How to compare a string null laravel - php

I have the following problems !
I recieve the information from the form
public function crearcomentario ()
$blogId = \Request::input('identificador');
$autor = \Request::input('autor');
$correo = \Request::input('correo');
$content = \Request::input('content');
$find = User::where('username','=',$autor)->get();
$buscar = $find->toArray();
$comentarios = new Comentario();
//$comentarios->autor_id = $buscar[0]["id"];
$comentarios->correo = $correo;
$comentarios->articulo_id = $blogId;
$comentarios->contenido = $content;
echo $find;
echo $autor;
The variable $find return the information about user introduce in the form.
My question is how can I compare if the user find is empty [] ? I try to use
but doesn't work.

$find would be a Laravel Collection. You can use the isEmpty() function to check whether it is empty:
if($find->isEmpty()) { ... }

try this,
$find = User::where('username','=',$autor)->get();
if($find) {...}


Putting data base values into array shows error in codeigniter

I am taking data from many tables. I want to display many objects in different places. I got the data from data base, but I want to put the data into an array for useful purpose, but it's not working.
This my controller code:
public function compare_by_business_sectors() {
if ($this->input->post())
$solution_array = array();
//print_r (json_encode($business_sectors)); exit;
$tab_child_id = "";
foreach ($business_sectors as $key=>$sectors) {
//$solution_array[$sectors->field_id] = $sectors->value;
$id = "solution".$sectors->tab_child_id;
if ($tab_child_id != $sectors->tab_child_id) {
$id = array();
$id[$sectors->field_id] = $sectors->title;
else if ($tab_child_id == $sectors->tab_child_id) {
$id[$sectors->field_id] = $sectors->title;
//$solution_array[$id]= $id;
This is my model code:
public function compare_business_sectors_data($sectorid) {
$query = $this->db->select('solutions.*,solution_tabs_child_fields.field_id,solution_tabs_child_fields.tab_child_id,solution_tabs_child_fields.title')
//->join('solutions', 'business_sector.sector_id = solutions.business_sector_id',"left")
->join('solution_features','solutions.entry_id = solution_features.entry_id',"left")
->join('solution_tabs_child_fields','solution_features.field_id = solution_tabs_child_fields.field_id')
->where('solutions.business_sector_id', $sectorid['id'])
return $query->result();
change it as follow and try.
$id_string = "";
$id_array = array();
foreach ($business_sectors as $key=>$sectors) {
//$solution_array[$sectors->field_id] = $sectors->value;
$id_string = "solution".$sectors->tab_child_id;
if ($tab_child_id != $sectors->tab_child_id) {
$id[$sectors->field_id] = $sectors->title;
else if ($tab_child_id == $sectors->tab_child_id) {
$id[$sectors->field_id] = $sectors->title;
First you are assigning string value to $id then, $id will convert to array only if first if() statement execute other wise it will not be a string. So to overcome from this keep $id_array before for loop and you can capture string in another variable.

How can I save a list of ids in user meta?

I am trying to save what will amount to a small list of ids in user meta, but for some reason I am only able to save the most recent visit. Is there something obviously wrong with my approach?
function check_visit() {
$user = get_current_user_id();
$post_visits = get_user_meta($user, 'post_visits', true);
$visited = explode(",",$post_visits);
$id = (string)the_ID();
if($id && !in_array($id, $visited)) {
$visited[] = $id;
update_user_meta($user, 'post_visits', implode(",", $visited));
$visited[] = $id
is correct!
The issue is that you are using the_ID() function, this function print the ID, do not return any value.
The correct function should be get_the_ID()
Your code should look like this:
function aw_check_visit(){
$user = get_current_user_id();
$post_visits = get_user_meta($user, 'post_visits', true);
$visited = explode(",",$post_visits);
$id = (string)get_the_ID();
if($id && !in_array($id, $visited)) {
$visited[] = $id;
update_user_meta($user, 'post_visits', implode(",", $visited));
You need to be using array_push instead of adding it to the array like you have.
Change this
$visited[] = $id;
array_push($visited, $id);

failure with find() function using PHP with Silex

Here is the failure message I get in Terminal running 'phpunit tests':
1) StylistTest::test_find
null does not match expected type "object".
Here's my test method:
function test_find()
$name = "Stylist Jane";
$id = 1;
$name2 = "Stylist Bob";
$id2 = 2;
$test_stylist = new Stylist($name, $id);
$test_stylist2 = new Stylist($name2, $id2);
$result = Stylist::find($test_stylist->getId());
$this->assertEquals($test_stylist, $result);
And here's my method:
static function find($search_id)
$found_stylist = null;
$stylists = Stylist::getAll();
foreach($stylists as $stylist) {
$stylist_id = $stylist->getId();
if ($stylist_id == $search_id) {
$found_styist = $stylist;
return $found_stylist;
Here's my getAll method:
static function getAll()
$returned_stylists = $GLOBALS['DB']->query("SELECT * FROM stylists;");
$stylists = array();
foreach($returned_stylists as $stylist) {
$name = $stylist['name'];
$id = $stylist['id'];
$new_stylist = new Stylist($name, $id);
array_push($stylists, $new_stylist);
return $stylists;
If you'd like to see all my files here's the link to the git repository:
I've been staring at this for way too long and I'm totally stumped.
$found_styist = $stylist;
$found_stylist = $stylist;
You need a better IDE man. Simple static analysis could tell you about the unused variable.

