Organize data based on timestamp with AJAX autoload - php

Im using this answer right here:
And it works well on SELECT * FROM MOCK_DATA ORDER BY date DESC. But i would like to add the function to "autoload" the content. But I'm having a hard time to implement this.
I actually tried following this tutorial:
Im trying to fetch the data in json format, from my controller:
public function ajaxtest(){
'mockup' => UserModel::ajax(Request::post('start'), Request::post('limit'))
The Request::post('start') and Request::post('limit') is just added plain HTML in the index.php
<input type="hidden" id="first" value="0">
<input type="hidden" id="limit" value="4">
And the Model query looks like this:
public static function ajax($start = 0, $limit = 4){
$database = DatabaseFactory::getFactory()->getConnection();
$sql = 'SELECT * FROM MOCK_DATA ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT :start, :limit';
$query = $database->prepare($sql);
$query->bindValue(':start', intval($start), PDO::PARAM_INT);
$query->bindValue(':limit', intval($limit), PDO::PARAM_INT);
if($query->rowCount() < 0){
return false;
return json_encode($query->fetchAll());
I i have tried returning the query with json_encode but still getting error No more data to show.
$decoded = json_decode($this->mockup);
$aArray = array();
$aArray[date('Y-m-d')] = 'Today - Idag';
$aArray[date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n'), date('j') - 1, date('Y')))] = 'Yesterday - Igår';
$aArray[date('Y-m-d', mktime(0, 0, 0, date('n'), date('j') - 2, date('Y')))] = 'Day before Yesterday - Förrgår';
$aArray['2013-12-25'] = 'Christmas 2013';
$cLastHeader = '';
$cCurrHeader = '';
//foreach ($rows AS $nNull => $cDate) {
foreach ($decoded AS $key => $value) {
$cLookup = substr($value->date, 0, 10); //TRIM OUT THE TIME FROM CURRENT RECORD
if (isset($aArray[$cLookup])) {
$cCurrHeader = $aArray[$cLookup];
} else {
$cCurrHeader = $cLookup; //WOULD SHOW 'YYYY-MM-DD'
$cCurrHeader = date('F Y', strtotime($cLookup)); //WOULD SHOW 'MONTH YYYY'
if ($cCurrHeader != $cLastHeader) {
$cLastHeader = $cCurrHeader;
print($cCurrHeader . "\n");
// print("\t" . $cDate . "<br>");
echo '<h4>'. $value->date . ' <small>'.$value->email.'</small></h4>';
echo '<div class="content">'.$value->text .'</div><br>';
Here is the AJAX code
flag = true;
$(window).scroll(function() {
if($(window).scrollTop() + $(window).height() == $(document).height()){
first = $('#first').val();
limit = $('#limit').val();
no_data = true;
if(flag && no_data){
flag = false;
url : 'http://localhost:8888/dashboard/ajaxtest',
dataType: "json",
method: 'post',
data: {
start : first,
limit : limit
success: function( data ) {
flag = true;
if(data.count > 0 ){
first = parseInt($('#first').val());
limit = parseInt($('#limit').val());
$('#first').val( first+limit );
$('#timeline-conatiner').append('<h4>'+date+' <small>'+email+'</small></h4>');
$.each(data.content, function(key, value ){
html = '<div class="content">';
html += '<p>'+value.text+'</p>';
html += '</div>';
$('#timeline-conatiner').append( html );
// alert('No more data to show');
no_data = false;
$('#timeline-conatiner').append('No more data to show');
error: function( data ){
flag = true;
no_data = false;
// alert('Something went wrong, Please contact admin');
$('#timeline-conatiner').append('Something went wrong, Please contact admin');
How can i troubleshoot this?


Get data value from php array with autocomplete jquery/ajax

I try to use the plugin from "devbridge autocomplete" :
I would like to get 3 values from my search.php page (and not just 1).
