MySQL always takes wrong ID in a loop - php

I have a problem with my while loop. Hard to explain but the count function always returns 1, also when it should return 0...
Here's my code:
$query = mysql_query("select SongID, Songtitel, artwork, duration, Upvote, SCID from tMusic order by Songtitel ASC") or die(mysql_error());
$activeUserID = $_SESSION["user_id"];
while ($temp = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
if (strlen($temp['Songtitel']) >= 47) {
$ifToLong = "...";
} else {
$ifToLong = "";
$activeSongID = $temp['SongID'];
$fistquery = mysql_query("select * from tMusicFists where SongID = ".$activeSongID." and UserID = ".$activeUserID."") or die(mysql_error());
echo '<div class="songdiv" onclick="StreamStart('.$temp['SCID'].'); playTrack(); changeSongtitle('.$temp['Songtitel'].');">';
echo '<div class="songimgdiv"><img class="songimg" src="'.$temp['artwork'].'" alt=""></div>';
echo '<div class="songinfodiv">';
echo '<div class="songtitleinfodiv"><p class="songtitleinfo">'.$activeSongID.' '.$activeUserID.' '.count($fistquery).'</p></div>';
echo '<div class="songdurationdiv"><p class="durationcount">';
$input = $temp[duration];
$uSec = $input % 1000;
$input = floor($input / 1000);
$seconds = $input % 60;
$input = floor($input / 60);
$minutes = $input % 60;
$input = floor($input / 60);
echo $minutes.':'.$seconds;
echo '</p></div>';
if(count($fistquery) > 0) {
echo '<div class="songratingdiv"><img class="thumbupimg" src="../images/likebrofist.png" alt=""><p class="thumbupnumber">'.$temp['Upvote'].'</p></div>';
} else {
echo '<div class="songratingdiv"><img class="thumbupimg" src="../images/brofist.png" alt=""><p class="thumbupnumber">'.$temp['Upvote'].'</p></div>';
echo '</div>';
echo '</div>';
I know i shouldn't use the mysql functions, but I must try it like that...
Thank you

$fistquery = mysql_query("select * from tMusicFists where SongID = ".$activeSongID." and UserID = ".$activeUserID."") or die(mysql_error());
Its not okay.... Try use mysql_num_rows($firstquery);

You need to use mysql_num_rows instead of count
Please use following script
$num_rows = mysql_num_rows($fistquery);
if($num_rows > 0) {
instead of
if(count($fistquery) > 0) {

mysql_query returns either a resource or some boolean value.
Anyway, count of resource or boolean is 1.
If you need number of rows - use mysql_num_rows.


