$data = file_get_contents("http://query.yahooapis.com/v1/public/yql?env=http%3A%2F%2Fdatatables.org%2Falltables.env&format=json&q=select%20*%20from%20yahoo.finance.historicaldata%20where%20startDate=%272014-01-01%27%20and%20endDate=%272014-01-10%27%20and%20symbol=%27YHOO%27");
$myArray = json_decode($data, true);
echo "<pre>";
var_dump( $myArray );
echo "</pre>";
echo $myArray['query']['results']['quote'][0]['Close']," DayX";
i can read out the closing-number for the first day.
-> how can i read out ALL entries for 'Close'? -> in this example it would be:
echo $myArray['query']['results']['quote'][0]['Close']," Day1";
echo $myArray['query']['results']['quote'][1]['Close']," Day2";
echo $myArray['query']['results']['quote'][2]['Close']," Day3";
echo $myArray['query']['results']['quote'][6]['Close']," Day7";
You'll need to use a foreach loop to do that.
foreach ($myArray['query']['results']['quote'] as $k => $v) {
echo $v['Close'] . " Day" . ($k+1) . "<br />";
Having <br /> at the end of each line will add a line break, assuming this is being echoed to the browser;
in this my php code
echo $_POST[result];
in this my php result
I want to print out each value one by one. What should I do?
json_decode Parsing JSON
$str = '{"result_code":0,
$arr = json_decode($str, true);
echo $arr['err_cd'] . PHP_EOL;
echo $arr['result_msg'] . PHP_EOL;
echo $arr['store_id'] . PHP_EOL;
echo $arr['status'] . PHP_EOL;
// ......
// Circulates each value in the array
foreach ($arr as $item) {
echo $item . PHP_EOL;
I am newer to PHP and I am able to get the desired output but I am doing it one index position at a time. I am returning data from a .txt file and I need to insert this data into an HTML table I am creating using PHP. BUT FIRST I need to be able to get the same output without typing out every index position. I tried to use a forloop but it kept outputting only one line.
I manually outputted the lines from the file and it works. What loop in PHP would be best to achieve the same results and output these elements? IMPORTANT, as is I am able to sort and rsort (I want to be able to do this so if it can be implemented in the loop that would be awesome) any help is more than I have right now.
$books = array();
if ($fp)
$lines_in_file = count(file($filename));
$line = fgets($fp);
if (feof($fp))
list($title, $author, $pubdate, $isbn) = explode('*', $line);
$new_line = explode('*', $line);
for($ii= 1; $ii <= $lines_in_file; $ii++){
$lines = fgets($fp); //Read each line
$member = trim($lines);
array_push($books, $member);
//This foreach only brings back the first like in the txt file, why?
$cntr = 0;
foreach($books as $element){
$table .= "<tr>";
$table .= "<td>".$title."</td>";
$table .= "<td>".$author."</td>";
$table .= "<td>".$pubdate."</td>";
$table .= "<td>".$pubdate."</td>";
$table .= "<td>".$isbn."</td>";
$table .= "</tr>\n"; //added newline
echo $element;
// rsort($books);
echo $books[0];
echo "<br>";
echo $books[1];
echo "<br>";
echo $books[2];
echo "<br>";
echo $books[3];
echo "<br>";
echo $books[4];
echo "<br>";
echo $books[5];
echo "<br>";
echo $books[6];
echo "<br>";
echo $books[7];
echo "<br>";
echo $books[8];
echo "<br>";
echo $books[9];
echo "<br>";
echo $books[10];
echo "<br>";
echo $books[11];
echo "<br>";
echo $books[12];
echo "<br>";
echo $books[13];
echo "<br>";
echo $books[14];
echo "<br>";
echo $books[15];
echo "<br>";
echo $books[16];
echo "<br>";
echo $books[17];
fclose($fp ); //Close file
Having to make a few guesses here but i believe the file is going to look like:
if this is wrong, let me know
as long as the fie is not to large read it in to an array:
//print_r($book_array); //is it an array of the books, one book per array key
now to separate each line:
foreach($book_array as $line){
// with no sorting option you could just echo inside the loop
//if you want to keep sorting options we have to keep the separated lines
unset($book_array);//free up memory if needed
//print_r($new_book_array);//is it a multi-d array, book then the 4 elements
to sort our new multidimensoanl array:
usort($new_book_array, function($a, $b) {
return strcmp($a['0'], $b['0']);;
}); //this sorts on key 0 in your case title:
//print_r($new_book_array); // has it sorted properly
for display:
loop again
echo '<table><tr><th>Title</th><th>Author</th><th>Pub Date</th><th>ISBN</th></tr>';
foreach($new_book_array as $book){
//print_r($book); //is it each indervidual book array with 4 elements
echo '<tr><td>'.$book[0].'</td><td>'.$book[1].'</td><td>'.$book[2].'</td><td>'.$book[3].'</td></tr>';
echo '</table>';
Hello I am getting games in the spilgames xml. I managed to convert it to array but 1 problem came up again the problem is that the string I want to get is inside of an array or an attribute of 1 node xml .I can't get the attribute.
