Using soapCall inside method - php

I have a class named webserviceCall.
This is my class structure :
Constructor --->
Initiate webservice clients and DB handler class and some properties :
public function __construct()
$this->username = $GLOBALS['WEBSRVC']['username'];
$this->password = $GLOBALS['WEBSRVC']['password'];
$this->api = $GLOBALS['WEBSRVC']['api'];
$this->loginClient = new SoapClient(NULL, array(
'location' => "",
'uri' => "urn://test/webservice") );
$this->booksClient = new SoapClient(null, array(
'location' => "",
'uri' => "urn://test/webservice"
$this->shopClient = new SoapClient(null, array(
'location' => "",
'uri' => "urn://test/webservice/shop"
) );
$this->db = new dbHandler($GLOBALS['DBVAR']['dbn'], $GLOBALS['DBVAR']['usn'], $GLOBALS['DBVAR']['psw']);
$this->param = self::freshLogin( $this->username, $this->password, $this->api);
And there's a method for check Login, based on webservice needs:
protected function freshLogin($username, $password, $api)
$currentInfo = $this->db->simple_search('webservice');
$token = ( ($currentInfo[0]['token'] != '') ? $currentInfo[0]['token'] : false );
if( $token == false )
$token = $this->loginClient->__soapCall('authenticate', array($currentInfo[0]['username'], $currentInfo[0]['password'], $currentInfo[0]['api']) );
//update token in table
$updateToken = $this->db->update_single('webservice', 'token', $token, true, 'api', $api);
return $token . '||' . $api;
}//token is empty - first login
$checkToken = $this->loginClient->__soapCall('checkToken', array($token, $api) );
if( isset($checkToken) && $checkToken > 0 )
return $token . '||' . $api;
}//if token is valid
$token = $this->loginClient->__soapCall('authenticate', array($currentInfo[0]['username'], $currentInfo[0]['password'], $currentInfo[0]['api']) );
//update token in table
$updateToken = $this->db->update_single('webservice', 'token', $token, true, 'api', $api);
return $token . '||' . $api;
}//authenticate again, save token and create param value
}//token exists
}//function freshLogin
And finally, there's a method for transact webservice :
public function getBooks()
return $this->booksClient->__soapCall('getAllBooks', array($this->param) );
}//function getAllBooks
When I check getBooks() function with getAllBooks method, it seems the browser is waiting for the response, and there's no result. This is error:
Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in C:\xampp\htdocs\ketabTheme\PHP\classes\webserviceCall.php on line 114
But When I check exactly the same request in another file, out of a class, it's OK. Besides, when I call another method of webservice inside getBooks method, again everything is fine.
Would you please help me to find out what's wrong here?
Note :
getBooks method should have an array with 1935 index in result.
When I check this request in another file outside a class, this is the request-response timeline :

When you say "But When I check exactly the same request in another file, out of a class, it's OK.", how long does it take?
You should try increasing the max_execution_time in the php.ini file or by setting: ini_set('max_exeution_time', 60 /*seconds*/) in your PHP script?


How to pass calculated/final value of one function to other functions in a controller of Codeigniter application

