php/mysql connection on different servers - php

I have a local and a remote server on which I am developing a project
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "bob";
$password = "fred";
$dbname = "jane";
$servername = "arthur";
$username = "Milly";
$password = "Horace";
$dbname = "Erastus";
At the moment I am commenting out the //local or //remote bit depending which way I am connecting. Of course, I regularly overwrite the connection file by mistake which is a pain.
Is there some sort of way I can detect which server I am on, and then connect automatically. I have tried googling but couldn't turn anything up maybe because i couldn't think of the right search terms.

You can try this code:-
if ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == "localhost") {
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "bob";
$password = "fred";
$dbname = "jane";
elseif ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] == "") {
$servername = "arthur";
$username = "Milly";
$password = "Horace";
$dbname = "Erastus";
else {
echo "No configuration found!";

There are more than a few ways of doing this but one you could try is to detect which server you are on from the IP Address
if ($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] === '') {
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "bob";
$password = "fred";
$dbname = "jane";
} else {
$servername = "arthur";
$username = "Milly";
$password = "Horace";
$dbname = "Erastus";

try this code :-
$conn = new mysqli($servername1, $username1, $password1);
if (! $conn->connect_error) {
$conn = new mysqli($servername2, $username2, $password2);
Or check :-


php change database with sub domain

I searched in google, stackoverflow but all topics related php framework not core php, I want to know what is the best solution to change database depend on sub domain. i have a multi language website, i want to use single source code but with different sub domain, just change db according to sub domain name.
Here is my code:
$domain = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
$sub = array_shift((explode('.', $domain)));
if ($sub == 'tr') {
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "db_tr";
$password = "xxxxx";
$dbname = "xxxx";
} else if ($sub == 'gb') {
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "db_gb";
$password = "xxxxx";
$dbname = "xxxx";
} else if ($sub == 'us') {
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "db_us";
$password = "xxxxx";
$dbname = "xxxx";
} else if ($sub == 'ca') {
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "db_ca";
$password = "xxxxx";
$dbname = "xxxx";
} else {
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "db_all";
$password = "xxxxx";
$dbname = "xxxx";
So i have two question:
Is this logic good in programming? if not, What is the best solution to do this?
Is it harmful? for example for sql injection, hack or other security issue.

mysqli_select_db() returns true, but I get "No database selected"

as you can see my code down below, the method I used to detect does mysql_select_db() return true or false. It does return true but I still ge the "No database selected" error.
$host = "localhost";
$sql_username = "root";
$sql_password = "password";
$sql_db = "tryckstore";
$con = mysqli_connect($host, $sql_username, $sql_password) or die("Error");
if (!mysqli_select_db($con, "tryckstore")) {
die("Error selecting databse.");
} else {
echo "ok";
It used to work actually, then I suddenly get this error. Thanks in advance.
Use this one:
$host = "localhost";
$sql_username = "root";
$sql_password = "password";
$sql_db = "tryckstore";
$con = mysqli_connect($host, $sql_username, $sql_password,$sql_db) or die("Error");
if (!mysqli_select_db($con, "tryckstore")) {
die("Error selecting databse.");
} else {
echo "ok";
//pass the $sql_db as your 4th argument in the mysqli_connect also
for simplier approach:
$host = "localhost";
$sql_username = "root";
$sql_password = "password";
$sql_db = "tryckstore";
$con = mysqli_connect($host, $sql_username, $sql_password,$sql_db) or die("Error");

upload file to sql sever with php

I try to upload file to a database by using php.
Here is my code:
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
$db ='testdb';
// Create connection
mysql_connect($servername, $username, $password);
$UploadName = $_FILES['UploadFileField']['name'];
$UploadTmp = $_FILES['UploadFileField']['tmp_name'];
$UploadName = preg_replace("#[^a-z0-9.]#i","",$UploadName);
if (!$UploadTmp)
die ("No File Selected, Please Upload Again");
} else
$url = "http://localhost/uploadandview/uploaded/$UploadName";
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `videos` VALUE('1','$UploadName','$url')");
But i have a proplem, I can't upload any file mp3/mp4, just only upload file text, such as .doc,pdf, css, etc...
Please help me!
Try this code
$servername = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
$db ='testdb';
// Create connection
mysql_connect($servername, $username, $password);
$UploadName = $_FILES['UploadFileField']['name'];
$UploadTmp = $_FILES['UploadFileField']['tmp_name'];
$UploadName = preg_replace("#[^a-z0-9.]#i","",$UploadName);
if (!$UploadTmp)
die ("No File Selected, Please Upload Again");
} else
$url = "http://localhost/uploadandview/uploaded/".$UploadName;
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `videos` VALUE('1','$UploadName','$url')");
}} ?>

PHP Insert Query Using Prepare Statement

I have created an insert form. I'm doing an insertion operation into MySQL using prepare statement but it's not working. I don't understand what's wrong. Please help me to solve this issue. Is this what I did correct?
$_SESSION['example']='Session Created';
$srn = $_POST['srn'];
$client = $_POST['client']; // required
$category = $_POST['category'];
$sd = $_POST['sd']; // required
$fd = $_POST['fd'];
$host = "localhost";
$user = "root";
$pwd = "root";
$db = "eservice";
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$db", $user, $pwd);
$sql = "Insert into main(client,category,sd,fd) values(:client,:category,:sd,:fd)";
$stmt = $pdo->prepare($sql);
$host = "localhost";
$user = "root";
$pwd = "root";
$db = "eservice";
$mysqli = new mysqli($host,$user,$pwd,$db);
if (mysqli_connect_errno()) {
echo "Failed to connect to mysql : " . mysqli_connect_error();
Its always good to put up the errors you are having.
You are using two different database connection types pdo, and mysqli. You only need one.
I stripped your code down to the minimum.
$host = "localhost";
$user = "root";
$pwd = "root";
$db = "eservice";
$pdo = new PDO("mysql:host=$host;dbname=$db", $user, $pwd);
//$srn = $_POST['srn'];
$client = $_POST['client']; // required
$category = $_POST['category'];
$sd = $_POST['sd']; // required
$fd = $_POST['fd'];
// make sure client and sd are set here
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("
$success = $stmt->execute([
'client' => $client,
'category' => $category,
'sd' => $sd,
'fd' => $fd

new mysqli_connect cat find database

$host = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
$db = "mineforums";
$connect = mysqli_connect($host, $username, $password, $db) or die(mysqli_error($connect));
That is my php code to connect to my database. Whenever I try to just connect though it doesnt do anything. The way I have my login-form setup is the action will be to this code and then doesnt do anything and when I return to my index it says database not selected because if you're logged in it says 'Welcome, {username}'
you could split the process
$host = "localhost";
$username = "root";
$password = "";
$db = "mineforums";
$connect = mysql_connect($host, $username, $password)OR DIE("Could Not Connect To Server". MySQL_Error());
if($connect) {
mysql_select_db($db)OR DIE("Could Not Select Databse". MySQL_Error();