PHP Pagination for MySQL posts

I've been trying for hours to implement a pagination for a blog that I am working on, but I just can't find it to work. In the URL, it gives me (myurl).php?pageno=
Without the page number requested.
This is my page to handle the database request:
$offset = 0;
$page_result = 5;
$page_value = $_GET['pageno'];
if($page_value > 1)
$offset = ($page_value - 1) * $page_result;
$results = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT * FROM blog where $condition ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT $offset, $page_result")
or die(mysqli_error('No Records Found'));
This is my blog page code:
if (mysqli_num_rows($results) > 0) {
// output data of each row
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results)) {
echo "<li class='background-white'><div class='column large-4'><a href='".$row['link']."' class='text-black1' title='".$row["arttitle"]."'>"."<img src='".$row['thumbnail']."' alt='".$row['thumbalt']."'/>"."</a></div>"."<div class='column large-8 article-data'>"."<h4><a href='".$row['link']."' class='text-black1' title='".$row["arttitle"]."'>".$row["arttitle"]."</a></h4>"."<small class='text-black2'>Publicado el <span class='text-orange2'>".date('m/d/Y', strtotime($row['date']))."</span> | "."Categoría: <span class='text-orange2'>".$row["category"]."</span></small>"."<p>".$row["excerpt"]."</p>"."</div>"."</li>";
} }else {
echo "0 results";
$pagecount = 50; // Total number of rows
$num = $pagecount / $page_result;
if($_GET['pageno'] > 1) {
echo "Prev";
for($i = 1 ; $i <= $num ; $i++) {
echo "".$i."";
if($num != 1) {
echo "Next";
So my question is:
Is it there something I am missing here to make it work?
Thanks to #ccKep for point out some clues on how to get what I needed. I just made it work.
In page to handle the database request, I added a second request but without LIMIT, so that I could use num_rows with it:
$offset = 0;
$page_result = 5;
$page_value = $_GET['pageno'];
if($page_value > 1)
$offset = ($page_value - 1) * $page_result;
$results = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT * FROM blog where $condition ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT $offset, $page_result")
or die(mysqli_error('No Records Found'));
$npages = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT * FROM blog where $condition ORDER BY date DESC")
or die(mysqli_error('No Records Found'));
Later, on my blog page I round up my posts to the next multiple of 5 number.
And also changed my last if statement so that the NEXT button disappears after getting the last page.
if (mysqli_num_rows($results) > 0) {
// output data of each row
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($results)) {
echo "<li class='background-white'><div class='column large-4'><a href='".$row['link']."' class='text-black1' title='".$row["arttitle"]."'>"."<img src='".$row['thumbnail']."' alt='".$row['thumbalt']."'/>"."</a></div>"."<div class='column large-8 article-data'>"."<h4><a href='".$row['link']."' class='text-black1' title='".$row["arttitle"]."'>".$row["arttitle"]."</a></h4>"."<small class='text-black2'>Publicado el <span class='text-orange2'>".date('m/d/Y', strtotime($row['date']))."</span> | "."Categoría: <span class='text-orange2'>".$row["category"]."</span></small>"."<p>".$row["excerpt"]."</p>"."</div>"."</li>";
} }else {
echo "0 results";
$x = ceil($npages->num_rows/5) * 5;
$pagecount = $x; // Total number of rows
$num = $pagecount / $page_result;
if($_GET['pageno'] > 1) {
echo "<a href='noticias-perforacion-suelos-articulos-maquinas-blog.php?pageno=".($_GET["pageno"] - 1)."'>Prev</a>";
for($i = 1 ; $i <= $num ; $i++) {
echo "<a href='noticias-perforacion-suelos-articulos-maquinas-blog.php?pageno=".$i."'>".$i."</a>";
if($_GET['pageno'] == $num) {
echo "";
} else {
echo "<a href='noticias-perforacion-suelos-articulos-maquinas-blog.php?pageno=".($_GET["pageno"] + 1)."'>Next</a>";
You might notice that I am not a very good coder, so if you find a less messy way to do this please let me know.

