, $start, $end - $start - 1);
$start = $end + 2;
if ($start < strlen($record) || $end === FALSE) {
die("Could not find end-quote for double-quoted field");
$first .= substr($record, $start, $end - $start - 1);
if ($end >= strlen($record) - 1) {
return array($first);
/* Assertion: $record[$end + 1] == ',' */
$rest = substr($record, $end + 2);
} else {
$end = strpos($record, ',');
if ($end === FALSE) {
return array($record);
/* Assertion: $end < strlen($record) */
$first = substr($record, 0, $end);
$rest = substr($record, $end + 1);
$fields = split_csv_line($rest);
array_unshift($fields, $first);
return $fields;
And this is MYSQL query:
$code_types = array();
$default_search_type = '';
$ctres = sqlStatement("SELECT * FROM code_types WHERE ct_active=1 ORDER BY ct_seq, ct_key");
while ($ctrow = sqlFetchArray($ctres)) {
$code_types[$ctrow['ct_key']] = array(
'active' => $ctrow['ct_active' ],
'id' => $ctrow['ct_id' ],
'fee' => $ctrow['ct_fee' ],
'mod' => $ctrow['ct_mod' ],
'just' => $ctrow['ct_just'],
'rel' => $ctrow['ct_rel' ],
'nofs' => $ctrow['ct_nofs'],
'diag' => $ctrow['ct_diag'],
'mask' => $ctrow['ct_mask'],
'label'=> ( (empty($ctrow['ct_label'])) ? $ctrow['ct_key'] : $ctrow['ct_label'] ),
'external'=> $ctrow['ct_external'],
'claim' => $ctrow['ct_claim'],
'proc' => $ctrow['ct_proc'],
'term' => $ctrow['ct_term'],
'problem'=> $ctrow['ct_problem'],
'drug'=> $ctrow['ct_drug']
I would appreciate some guidance on the following issue. I am by no means an expert in php. The code below takes almost 10 seconds to execute! Is there anything I am doing that is wrong or bad practice?
$data = [];
$today = date("Y/m/d");
$ThisYear = Date('Y'); //get current Year
$ThisMonth = Date('m'); //get current month
$Tday = '01'; //first day of month
$Tmonth = '09'; //September
if (8 < $ThisMonth && $ThisMonth < 13) {
$AcYear = $ThisYear; }
else {
$AcYear = $ThisYear - 1; // sets start of academic year to be last year
$AcFullYear = $AcYear.'/'.$Tmonth.'/'.$Tday;
//find rank in all school
$students_rank = [];
$school_id = Student::model()->findByAttributes(['user_master_id' => Yii::app()->user->id])->school_master_id;
$criteria1 = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria1->with = array('user');
$criteria1->condition = "t.school_master_id=:school_master AND user.status ='1'";
$criteria1->params = array(':school_master' => $school_id);
$school_students_details = Student::model()->findAll($criteria1);
foreach ($school_students_details as $key => $value) {
$student_name = StudentDetails::model()->findByAttributes(['user_master_id' => $value->user_master_id]); //student details with year group
$criteria2 = new CDbCriteria;
$criteria2->with = array('homeworkMaster');
$criteria2->condition = "t.student_id=:student_id AND homeworkMaster.question_type_id<>:question_type_id";
$criteria2->params = array(':student_id' => $value->user_master_id, ':question_type_id' => 6);
$HW_assignment_track = HomeworkAssignmentTrack::model()->findAll($criteria2);
$total_HW = count((array)$HW_assignment_track);
$student_score = 0;
$student_rank = 0;
$student_total_score = 0;
$total_HW_marks = 0;
$under_deadline_HW = 0;
$criteria3 = new CDbCriteria();
$criteria3->condition = "student_id =:student_id AND status=:status AND created_at >= '$AcFullYear' AND created_at <= '$today'";