It works for "value" but not for "data1" and "data2" (result for each = null)
My jQuery code :
serviceUrl: 'search.php',
dataType: 'json',
onSelect: function (value,data1,data2) {
alert('You selected: ' + value + ', ' + data1 + ', ' + data2);
My search page :
$query = mysql_query("select distinct adress,id,city from myadresstable where (adress like '%{$term}%') order by adress limit 10 ");
if (mysql_num_rows($query))
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
$reply['suggestions'][] = ''.utf8_encode($row['nom_voie']).'';
$reply['data1'][] = ''.utf8_encode($row['id']).'';
$reply['data2'][] = ''.utf8_encode($row['city']).'';
echo json_encode($reply);
Thank you for helping me :)
You can just change a bit the php array this way:
$query = mysql_query("select distinct adress,id,city from myadresstable where (adress like '%{$term}%') order by adress limit 10 ");
if (mysql_num_rows($query))
$arr = array();
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
$reply['suggestions'] = utf8_encode($row['nom_voie']);
$reply['data'] = utf8_encode($row['id']);
$reply['value'] = utf8_encode($row['city']);
$arr[] = $reply;
echo json_encode($arr);
And in your jquery code:
lookup: datos,
onSelect: function (suggestion) {
alert('You selected: ' + suggestion.value + ', ' + + ', ' + suggestion.nom_voie);
Sample fiddle:
Try selecting "Valdivia" to see the alert
I found the solution :)
The problem was the PHP Array. To get some data values with this autocomplete plugin you have to use array() :
PHP Code
$suggestions = array();
if (mysql_num_rows($query))
while($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query))
$suggestions[] = array(
"value" => $nom_mydata1,
"data" => $nom_mydata2
echo json_encode(array('suggestions' => $suggestions));

JSONP and GET with callbacks - help needed correcting errors

This is my JSONP file:
header('Content-type: application/javascript;');
header("access-control-allow-origin: *");
header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET");
//db connection detils
$host = "localhost";
$user = "test";
$password = "test";
$database = "myradiostation1";
//make connection
$server = mysql_connect($host, $user, $password);
$connection = mysql_select_db($database, $server);
//query the database
$query = mysql_query("SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(start, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') AS start,
DATE_FORMAT(end, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') AS end FROM radiostation1");
//loop through and return results
for ($x = 0, $numrows = mysql_num_rows($query); $x < $numrows; $x++) {
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
$shows[$x] = array("id" => $row["id"], "startminutes" => $row["startminutes"], "start" => $row["start"], "endminutes" => $row["endminutes"],"end" => $row["end"],"mediumname" => $row["mediumname"], "longname" => $row["longname"], "description" => $row["description"],"short_id" => $row["short_id"],"promomessage" => $row["promomessage"],"email" => $row["email"],"phonenumber" => $row["phonenumber"],"textnumber" => $row["textnumber"],"textprefix" => $row["textprefix"],"showimage" => $row["showimage"],"longdescription" => $row["longdescription"],"facebooklink" => $row["facebooklink"],"otherlink" => $row["otherlink"],"websitelink" => $row["websitelink"],"keywords" => $row["keywords"] );
//echo JSON to page
$response = $_GET["callback"] . "(" . json_encode($shows) . ");";
echo $response;
It does work, up to a point, but getting the {"success":true,"error":"","data":{"schedule": as seen at this site before my json_encode is where I am.
However, I cannot get it to display any data in my table, although it DOES produce code on-screen when I view it at http://www.myradio1.localhost/onairschedule.php.
The actual code is stored at http://www.myradiostations.localhost/schedule.php
and the callback function works OK, one example being http://www.myradiostations.localhost/schedule.php?callback=?&name=Northern+FM and http://www.myradiostations.localhost/schedule.php?callback=?&name=Southern+FM but what do I need to do to make it change like in these examples:
this example and this example, and to generate an error message like this if no such file exists.
I'm halfway there, just need some advice on fixing my code!
