Transfer File on different server - php

I have a plan and there is a must :
server 1 = web server, to save source like php and etc
server 2 = to save file/document that uploaded by client
client access web server in Server 1 and then upload or download document/image but i want the document or image saved in server 2.
so web source and file/image is separate.
but i don't know what is the ideal concept from transfer file from server 1 to server 2. i try using FTP and Curl.
and please consider how to client Download file from server 2.
what is the ideal concept to transfer file like upload or download for scenario above ?

You can accomplish this with PHP FTP.
Make sure you have correct permissions to write files on the servers.
Download File using cURL :
set_time_limit(0); // unlimited max execution time for big files
$options = array(
CURLOPT_FILE => '/path/download/file/server1.img',
CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 28800, // set this to 8 hours so we dont timeout on big files
$ch = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);

For this you can use any CDN hosting providers like Rackspace or any other.Actually I have used Rackspace were we uploaded files, kept storage separate from the code.They provide you API to upload,delete,retrieve files even you can create directories. They provide you API key and secret key which is used to make API call.While implementing this make common functions which can be used throughout the project to do this operations.


Create replica of file on ftp server [duplicate]

I need to upload same file to 2 different place in same FTP. Is there a way to copy the file on the FTP to the other place instead of upload it again? Thanks.
There's no standard way to duplicate a remote file over the FTP protocol. Some FTP servers support proprietary or non-standard extensions for this though.
Some FTP clients do support the remote file duplication. Either using the extensions or via a temporary local copy of the remote file.
For example WinSCP FTP client does support the duplication using both drag&drop and menu/keyboard command:
It supports the SITE CPFR/CPTO FTP extension (supported for example by the ProFTPD mod_copy module)
It falls back to an automatic duplication via a local temporary copy, if the above extension is not available.
(I'm the author of WinSCP)
Another workaround is to open a second connection to the FTP server and make the server upload the file to itself by piping a passive mode data connection to an active mode data connection. This solution is shown in the answer by #SaadAchemlal. This is basically use of FXP protocol, but for one server. Though many FTP servers will reject this, as they wont allow data connection to/from an address different to the client's.
Side note: people often confuse move with copy. In case you actually want to move, then that's a completely different question. Moving file on FTP is widely supported.
I don't think there's a way to copy files without downloading and re-uploading, at least I found nothing like this in the List of FTP commands and no client I have seen so far supported something like this.
Yes, the FTP protocol itself can support this in theory. The FTP RFC 959 discusses this in section 5.2 (see the paragraph starting with "When data is to be transferred between two servers, A and B..."). However, I don't know of any client that offers this sort of dual server control operation.