$criteria3->params = [':student_id' => $value->user_master_id, ':status' => 2];
$student_completed_HW = HomeworkStudentAnswere::model()->findAll($criteria3);
$i = 1;
foreach ($student_completed_HW as $s_c_h_K => $s_c_h_V) {
if ($s_c_h_V->homework->homework_type == 2) {
$total_HW -= 1;
} elseif ($s_c_h_V->homework->homework_type == 1) {
$HW_questions = HomeworkQuestion::model()->findAllByAttributes(['homework_master_id' => $s_c_h_V->homework_id, 'status' => 1]);
foreach ($HW_questions as $qKey => $qVal) {
if ($qVal->question_type_id ==3) {
$total_HW_marks += 2;
} else {
$total_HW_marks += $qVal->marks;
$assignment = HomeworkAssignmentTrack::model()->findByAttributes(['id' => $s_c_h_V->assignment_track_id]);
$homeworks_within_validate = Assignment::model()->findByPk($assignment->assignment_id);
if ($homeworks_within_validate->valid_date === '0' && $homeworks_within_validate->deadline >= date('Y-m-d')) {
$total_HW -= 1;
if ($homeworks_within_validate->valid_date === '1' || (($homeworks_within_validate->valid_date === '0') && ($homeworks_within_validate->deadline >= date('Y-m-d', strtotime($s_c_h_V->created_at))) && ($homeworks_within_validate->deadline < date('Y-m-d')))) {
if ($s_c_h_V->review_status === '2') {
$student_total_score += $s_c_h_V->score;
$homework_submit = HomeworkCompleteNotification::model()->findByAttributes(['homework_id' => $s_c_h_V->homework_id, 'assignment_track_id' => $s_c_h_V->assignment_track_id, 'student_id' => $value->user_master_id]);
if (($homeworks_within_validate->valid_date === '0') && ($homeworks_within_validate->deadline >= date('Y-m-d', strtotime($homework_submit->created_at))) && ($s_c_h_V->review_status === '2')) {
$under_deadline_HW += 10;
if ($total_HW_marks !=0) {
$student_score += round(($student_total_score / $total_HW_marks) * 100);
} else {
$student_score = 0;
$i += 1;
//add revision scores to rank score
$criteria4 = new CDbCriteria();
$criteria4->condition = "user_id =:user_id AND date_created >= '$AcFullYear' AND date_created <= '$today'";
$criteria4->params = [':user_id' => $value->user_master_id];
$revision_score = RevisionScores::model()->findAll($criteria4);
$sum = 0;
foreach($revision_score as $item) {
$sum += $item['score'];
} //end of adding revision scores
$students_rank[$key]['student_id'] = $value->user_master_id;
$students_rank[$key]['year_group'] = $student_name->year_group_id; //added year group to model array
if ($student_score > 0) {
$student_rank += round($student_score / $total_HW, 0) + $under_deadline_HW;
$students_rank[$key]['rank'] = $student_rank + $sum;
} else {
$students_rank[$key]['rank'] = $sum;
$model = $this->multid_sort($students_rank, 'rank');
$rank_score = round(array_column($model, 'rank', 'student_id')[Yii::app()->user->id],0);
$year_rank =[];
$current_st = StudentDetails::model()->findByAttributes(['user_master_id' => Yii::app()->user->id]);
$current_st_year = $current_st->year_group_id;
$rank_list = [];
foreach ($model as $key => $value) {
$rank_list[] = $value['student_id'];
if ($value['year_group'] == $current_st_year) {
$year_rank[] = $value['student_id'];
$user = Yii::app()->user->id;
$sch_position = array_search($user,$rank_list);
$yr_position = array_search($user,$year_rank);