Basically, what I'm trying to do... get a JSONP to work in my HTML table which will vary the content depending on the URL in my javascript file on my page, which is:
var doFades = true;
var LocalhostRadioStations = {
Schedule : {}
LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.days = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']
LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.Show = function () {
_s = null;
_startDate = null;
_endDate = null;
this.days = LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.days;
_selector = '';
this.setShow = function(s) {
this._s = s;
this._startDate = new Date( parseInt(s.startminutes, 10) * 1000);
this._endDate = new Date(parseInt(s.endminutes, 10) * 1000 );
this.getEndDate = function(){
return this._endDate;
this.getStartDate = function(){
return this._startDate;
this._getShowDay = function (){
return this.days[this.getStartDate().getDay()];
this._getShowUnitsTaken = function(){
// if it's the same day
return this._getEndUnits() - this._getStartUnits();
this._getEndUnits = function(){
if(this.getEndDate().getHours() == 0)
//console.log(this._s.longname +' ends at midnight');
return 48;
return this.getEndDate().getMinutes() !== 0 ? (this.getEndDate().getHours() * 2) : (this.getEndDate().getHours() * 2);
this._getStartUnits = function(){
if(this.getStartDate().getHours() == 0)
return 0;
return this.getStartDate().getMinutes() !== 0 ? (this.getStartDate().getHours() * 2) : (this.getStartDate().getHours() * 2);
this.getCellPositions = function() {
return {
'start' : this.getStartDate(),
'end' : this.getEndDate(),
'colIndex' : this.getStartDate().getDay() + 2,
'startUnits' : this._getStartUnits(),
'endUnits' : this._getEndUnits(),
'unitsTaken' : this._getShowUnitsTaken()
this.pad = function(number){
return number < 10 ? '0'+number : number;
// return the table cell html.
this.toHtml = function () {
var d = new Date();
var units = this._getStartUnits();
var rowspan = this._getShowUnitsTaken();
var desc = this._s.description;
var name = this._s.longname;
var starttime = this.pad(this.getStartDate().getHours()) + ':' + this.pad(this.getStartDate().getMinutes());
var endtime = this.pad(this.getEndDate().getHours()) + ':' + this.pad(this.getEndDate().getMinutes());
var site = this._s.websitelink;
var cls = this.isActive() ? 'current-program' : '';
var isToday = this.getStartDate().getDay() === d.getDay() ? 'active-program' : '';
var html = '<td class="schedule-show ' + isToday + ' ' + cls + '" rowspan="' + rowspan + '" data-start="' + this.getStartDate() + '" data-end="' + this.getEndDate() + '">';
html += '<div>';
html += '' + name + '';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="schedule_details clearfix" style="display:none;">';
html += '<img width="105px" height="105px" alt="' + desc + '" src="' + this._s.showimage + '">';
html += '<strong>' + name + '</strong>';
html += '<p>' + desc + '</p>';
html += '<span>' + starttime + ' - ' + endtime +'</span>';
html += '</div>';
html += '</td>';
return html;
this.setTableSelector = function(sel){
this._selector = sel;
// check if we should add the active class.
this.isActive = function(){
var t = new Date();
return t >= this.getStartDate() && t <= this.getEndDate();
LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.ScheduleGen = function(){
return {
insertShow : function(show) {
var p = show.getCellPositions();
$('tr#units-' + p.startUnits).append(show.toHtml());
init : function (stationName){
var self = this;
// load the schedule.
$.getJSON('http://www.myradiostations.localhost/schedule.php?callback=?&name=', {
name: 'Northern FM'
}, function(json){
// loop each show and append to our giant table.
// this is well sick.
if(json.success === false)
$('.content-inner table').remove();
var currentDay = '';
var day = 0;
// highlight the current time..
var d = new Date();
var weekStart = new Date();
$.each(, function(i, broadcast){
var dStart = new Date( parseInt(broadcast.startminutes, 10) * 1000);
var dEnd = new Date(parseInt(broadcast.endminutes, 10) * 1000 );
/*// transform to a show object defined above, if the show spans 2 days we create two show objects.
if(dStart.getHours() !== 0 && dEnd.getHours() !== 0 && dStart.getDate() != dEnd.getDate())
var showOne = new LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.Show();
// set to midnight
// append first half of show.
// handle second half.
var showTwo = new LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.Show();
showTwo.getStartDate().setDate(showTwo.getStartDate().getDate() + 1);
//console.log('2nd Half Start: ' + showTwo.getStartDate());
//console.log('2nd Half End: ' + showTwo.getEndDate());
var show = new LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.Show();
// add the show to the table. Thankfully the order these come out the API means they get added
// in the right place. So don't change the schedule builder code!
var days = LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.days;
// apply the current day / time classes
$('th:contains('+ days[d.getDay()]+')').addClass('active');
$('td.time').each(function(i, cell){
// get the value, convert to int.
var hours = $(cell).html().split(':')[0];
// compare the hours with now, add class if matched.
if(parseInt(hours, 10) === d.getHours())
// apply events to show info fade in / out.
