PHP telegram bot reply_mark - php

I'm programming a bot on telegram and I didn't make the special keyboard via reply_mark up someone can help me?
My code is this:

If I copy&paste your parameters to my bot and execute the command it works. But that's because I use the Text you provide as parts of my url.[key]/sendMessage?chat_id=[id]&text=keyTest&reply_markup={"keyboard":[["test"]]}
What you are doing is writing a script that executes the command. As far as I can tell you're using the dot . to concatenate strings. Another thing you're doing is trying to write the JSON for the reply_markup directly into the url.
What your problem probably is, is one of the following: You're not escaping the " sign or not concatenating variables correctly.
So if keyboard and test are variables you need to concatenate them correctly using the dot:
but if you just want to write your test keyboard into the string you need to escape the " so your string does not end:
Note: I have no idea if this is the correct way to escape " in php. This is just to explain your error. If you need to escape double quotes in php any other way, do it how it is supposed to be.

OK, I think that I have the solution for you!
So, this is the code:
$key = "{\"keyboard\":[ [\"OPTION1\"], [\"OPTION2\"], [\"OPTION3\"] ]}";
$url = $GLOBALS[API_URL]."/sendmessage?chat_id=$id&text=Choose%20your%20action&reply_markup=".urlencode($key);
Variable $GLOBALS[API_URL] =
So replace my global var with your direct url or whatever :D
Other function that should be interesting for you is this:
function close_keyboard($id, $message)
//$text = "Keyboard_closed!";
$message = str_replace(" ", "%20", $message);
$key = "{\"hide_keyboard\":true}";
$url = $GLOBALS[API_URL]."/sendmessage?chat_id=$id&text=$messagge&reply_markup=".urlencode($key);
This function close your custom keyboard, and other my personal function is this:
function build_keyboard($elements, $message, $chat_id)
//Get length of array
$len = count($elements);
//Build custom keyboard
$keyboard = "{\"keyboard\":[ [\"";
for($i = 0; $i < $len; ++$i)
if($i < $len-1)
$keyboard .= $elements[$i]."\"],[\"";
$keyboard .= $elements[$i]."\"] ]}";
$url = $GLOBALS[API_URL]."/sendmessage?chat_id=$chat_id&text=".urlencode($message)."&reply_markup=".urlencode($keyboard);
Prototype of this function is build_keyboard(array(), String, String)
$messagge = "Wrong choise";
$keyboard = array("OPT1", "OPT2", "OPT3");
build_keyboard($keyboard, $message, $chat_id);
Remember that $message is always needed or reply_doesntt work!
Hope this will be usefull! You're welcome!


Prevent an link becoming double encoded in PHP

I have the following URL in a MySQL database for a PHP application - part of our system allows a user to edit their previous post with these links and save - however as the url gets encoded again when a user edits this is then breaks the url as displayed below.
Is there an easy way or existing PHP function to determine if the string already has been encoded and to alter the string to remove the unwanted characters so it remains in the expected output below.
Expected output
Actual output
As suggested in comments, double decode, then encode (only the query string part).
$str = "";
$str = "";
function fix_url($str)
$arr = explode('/', $str, 4);
$qs = $arr[3]; // add if at all check?
while (true) {
$decoded = urldecode($qs);
if ($decoded == $qs) {
$qs = $decoded;
$encoded = urlencode($decoded);
$result = $arr[0] . '//' . $arr[2] . $encoded;
return $result;
echo fix_url($str);

