I have a site where there is member registration. All data will be saved but I get only this error:
Could not move the file "/tmp/phpa4pH3I" to "/home/sporter/public_html/someonect.org/uploads\membersImages/33921.jpg" ()
My code is like this
public function store(){
// dd(Input::all());
$validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), Members::$rules);
$first_name = Input::get('mem_firstName');
$last_name = Input::get('mem_lastName');
$email = Input::get('mem_email');
$image = Input::get('mem_image');
$phone = Input::get('mem_phone');
$occupation = Input::get('mem_occupation');
$citizen = Input::get('mem_citizen');
$address = Input::get('mem_address');
$destinationPathImage = str_replace('PROJECT\\', '', base_path().'\uploads\membersImages\\') ;
//Generating a random name
$randomName = rand(11111,99999);
//Renaming the image
$ImageName = $randomName.'.'.'jpg'; // renameing image
$imagePath = $destinationPathImage.$ImageName;
'occupation' => $occupation,
'citizen' => $citizen,
I don't understrand clearly your str_replace part, but if you setup your url in config properly, you don't need this.
I'm using this kind of upload for an image:
if($request->hasFile('mem_image')) {
$file = $request->file('mem_image');
$ext = $request->file('mem_image')->getClientOriginalExtension();
$filename = rand(11111,99999). '.' . $ext;
$file->move('./uploads/', $filename);
$member->mem_image = '/uploads/' . $filename;
In case, your uploads directory is in your public folder.
If your script have permission for writing in target folder. The problem can be only in path. Check what contain in variable $destinationPathImage. It must be correct and exists path. In your error message I see problem with slashes.
also think that it's be cool to check exists of destination folder and file exists before save to database record with path of file.
You're not using the proper slashes.
Replace \uploads\membersImages\\ with /uploads/membersImages/.
If it still not working, please double check the permissions in that folder using the is_writable php function. However, have in mind that the is_writable function is not working properly on windows platforms.
I use below script to uploade a file to the sevre. it works fine on the local host (wamp server), but when I try to use it on the server I figure out that the uploaded file size is 0 byte.
Any one know taht where is the problem?
public function uploadFile(Request $request)
'name' => 'required',
$fileModel = new File;
$fileName = time().'_'.$request->file->getClientOriginalName();
$filePath = $request->file('file')->storeAs('uploads', $fileName, 'public');
$fileModel->name = time().'_'.$request->file->getClientOriginalName();
$fileModel->file_path = '/storage/' . $filePath;
I think you can use like this. first of all you need to store your file inside storage. then you can get public url from storage.
Try this way
$fileName = time().'_'.$request->file->getClientOriginalName();
$url = Storage::url('public/uploads/'.$fileName);
$fileModel = new File;
$fileModel->name = time().'_'.$request->file->getClientOriginalName();
$fileModel->file_path = $url;
Reason of this error was permissions of some folders. I just reset the host completely and now everything work like a charm.
I'm using Laravel 5.4.*. I've this simple code in a helper file to upload images/gif in S3 bucket under a folder named say "instant_gifs/". The code is below:
if ( !function_exists('uploadFile') ) {
function uploadFile($fileContent, $fileName, $size='full', $disk='s3')
$rv = '';
if( empty($fileContent) ) {
return $rv;
if($size == 'full') {
$path = Storage::disk($disk)->put(
if ( $path ) {
$rv = $fileName;
return $rv;
From the controller, I'm calling the helper method as below:
$file = $request->gif;
$file_name = 'instant_gifs/' . $user_id . '_' . time() . '_' . $file->getClientOriginalName();
$result = uploadFile($file, $file_name);
In the the $fileName parameter of the helper method, I'm providing the fileName as for example in this format:
but after the upload, I see that the file gets stored under this folder
with a random file name
Whereas, according to the code, it should get stored in this path:
Doesn't get any explanation why this is happening. Any clue will be appreciated.
BucketName = vvstorage
Folder I'm mimicking = instant_gifs
After some research & testing, found the issue. put() method expects the 2nd parameter as the file contents or stream not the file object. In my code, I was sending the file as $file = $request->gif; or $file = $request->file('gif'); hoping that Storage class will implicitly get the file contents. But to get the expected result, I needed to call the helper method from the controller as below. Notice the file_get_contents() part.
$file = $request->gif;
$file_name = 'instant_gifs/' . $user_id . '_' . time() . '_' . $file>getClientOriginalName();
$result = uploadFile( file_get_contents($file), $file_name );
Now, I got the image correctly stored under the correct path for example in /instant_gifs/9_1518633281_IMG_7491.jpg.