}, function(){
It should change the schedule according to the JSONP, but what do I do to fix it?
Basically, I am trying to make my own localhost version of and its JSON / JSONP (I am not sure exactly what type the original is, but then again the site is experimental and on a .localhost domain) for testing purposes where the content is taken from the database, and changes according to station name, e.g. and etc.
Edit: The full code for my page can be seen at
I'm not sure exactly what's missing, but from the code you gave so far, I made a jsfiddle:
I modified some things to make it work (mostly appending stuff), because I don't know your original HTML file. But I also made some changes based on what you say you wanted. First of all I modified your $.getJSON call to be something like:
$.getJSON('', {
name: stationName //stationName is from the argument passed
}, function(json){...})
Which should give back the station based on what is passed to
To make it more interesting, I also added a bit of code that reads from the url. In this case if you go to the page with a domain.htm/page?Northern FM it will read the text after the ? and put it in twittiName.
var twittiName="Rock FM"; //default station
if({ //or window.location.hash
Tried to look for other stations that might be on your publics site, but so far I could only test with "?Rock+FM". But does mean you can show the errors, which your code can handle as it is.
?Random Name
So it seems that your code mostly works but do comment if I have missed anything.

PHP/Jquery auto check data then do insert

For example, I have the following data
Name Date
Aplha 10/05/1988
Bravo 10/04/1999
Charlie 10/08/1990
I'm trying to make a auto check data (database) for every minute,
and compare it with the current Date on the computer, if its the same, I can insert message like happy birthday.
Someone can provide reference or solution to this, would be appreciated.
its like notification but in this case it will send message automatic
edited note - nvm i got it..updated script
my js
setInterval(function() {
url: "dooBday.php",
success: function (data) {
}, 1000 * 60);
my dooBday function
$tglInt=preg_replace( '~\D~', '', $tglInt);
// Database Object
$tablename = "Phonebook_New";
$tablename2 = "USER_ID";
$VinDB = new VinDB();
// Get Data
$query2 = "SELECT * FROM ".$tablename2." WHERE UserID='".getMultiUserID()."'";
$result2 = $VinDB->query($query2);
if ($VinDB->num_rows($result2) != 0)
$line2 = $VinDB->fetch_array($result2);
if($line2["bdaySts"]==1 and strlen(trim($line2["bdayMsg"])) > 0){
// Get Data--------------------------------
$query = "SELECT * FROM ".$tablename." WHERE User_ID='".getMultiUserID()."' AND bdaySent='x'";
$result = $VinDB->query($query);
if ($VinDB->num_rows($result) != 0)
while ($line = $VinDB->fetch_array($result))
$tglNew=substr($line["Ultah"], 0, -5);
$datex = date('Y/m/d');
$timex = date('H:i:s');
$schedule= date($datex . '-' . $timex);
//doo Update Contact Sent--------------------
$sqlquery[$xo]="UPDATE ".$tablename." SET bdaySent='Sent' where User_ID='".getMultiUserID()."' and nomor='".$line["nomor"]."'";
// doo Send Message----------------------------
$inuquery[$xx] = "INSERT INTO Schedule ";
$inuquery[$xx] .= "(message,phone_number,Schedule,Status,User_ID) ";
$inuquery[$xx] .= "VALUES ('".$line2['bdayMsg']."','".$line['PhoneNumber']."','".$schedule."','Processing','";
if (isset($_SESSION['user_id2']))
$inuquery[$xx] .= $_SESSION['user_id2']."')";
} else {
$inuquery[$xx] .= "Unknown')";
}//end while
}// end if
}//end send bday
$result = $VinDB->query($sqlquery[$i]);
$result2 = $VinDB->query($inuquery[$i]);
I think you want to wish users. If I am right. You can do it like this.
