$getdataPipeline = array(
'$match' => array(
'project_id' => array('$in' => $mysql_project_id) // Validating project ID
'$match' => array('project_id' => $project_id)
'$group' => array(
'_id' => array('pro_id' => '$project_id', 'uid' => '$user_id'),
"wh" => array('$subtract' => array(array('$sum' => '$toltal_timein_minutes'), array('$sum' => '$holding_durationin_minutes')))
Running query:
$ValidProjectIdInMongo = $collection->aggregate($getdataPipeline);
I'm getting an error like
Uncaught exception 'MongoResultException' with message 'localhost:27017: exception: unknown group operator '$subtract''
The $sum is the accumulator to be used with $group, so it must be the top level operator used. Therefore your other operations need to happen "inside" the $sum:
$getdataPipeline = array(
'$match' => array('project_id' => $project_id)
'$group' => array(
'_id' => array('pro_id' => '$project_id', 'uid' => '$user_id'),
"wh" => array(
'$sum' => array(
'$subtract' => array(
You can do it here because this is basic subtraction, but more complex operations would generally require a separate $project stage after the $group.
Also note that yout $match pipeline stage is incorrect and will actually be interpretted just as I have re-written above. You perhaps mean in $in condition for both the possible values, which is a logical $or.
You also have what looks like typing errors in the field names.
I have 2 different pipelines: with condition
$pipeline = array(
array('$match' => array(
'currentStep' => 'CREATE')),
array('$group' => array(
'_id' => '$name',
'value' => array('$sum' => 1)
and without
$pipeline = array(
array('$group' => array(
'_id' => '$name',
'value' => array('$sum' => 1)
How combine them in one single $pipeline in order to get such output:
_id - value_with_match_condition - value_without
In order to do this, you will need to combine the use of $sum with $cond. For instance, it might look something like this:
$pipeline = array(
'if'=>array('$eq'=>array('$currentStep', 'CREATE')),
This is untested, but something matching this general form should work.
I have written like below lines of code
$cursor = $this->collection->aggregate(array(
'$match' => array(
"_id" => new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID($this->id)
'$project' => array(
'AllotmentsDetails' => array(
'$filter' => array(
'input' => '$AllotmentsDetails',
'as' => 'allot',
'cond' => array(
'$and' => array(
'$lt' => array('$$allot.ToDate', new MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime((new DateTime())->getTimestamp() * 1000)),
'$eq' => array('$$allotment.RoomId', $this->RoomId)
It is throwing error message " Uncaught exception 'MongoDB\Driver\Exception\RuntimeException' with message 'An object representing an expression must have exactly one field:"
Please help!!!
Just missing array notations and matching up in some wrong places:
$pipeline = array(
array( '$match' => array(
"_id" => new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID($this->id)
array('$project' => array(
'AllotmentsDetails' => array(
'$filter' => array(
'input' => '$AllotmentsDetails',
'as' => 'allotment',
'cond' => array(
'$and' => array(
array('$lt' => array(
new MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime((new DateTime())->getTimestamp() * 1000)
array('$eq' => array('$$allotment.RoomId', $this->RoomId))
$cursor = $this->collection->aggregate($pipeline)->toArray();
or since we are in a modern world, a bit easier to read:
$pipeline = [
['$match' => [
"_id" => new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectID($this->id)
['$project' => [
'AllotmentsDetails' => [
'$filter' => [
'input' => '$AllotmentsDetails',
'as' => 'allotment',
'cond' => [
'$and' => [
['$lt' => [
new MongoDB\BSON\UTCDateTime((new DateTime())->getTimestamp() * 1000)
['$eq' => ['$$allotment.RoomId', $this->RoomId] ]
$cursor = $this->collection->aggregate($pipeline)->toArray();
I suggest a better editor and also to use json_encode() on your data structures in order to check that the generated JSON matches what you see as examples in the documentation.
I want to do an aggregation query where I can group by a dbref. This is what I've tried.