$final_rank = $sch_position + 1;
$yr_rank = $yr_position + 1;
$sch_rank = $final_rank;
$ends = array('th','st','nd','rd','th','th','th','th','th','th');
if (($sch_rank %100) >= 11 && ($sch_rank%100) <= 13) {
$sc_abbreviation = 'th';
$yr_abbreviation = 'th';
} else {
$sc_abbreviation = $ends[$sch_rank % 10];
$yr_abbreviation = $ends[$yr_rank % 10];
$models = UserMaster::model()->findByPk(Yii::app()->user->id);
$year_name = $models->studentDetails->yearGroup->name;
$data['type'] = 'success';
$data['score'] = '<div>Ranking Score: '.$rank_score.'</div>';
$data['yr_rank'] = '<div><i class="fa fa-trophy rank-i"></i><span class="rank-number">' .$yr_rank. '</span><sup class="script-top" id="year_rank_abb">' .$yr_abbreviation. '</sup></div><div id="year_name">In ' .$year_name. '</div>';
$data['school_rank'] = '<div><i class="fa fa-trophy rank-i"></i><span class="rank-number">' .$sch_rank. '</span><sup class="script-top" id="year_rank_abb">' .$sc_abbreviation. '</sup></div><div id="year_name">In School</div>';
$data['rank_revise'] ='<div>'.$rank_score.'</div>';
$data['yr_rank_revise'] = '<span>'.$yr_rank.'</span><sup class="superscript" style="left:0">'.$yr_abbreviation.'</sup>';
$data['sch_rank_revise'] = '<span>'.$sch_rank.'</span><sup class="superscript" style="left:0">'.$sc_abbreviation.'</sup>';
$_SESSION['rank'] = $rank_score;
$_SESSION['accuracy'] = $rank_score;
echo json_encode($data);
The above is used in an Yii application. It runs perfectly fine on localhost, but on live site, takes over 10 seconds to execute.
Your help and guidance is appreciated.
The following code works as expected to get the number of patients per age group.
It also gets the highest (or most common) age group.
$count_0_19 = 0;
$count_20_29 = 0;
$count_30_39 = 0;
$count_40_49 = 0;
$count_50_59 = 0;
$count_above_60 = 0;
$curr_year = date('Y');
$sql= "SELECT pt_dob FROM ptlist WHERE mid=$userID";
$stmt = $pdo->query($sql);
$row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
$result = $pdo->query($sql);
$pt_dob = $row[ 'pt_dob' ];
while($row = $result->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$pt_dob = explode('-', $row['pt_dob']);
$year = $pt_dob[0];
$month = $pt_dob[1];
$day = $pt_dob
$temp = abs($curr_year - $year);
if($temp >= 0 && $temp <= 19) {
elseif($temp >= 20 && $temp <= 29) {
elseif($temp >= 30 && $temp <= 39) {
elseif($temp >= 40 && $temp <= 49) {
elseif($temp >= 50 && $temp <= 59) {
else {
echo '0-19: '.$count_0_19.'<br>';
echo '20-29: '.$count_20_29.'<br>';
echo '30-39: '.$count_30_39.'<br>';
echo '40-49: '.$count_40_49.'<br>'; // example output is > 40-49: 7 (i.e. 7 patients in age group 40-49)
echo '50-59: '.$count_50_59.'<br>';
echo '60+: '.$count_above_60.'<br>';
// getting highest value
$a = array($count_0_19, $count_20_29, $count_30_39, $count_40_49, $count_50_59, $count_above_60);
$res = 0;
foreach($a as $v) {
if($res < $v)
$res = $v;
echo $res;
^^ This tells me that e.g. 9 patients are in the 30-39 age group - i.e. the highest number of patients are in this age group.
But $res gives me only the number (e.g. 9).
What I am asking your help with is to get $res to give me the text(or label) "30-39", instead of the number 9.
Please help.
continue from comment... you need to store $key into a variable.