Using sessions we can achieve this, but need this without sessions or cookies.
class Employees extends CI_Controller
public function __construct()
public function auth() {
$adminEmail = $this->input->post('adminEmail');
$adminPassword = $this->input->post('adminPassword');
if ($adminEmail != "" && $adminPassword != "") {
$query = $this->db->query("select * from admin_tbl where email= '$adminEmail' and password = '$adminPassword'");
//if user exist
if ($query->num_rows() <= 0) {
$response = array();
$jwtoken = "";
$this->session->set_flashdata("invalid", "Wrong email or password");
$response = array(
'status' => 'invalid',
'message' => $_SESSION['invalid'],
'token' => $jwtoken,
//used to send finalized values
return $jwtoken; //return value
} else {
// $this->session->set_userdata('adminEmail', $adminEmail);
$response = array();
$jwt = new JWT();
$data = array(
'adminEmail' => $adminEmail,
'iat' => time()
$jwtoken = $jwt->encode($data, jwtSecretKey, 'HS256');
// I want to pass $jwtoken's variable to all the functions in a controller
$this->session->set_flashdata("login", "Scucessfully login!");
// if (isset($_SESSION['adminEmail'])) {
if ($jwtoken != "") {
$response = array(
'status' => 'valid',
'message' => $_SESSION['login'],
'token' => $jwtoken
$abc = $jwtoken;
//used to send finalized values
return $jwtoken; //return value
public function addNew()
$response = array();
$this->auth(); // this value is always null returned by auth() method
This is more of a OOP programming basics question. If you want to re-use a variable in another function of the same controller object, you have to set the variable globally for the Employees class and then set/get its value in your functions by using $this->yourVariableName. But the set value of the object instance can only be reused in that instance only. Which means that after the auth() function, another function should be called subsequently to "access" the $this->yourVariableName.
Another way is to pass the $jwtoken as a parameter to a function.
But the following code answers your question "How to pass calculated/final value of one function to other functions in a controller of Codeigniter application", if it doesn't, then your question should be corrected I guess.
Ow ok, first the auth() function is being called, then you would like to pass the $jwtoken value to another function, am I right? Well once a function is finished executing, the variable "disappears" if not passed to another function. If you would like to process the $jwtoken value immediately within the auth() function, then the answer is to pass the $jwtoken value to another function from within the auth() function:
class Employees extends CI_Controller
public function __construct() {
public function auth() {
$adminEmail = $this->input->post('adminEmail');
$adminPassword = $this->input->post('adminPassword');
if ($adminEmail != "" && $adminPassword != "") {
$query = $this->db->query("select * from admin_tbl where email= '$adminEmail' and password = '$adminPassword'");
//if user exist
if ($query->num_rows() <= 0) {
$response = array();
$jwtoken = "";
$this->session->set_flashdata("invalid", "Wrong email or password");
$response = array(
'status' => 'invalid',
'message' => $_SESSION['invalid'],
'token' => $jwtoken,
//used to send finalized values
return $jwtoken; //return value
} else {
// $this->session->set_userdata('adminEmail', $adminEmail);
$response = array();
$jwt = new JWT();
$data = array(
'adminEmail' => $adminEmail,
'iat' => time()
$jwtoken = $jwt->encode($data, jwtSecretKey, 'HS256');
// I want to pass $jwtoken's variable to all the functions in a controller
// this is one way you can pass the value to another function, depending on what you want to do, you can also place a condition and continue only if the return value of the following function is respected:
// What is the addNew() supposed to do?
$this->session->set_flashdata("login", "Scucessfully login!");
// if (isset($_SESSION['adminEmail'])) {
if ($jwtoken != "") {
$response = array(
'status' => 'valid',
'message' => $_SESSION['login'],
'token' => $jwtoken
$abc = $jwtoken;
//used to send finalized values
return $jwtoken; //return value
public function addNew($jwtoken = "default_value_if_not_set") {
echo $jwtoken;
Since you are creating an API, I assume the API is a REST api and stateless, so there is no interference of sessions and cookies.
I assume your process works like this:
User does a login request from the app to the api and the api returns a token when the credentials check is valid
The token is stored in the app (in a local database for example) and used for other requests
So the only thing you need to do is (I assume you have a route to addNew):
public function addNew() {
$token = $this->input->get('token');
$loginData = $this->validateToken($token);
//... add new process
And from your app you need to pass the token with the request to the api.
How do you validate the token?
To obtain the data you have set in the token, you have to decode the token:
* throws SignatureInvalidException
function validateToken($token)
$jwt = new JWT();
return $jwt->decode($token, jwtSecretKey, 'HS256');
Code improvement
Avoid using sessions and cookies
Since your api is stateless, you have to avoid settings cookies or sessions. So in your controller you can remove the flash data helper:
public function auth() {
$adminEmail = $this->input->post('adminEmail');
$adminPassword = $this->input->post('adminPassword');
if ($adminEmail != "" && $adminPassword != "") {
$query = $this->db->query("select * from admin_tbl where email= '$adminEmail' and password = '$adminPassword'");
//if user exist
if ($query->num_rows() <= 0) {
$response = array();
$jwtoken = "";
# $this->session->set_flashdata("invalid", "Wrong email or password");
$response = array(
'status' => 'invalid',
'message' => "Wrong email or password", //CHANGE THIS LINE
'token' => $jwtoken,
//used to send finalized values
return $jwtoken; //return value
} else {
// $this->session->set_userdata('adminEmail', $adminEmail);
$response = array();
$jwt = new JWT();
$data = array(
'adminEmail' => $adminEmail,
'iat' => time()
$jwtoken = $jwt->encode($data, jwtSecretKey, 'HS256');
// I want to pass $jwtoken's variable to all the functions in a controller
# $this->session->set_flashdata("login", "Scucessfully login!");
// if (isset($_SESSION['adminEmail'])) {
if ($jwtoken != "") {
$response = array(
'status' => 'valid',
'message' => "Scucessfully login!", //CHANGE THIS LINE
'token' => $jwtoken
$abc = $jwtoken;
//used to send finalized values
return $jwtoken; //return value
Return the output response instead of $jwtoken
In your response you have already set the the token, so you can simply return the response:
return $this->output
Your query is vulnerable to sql injections
Use escape method around you variables or bind the params:
$sql = "select * from admin_tbl where email=? and password = ?";
$query = $this->db->query($sql, array($adminEmail, $adminPassword));