put this code on your page where you would like to check every minute
setInterval(function() {
url: "ajx.php",
success: function (data) {
}, 1000 * 60);
And this will be your ajax.php file
// Name Date
// Aplha 10/05/1988
// Bravo 10/04/1999
// Charlie 10/08/1990
$alphaDob = '02/04/1988';
$exp = explode('/', $alphaDob);
$userDate = $exp[0];
$userMonth = $exp[1];
$currentDate = date('Y-m-d');
$exp = explode('-', $currentDate);
$currentDate = $exp[2];
$currentMonth = $exp[1];
if($currentMonth == $userMonth && $currentDate == $userDate) {
echo 'Happy Birthday';
For good performance use Ajax-Long-Polling function, example can be found here Long-Polling Example

JSON/PHP script and callbacks [duplicate]

This is my JSONP file:
header('Content-type: application/javascript;');
header("access-control-allow-origin: *");
header("Access-Control-Allow-Methods: GET");
//db connection detils
$host = "localhost";
$user = "test";
$password = "test";
$database = "myradiostation1";
//make connection
$server = mysql_connect($host, $user, $password);
$connection = mysql_select_db($database, $server);
//query the database
$query = mysql_query("SELECT *, DATE_FORMAT(start, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') AS start,
DATE_FORMAT(end, '%d/%m/%Y %H:%i:%s') AS end FROM radiostation1");
//loop through and return results
for ($x = 0, $numrows = mysql_num_rows($query); $x < $numrows; $x++) {
$row = mysql_fetch_assoc($query);
$shows[$x] = array("id" => $row["id"], "startminutes" => $row["startminutes"], "start" => $row["start"], "endminutes" => $row["endminutes"],"end" => $row["end"],"mediumname" => $row["mediumname"], "longname" => $row["longname"], "description" => $row["description"],"short_id" => $row["short_id"],"promomessage" => $row["promomessage"],"email" => $row["email"],"phonenumber" => $row["phonenumber"],"textnumber" => $row["textnumber"],"textprefix" => $row["textprefix"],"showimage" => $row["showimage"],"longdescription" => $row["longdescription"],"facebooklink" => $row["facebooklink"],"otherlink" => $row["otherlink"],"websitelink" => $row["websitelink"],"keywords" => $row["keywords"] );
//echo JSON to page
$response = $_GET["callback"] . "(" . json_encode($shows) . ");";
echo $response;
It does work, up to a point, but getting the {"success":true,"error":"","data":{"schedule": as seen at this site before my json_encode is where I am.
However, I cannot get it to display any data in my table, although it DOES produce code on-screen when I view it at http://www.myradio1.localhost/onairschedule.php.
The actual code is stored at http://www.myradiostations.localhost/schedule.php
and the callback function works OK, one example being http://www.myradiostations.localhost/schedule.php?callback=?&name=Northern+FM and http://www.myradiostations.localhost/schedule.php?callback=?&name=Southern+FM but what do I need to do to make it change like in these examples:
this example and this example, and to generate an error message like this if no such file exists.
I'm halfway there, just need some advice on fixing my code!
Basically, what I'm trying to do... get a JSONP to work in my HTML table which will vary the content depending on the URL in my javascript file on my page, which is:
var doFades = true;
var LocalhostRadioStations = {
Schedule : {}
LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.days = ['Sunday', 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday', 'Thursday', 'Friday', 'Saturday']
LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.Show = function () {
_s = null;
_startDate = null;
_endDate = null;
this.days = LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.days;
_selector = '';
this.setShow = function(s) {
this._s = s;
this._startDate = new Date( parseInt(s.startminutes, 10) * 1000);
this._endDate = new Date(parseInt(s.endminutes, 10) * 1000 );
this.getEndDate = function(){
return this._endDate;
this.getStartDate = function(){
return this._startDate;
this._getShowDay = function (){
return this.days[this.getStartDate().getDay()];
this._getShowUnitsTaken = function(){
// if it's the same day
return this._getEndUnits() - this._getStartUnits();
this._getEndUnits = function(){
if(this.getEndDate().getHours() == 0)
//console.log(this._s.longname +' ends at midnight');
return 48;
return this.getEndDate().getMinutes() !== 0 ? (this.getEndDate().getHours() * 2) : (this.getEndDate().getHours() * 2);
this._getStartUnits = function(){
if(this.getStartDate().getHours() == 0)
return 0;
return this.getStartDate().getMinutes() !== 0 ? (this.getStartDate().getHours() * 2) : (this.getStartDate().getHours() * 2);
this.getCellPositions = function() {
return {
'start' : this.getStartDate(),
'end' : this.getEndDate(),
'colIndex' : this.getStartDate().getDay() + 2,
'startUnits' : this._getStartUnits(),
'endUnits' : this._getEndUnits(),
'unitsTaken' : this._getShowUnitsTaken()
this.pad = function(number){
return number < 10 ? '0'+number : number;
// return the table cell html.