$a = array('0-19'=>$count_0_19, '20-29'=>$count_20_29, '30-39'=>$count_30_39, '40-49'=>$count_40_49, '50-59'=>$count_50_59, '60+'=>$count_above_60);
$res = 0;
$label = '';
foreach($a as $key => $v) {
if($res < $v){
$res = $v;
$label = $key; //get label from key and store in a variable
echo 'label = '.$label . ' , Number = '.$res;
You can archived this by creating the array of labels and then incrementing it according and then find the greatest value form the $label array to get the key.
$label = [
"0_19" => 0,
"20_29" => 0,
"30_39" => 0,
"40_49" => 0,
"50_59" => 0,
"above_60" => 0,
while ($row4 = $result4->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC)) {
$pt_dob = explode('-', $row4['pt_dob']);
$year = $pt_dob[0];
$month = $pt_dob[1];
$day = $pt_dob$temp = abs($curr_year - $year);
if ($temp >= 0 && $temp <= 19) {
$label['0_19'] = $label['0_19'] +1;
elseif ($temp >= 20 && $temp <= 29) {
$label['20_29'] = $label['20_29'] +1;
elseif ($temp >= 30 && $temp <= 39) {
$label['30_39'] = $label['30_39']+1;
elseif ($temp >= 40 && $temp <= 49) {
$label['40_49'] = $label['40_49'] +1;
elseif ($temp >= 50 && $temp <= 59) {
$label['50_59'] = $label['50_59']+1;
else {
$label['above_60']= $label['above_60']+1;
echo $maxs = array_keys($label, max($label));
echo "<br/>";
foreach($label as $k => $v);
echo "key $k count $v <br/>";
I have the following code
poule = ['Jason', 'Raymond', 'Rupert', 'Mike', 'Simon', 'Jeremy'];
$games = [];
$cnt_players = count($poule);
$players = $poule;
if ($cnt_players % 2 != 0)
array_push($players, ['name' => 'bye', 'uid' => FALSE, 'alias' => NumToChar($cnt_players + 1), TRUE]);
$away = array_splice($players, $cnt_players / 2);
$home = $players;
$write = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < count($home) + count($away) - 1; $i++)
for ($j = 0; $j < count($home); $j++)
//Get the writer
$writer = $this->GetWriter($home, $away, $j, $i);
//Remove the dummy games (where one player is bye)
if ($home[$j]['name'] !== 'bye' && $away[$j]['name'] !== 'bye')
$games[] = [['uid' => $home[$j]['uid'], 'name' => $home[$j]['name'], 'alias' => $home[$j]['alias']], ['uid' => $away[$j]['uid'], 'name' => $away[$j]['name'], 'alias' => $away[$j]['alias']], $writer];
//echo 'I:' . $i . ' - J: ' . $j . ' - ' . $home[$j]['alias'] . ' : ' . $home[$j]['name'] . ' - ' . $away[$j]['alias'] . ' : ' . $away[$j]['name'] . ' ==> ' . $writer['alias'] . ' : ' . $writer['name'] . "\n\r";
$write[$writer['name']][] = $writer['name'];
if (count($home) + count($away) - 1 > 2)
array_unshift($away, current(array_splice($home, 1, 1)));
array_push($home, array_pop($away));
return $games;
The function GetWriter should give us the player who will note the scores for that particulair game.
private function GetWriter($home, $away, $j, $i)
if ($j > 0)
if ($j == 1)
$writer = (isset($home[$j + 1]['alias']) ? $home[$j + 1] : $home[$j + 1]);
$writer = (isset($home[$j - 1]['alias']) ? $home[$j - 1] : $home[$j + 1]);
//Check if writer is a bye, this is not possible
if ($writer['name'] == 'bye')
$writer = (isset($away[$j - 2]['alias']) ? $away[$j - 2] : $home[$j - 1]);
$writer = (isset($home[$j + 1]['alias']) ? $home[$j + 1] : $away[$j]);
if ($writer['name'] == 'bye')
$writer = (isset($away[$j + 1]['alias']) ? $away[$j + 1] : $home[$j]);
return $writer;
Above code gives me all games with each player playing once to another player (round robin). However I need to find a third player who will be the writer / refugee. Like in Darts, 1 player is the person who writes the scores on the scoreboard. I do get a writer, but it isn't nicely divided per player.