HTML and PHP pagination not working correctly

I have a bit of code that pulls all the results from a database and displays the ones that are relevant to the users search. I have some more code that counts the amount of items and generates a certain amount of pages based on how many items are relevant to the users search. The problem is as follows. If I do a search all, my code displays everything in the database on 11 pages. If I search for car, it will still display 11 pages but only 2 results that have the word car in the title. The problem is that these results display on the eighth page and all other pages are blank. During the search all the two results with car in the title displayed on the eighth page as well. The search all is based on the order the items are in, in the database. Here is my current code:
$pagesQuery = mysql_query("SELECT count(id) FROM(`posts`)");
$pageNum = ceil(mysql_result($pagesQuery, 0)/5);
$start = (($page-1)*5);
$currentname = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM posts LIMIT $start, 5");
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($currentname)) {
//recieve relevant data.
$title = $row[0];
$desc = $row[13];
$ID = $row[6];
$views = $row[3];
$user = $row[7];
//fetch the last id from accounts table.
$fetchlast1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM allaccounts WHERE id=(SELECT MAX(id) FROM allaccounts)");
$lastrow1 = mysql_fetch_row($fetchlast1);
$lastid1 = $lastrow1[6];
//acquire the username of postee.
for ($i1=1; $i1 <= $lastid1; $i1++) {
$currentname1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM allaccounts WHERE id=$user");
while ($row1 = mysql_fetch_array($currentname1)) {
$username1 = $row1[0];
//Format Title, description and view count.
$title2 = rtrim($title);
$donetitle = str_replace(" ", "-", $title2);
$url = "articles/".$ID."/".$donetitle."";
$donetitle = strlen($title) > 40 ? substr($title,0,40)."..." : $title;
$donedesc = '';
if(strlen($desc) > 150) {
$donedesc = explode( "\n", wordwrap( $desc, 150));
$donedesc1 = $donedesc[0] . '...';
$donedesc1 = $desc;
$finviews = number_format($views, 0, '.', ',');
//Give relevant results
if(stripos($title, $terms) !== false || stripos($desc, $terms) !== false || stripos($username1, $terms) !== false){
if($row[10] == null){
$SRC = "img/tempsmall.jpg";
$SRC ="generateThumbnailSmall.php?id=$ID";
echo "<div id = \"feature\">
<img src=\"$SRC\" alt = \"article thumbnail\" />
<div id = \"feature2\">
<p id=\"resultuser\" >$username1</p>
<p id=\"resultp\">$donedesc1</p>
<img src=\"img/icons/flag.png\"/><b id=\"resultview\">$finviews views</b>
<div id = \"border\"></div>";
$totalPages = $pageNum;
$currentPage = $page;
$numPagesToShow = 10;
if($currentPage > $totalPages) {
$currentPage = $totalPages;
if($numPagesToShow >= $totalPages) {
$numMaxPageLeft = 1;
$numMaxPageRight = $totalPages;
} else {
$pagesToShow = ceil($numPagesToShow/2);
$numMaxPageLeft = $currentPage - $pagesToShow;
$numMaxPageRight = $currentPage + $pagesToShow;
if($numMaxPageLeft <= 0) {
$numMaxPageRight = $numMaxPageRight - $numMaxPageLeft +1;
$numMaxPageLeft = 1;
} elseif($numMaxPageRight >= $totalPages) {
$numMaxPageLeft -= ($numMaxPageRight - $totalPages);
$numMaxPageRight = $totalPages;
for ($i=$numMaxPageLeft; $i<=$numMaxPageRight; $i++) {
echo "<a id =\"pagenationlink\" href=\"searchresults.php?search=".$terms."&page=".$i."\">".$i."</a>";
How can I only display one page with the two results on it instead of 11 pages with the two relevant results on the eighth page? Thanks
Please update your code as below.
But try to use mysqli_() as mysql() are depricted
$cond = "";
$cond = " write your search condition " ;
$start = (($page-1)*5);
$query = mysql_query("SELECT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS * FROM posts where $cond LIMIT $start, 5");
$TotalDataQuery = mysql_query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS() tot;");
$rsVal = mysql_fetch_array($pagesQuery);
$pagesQuery = $rsVal['tot'];
$pageNum = ceil($pagesQuery/5);
while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($query)) {
//continue your code

PHP if random code exists in database regenerate random code

I'm attempting to create a PHP script that will create a random code and check it against a database to see if it exists. I'd like it to check that if it exists then generate another createRandomCode() and check it.
Unsure how to proceed with looping until the number of rows are 0.
function createRandomCode($length='6'){
$chars = "abcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz023456789";
$i = 0;
$code= '';
while ($i++ < $length){
$code = $code. substr($chars, rand() % 33, 1);
return $code;
$shorturl = createRandomCode();
$q = $db - > query("SELECT * FROM maps WHERE url='".$shorturl.
if (mysqli_num_rows($q) > 0) {
$arr = json_encode($arr);
echo $arr;
Sounds like a good candidate for a do...while loop:
do {
$shorturl = createRandomCode();
$q = $db->query("SELECT * FROM maps WHERE url='".$shorturl."'");
} while(mysqli_num_rows($q) > 0);
function regenerateCode(){
global $connection;
$serial2 = rand(0,7);
$check_code = "SELECT * FROM `voters` WHERE `serial` = '$serial2'";
$run_check_code = mysqli_query($connection,$check_code);
$count = mysqli_num_rows($run_check_code);
} while( $count > 0 );
return $serial2;