$aggregation = array(
'$group' => array(
'_id' => '$foreign.$id',
'doc' => array(
'$last' => '$$ROOT'
'$sort' => array(
'date' => -1
return $this->getDocumentManager()->getDocumentCollection('AppBundle:Collection')->aggregate($aggregation)->toArray();
But this attempt fails because you're not allowed to use the second $ sign in '$foreign.$id'. How can I do this query?
After a lot of searching I've found this Bug Ticket on the monogdb Jira which deals with basically this / an similar issue.
The last comment on this ticket offers an workaround to resolve the issue as an command line code. I've taken this solution and built it into an aggregation query which solved my problem.
$aggregation = array(
'$addFields' => array(
'foreignId' => array(
'$arrayToObject' => array(
'$map' => array(
'input' => array(
'$objectToArray' => '$foreign'
'in' => array(
'k' => array(
'$cond' => array(
'$eq' => array(
'$substrCP' => array(
'$$this.k', 0, 1
'$literal' => '$'
'$substrCP' => array(
'$$this.k',1,['$strLenCP' => '$$this.k']
'v' => '$$this.v'
'$group' => array(
'_id' => '$foreignId',
'doc' => array(
'$last' => '$$ROOT'
'$sort' => array(
'date' => -1
This query gives me the correct and expected result.
I've the following code to get the some of all price that have type 1 or a specific value but it dosen't work.
$m = new Mongo();
if (!$m)echo "Not Connected to database successfully";
$db =$m->mongo_project;
$collection = $db->prices;
'$match' => array(
'_id' => array(
'$type' =>1
'$group' => array(
'_id' => '',
'count' => array(
'$sum' => '$price'
$out = $collection->aggregate($pipeline);
foreach ($out as $key=>$value) {
if($key=='result') {
echo $r;?>
I think you mean a document that has a field "type" with a value of 1. The $type operator used here is a special MongoDB operator used to match certain BSON types. In this case you were asking for matching _id fields that were a "DOUBLE" type, or BSON type 1.
Correcting this:
'$match' => array(
'type' => 1
'$group' => array(
'_id' => '',
'total' => array(
'$sum' => '$price'
Or you could just get the "sum" of the "price" values per each "type" value by passing that as the _id in your $group operation, instead. That way you can see everything at a glance:
'$group' => array(
'_id' => '$type',
'total' => array(
'$sum' => '$price'
In that context, '$type` means the value of the field.
I have started work with lithium framework + mongoDB recently. I want to do a really simple query which contains multiple or statements.
I have articles in the DB with publish_up and publish_down fields. I want to fetch only those records/documents which pulbis_down field is highert than now OR null AND publish_up field lower than now OR null.
$items = $article::find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'$or' => array(
'$gt' => array('publish_down', $mongoDateNow),
'publish_down' => $mongDateNull
'$or' => array(
'$lt' => array('publish_up', $mongoDateNow),
'publish_up' => $mongDateNull
Of course this snippet is wrong hence the second or statement overwrites the first one (because the same array key).
I tried to wrap them into an individual array but gives error.
Any idea?
This query will fetch articles with (publish_down > now OR publish_down = null) AND (publish_up < now OR publish_up = null)
$items = Articles::find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'$or' => array(
array('publish_down' => array('$gt' => $mongoDateNow)),
array('publish_down' => null)
'$or' => array(
array('publish_up' => array('$lt' => $mongoDateNow)),
array('publish_up' => null)
I don't know about lithium but in PHP you can use multiple $OR as below
$items = $article::find('all', array(
'conditions' => array(
'$or' => array(
'$gt' => array('publish_down', $mongoDateNow),
'publish_down' => $mongDateNull
'$lt' => array('publish_up', $mongoDateNow),
'publish_up' => $mongDateNull
I think the correct answer is:
'$and' => array(
array('publish_up' => null),
array('publish_up' => array('$lt' => $mongoDateNow))
array('publish_down' => null),
array('publish_down' => array('$gt' => $mongoDateNow))