this.toHtml = function () {
var d = new Date();
var units = this._getStartUnits();
var rowspan = this._getShowUnitsTaken();
var desc = this._s.description;
var name = this._s.longname;
var starttime = this.pad(this.getStartDate().getHours()) + ':' + this.pad(this.getStartDate().getMinutes());
var endtime = this.pad(this.getEndDate().getHours()) + ':' + this.pad(this.getEndDate().getMinutes());
var site = this._s.websitelink;
var cls = this.isActive() ? 'current-program' : '';
var isToday = this.getStartDate().getDay() === d.getDay() ? 'active-program' : '';
var html = '<td class="schedule-show ' + isToday + ' ' + cls + '" rowspan="' + rowspan + '" data-start="' + this.getStartDate() + '" data-end="' + this.getEndDate() + '">';
html += '<div>';
html += '' + name + '';
html += '</div>';
html += '<div class="schedule_details clearfix" style="display:none;">';
html += '<img width="105px" height="105px" alt="' + desc + '" src="' + this._s.showimage + '">';
html += '<strong>' + name + '</strong>';
html += '<p>' + desc + '</p>';
html += '<span>' + starttime + ' - ' + endtime +'</span>';
html += '</div>';
html += '</td>';
return html;
this.setTableSelector = function(sel){
this._selector = sel;
// check if we should add the active class.
this.isActive = function(){
var t = new Date();
return t >= this.getStartDate() && t <= this.getEndDate();
LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.ScheduleGen = function(){
return {
insertShow : function(show) {
var p = show.getCellPositions();
$('tr#units-' + p.startUnits).append(show.toHtml());
init : function (stationName){
var self = this;
// load the schedule.
$.getJSON('http://www.myradiostations.localhost/schedule.php?callback=?&name=', {
name: 'Northern FM'
}, function(json){
// loop each show and append to our giant table.
// this is well sick.
if(json.success === false)
$('.content-inner table').remove();
var currentDay = '';
var day = 0;
// highlight the current time..
var d = new Date();
var weekStart = new Date();
$.each(, function(i, broadcast){
var dStart = new Date( parseInt(broadcast.startminutes, 10) * 1000);
var dEnd = new Date(parseInt(broadcast.endminutes, 10) * 1000 );
/*// transform to a show object defined above, if the show spans 2 days we create two show objects.
if(dStart.getHours() !== 0 && dEnd.getHours() !== 0 && dStart.getDate() != dEnd.getDate())
var showOne = new LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.Show();
// set to midnight
// append first half of show.
// handle second half.
var showTwo = new LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.Show();
showTwo.getStartDate().setDate(showTwo.getStartDate().getDate() + 1);
//console.log('2nd Half Start: ' + showTwo.getStartDate());
//console.log('2nd Half End: ' + showTwo.getEndDate());
var show = new LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.Show();
// add the show to the table. Thankfully the order these come out the API means they get added
// in the right place. So don't change the schedule builder code!
var days = LocalhostRadioStations.Schedule.days;
// apply the current day / time classes
$('th:contains('+ days[d.getDay()]+')').addClass('active');
$('td.time').each(function(i, cell){
// get the value, convert to int.
var hours = $(cell).html().split(':')[0];
// compare the hours with now, add class if matched.
if(parseInt(hours, 10) === d.getHours())
// apply events to show info fade in / out.
}, function(){
It should change the schedule according to the JSONP, but what do I do to fix it?
Basically, I am trying to make my own localhost version of and its JSON / JSONP (I am not sure exactly what type the original is, but then again the site is experimental and on a .localhost domain) for testing purposes where the content is taken from the database, and changes according to station name, e.g. and etc.
Edit: The full code for my page can be seen at
I'm not sure exactly what's missing, but from the code you gave so far, I made a jsfiddle:
I modified some things to make it work (mostly appending stuff), because I don't know your original HTML file. But I also made some changes based on what you say you wanted. First of all I modified your $.getJSON call to be something like:
$.getJSON('', {
name: stationName //stationName is from the argument passed
}, function(json){...})
Which should give back the station based on what is passed to
To make it more interesting, I also added a bit of code that reads from the url. In this case if you go to the page with a domain.htm/page?Northern FM it will read the text after the ? and put it in twittiName.
var twittiName="Rock FM"; //default station
if({ //or window.location.hash
Tried to look for other stations that might be on your publics site, but so far I could only test with "?Rock+FM". But does mean you can show the errors, which your code can handle as it is.
