I want to define a php variable that can be accessed in all the scripts and is initialized only one time per runtime. This is, like a static variable but with no object. I thought of using $GLOBALS but noticed the variables do not stick between script executions and I would have to instantiate the variable everytime. So how exactly can I accomplish this? Would I need to create an abstract class only to static the variable?
how about using $_SESSION? see http://www.w3schools.com/php/php_sessions.asp
For my latest website I’ve been trying to use classes. Mainly to teach myself more about OOP and learn through experience.
Whenever I needed a ‘variable’ within my class I created a property, for instance:
class someClass
var $valueToUseHere; // Only used internally - can I just use a variable?
public function doStuff()
$this->valueToUseHere = 60;
// Do more stuff here...
It is only now when I’ve been looking more into the code and trying to do some optimisation that I’ve noticed that my functions and classes are passing around some large objects. A lot of that bulk could be stripped away if I made all the properties that are only used inside the class into normal variables.
Are properties only used for variables that are needed outside the class and is it then acceptable to just use ‘normal’ variables within the class itself ?
Sorry if this question illustrates a lack of understanding on the subject. Unfortunately, this is where my learning is up to at this point. I’ve done some searching around “class properties vs variables” etc but not found a comprehensive answer to this.
Many thanks
It's somewhat vague what you're asking, but if valueToUseHere is not used outside of doStuff, then don't make it a property!
class someClass {
public function doStuff() {
$valueToUseHere = 60;
// Do more stuff here...
If there's no reason to share that value with other methods of the class or with the outside world, then there's no reason to clutter up your object with all sorts of properties. Not only may this cause tricky bugs with preserved state, it also forces you to be unnecessarily careful with your variable names across all object methods.
Actually class properties are variables as well. Basically you have three options:
Global variable, available everywhere, but not recommended because all parts of your code may depend on such a varialbe, changes can easily break stuff everywhere.
Class property (Note: you should define a visibility - public/protected/private) these properties are bound to the object instance and should be used for any state that the object needs to keep for further processing. Usually those might be used in more than one metohd of your class.
Variables inside a method like just
public function doStuff()
$valueToUseHere = 60;
// Do more stuff here...
The variable is just available inside the method and is thrown away at the end of the method execution.
That depends on your needs. If you are going to simply hold a value in a variable it's the best to keep it's simplicity and not define functions for setting or getting it's value. But sometimes you may need to have more controls on a variable in your class. For example you have defined an integer variable and you want it's values to be always between 10 and 1000 and also it should not be in 100,200,300,..,900. So here there is a good reason to set your variable access to private and create a public function to check what is required before setting a new value. Or in another example you may want to call another function or change another depended variable in your class exactly after this variable changed. Or if you want to make a variable read-only or write-only always you can define properties for controlling the variable value.
In brief you may prefer to use:
Properties: When you want to have control about get and set values
Variables: When you want to set or use a variable as its nature
In my test class I want a variable to be accessible from any test method. I know this is possible by initializing it in setUp method or declaring in bootstrap file.
But the issue is that the value of variable is unknown until test starts. It gets generated during a test and then used by subsequent test methods.
Currently I use this value by declaring subsequent methods to depend on the method, which generates the value, and then passing the value using return statement from method generating the value. But I don't think this is proper way as I have to add return statement just to make variable accessible elsewhere.
Is there any standard way to make variable accessible to every method which gets generated dynamically during test method execution?
Follow these steps:
1. Create a public class.
2. Declare the variable as global.
You can reuse the variable in any part of your application.
What is the difference of using $_ENV and $GLOBALS ?
I wish to have a global variable to get and set at anytime and anywhere (need to be accessible in OO class & plain procedural PHP script). Which of the above should I use?
You should not use global variables at all and instead use dependency injection (i.e. pass all necessary data as function parameters), but if you have to, use $GLOBALS. $_ENV holds data from outside the PHP script passed by the system. While it may serve the purpose as a superglobal, that's not what it's meant for.
You should use $GLOBALS as that is the purpose it was made for, to provide a place to set global variables that can be accessed in any context of your PHP code (inside function, classes, anywhere).
But as a good programming practice don't abuse global vars, in contrast try that your functions and objects methods have in context all data they need to work it, so your code is more flexible, see globals are evil.
For an alternative to globals, take a look at how Zend does this. Zend registry: http://framework.zend.com/manual/1.12/en/zend.registry.html
Basically it is a class with some static methods for getting and setting variables.
I personally prefer this kind of approach to using globals.
Is it possible to retrieve all the functions included in a global variable?
I'm using a very complex plugin (not written by me) that call the functions in this way:
Is there a way to retreive all the functions of $GLOBALS['myplugin']->member?
You may find some success with get_class_methods(), passing in the name of the class that member is an instance of, or the object instance itself.
I need to edit a variable (array) that is defined outside of the function, so I can use it in another function further in. The easiest way I can think of is to define it as global inside the function, but I have many required files involved as well.
The documentation of global variables says that it can be used "anywhere in the program." Does that imply throughout all files (is it global in a sense of across all files) or is it just the file it's in (locally global, if that makes sense).
I did find a question about globals on this site that suggests passing it by reference, but I have this function implemented extensively in other files and requiring them to have an additional variable in their calls would be obnoxious to say the least.
If you define your variable global within the function, you will be referring to the globally scoped variable, and changes to that variable made within your function will be visible to other functions that use that global variable, whatever files they're in, so long as the inclusion / execution order is correct.
If the file you declare the global in is in memory, then that variable is available for you to use. But, if you don't include or require the file the global is declared in on a certain page, it will not be available to you.
Order is also important. If you try to call the global variable before the include or require of the file you set it in, it will be unavailable.
Globals are shared among all files. By the way, instead of declaring them with global $variable;, you should use $GLOBALS['variable'] to make explicit that you're accessing a global variable.
If a lot of functions grouped in a file require access to some common state, chances are you need to turn them into a class. That's pretty much the definition of a class.
Or you could turn the array into a class and have functions call methods on it.
Perhaps a singleton or a registry (2) could help.
Note that most OOP implementations pass a reference to the object as a method's first parameter, hidden (C++, PHP) or not (C, Python).