Now, let me compare/summarize the available methods for achieving the same result:
1) put():
$path = Storage::disk('s3')->put(
'/instant_gifs/9_1518633281_IMG_7491.jpg', #$path
file_get_contents($request->file('gif')), #$fileContent
'public' #$visibility
Got it stored in /vvstorage/instant_gifs/9_1518633281_IMG_7491.jpg
2) putFileAs(): To achieve the same thing withputFileAs(), I needed to write it as below. 1st parameter expects the directory name, I left it blank as I'm mimicking the directory name in s3 through the filename.
$path = Storage::disk('s3')->putFileAs(
'', ## 1st parameter expects directory name, I left it blank as I'm mimicking the directory name through the filename
$request->file('gif'), ## 3rd parameter file resource
['visibility' => 'public'] #$options
Got it stored in /vvstorage/instant_gifs/9_1518633281_IMG_7491.jpg
3) storeAs():
$path = $request->file('gif')->storeAs(
'', #$path
'/instant_gifs/9_1518633281_IMG_7491.jpg', #$fileName
['disk'=>'s3', 'visibility'=>'public'] #$options
Got it stored in /vvstorage/instant_gifs/9_1518633281_IMG_7491.jpg
4) For storing Thumbnails through put(). Example of stream() ...
$imgThumb = Image::make($request->file('image'))->resize(300, 300)->stream(); ##create thumbnail
$path = Storage::disk('s3')->put(
'profilethumbs/' . $imgName,
Hope that it helps someone.
1.) Why is there vvstorage in the url?
It is appending that route because your root folder inside of your configuration for S3 is set as vvstorage, so whenever you upload to S3 all files will be prepended with vvstorage.
2.) Why random name even when you passed the name of the file?
Because when using put the file will get a unique ID generated and set as it's file name so no matter what you pass, it won't save the file under the name you wanted. But if you use putFileAs then you can override the default behaviour of put and pass a name of the file.
Hope this clarifies it
I've recently created a page on our site where users can upload an image and email it to an email address set up specifically to keep the uploaded documents.
I've tested this myself and it works, with the attachments arriving in gmail as expected.
However, whenever someone from outside uses this feature the attachment in the email is unavailable, or not could not be loaded, when we try to open it.
The code is split between 2 files, a controller and a helper. Here's the code (For the sake of saving some space I've removed all error checks, but in the actual code they are all still in place and not picking up any errors whatsoever):
$helper = [GET HELPER];
/** Upload the file to a temp location so that we can attach it to an email */
$uploader = new Varien_File_Uploader('filename');
$path = $helper->getFileStorageLocation(); // Will store files in /tmp
if (!is_dir($path))
mkdir($path, 0775, true);
$uploader->save($path, $_FILES['filename']['name']);
$result = $helper->sendMail($_FILES['filename']['name']);
if ($result)
$uploadSuccess = true;
/** Remove the temp file */
unlink($path . DS . $_FILES['filename']['name']);
/** Declare variables */
$order = Mage::getModel('sales/order')->load($orderId);
$file_incremented_id = $order->getIncrementId();
$copyTo = $this->getCopyTo();
$copyFrom = $this->getCopyFrom();
$subject = 'proof of upload for ' . $file_incremented_id;
$copyTo = explode(',', $copyTo);
$body = '<span>Please see attachment</span>';
$file = $this->getFileStorageLocation() . DS . $filename; // function receives filename from whatever is calling it
$attachment = file_get_contents($file);
$extension = pathinfo($file, PATHINFO_EXTENSION);
if (!$copyTo)
return false;
$mail = Mage::getModel('core/email_template');
$file_incremented_id . '.' . $extension // Set order number as file name
return true;
catch (Exception $e)
return false;
Can anyone see anything that might be causing the issue, or think of what it might be based on my explanation of the setup?
So the problem, in the end, was filesize. My fault for not posting the $_FILES variable.
I saw it a bit later and the variable had error = 1, meaning that the file's size was larger than what was allowed by the max_upload_filesize in the php.ini
I made Joomla admin component according to Joomla guide - http://docs.joomla.org/Developing_a_Model-View-Controller_Component/2.5/Developing_a_Basic_Component
In that i need to have file uploader which let user to upload single file.
In administrator\components\com_invoicemanager\models\forms\invoicemanager.xml i have defined
<field name="invoice" type="file"/>
In the controller administrator\components\com_invoicemanager\controllers\invoicemanager.php im trying to retrieve that file like below. But its not working (can't retrieve file)
Where am i doing it wrong ?
How can i get file and save it on disk ?
class InvoiceManagerControllerInvoiceManager extends JControllerForm
function save(){
$file = JRequest::getVar( 'invoice', '', 'files', 'array' );
make sure that you have included enctype="multipart/form-data" in the form that the file is being submitting. This is a common mistake
/// Get the file data array from the request.