Note that this method could transfer the file from the FTP server to itself using its own network, which won't be as fast as a local file copy but would almost certainly be faster than downloading and then reuploading the file.
I can copy files between remote folders in Linux based systems.
In my particular case, I'm using very common file manager PCManFM:
Menu "Go" --> "Connect to server"
FTP Login info, etc
Open new tab in PCManFM
Connect to same server
Copy from tab to tab...
It's a bit slow, so I guess that it could be downloading and uploading back the files, but it's done automatically and very user-friendly.
The code below makes the FTP server to upload the file to itself (using loopback connection). It needs the FTP server to allow both passive and active connection mode.
If you want to understand the ftp commands here is a list of them : List of ftp commands
function copyFile($filePath, $newFilePath)
$ftp1 = ftp_connect('');
$ftp2 = ftp_connect('');
ftp_raw($ftp1, "USER ftpUsername");
ftp_raw($ftp1, "PASS mypassword");
ftp_raw($ftp2, "USER ftpUsername");
ftp_raw($ftp2, "PASS mypassword");
$res = ftp_raw($ftp2, "PASV");
$addressAndPort = substr($res[0], strpos($res[0], '(') + 1);
$addressAndPort = substr($addressAndPort, 0, strpos($addressAndPort, ')'));
ftp_raw($ftp1, "CWD ." . dirname($newFilePath));
ftp_raw($ftp2, "CWD ." . dirname($filePath));
ftp_raw($ftp1, "PORT ".$addressAndPort);
ftp_raw($ftp1, "STOR " . basename($newFilePath));
ftp_raw($ftp2, "RETR " . basename($filePath));
ftp_raw($ftp1, "QUIT");
ftp_raw($ftp2, "QUIT");
I managed to do this by using WebDrive to mount the ftp as a local folder, then "download" the files using filezilla directly to the folder. It was a bit slower than download normally is, but you dont need to have the space on your hdd.
Here's another workaround using PHP cUrl to execute a copy request on the server by feeding parameters from the local machine and reporting the outcome:
Local code:
In this simple test routine, I want to copy the leaning tower photo to the correct folder, Pisa:
$ch = curl_init();
$data = array ('pic' => 'leaningtower', 'folder' => 'Pisa');
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,"");
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $data);
$result = curl_exec($ch);
echo $result;
Server code (copypic.php):
On the remote server, I have simple error checking. On this server I had to mess with the path designation, i.e., I had to use "./" for an acceptable path reference, so you may have to tinker with it a bit.
$pic = $_POST["pic"];
$folder = $_POST["folder"];
if (!$pic || !$folder) exit();
$sourcePath = "./unsortedpics/".$pic.".jpg";
$destPath = "./sortedpics/".$folder."/".$pic.".jpg";
if (!file_exists($sourcePath )) exit("Source file not found");
if (!is_dir("./sortedpics/".$folder)) exit("Invalid destination folder");
if (!copy($sourcePath , $destPath)) exit("Copy not successful");
echo "File copied";
You can do this from C-Panel.
Log into your C-Panel.
Go into file manager.
Find the file or folder you want to duplicate.
Right-click and chose Copy.
Type in the new director you want to copy to.
You can rename the file to be copied into the full path of your wanted result.
For example:
If you want to move the file "file.txt" into the folder "NewFolder" you can write it as
ftp> rename file.txt NewFolder/file.txt
This worked for me.