Unexpected variable scope in PHP

I would like to show 3 random images from database in my website. Below is its code:
$query = mysql_query ("SELECT id,url FROM tbl_gallery2");
if (mysql_num_rows($query) >= 3) {
$my_array = array();
$last_array = array();
while ($r = mysql_fetch_row($query)) {
$my_array[] = $r[1];
function makernd () {
$number = array_rand($my_array,1);
if (in_array($number,$last_array)) {
} else {
$last_array[] = $number;
return $number;
for($i = 1 ; $i < 3 ; $i++) {
$item = makernd();
echo '<img src="./images/slider/'.$item.'.jpg" alt="" class="slider" />';
But whenever I run this code, I get the error below:
Undefined variable: my_array in line ... // The first line of makernd() function.
But I expected $my_array to be an accessible array for this function.
What's the problem?
To simply fix your problem, you should pass $my_array to makernd() as a parameter:
$query = mysql_query ("SELECT id,url FROM tbl_gallery2");
if (mysql_num_rows($query) >= 3) {
$my_array = array();
$last_array = array();
while ($r = mysql_fetch_row($query)) {
$my_array[] = $r[1];
function makernd ($my_array) {
$number = array_rand($my_array,1);
if (in_array($number,$last_array)) {
} else {
$last_array[] = $number;
return $number;
for($i = 1 ; $i < 3 ; $i++) {
$item = makernd($my_array);
echo '<img src="./images/slider/'.$item.'.jpg" alt="" class="slider" />';
HOWEVER, I strongly suggest putting the randomization in MySQL, to
Simplify your code
Significantly improve the performance, and
Eliminate excessive loops & recursion in PHP
$sql = "SELECT id,url
FROM tbl_gallery2
$query = mysql_query ($sql);
if (mysql_num_rows($query) >= 3) {
while ($r = mysql_fetch_row($query)) {
echo '<img src="./images/slider/' . $r[1] . '.jpg" alt="" class="slider" />';
PS - I also suggest you update your code to use mysqli, as mysql is deprecated
PPS - I also suggest you look into mysqli_fetch_assoc so you can reference query results by name instead of index (e.g. $r['url'] instead of $r[1] - as if you ever change the order of your query, you will break references by index.

Split PHP loop into 2 lists

I have built the following function, but is it possible to get it to split my lists from one into more so I can have a maximum of 8 <li>'s per <ul>?
function buildProductsMenu($base) {
$sql = "SELECT *
FROM tbl_category";
$result = dbQuery($sql);
while ($row = dbFetchAssoc($result)) {
echo "<ul>";
echo "<li class='title'>$row[cat_name]</li>";
$sqlProd = "SELECT *
FROM tbl_product WHERE cat_id = $row[cat_id]";
$resultProd = dbQuery($sqlProd);
while ($rowProd = dbFetchAssoc($resultProd)) {
echo "<li><a href='".$base."products/".strtolower($row['cat_name'])."/".strtolower($pd_name)."'>".$pd_name."</a></li>";
echo "</ul>";
Went with jurgemaister Solution
function buildProductsMenu($base) {
$sql = "SELECT *
FROM tbl_category";
$result = dbQuery($sql);
while ($row = dbFetchAssoc($result)) {
echo "<ul>";
echo "<li class='title'>$row[cat_name]</li>";
$sqlProd = "SELECT * FROM tbl_product WHERE cat_id = $row[cat_id]";
$resultProd = dbQuery($sqlProd);
$counter = 1;
while ($rowProd = dbFetchAssoc($resultProd)) {
if($counter % 12 == 0) {
$counter = 1;
echo "</ul><ul style='margin-top:25px;'>";
echo "<li><a href='".$base."products/".strtolower($row['cat_name'])."/".strtolower($pd_name)."'>".$pd_name."</a></li>";
echo "</ul>";
You can add a counter, and when that counter reaches 8, you start a new ul.
$counter = 1;
while ($rowProd = dbFetchAssoc($resultProd)) {
if($counter % 8 == 0) {
$counter = 1;
echo "</ul><ul>";
echo "<li><a href='".$base."products/".strtolower($row['cat_name'])."/".strtolower($pd_name)."'>".$pd_name."</a></li>";
Okay, instead of echoing the LIs right from the function I suggest you add them all to an array, once things are in an array, its always easier to manage.
Use array_chunk() on the final array of LIs and it will split it into groups of eight.