$file = JRequest::getVar( 'Filedata', '', 'files', 'array' );
/// Make the file name safe.
$file['name'] = JFile::makeSafe($file['name']);
/// Move the uploaded file into a permanent location.
if (isset( $file['name'] )) {
/// Make sure that the full file path is safe.
$filepath = JPath::clean( $somepath.'/'.strtolower( $file['name'] ) );
/// Move the uploaded file.
JFile::upload( $file['tmp_name'], $filepath );}
Think i found the solution :)
$file = JRequest::getVar('jform', null, 'files', 'array');
Saving part is mentioned here - http://docs.joomla.org/Secure_coding_guidelines
For uploading the file from your component, you need to write your code in the controller file and you can extend the save() method. check the code given below -
public function save($data = array(), $key = 'id')
// Neccesary libraries and variables
ini_set("display_error" , 1);
// Get input object
$jinput = JFactory::getApplication()->input;
// Get posted data
$data = $jinput->get('jform', null, 'raw');
$file = $jinput->files->get('jform');
// renaming the file
$file_ext=explode('.',JFile::makeSafe($file['invoice']['name'])); // invoice - file handler name
$filename = round(microtime(true)) . '.' . strtolower(end($file_ext));
// Move the uploaded file into a permanent location.
if ( $filename != '' ) {
// Make sure that the full file path is safe.
$filepath = JPath::clean( JPATH_ROOT."/media/your_component_name/files/". $filename );
// Move the uploaded file.
if (JFile::upload( $file['invoice']['tmp_name'], $filepath )) {
echo "success :)";
} else {
echo "failed :(";
$data['name'] = $filename ; // getting file name
$data['path'] = $filepath ; // getting file path
$data['size'] = $file['invoice']['size'] ; // getting file size
JRequest::setVar('jform', $data, 'post');
$return = parent::save($data);
return $return;
Joomla 2.5 & 3 style:
$app = JFactory::getApplication();
$input = $app->input;
$file= $input->files->get('file');
$file['name'] = strtolower(JFile::makeSafe($file['name']));
$fileRelativePath = '/pathToTheRightFolder/'.$file['name'];
$fileAbsolutePath = JPath::clean( JPATH_ROOT.$fileRelativePath);
JFile::upload( $file['tmp_name'], $fileAbsolutePath );
has a full upload sample.
Little sample where admin choose the file type or all, enter the users to access the form upload. Folder to upload files in Joomla directory or with absolute path. Only selected users access the form upload.
I am trying to upload a picture. I have Form_Zend and I use:
$image = new Zend_Form_Element_File('image');
$image->setLabel('Upload an avatar:')
// ->setDestination('./usersImages')
->setDescription('Click Browse and choose an image');
$image->addValidator('Count', false, 1);
$image->addValidator('Size', false, 8388608);
$image->addValidator('Extension', false, 'jpg,jpeg,png,gif');
$this->addElement($image, 'image');
My controller action code:
if ($form->image->isUploaded()) {
$values = $form->getValues();
$source = $form->image->getFileName();
$extention = substr($source, strrpos($source, '.', -1));
$date = date('mdYhisa', time());
$new_image_name = 'avatar_' . $date . '_' . $idUser . $extention;
$destination = "C:\\xampp\\tmp\\Srututututut.png";
$image_saved = move_uploaded_file($source, $destination);
if ($image_saved) {
$data = array(
'img' => $new_image_name,
$userDT->update($data, 'id=' . $idUser);
But this move_uploaded_file is not returning nothing :/
What I have done:
Checked if the file is uploading - yes it is in: C:\xampp\htdocs\Story\public\usersImages (if I set destination in this form element) or
C:\xampp\tmp (if I dont set it)
I was wondering about access to this folders but if it save there this images I think it has rights but I set in the apache:
<Directory "C:/xampp/htdocs/Story/public/usersImages">
Allow from All
I was even tried use this function only in C:\xampp\tmp folder:
$source: C:\xampp\tmp\database.png
$destination: C:\xampp\tmp\Srututututut.png
And still nothing :/
Do You have any suggestions?
I think that the problem is with $source = $form->image->getFileName();. The reason is that it will return a name of the file uploaded rather than where it was uploaded to (i.e. its temporary localization).
Thus, I think your source should be as follows:
$fileInfo = $mainForm->image->getTransferAdapter()->getFileInfo();
$source = $fileInfo['image']['tmp_name'];
// to check if the source really points to the uploaded file.
I have no idea why this function is not working. I have changed my idea to set the $form->image destination first in the controller and then rename it and it is working.
Thanks for help guys ;D