PHP Post Data Formatting

As per the Eventbrite API v3 documentation, the preferred way to submit the data is as JSON. I am attempting to update via ExtJS grid simple organizer data. The changes are not being processed.
The solution is in MODX and the updateFromGrid.class.php looks like this:
class UpdateOrganizerFromGridProcessor extends modProcessor {
public function initialize() {
$data = $this->getProperty('data');
if (empty($data)) return $this->modx->lexicon('invalid_data');
$data = $this->modx->fromJSON($data);
if (empty($data)) return $this->modx->lexicon('invalid_data');
$this->id = $data['id'];
$this->params = array ();
// build JSON content for form key names
$this->formData = array (
'' => $data['name'],
'organizer.description.html' => $data['description'],
'' => $data['logo_id'],
$this->formJSON = $this->modx->toJSON($this->formData);
$this->args = array('id' => $this->id, 'params' => $this->params);
return parent::initialize();
public function process() {
// call to main class to save changes to the Eventbrite API
$this->mgr_client = new Ebents($this->modx);
$this->output = $this->mgr_client->postData('organizers', $this->args, $this->formJSON);
$response = json_decode(json_encode($this->output), true);
return $this->outputArray($response);
return 'UpdateOrganizerFromGridProcessor';
The json output from the above is:
{"":"Joe Organizer","organizer.description":"Joe is the Uberest Organizer."}
And my post function is:
//send data to Eventbrite
function postData($method, $args, $JSONdata) {
error_log("JSON Payload : " . $JSONdata);
// Get the URI we need.
$uri = $this->build_uri($method, $args);
// Construct the full URL.
$request_url = $this->endpoint . $uri;
// This array is used to authenticate our request.
$options = array(
'http' => array(
'header' => "Content-type: application/json\r\n"
. "Accept: application/json\r\n",
'method' => 'POST',
'content' => $JSONdata,
'header' => "Authorization: Bearer " . $this->token
// Call the URL and get the data.
error_log("URL: " . $request_url);
error_log("Content: " . $options['http']['content']);
$resp = file_get_contents($request_url, false, stream_context_create($options));
// parse our response
$resp = json_decode( $resp );
if( isset( $resp->error ) && isset($resp->error->error_message) ){
error_log( $resp->error->error_message );
// Return it as arrays/objects.
return $resp;
function build_uri($method, $args) {
// Get variables from the $args.
// Get rid of the args array.
// Create an array of all the vars within this function scope.
// This should be at most 'method', 'id' and 'data'.
$vars = get_defined_vars();
// Put them together with a slash.
$uri = implode($vars, '/');
if (!empty($params)) {
return $uri ."?". http_build_query($params);
return $uri;
The post is working however there is no update to the data and the response back is the original data set. What am I missing here?
I figured it out. It was an issue with a missing slash right before the query string. I also removed the JSON data payload and am submitting as form encoded. The final class is below:
class UpdateOrganizerFromGridProcessor extends modProcessor {
public function initialize() {
$data = $this->getProperty('data');
if (empty($data)) return $this->modx->lexicon('invalid_data');
$data = $this->modx->fromJSON($data);
if (empty($data)) return $this->modx->lexicon('invalid_data');
$this->id = $data['id'];
$this->params = array (
'' => $data['name'],
'organizer.description.html' => $data['description'],
'' => $data['logo_id'],
$this->args = array('id' => $this->id, 'data'=> '', 'params' => $this->params);
return parent::initialize();
public function process() {
// call to main class to save changes to the Eventbrite API
$this->mgr_client = new Ebents($this->modx);
$this->output = $this->mgr_client->postData('organizers', $this->args);
$response = json_decode(json_encode($this->output), true);
return $this->outputArray($response);
return 'UpdateOrganizerFromGridProcessor';