Make PHPBB 3.0.14 and ABBC3 compatible with PHP 7.3

I'm trying to make ABBC3 work with PHP 7.3 and PHPBB 3.0.14 since I can't move to PHPBB 3.3 due lots of issues with MODs not ported to extensions and theme (Absolution).
I have asked help in PHPBB forum without luck because 3.0.x and 3.1.x version are not supported anymore.
So after dozens of hours trying to understand bbcode functions I'm almost ready.
My code works when there's a single bbcode in message. But doesn't works when there's more bbcode or it's mixed with texts.
So I would like to get some help to solve this part to make everything work.
In line 98 in includes/bbcode.php this function:
$message = preg_replace($preg['search'], $preg['replace'], $message);
Is returning something like this:
$message = "some text $this->Text_effect_pass('glow', 'red', 'abc') another text. $this->moderator_pass('"fernando"', 'hello!') more text"
For this message:
some text [glow=red]abc[/glow] another text.
[mod="fernando"]hello![/mod] more text
The input for preg_replace above is like this just for context:
"some text [glow=red:mkpanc3g]abc[/glow:mkpanc3g] another text. [mod="fernando":mkpanc3g]hello![/mod:mkpanc3g]"
So basically I have to split this string in valid expressions to apply eval() then concatenate everything. Like this:
$message = "some text". eval($this->Text_effect_pass('glow', 'red', 'abc');) . "another text " . eval($this->moderator_pass('"fernando"', 'hello!');). "more text"
In this specific case there's also double quotes left in '"fernando"'.
I know is not safe apply eval() to user input so I would like to make some type of preg_match and/or preg_split to get values inside of () to pass as parameter to my functions.
The functions are basically:
I'm thinking in something like this (Please ignore errors here):
if(preg_match("/$this->Text_effect_pass/", $message)
then split the string and get value inside of() and remove extra single or double quotes.
$textEffect = Text_effect_pass($value[0], $value[1], $value[2]);
Finally concatenate everything:
$message = $string[0] .$textEffect. $string[1];
if(preg_match("/$this->moderator_pass/", $message)
P.S.: ABBC3 is not compatible with PHP 7.3 due usage of e modifier. I have edited everything to remove the modifier.
Here you can see it working separately:
bbcode 1
bbcode 2
Can someone give me some help please?
After long time searching for a solution for this problem I found this site that helped me build the regex.
Now I have managed to solve the problem and I have my forum fully working with PHPBB 3.14, PHP 7.3 and ABBC3.
My solution is:
// Start Text_effect_pass
$regex = "/(\\$)(this->Text_effect_pass)(\().*?(\')(,)( )(\').*?(\')(,)( )(\').*?(\'\))/is";
if (preg_match_all($regex, $message, $matches)) {
foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $func) {
$bracket = preg_split("/(\\$)(this->Text_effect_pass)/", $func);
$param = explode("', '", $bracket[1]);
$param[0] = substr($param[0], 2);
$param[2] = substr($param[2], 0, strrpos($param[2], "')"));
$effect = $this->Text_effect_pass($param[0], $param[1], $param[2]);
if ($key == 0) {
$init = $message;
} else {
$init = $mess;
$mess = str_replace($matches[0][$key], $effect, $init);
$message = $mess;
} // End Text_effect_pass
// Start moderator_pass
$regex = "/(\\$)(this->moderator_pass)(\().*?(\')(,).*?(\').*?(\'\))/is";
if (preg_match_all($regex, $message, $matches)) {
foreach ($matches[0] as $key => $func) {
$bracket = "/(\\$)(this->moderator_pass)/";
$bracket = preg_split($bracket, $func);
$param = explode("', '", $bracket[1]);
$param[0] = substr($param[0], 2);
$param[1] = substr($param[1], 0, strrpos($param[1], "')"));
$effect = $this->moderator_pass($param[0], $param[1]);
if ($key == 0) {
$init = $message;
} else {
$init = $mess;
$mess = str_replace($matches[0][$key], $effect, $init);
$message = $mess;
} // End moderator_pass
If someone is interested can find patch files and instructions here.
Best regards.

Avoiding equal and ampersand conversion in PHP

I have a php variable containing some special characters, inside a Codeigniter 3 controller:
page_url = 'search=' . $expression . '&page';
In a template, I use this variable:
In the in the browser I see the characters mentioned above in this form:
The = sign turns to %3D, "&" to %26.
I tried page_url = urldecode($page_url); but it does not work.
How do I keep the original characters?
Please use utf8 decode and try again
echo utf8_decode(urldecode("search%3Dharum%26page=2"));
Try this decode function.
function decode($url)
$special = array(
'%21' => '!', '\\' => '%5C', // so on you need to define.
foreach($special as $key => $value)
$result = str_replace($key, $value, $url);
return $result;
echo decode("search=%21");
Your problem is not that easy to reproduce. The following rextester demo produces the text in the form you request, using basically your code:
$page_url = 'posts/search?search=' . $expression . '&page=' . $page;
resulting in
Could it be that the problem is caused by that fact that the script is part of a codeigniter controller? I do not know anything about codeigniter but I can image that further processing takes place there.

Apply inline CSS to PHP preg_replace or str_replace function

I have a PHP function that is calling the following:
function availability_filter_func($availability) {
$replacement = 'Out of Stock - Contact Us';
$availability['availability'] = str_ireplace('Out of stock', $replacement, $availability['availability']);
As you can see I am replacing the text string with custom text, however
I need the "Contact Us" text to be Contact Us - how would I go about doing this? Inputting raw html into the replacement string makes the html a part of the output.
Echo does not work and breaks the PHP function - same with trying to escape the PHP function, inserting html on on the entire string, and unescape the function.
Any advice would be appreciated, thank you.
Your code seems to be a complex way of doing this
function availability_filter_func($availability) {
$default = "Out of Stock";
$string = "<a href=''>Contact Us</a>";
if($availablity !== "") {
$return = $availability;
} else {
$return = $default;
return "$return - $string";
Try the Heredoc Syntax
$replacement = <<<LINK
Contact Us

best way to encode javascript with php for ajax?

The following PHP function outputs JS:
function dothething( $data ){
$res = "
<div id=\"blah\">
Here's some stuff, ". $data['name'] ."
echo "$('#container').html('". $res ."');";
This function is called via jQuery's $.ajax(), using dataType: 'script' ... so whatever is echoed runs like a JS function. There's more to it of course, but my question has to do with encoding. The ajax will fail when $res contains newlines or apostrophes. So adding this above the echo seems to be working for now:
$res = str_replace("\n", "\\n", addslashes($res));
Is this the best way to format the PHP variable $res to yield valid javascript for ajax?
Is there anything else I should add in there?
In your case I would use json_encode() over anything else:
echo "$('#container').html(" . json_encode($res) . ");";
When applied to a string value, it will automatically encapsulate it with double quotes and escape anything inside that would otherwise cause a parse error.
Try this,
if(count($result)>0) {
$status = 0;
} else {
$status = 1;
$json['status'] = $status;
$json['result'] = $output;