Pass post variable to url

How can i pass the post variable to segment url? i can read it from url but i can't set it...
What i have so far : $route['shop/find/(:any)']= "shop/find/$1"; on routes,my find.php on views, and my function `
function find()
$data = $this->commondatashop->general();
$inputSlug = $this->input->post('findSlug');
$data['tofind'] = $inputSlug;
$data['cartInfo'] = $this->shopcart;
$data['Currency'] = $this->currency;
$data['Calculate'] = $this->calculate;
$data['Proccess'] = $this->proccess;
$data['title'] = "1.4.U Shop | Find";
$finder = $this->find;
$data['finderservice'] = $finder;
$data['user_id'] = $this->session->userdata('user_id');
$data['user_name'] = $this->session->userdata('user_name');
$curravailable = $this->calculate->getCurrencies();
if ( $curravailable !== false )
$data['currencies'] = $curravailable;
$data['currencies'] = 'none';
How can i post the variable to the find()function with url segment?
you need to have find accept an argument with a default
function find($i=0) {
//$i is whatever is in the URL or defaults to 0
In your view:
echo form_open('/shop/find');
echo form_input('findSlug','');
echo form_submit('submit', 'Submit');
echo form_close();
$data[slug] = $this->input->post('findSlug');
You need to load form helper too

Escaping issue in building query dynamic function variables

I am developing a CMS which works on template page system in a different approach.
I have this object:
$structure = new stdClass;
$structure->homepage->news->method = 'get_articles_by_page_name';
$structure->homepage->news->lang_key = translate('home_news');
$structure->homepage->news->lang = $lang;
$structure->homepage->news->add_media = true;
$structure->homepage->news->media_type = 'ibs';
$structure->homepage->news->limit = '5';
$structure->homepage->news->order_by = 'a.logical_date';
$structure->homepage->news->asc_des = 'desc';
$structure->homepage->news->result_type = 'result';
This helps to get contents as following:
foreach ($structure as $page_template => $page_contents)
// Call Customized Content for Homepage
if($this->data['page_data']->page_view == $page_template) // homepage comes ok.
foreach ($page_contents as $view_var_name => $page_cdata)
$method = $page_cdata->method; // method names comes
$page_cdata = substr(implode(",",(array) $page_cdata),(strlen($method)+1)) . '\'';
//Returns as expected:
$this->data[$view_var_name] = $this->publish->$method($page_cdata);
It suppose to call them model function of:
function get_articles_by_page_name( $lang_key='',$lang='en',$add_media=true,
However, there is a problem with. When I return to last worked query it says:
SELECT * FROM (`page`) JOIN `page_lang` ON `page`.`id_page` = `page_lang`.`id_page` WHERE `page_lang`.`title` = '\'News\',\'tr\',\'1\',\'ibs\',\'5\',\'a.logical_date\',\'desc\',\'result\''
It souldn't be like this. every thing between commas are parameters of the method function. What cause this, any idea?
Content of get_articles_by_page_name:
function get_articles_by_page_name ($lang_key='',$lang='tr',$add_media=true,$media_type='ibs',$limit='0',$order_by='a.logical_date',$asc_desc='desc',$result_type='result')
// Define variables
$id_page = '';
$result = '';
// Get Page Data
$page_name = $lang_key;
$get_page = $this->vayes->getJoined('page','page_lang','id_page','','',array('page_lang.title'=>$page_name),'row');
$id_page = $get_page->id_page;
$result = $this->publish->get_articles($lang,$id_page,null,false,'',$order_by,$asc_desc,$limit,'result');
$result = array('No id_page specified');
return $result;
Content of get_articles:
function get_articles($lang='tr',$id_page,$id_article=null,$incl_media=true,$media_type='',$order_by='a.logical_date',$asc_desc='desc',$limit='0',$result_type='result')
$this->db->from('article a');
$this->db->join('article_lang b','b.id_article=a.id_article','left outer');
if($incl_media) {
$this->db->join('article_media c','c.id_article=b.id_article','left outer');
$this->db->join('media d','d.id_media=c.id_media','left outer');
if($id_article == null) { $this->db->where('a.id_page',$id_page); }
else /*------------->*/ { $this->db->where('a.id_article',$id_article); }
if(($incl_media == true) AND $media_type != '' ) $this->db->where('c.usage',$media_type);
// Order Results
// Limit Results
if ($limit) $this->db->limit($limit);
$query = $this->db->get();
if($query->num_rows() > 0)
$result = $query->$result_type();
return $result;
return false;
try stripslashes()
Attempting to use stripslashes on an array in 5.2.17 returns the string "Array", but in 5.3.6 it returns NULL. So using stripslashes() on an array you will need to do it recursively;
function stripslashes_deep($value)
$value = is_array($value) ?
array_map('stripslashes_deep', $value) :
return $value;
// Example
$array = array("f\\'oo", "b\\'ar", array("fo\\'o", "b\\'ar"));
$array = stripslashes_deep($array);
// Output