Laravel 4.2 session::get() method not returning session data in controllers

Hi help me,
login code
public function store()
$credentials = array(
'u_email' => Input::get('email'),
'password' => Input::get('password'));
if (Auth::attempt($credentials) ) {
$user = Auth::user()->toArray();
$userrole = with(new User)->get_user_role($user['u_id']);
$userobj['u_id'] = $user['u_id'];
$userobj['u_shortcode'] = $user['u_shortcode'];
$userobj['utype'] = $user['utype'];
$userobj['u_title'] = $user['u_title'];
$userobj['u_fname'] = $user['u_fname'];
$userobj['u_lname'] = $user['u_lname'];
$userobj['u_email'] = $user['u_email'];
$userobj['u_role'] = $userrole;
$userobj['id'] = Session::getId();
Session::put('admin', $userobj);
$value = Session::get('admin');
return Response::json([
'user' => $userobj ],
return Response::json([
'flash2' => 'Authentication failed'],
and my second controller is:
public function get_sessionobj()
$value = Session::get('admin');
when i am calling second controller after login then session data not printed. in login controller Session::get('admin') function returning data. and i am using file driver for session storage. I have seen my session file there was some data like this:
Call a function get_sessionobj() in store function
public function store(){

how to fetch linkedin data in codeigniter

I am using codeigniter and want to fetch linkedin data but it not works.. it getting no error but i could not fetch data also
i am using this code defined in following url:
Linkedin php api not setting access token in codeigniter
and codes are
create library:
defined('BASEPATH') OR exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Linkedin {
function __construct(){
public function getAuthorizationCode() {
$params = array('response_type' => 'code',
'client_id' => API_KEY,
'scope' => SCOPE,
'state' => uniqid('', true), // unique long string
'redirect_uri' => REDIRECT_URI,
// Authentication request
$url = '' . http_build_query($params);
// Needed to identify request when it returns to us
$_SESSION['state'] = $params['state'];
// Redirect user to authenticate
header("Location: $url");
public function getAccessToken() {
$params = array('grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
'client_id' => API_KEY,
'client_secret' => API_SECRET,
'code' => $_GET['code'],
'redirect_uri' => REDIRECT_URI,
// Access Token request
$url = '' . http_build_query($params);
// Tell streams to make a POST request
$context = stream_context_create(
array('http' =>
array('method' => 'POST',
// Retrieve access token information
$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
// Native PHP object, please
$token = json_decode($response);
// Store access token and expiration time
$_SESSION['access_token'] = $token->access_token; // guard this!
$_SESSION['expires_in'] = $token->expires_in; // relative time (in seconds)
$_SESSION['expires_at'] = time() + $_SESSION['expires_in']; // absolute time
return true;
public function fetch($method, $resource, $body = '') {
$params = array('oauth2_access_token' => $_SESSION['access_token'],
'format' => 'json',
// Need to use HTTPS
$url = '' . $resource . '?' . http_build_query($params);
// Tell streams to make a (GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE) request
$context = stream_context_create(
array('http' =>
array('method' => $method,
// Hocus Pocus
$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
// Native PHP object, please
return json_decode($response);
Put all your Constants stuff in confin/constants.php
define('API_KEY', 'Put Yoour API_KEY here');
define('API_SECRET', 'Put Yoour API_SECRET here');
define('REDIRECT_URI', 'Put Yoour REDIRECT_URI here');
define('SCOPE', 'r_fullprofile r_emailaddress rw_nus r_contactinfo r_network');
and finally make my controller
class Profile extends CI_Controller {
function __construct() {
parent:: __construct();
$this->load->library('linkedin'); // load library
// linkedin login script
function profile() {
// OAuth 2 Control Flow
if (isset($_GET['error'])) {
// LinkedIn returned an error
// load any error view here
} elseif (isset($_GET['code'])) {
// User authorized your application
if ($_SESSION['state'] == $_GET['state']) {
// Get token so you can make API calls
} else {
// CSRF attack? Or did you mix up your states?
} else {
if ((empty($_SESSION['expires_at'])) || (time() > $_SESSION['expires_at'])) {
// Token has expired, clear the state
$_SESSION = array();
if (empty($_SESSION['access_token'])) {
// Start authorization process
// define the array of profile fields
$profile_fileds = array(
$profileData = $this->linkedin->fetch('GET', '/v1/people/~:(' . implode(',', $profile_fileds) . ')');
if ($profileData) {
} else {
// linked return an empty array of profile data
When i am running this controller then linkedin api works a modal window appears with my app name ..but after login
When i trying to print this session it does not apppears... dont know this code is working or not.. please help
This should work:
LinkedIn Class:
class Linkedin extends CI_Controller {
function __construct(){
parent:: __construct();
public function getAuthorizationCode() {
$params = array('response_type' => 'code',
'client_id' => API_KEY,
'scope' => SCOPE,
'state' => uniqid('', true), // unique long string
'redirect_uri' => REDIRECT_URI,
// Authentication request
$url = '' . http_build_query($params);
// Needed to identify request when it returns to us
// Redirect user to authenticate
header("Location: $url");
public function getAccessToken() {
$params = array('grant_type' => 'authorization_code',
'client_id' => API_KEY,
'client_secret' => API_SECRET,
'code' => $_GET['code'],
'redirect_uri' => REDIRECT_URI,
// Access Token request
$url = '' . http_build_query($params);
// Tell streams to make a POST request
$context = stream_context_create(
array('http' =>
array('method' => 'POST',
// Retrieve access token information
$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
// Native PHP object, please
$token = json_decode($response);
// Store access token and expiration time
$ses_params = array('access_token' => $token->access_token,
'expires_in' => $token->expires_in,
'expires_at' => time() + $_SESSION['expires_in']);
return true;
public function fetch($method, $resource, $body = '') {
$params = array('oauth2_access_token' => $_SESSION['access_token'],
'format' => 'json',
// Need to use HTTPS
$url = '' . $resource . '?' . http_build_query($params);
// Tell streams to make a (GET, POST, PUT, or DELETE) request
$context = stream_context_create(
array('http' =>
array('method' => $method,
// Hocus Pocus
$response = file_get_contents($url, false, $context);
// Native PHP object, please
return json_decode($response);
Profile Controller:
class Profile extends CI_Controller {
function __construct() {
parent:: __construct();
$this->load->library('linkedin'); // load library
// linkedin login script
function profile() {
// OAuth 2 Control Flow
if (isset($_GET['error'])) {
// LinkedIn returned an error
// load any error view here
} elseif (isset($_GET['code'])) {
// User authorized your application
if ($this->session->userdata('state'); == $_GET['state']) {
// Get token so you can make API calls
} else {
// CSRF attack? Or did you mix up your states?
} else {
if ((empty($this->session->userdata('expires_at'))) || (time() > $this->session->userdata('expires_at'))) {
// Token has expired, clear the state
if (empty($this->session->userdata('access_token'))) {
// Start authorization process
// define the array of profile fields
$profile_fileds = array(
$profileData = $this->linkedin->fetch('GET', '/v1/people/~:(' . implode(',', $profile_fileds) . ')');
if ($profileData) {
} else {
// linked return an empty array of profile data