Is there an formula to get the correct player who is writer / refugee ?
Some examples
Jason vs Mike Raymond
Raymond vs Simon Rupert
Rupert vs Jeremy Mike
So Jason plays against Mike and Raymond notes the scores.
Raymond plays against Simon and Rupert notes the scores etc etc
My GetWriter returns writes, but not well divided.
Eg: Player Jason writes never and Raymond writes the most scores.
I have the following solution which works well.
Because player A and player B always start, we set the key as default index 3.
Now we loop with GetCounter though all players and get the writer / refugee which is first available.
$games = [];
$cnt_players = count($poule);
$players = $poule;
$key = 3;
if ($cnt_players % 2 != 0)
array_push($players, ['name' => 'bye', 'uid' => FALSE, 'alias' => NumToChar($cnt_players + 1, TRUE), TRUE]);
$away = array_splice($players, $cnt_players / 2);
$home = $players;
for ($i = 0; $i < count($home) + count($away) - 1; $i++)
for ($j = 0; $j < count($home); $j++)
//Remove the dummy games (where one player is bye)
if ($home[$j]['name'] != 'bye' && $away[$j]['name'] != 'bye')
//Get the writer
$writer = $this->GetCounter($home, $away, $j, $poule, $key);
$games[] = [['uid' => $home[$j]['uid'], 'name' => $home[$j]['name'], 'alias' => $home[$j]['alias']], ['uid' => $away[$j]['uid'], 'name' => $away[$j]['name'], 'alias' => $away[$j]['alias']], $writer['array']];
$key = $writer['key'];
if (count($home) + count($away) - 1 > 2)
array_unshift($away, current(array_splice($home, 1, 1)));
array_push($home, array_pop($away));
return $games;
And the GetCounter
private function GetCounter($home, $away, $j, $writers, $key)
if (isset($writers[$key]['alias']))
$writer['array'] = $writers[$key];
$writer['key'] = $key;
if ($home[$j]['alias'] == $writer['array']['alias'] || $away[$j]['alias'] == $writer['array']['alias'])
return $this->GetCounter($home, $away, $j, $writers, $key);
else {
$key = 0;
return $this->GetCounter($home, $away, $j, $writers, $key);
return $writer;
When my code is moved from local server to live server it shows an error like this :
Fatal error: Call to undefined method DateTime::diff()
$sFinalDate = date('Y-m-d', strtotime($sDate));
$sNow = new DateTime();
$iRemain = new DateTime( $sFinalDate.$sTime);
$iInterval = $iRemain->diff($sNow);
$sTimeCounter = $iInterval->format("%h: %i :%s ");
$sCalculate = $iInterval->format("%a:%h:%i");
Though I found a number of people who ran into the issue of 5.2 and
lower not supporting this function, I was unable to find any solid
examples to get around it. Therefore I hope this can help some others:
function get_timespan_string($older, $newer) {
$Y1 = $older->format('Y');
$Y2 = $newer->format('Y');
$Y = $Y2 - $Y1;
$m1 = $older->format('m');
$m2 = $newer->format('m');
$m = $m2 - $m1;
$d1 = $older->format('d');
$d2 = $newer->format('d');
$d = $d2 - $d1;
$H1 = $older->format('H');
$H2 = $newer->format('H');
$H = $H2 - $H1;
$i1 = $older->format('i');
$i2 = $newer->format('i');
$i = $i2 - $i1;
$s1 = $older->format('s');
$s2 = $newer->format('s');
$s = $s2 - $s1;
if($s < 0) {
$i = $i -1;
$s = $s + 60;
if($i < 0) {
$H = $H - 1;
$i = $i + 60;
if($H < 0) {
$d = $d - 1;
$H = $H + 24;
if($d < 0) {
$m = $m - 1;
$d = $d + get_days_for_previous_month($m2, $Y2);
if($m < 0) {
$Y = $Y - 1;
$m = $m + 12;
$timespan_string = create_timespan_string($Y, $m, $d, $H, $i, $s);