I want to get the attribute.
website of spilgames: here
Code I have so far:
$xml = simplexml_load_string(file_get_contents('http://publishers.spilgames.com/rss-3?limit=100&format=xml&category=Action')); /* Get the xml */
$json = json_encode($xml);
$games = json_decode($json); /* Make it an array */
$game = $games->entries->entry;
foreach($game as $entry) { /* Each game information */
echo $entry->title;
echo $entry->id;
echo $entry->description;
echo $entry->category;
echo $entry->subcategory;
echo $entry->technology;
echo $entry->player->url;;
echo $entry->thumbnails->small->url; /* Problems starts here */
/* Because the thumbnails has 3 child but the info is inside of each child */
I am getting the xml not json in spilgames because I don't know how json works.
If I were you I would learn how JSON works because it will make your life easier:
$json = file_get_contents('http://publishers.spilgames.com/rss-3?limit=100&format=json&category=Action');
$data = json_decode($json);
foreach ($data->entries as $entry) {
echo $entry->title . "\n";
echo $entry->id . "\n";
echo $entry->description . "\n";
echo $entry->category . "\n";
echo $entry->subcategory . "\n";
echo $entry->technology . "\n";
echo $entry->thumbnails->small . "\n";
echo $entry->thumbnails->medium . "\n";
echo $entry->thumbnails->large . "\n";
Why i can't get out the values from the json file with PHP?
I get zero values? Have tried for hours.
$json_string = 'http://pubapi.cryptsy.com/api.php?method=singlemarketdata&marketid=44';
$jsondata = file_get_contents($json_string);
$data = json_decode($jsondata, TRUE);
echo "<br><br><br><br>";
foreach ($data as $recenttrades) {
echo "VALUES('{$recenttrades->quantity}', '{$recenttrades->price}' ";
Update: but can't get the value from primaryname and primarycode.
I have tried this:
$json_string = 'http://pubapi.cryptsy.com/api.php?method=marketdatav2';
$jsondata = file_get_contents($json_string);
$data = json_decode($jsondata, TRUE);
foreach ($data["market"] as $markets) {
echo "Primary code: <strong>{$markets['primarycode']}</strong><br>";
foreach($markets as $market) {
foreach($market as $attributes) {
foreach($attributes["recenttrades"] as $recenttrade) {
echo "quantity: " . $recenttrade['quantity'] .", price: " . $recenttrade['price'] . "<br>";
Others have mentioned that you're dealing with nested arrays, not objects. Along with pointing out the issue of being nested rather deeply, I would suggest digging down with foreach (I will probably be crucified for this):
$json_string = 'http://pubapi.cryptsy.com/api.php?method=singlemarketdata&marketid=44';
$jsondata = file_get_contents($json_string);
$data = json_decode($jsondata, TRUE);
echo "<br><br><br><br>";
foreach ($data as $markets) {
foreach($markets as $market) {
foreach($market as $attributes) {
foreach($attributes["recenttrades"] as $recenttrade) {
//echo "<pre>";
//echo "</pre>";
echo "VALUES('{quantity: " . $recenttrade['quantity'] ."}', 'price: {" . $recenttrade['price'] . "}')";
This will ensure that you grab every recentrades item at this level of the array. This way you are prepared for other markets to be added to the API and your code isn't locked into searching only in the item named "FST".
recenttrades is nested pretty deeply in that array. Try
foreach ($data['return']['markets']['FST']['recenttrades'] as $recenttrades) {
recenttrades is several levels nested, so simply doing foreach($data as $recenttrades) is not sufficient.
You need to do:
$recentTrades = $data['return']['markets']['FST']['recenttrades'];
foreach($recentTrades as $recentTrade) {
recenttrades is nested deeply and you're asking for arrays, not objects. This seems to work:
foreach ($data['return']['markets']['FST']['recenttrades'] as $recenttrades) {
echo "VALUES('{$recenttrades['quantity']}', '{$recenttrades['price']}' ";
In response to your update, where you want to loop over markets, try this:
foreach ($data['return']['markets'] as $market) {
echo "Primary code: <strong>{$market['primarycode']}</strong><br>";
foreach ($market["recenttrades"] as $recenttrade) {
echo "quantity: " . $recenttrade['quantity'] .", price: " . $recenttrade['price'] . "<br>";
Could someone assist me in helping me display more than 1/2 results?
Here is my code:
$url = "http://otter.topsy.com/search.json?q=debt%20management&window=a&perpage=10";
$jsonfile = file_get_contents($url);
$obj = json_decode($jsonfile);
foreach($obj as $result) {
echo $obj->response->list[0]->trackback_permalink;
echo "<br />";
echo $obj->response->list[0]->trackback_author_nick;
echo "<br />";
echo $obj->response->list[0]->content;
echo "<br /><br />";
*Note: I have taken out my API key.
Using that code it shows two of the same results.
Anyone got a solution?
You iterate over $obj which is the top-level object containing two elements (request and response). Since you probably want to iterate over the response list, this is what you need:
foreach($obj->response->list as $result) {
echo $result->trackback_permalink;
echo "<br />";
echo $result->trackback_author_nick;
echo "<br />";
echo $result->content;
echo "<br /><br />";
Ah, just saw it:
remove the $obj++ ! You increment twice during each loop run. Once by the foreach() loop iterating itself, and once by manually iterating.