CakePHP change DATABASE_CONFIG variables, based on user input for custom datasource

I am looking for a way to access and change the DATABASE_CONFIG variables, based on user input. Using CakePHP I created a custom datasource, based on the one provided in the docs, to access an external API. The API returns a JSON string containing the 12 most recent objects. I need to be able to change the page number in the API request to get the next 12 results, as well as accept a free text query entered by the user.
public $behance = array(
'datasource' => 'BehanceDatasource',
'api_key' => '123456789',
'page' => '1',
'text_query' => 'foo'
App::uses('HttpSocket', 'Network/Http');
class BehanceDatasource extends DataSource {
public $description = 'Beehance datasource';
public $config = array(
'api_key' => '',
'page' => '',
'text_query' => ''
public function __construct($config) {
$this->Http = new HttpSocket();
public function listSources($data = null) {
return null;
public function describe($model) {
return $this->_schema;
public function calculate(Model $model, $func, $params = array()) {
return 'COUNT';
public function read(Model $model, $queryData = array(), $recursive = null) {
if ($queryData['fields'] === 'COUNT') {
return array(array(array('count' => 1)));
$queryData['conditions']['api_key'] = $this->config['api_key'];
$queryData['conditions']['page'] = $this->config['page'];
$queryData['conditions']['page'] = $this->config['text_query'];
$json = $this->Http->get('', $queryData['conditions']);
$res = json_decode($json, true);
if (is_null($res)) {
$error = json_last_error();
throw new CakeException($error);
return array($model->alias => $res);
Is there anyway to access and change the $behance array, or is there another way to go about accessing an external API with cakePHP that I am totally missing?
