Taking postgresql backup in php using pg_dumb - php

I am trying to take the backup of postgresql database using php. If I try it in the command prompt using the following then it is working. But if I try it using exec() then an empty file is generated.Also the php script gets executed infinitely.
pg_dump -U postgres test > D:/backup.sql

The following code works.
$dumpcmd = array("pg_dump", "-i", "-U", escapeshellarg("postgres"), "-F", "c", "-b", "-v", "-f", escapeshellarg("D:/backup4.sql"), escapeshellarg("test"));
exec( join(' ', $dumpcmd), $cmdout, $cmdresult );
if ($cmdresult != 0)
# Handle error here...
echo "error";


shell_exec command in php not working properly

I am trying to execute a C program using the shell_exec command, which needs arguments to be passed. It is working for one input, but not working for others. I tried to run the C program through terminal, it is working for all the inputs.
This is my execprog.php file. I have to give 2 inputs as command line arguments to file. /var/www/project is the path.
$query = "/var/www/project/./a.out /var/www/project/constraints.txt /var/www/project/constraints_keyword.txt /var/www/project/FIB.txt /var/www/project/ANS.txt";
echo $query;
$var = shell_exec($query);
echo $var;
$query = "/var/www/project/./a.out";
$arguments = array
$string = '';
$string.= ' %s';
$command = vsprintf("{$query}{$string}", $arguments);
$var = shell_exec($command);
echo $var;
As you it works on the terminal and not on apache then apache's php.ini file may be disabling the use of shell_exec().
See http://www.php.net/manual/en/ini.core.php#ini.disable-functions
Your apache's php.ini file may look something like
Remove shell_exec from this list and restart the web server, although this is a security risk and I don't recommend it.
In general functions such as exec,shell_exec and system are always used to execute the external programs. Even a shell command can also be executed. If these two functions are enabled then a user can enter any command as input and execute into your server. So usually people disable in apache config as disable_functions to secure their site.
It works for me - Here is test run
Sample test c code
[akshay#gold tmp]$ cat test.c
int main(int args, char *argv[]) {
int i = 0;
for (i = 0; i < args; i++)
printf("Arg[%d] = %s\n",i, argv[i]);
return 0;
[akshay#gold tmp]$ gcc test.c
Sample php script
[akshay#gold tmp]$ cat test.php
$query = "/tmp/./a.out /var/www/project/constraints.txt /var/www/project/constraints_keyword.txt /var/www/project/FIB.txt /var/www/project/ANS.txt";
$var = shell_exec($query);
echo $var;
Execution and output
[akshay#gold tmp]$ php test.php
Arg[0] = /tmp/./a.out
Arg[1] = /var/www/project/constraints.txt
Arg[2] = /var/www/project/constraints_keyword.txt
Arg[3] = /var/www/project/FIB.txt
Arg[4] = /var/www/project/ANS.txt

Tesseract exec not working

I have been trying to work this out for a couple days now and can't crack it.
I'm trying to use php to echo the result of tesseract.
After everything I've researched and tried, I feel like the below code should work.
echo '<pre>';
echo exec('/usr/local/bin/tesseract /home/username/www/ocr/images/hello.png result');
echo '</pre>';
The command runs fine via SSH and if I change the above to suit ifconfig it works fine.
Any ideas to get this working?
You could try cat-ing the result as a 2nd command once tesseract is done. shell_exec appears to be better at returning the full output vs. exec.
$res = shell_exec('/opt/local/bin/tesseract /Users/stressederic/Sites/Sandbox/OCR/CC/gold.jpg result && cat result.txt');
I ended up getting this working by just breaking everything down.
$cmd = "/usr/local/bin/tesseract $tmpFile stdout";
exec($cmd, $msg);
$arraymsg = $msg;
$msg = implode(' ', $msg);
echo $msg;
its work
var_dump(exec('/usr/bin/tesseract 6.png out1 -l eng+ara'));
var_dump(shell_exec('/usr/bin/tesseract 6.png out1 -l eng+ara'));
in laravel =>
6.png Into the folder public
lang=> eng or ara are language