how to upload file from app using cloudinary

I have app made using app inventor.
From there users selects image from phone.
The app sends the file via POSTFILE method to a PHP file.
The PHP file normally gets the file contents using:
$data = php_compat_file_get_contents('php://input')
But my host is on GoDaddy so I cant upload using this method.
So I want to use cloudinary but I get it to work. Is is due to same GoDaddy shared server restrictions?
Heres the cloudinary Upload code in the PHP file:
"cloud_name" => "rafsystems",
"api_key" => "94993346XXXXXX",
"api_secret" => "bIgBADFROG-aU1GFLfHEzeQjWs"
$result = \Cloudinary\Uploader::upload("php://input", array("public_id" => $file1));
So what options do I have. I need to sort this out asap for myself and a client
Please note that the api_secret must not be revealed to the public. Please generate a new pair of api_key and api_secret from your account's settings page.
We warmly recommend to upload the photo directly to Cloudinary from the browser (client-side upload), either signed or unsigned. Then, send the info, as returned by the upload response, to your PHP server?

How to upload file in php from browser with no user input

I am working on a php web app .
I need to upload a file to the web server, with customer info - customers.csv.
but this process needs to be automated ,
The file will be generated in a Point of Sale app , and the app can open a browser window with the url ...
first i taught i would do something like this
but read on here that is not possible,
then i taught i would set a value for the file upload field and submit form automatically after x seconds. Discovered thats not possible .
Anybody with a solution , will be appreciated .
I have tried this and it works ,file is uploaded to remote server
is it working only because the php script is running on the same pc where csv is sitting ???
$file = 'c:\downloads\customers.csv';
$remote_file = 'customers.csv';
// set up basic connection
$conn_id = ftp_connect('');
// login with username and password
$login_result = ftp_login($conn_id,'user','password');
// upload a file
if (ftp_put($conn_id, $remote_file, $file, FTP_ASCII)) {
echo "successfully uploaded $file\n";
} else {
echo "There was a problem while uploading $file\n";
// close the connection
This is of course not possible, imagine how this could be abused to upload on linux as example the /etc/passwd. The only way it might be possible is to use a Java Applet, but this is for sure not the best way.
You could try to let your PoS Application make a web request with the customers.csv file and let a WebAPI handle the upload, this may be possible, but I have no expierence with Point of Sale Applications.
Best might be, if the solution above cannot be considered, to just prompt the user to provide the file above and check over name + content if it is the correct one.
This is a bit tricky, but if your CSV is not too long, you could encode it in base64, send to the webserver as a GET parameter and then, in the server side, decode and store it as a CSV file.
If the file is too big to do that, you have to use other method, like the java applet pointed by #D.Schalla or even install and configure a FTP server, and make the Point of Sale app uploads the file there.
Other alternative, specially good if you cannot modify the sale app, is to install a web server in the client side and write a small php script to handle the upload process. In this way, the sale app could call a local url (something like: http:// localhost/upload.php) and it's this script the one in charge to upload the file which can be achieve with a classical HTTP POST, a FTP connection or any other way you can think about.
MY Solution , which will work with out setting up web server on client side.
This is for windows but can be adapted to linux
On client side
Local Application opens cmd and runs this command ftp -n -s:C:\test.scr
WHICH opens test.scr - a file with ftp commands e.g.
put C:\downloads\customers.csv public_html/customers.csv
more info here :
more commands :

How to deal with large files in SbreDav?

I am using the SabreDAV PHP library to connect to a WebDAV server and download some files but it is taking forever to download a 1MB file and I have to download up to 1GB files from that server. I looked at this link but it is not helpful because it's telling me that I will get a stream when I do a GET but it is not the case.
Here is my code:
$settings = array(
'baseUri' => 'file url',
'userName' => 'user',
'password' => 'pwd'
$client = new \Sabre\DAV\Client($settings);
$response = $client->request('GET');
response is an array with a 'body' key that contains the content of the file. What am I doing wrong? I only need the file for read only. How can I can read through the file line by line as quick as possible?
Thanks in advance.
If its taking too long just to download a 1MB file, then I think its not SabreDAV problem but a problem with your server or network, or perhaps the remote server.
The google code link you mentioned just lists a way if you want to transfer very large files, for that you will have to use the stream and fopen way they mentioned, but I think I was able to transfer 1GB files without using that way and just normally when I last used it with OwnCloud.
If you have a VPS/Dedi server, open ssh and use wget command to test the speed and time it takes to download that remote file from WebDAV, if its same as what its taking with SabreDAV, then its a server/network problem and not SabreDAV, else, its a problem with Sabre or your code.
Sorry but I donot have any code to post to help you since the problem itself is not clear and there can be more than 10 things causing it.
PS: You need to increase php limits for execution time, max file upload and max post size too relatively

screenshot in php

I am using google visualization api for my php-based website. I am planning to use tcpdf to give a pdf version of the same images that i am generating using Google Visualization API.
is there any way to save these visualizations on my server so that i use them directly in the tcpdf?
If not then can i automatically take screenshots of the images and use them in tcpdf?
The reason why i am not manually taking screenshots and saving is that, all the values in the visualizations are dynamic and keep changing every day, so I am working on something automatic. Suggestions please?
The result of the Google Visualization API can be an image or Flash (on interactive charts). If your result is an image (the most common) you can download it from the server to a server folder and add to the tcpdf from your local path.
you can use for example cURL:
$ch = curl_init($remoteURL); // get the image from this url
$fp = fopen($localFile, "wb"); //put the image in this server path
// set URL and other appropriate options
$options = array(CURLOPT_FILE => $fp,
CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 60); // 1 minute timeout (should be enough)
curl_setopt_array($ch, $options);
// Execute curl
// close the file
Once the image is in a temporal path of your server you can add the image to the ctpdf using the "Image" method and the path to the file you have saved into your server.
The Server path must be writtable with the web server.This is specially important on *nix environments.
Here more ways to do the file download