?Random Name
So it seems that your code mostly works but do comment if I have missed anything.

Returning a complex series of commands via ajax (or perhaps restructuring it once returned through ajax)

I currently have a function that looks like this:
function getEvents($weekNumStart, $weekNumEnd){
$mysqli = new mysqli(DB_SERVER, DB_USER, DB_PASSWORD, DB_NAME);
if (!$mysqli) {
die('There was a problem connecting to the database.');
else {
if ($weekNumEnd == '') {
$weekNumEnd = $weekNumStart;
$Group = $_SESSION['Group'];
$query = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT EventID, DAYOFWEEK(Start) AS wday, Events.Start, HOUR(Start) AS sHour, HOUR(End) AS eHour, Events.End, Events.Group, Events.Unit, Type, Room, Lecturer, Cancelled, StartName FROM Events, Week WHERE StartName >= '$weekNumStart' AND StartName <= '$weekNumEnd' AND Events.Start >= StartWeek AND Events.Start <=EndWeek AND (Events.Group = '$Group' OR Events.Group = '');");
$query->bind_result($eventID, $dayofweek, $startDateTime, $startHour, $endHour, $endDateTime, $group, $unit, $type, $room, $lecturer, $cancelled, $weekName);
$data_arr = array();
while ($query->fetch()){
$data_arr[] = array(
$eventID, $dayofweek, $startDateTime, $startHour, $endHour, $endDateTime, $group, $unit, $type, $room, $lecturer, $cancelled, $weekName
return $data_arr; //
This function works how I want it to. I currently manipulate it like this:
if (!isset($weekNumEnd)){
$weekNumEnd = '';
$data = getEvents($weekNumStart, $weekNumEnd);
foreach($data as $day) {
if ($day[1] == $i && $day[3] == $j){
$unit = $day[7];
$type = $day[8];
$room = $day[9];
if ($i == 2){
var mon<?=$j?>unit = '<?=$unit?>';
var mon<?=$j?>type = '<?=$type?>';
var mon<?=$j?>room = '<?=$room?>';
if (($day[4] - $day[3]) > 1) {
var mon<?=$q?>unit = '<?=$unit?>';
var mon<?=$q?>type = '<?=$type?>';
var mon<?=$q?>room = '<?=$room?>';
The problem is. I obviously cannot run it in real time to constantly update the events list whenever the week or whatever is changed.
So to fix it, I decided to try using Ajax. So far I have this:
function getEvents() {
var data = 'Events=Yes';
type: "POST",
url: "functions/updateWeek.php",
data: data,
cache: false,
dataType: 'json',
success: function(html) {
And I have this to return:
if($_POST['Events'] == "Yes"){
$weekNumStart = $_SESSION['startWeek'];
$weekNumEnd = $_SESSION['endWeek'];
$data = getEvents($weekNumStart, $weekNumEnd);
echo json_encode(array('returned_val' => $data));
And this...sort of works. at least that is to say it returns the data in one ugly great chunk.
The thing is I can no longer manipulate it as I did before as above:
data = getEvents($weekNumStart, $weekNumEnd);
foreach($data as $day) {
if ($day[1] == $i && $day[3] == $j){
$unit = $day[7];
$type = $day[8];
$room = $day[9];
if ($i == 2){
var mon<?=$j?>unit = '<?=$unit?>';
var mon<?=$j?>type = '<?=$type?>';
var mon<?=$j?>room = '<?=$room?>';
That is to say - I don't know how to re-manipulate it when I've called the information back through ajax. Would I rewrite all of the above in an entirely javascript fashion? Is there a more logical way of doing this that I do not know/understand? Or is there a way I can just make that code work (complete with php and javascript) in that different window, and have it send it all back, correct through ajax, to automatically work on the page without having to rewrite it once the info is pulled back through ajax?
First of all, it's enough to use json_encode($data) and you'll get the array from AJAX.
Second, check it with Firebug, as you should get structured data, not big chunk.
alert() just tries to print everything as single string, that's all
for( var i = 0; i < html.length; i++ )
// do something with html[i]