return $timespan_string;
function get_days_for_previous_month($current_month, $current_year) {
$previous_month = $current_month - 1;
if($current_month == 1) {
$current_year = $current_year - 1; //going from January to previous December
$previous_month = 12;
if($previous_month == 11 || $previous_month == 9 || $previous_month == 6 || $previous_month == 4) {
return 30;
else if($previous_month == 2) {
if(($current_year % 4) == 0) { //remainder 0 for leap years
return 29;
else {
return 28;
else {
return 31;
function create_timespan_string($Y, $m, $d, $H, $i, $s)
$timespan_string = '';
$found_first_diff = false;
if($Y >= 1) {
$found_first_diff = true;
$timespan_string .= pluralize($Y, 'year').' ';
if($m >= 1 || $found_first_diff) {
$found_first_diff = true;
$timespan_string .= pluralize($m, 'month').' ';
if($d >= 1 || $found_first_diff) {
$found_first_diff = true;
$timespan_string .= pluralize($d, 'day').' ';
if($H >= 1 || $found_first_diff) {
$found_first_diff = true;
$timespan_string .= pluralize($H, 'hour').' ';
if($i >= 1 || $found_first_diff) {
$found_first_diff = true;
$timespan_string .= pluralize($i, 'minute').' ';
if($found_first_diff) {
$timespan_string .= 'and ';
$timespan_string .= pluralize($s, 'second');
return $timespan_string;
function pluralize( $count, $text )
return $count . ( ( $count == 1 ) ? ( " $text" ) : ( " ${text}s" ) );
source http://php.net/manual/en/function.date-diff.php
if you using php 5.3 then there would be another issue
working above example on php>=5.3
This question already has answers here:
PHP Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context
(9 answers)
Closed 7 years ago.
I have the below function, But when I run the code make error like:
Fatal error: Using $this when not in object context in E:....
How to fix it. I replace $this-> with self:: but it failed too.
Please help in this regards,
function cehck_files()
$file1 = 'C:\xampp\htdocs\test\test1.php';
$file2 = 'C:\xampp\htdocs\test\test2.php';
$test = $this->compareFiles($file1,$file2,true);
$test_display = $this->toTable($test);
echo "<pre>";
echo "</pre>";
function compareFiles($file1, $file2, $compareCharacters = false) {
return $this->compare(file_get_contents($file1),file_get_contents($file2),$compareCharacters);
function compare($string1, $string2, $compareCharacters = false) {
$start = 0;
if ($compareCharacters){
$sequence1 = $string1;
$sequence2 = $string2;
$end1 = strlen($string1) - 1;
$end2 = strlen($string2) - 1;
} else {
$sequence1 = preg_split('/\R/', $string1);
$sequence2 = preg_split('/\R/', $string2);
$end1 = count($sequence1) - 1;
$end2 = count($sequence2) - 1;
// skip any common prefix
while ($start <= $end1 && $start <= $end2 && $sequence1[$start] == $sequence2[$start]) {
$start ++;
// skip any common suffix
while ($end1 >= $start && $end2 >= $start && $sequence1[$end1] == $sequence2[$end2]) {
$end1 --;
$end2 --;
// compute the table of longest common subsequence lengths
$table = self::computeTable($sequence1, $sequence2, $start, $end1, $end2);
// generate the partial diff
$partialDiff =
self::generatePartialDiff($table, $sequence1, $sequence2, $start);
// generate the full diff
$diff = array();
for ($index = 0; $index < $start; $index ++){
$diff[] = array($sequence1[$index], UNMODIFIED);
while (count($partialDiff) > 0) $diff[] = array_pop($partialDiff);