Can not execute CL Command (AS400 command) in PHP script

I login to AS400 and go to QSHELL(STRQSH). After that I pasted the following command and run it in QSHELL
It works. But when I execute the above command using PHP script as the follow
$cmd = 'system "' . $cmd . '"';
$output = array();
exec ($cmd, $output , $retVal);
echo "return value code: " . $retVal;
It returns error code of 255. Please help me how to fix this issue. Thanks
Try the PHP Toolkit for i5/OS. There is a older Redbook that describes it: http://www.redbooks.ibm.com/redbooks/pdfs/sg247327.pdf
An example from there:
/* Connect to server */
$conn = i5_connect("localhost", "PHPUSER", "MYPASSWORD");
if (!$conn)
die("<br>Connection using \"localhost\" with USERID and PASSWORD failed. Error
number =".i5_errno()." msg=".i5_errormsg())."<br>";
echo "<br>Connection using \"localhost\" with USERID and PASSWORD OK!<br>\n";
/* Call Retrieve Network Attributes command */
$ret = i5_command("rtvneta", array(), array("sysname" => "sysn", "lclnetid"=>"lclnet"));
if (!$ret) die("<br>rtvneta command failed. errno=".i5_errno()."
print "<h1><b>Results of \"rtvneta\" command </b></h1><br>" ;
print "System Name : $sysn<br>" ;
print "Local Net ID : $lclnet<br>" ;
/* Close connection */
I see two pontential problems:
PHP runs in PASE, not in QShell. Try to manually run your call from QP2TERM.
User rights. Make sure QTMHHTTP (or whatever user runs PHP) has the apropriate rights to the program you try to call.
You can check for further information in stdout, which you should have in $output, and your PHP-server joblog as mentioned at IBM i information center (possibly needing the flag 'system -K').

How to provide default value for user input in PHP?

Is there a PHP functionallity same as read -i in BASH so that a script can prompt the user and provide a default answer like this:
Are you doing ok? (yes/no): yes
Where "yes" is the default answer provided by the script, which the user can erase and input another.
The readline function does not seem to have what it takes. Is there any other way to do this?
Using a stream does not seem to work either:
echo "Are you doing ok? (yes/no): ";
$in = fopen('php://stdin', 'rw+');
fputs($in, 'yes'); // should be the default?
$answer = fgets($in);
echo "\nYou entered: {$answer}\n";
Whatever is in written by the fputs($in, 'yes'); line is ignored:
Are you doing ok? (yes/no): yes
You entered:
Am I using the stream incorrectly? Or maybe there is some other way to achive the default value?
Maybe I simlified the example to much. The real issue is not a simple yes/no prompt - this is just an example. Let me emphasize again: I'm aiming for providing exactly the same functionallity as the read -i BASH command. The $answer in my specific case holds an URL, so I would like for the user to be provided with the first part of the url (scheme, host, port), so he can add/edit the rest (path, query), fragment. Like this:
Enter url: http://www.example.com/foo/
now the user complement the path with bar/baz and we get:
You entered: http://www.example.com/foo/bar/baz
But on the other hand the user also should have the option to erase the first part of the url and provide completely different string:
Enter url: ftp://www.my-super-specific-domain.com/foo/bar
There's no built in way of doing this because writing some code that does it is quite straight forward:
function writeQuestion($question, $answers)
echo $question . ' (' . implode('/', $answers) . '): ' . PHP_EOL;
function readAnswer($possibleAnswers, $defaultAnswer)
$in = fopen('php://stdin', 'rw+');
$answer = trim(fgets($in));
if(!in_array($answer, $possibleAnswers))
return $defaultAnswer;
return $answer;
$question = 'Are you doing ok?';
$answers = array('yes', 'no');
$defaultAnswer = 'yes';
writeQuestion($question, $answers);
$answer = readAnswer($answers, $defaultAnswer);
You can wrap standard bash read for prefilled/populated edit and call it from you main php cli script
bash script named xreadline:
#! /bin/bash
IFS="";read -r -p "$1" -i "$2" -e STRING;echo "$STRING"
main php cli script:
function xreadline ($prompt,$prefill)
$on = exec ('./xreadline "'.$prompt.'" "'.$prefill.'"');
return $on;
$answer = xreadline ('Your answer: ', 'xyz');
echo $answer;
This approach fully supports UTF8 instead of native PHP readline.
Comment messed my code so here is standalone php cli file with function call to "read" command.
Little bit tricky, but hopefully will work as supposed to. :-)
function xreadline ($prompt,$prefill)
return exec ('/bin/bash -c \'read -r -p "'.$prompt.'" -i "'.$prefill.'" -e STRING;echo "$STRING";\'');
echo "Prompt test :\n";
$output = xreadline ("edit this prefilled prompt: ","prefilled stuff");
echo "\n";
echo $output;