for ($index = $end1 + 1; $index < ($compareCharacters ? strlen($sequence1) : count($sequence1)); $index ++) {
$diff[] = array($sequence1[$index], UNMODIFIED);
// return the diff
return $diff;
function computeTable($sequence1, $sequence2, $start, $end1, $end2) {
$length1 = $end1 - $start + 1;
$length2 = $end2 - $start + 1;
// initialise the table
$table = array(array_fill(0, $length2 + 1, 0));
// loop over the rows
for ($index1 = 1; $index1 <= $length1; $index1 ++) {
// create the new row
$table[$index1] = array(0);
// loop over the columns
for ($index2 = 1; $index2 <= $length2; $index2 ++){
// store the longest common subsequence length
if ($sequence1[$index1 + $start - 1] == $sequence2[$index2 + $start - 1]) {
$table[$index1][$index2] = $table[$index1 - 1][$index2 - 1] + 1;
} else {
$table[$index1][$index2] =
max($table[$index1 - 1][$index2], $table[$index1][$index2 - 1]);
// return the table
return $table;
function generatePartialDiff( $table, $sequence1, $sequence2, $start ) {
$diff = array();
// initialise the indices
$index1 = count($table) - 1;
$index2 = count($table[0]) - 1;
// loop until there are no items remaining in either sequence
while ($index1 > 0 || $index2 > 0){
// check what has happened to the items at these indices
if ($index1 > 0 && $index2 > 0 && $sequence1[$index1 + $start - 1] == $sequence2[$index2 + $start - 1]) {
// update the diff and the indices
$diff[] = array($sequence1[$index1 + $start - 1], UNMODIFIED);
$index1 --;
$index2 --;
} elseif ($index2 > 0 && $table[$index1][$index2] == $table[$index1][$index2 - 1]) {
// update the diff and the indices
$diff[] = array($sequence2[$index2 + $start - 1], INSERTED);
$index2 --;
// update the diff and the indices
$diff[] = array($sequence1[$index1 + $start - 1], DELETED);
$index1 --;
// return the diff
return $diff;
function toTable($diff, $indentation = '', $separator = '<br>') {
$html = $indentation . "<table class=\"diff\">\n";
// loop over the lines in the diff
$index = 0;
while ($index < count($diff)){
// determine the line type
switch ($diff[$index][1]){
// display the content on the left and right
$leftCell =
$diff, $indentation, $separator, $index, UNMODIFIED);
$rightCell = $leftCell;
// display the deleted on the left and inserted content on the right
$leftCell =
$diff, $indentation, $separator, $index, DELETED);
$rightCell =
$diff, $indentation, $separator, $index, INSERTED);
// display the inserted content on the right
$leftCell = '';
$rightCell =
$diff, $indentation, $separator, $index, INSERTED);
// extend the HTML with the new row
$html .=
. " <tr>\n"
. $indentation
. ' <td class="diff'
. ($leftCell == $rightCell
? 'Unmodified'
: ($leftCell == '' ? 'Blank' : 'Deleted'))
. '">'
. $leftCell
. "</td>\n"
. $indentation
. ' <td class="diff'
. ($leftCell == $rightCell
? 'Unmodified'
: ($rightCell == '' ? 'Blank' : 'Inserted'))
. '">'
. $rightCell
. "</td>\n"
. $indentation
. " </tr>\n";
// return the HTML
return $html . $indentation . "</table>\n";
You are using $this for a function which is not a method of any class.
Instead of
$test = $this->compareFiles($file1,$file2,true);
$test = compareFiles($file1,$file2,true);
Also, change
return $this->compare(file_get_contents($file1),file_get_contents($file2),$compareCharacters);
return compare(file_get_contents($file1),file_get_contents($file2),$compareCharacters);
And to the remaining changes in this way.