mysqldump via PHP

I have a PHP script that gets passed the MySQL connection details of a remote server and I want it to execute a mysqldump command. To do this I'm using the php exec() function:
exec("/usr/bin/mysqldump -u mysql-user -h -pmysql-pass database_name > /path-to-export/file.sql", $output);
When the right login details are passed to it, it'll work absolutely fine.
However, I'm having trouble checking if it executes as expected and if it doesn't finding out why not.
The $output array returns as empty, whereas if I run the command directly on the command line a message is printed out telling me the login failed. I want to capture such error messages and display them. Any ideas on how to do that?
You should check the third parameter of exec function: &$return_var.
$return_var = NULL;
$output = NULL;
$command = "/usr/bin/mysqldump -u mysql-user -h -pmysql-pass database_name > /path-to-export/file.sql";
exec($command, $output, $return_var);
By convention in Unix a process returns anything other than 0 when something goes wrong.
And so you can:
if($return_var) { /* there was an error code: $return_var, see the $output */ }
The solution I found is to run the command in a sub-shell and then output the stderr to stdout (2>&1). This way, the $output variable is populated with the error message (if any).
i.e. :
exec("(mysqldump -uroot -p123456 my_database table_name > /path/to/dump.sql) 2>&1", $output, $exit_status);
var_dump($exit_status); // (int) The exit status of the command (0 for success, > 0 for errors)
echo "<br />";
var_dump($output); // (array) If exit status != 0 this will handle the error message.
Results :
array(1) { [0]=> string(46) "mysqldump: Couldn't find table: "table_name"" }
Hope it helps !
Because this line redirect the stdout output > /path-to-export/file.sql
try this,
exec("/usr/bin/mysqldump -u mysql-user -h -pmysql-pass database_name", $output);
/* $output will have sql backup, then save file with these codes */
$h=fopen("/path-to-export/file.sql", "w+");
fputs($h, $output);
I was looking for the exact same solution, and I remembered I'd already solved this a couple of years ago, but forgotten about it.
As this page is high in Google for the question, here's how I did it:
define("BACKUP_PATH", "/full/path/to/backup/folder/with/trailing/slash/");
$server_name = "your.server.here";
$username = "your_username";
$password = "your_password";
$database_name = "your_database_name";
$date_string = date("Ymd");
$cmd = "mysqldump --hex-blob --routines --skip-lock-tables --log-error=mysqldump_error.log -h {$server_name} -u {$username} -p{$password} {$database_name} > " . BACKUP_PATH . "{$date_string}_{$database_name}.sql";
$arr_out = array();
exec($cmd, $arr_out, $return);
if($return !== 0) {
echo "mysqldump for {$server_name} : {$database_name} failed with a return code of {$return}\n\n";
echo "Error message was:\n";
$file = escapeshellarg("mysqldump_error.log");
$message = `tail -n 1 $file`;
echo "- $message\n\n";
It's the --log-error=[/path/to/error/log/file] part of mysqldump that I always forget about!
As exec() is fetching just stdout which is redirected to the file, we have partial or missing result in the file and we don't know why. We have to get message from stderr and exec() can't do that. There are several solutions, all has been already found so this is just a summary.
Solution from Jon: log errors from mysqldump and handle them separately (can't apply for every command).
Redirect outputs to separate files, i.e. mysqldump ... 2> error.log 1> dump.sql and read the error log separately as in previous solution.
Solution from JazZ: write the dump as a subshell and redirect stderr of the subshell to stdout which can php exec() put in the $output variable.
Solution from Pascal: better be using proc_open() instead of exec() because we can get stdout and stderr separately (directly from pipes).
write below code to get the database export in .sql file.
<?php exec('mysqldump --user=name_user --password=password_enter --host=localhost database_name > filenameofsql.sql'); ?>
