comparing if time is greater than zero - php

i have a code that i want to execute if time is greater than zero.i have tried almost all the solutions from stackoverflow but did not get my desired result.
i have tried so far
$query="select TIMEDIFF(date_and_time,NOW()) as time_remaining from exam_schedule";//query to get remaining time from database
//run script
redirect to another page
//run script
redirect to another page
//run script
redirect to another page
//run script
redirect to another page
i am getting $remaing_time from database . its the difference b/w (current and stored time) i.e stored_time=10:30 ,current_time 10:20, remaining_time=00:00:10

Use TIME_TO_SEC to turn an HH:MM:SS string into seconds.
SELECT TIME_TO_SEC(TIMEDIFF(date_and_time,NOW())) AS time_remaining FROM exam_schedule
Then do
if ($remaining_time > 0)

All i need was
$remaining_time > "00:00:00"
because $remaining_time is a string type variable.


Limit the access of a function to once every 24 hours PHP + MySQL

I would like to limit the access of a function i've created to once every 24 hour based on the users IP address. I would also like the PHP script to delete the MySQL record if it's older than 24 hours.
If the user already has used the function within 24 hours, show them a message and prevent the script from continue running.
If the user already has used the function but 24 hours has passed since he used the function, delete the MySQL record and let the script continue running.
I'm lost and as you can see i am also missing some statements for deleting old records (-24 hours)..
Could anyone provide me with an example of how to do this? Thanks
Get client's IP address and store it with current date and time if the record doesn't exist.
Fetch the record and add 24 hours to its date and time value and check it with the current date and time every time the script is executed.
You need if else conditional statements to check if the 24 hours time is over or not. Based on that, you will control the execution of the function you want to.
I think I don't want to write much of theory. Here, I've written the pattern what the code looks like:
if(!$record_in_db) {
// create record with the client's ip address and the current date and time
// invoke the function you want - This is the code to trigger the function first time for the new IP address
} else {
// fetch_record_from_db
// add 24 hours to its date and time value
// check it with current date and time
$record_date_time = new DateTime('22-12-2016 22:45:20'); // this value should be fetched from database
$record_date_time_by_24_hours = $record_date_time->modify('+1 day');
$current_date_time = new DateTime(date('d-m-Y H:i:s', strtotime('now')));
$date_time_diff = $current_date_time->diff($record_date_time_by_24_hours);
if($date_time_diff->invert == 0) {
// Do something
} else {
// update the date and time of the record to NOW which is current date and time
// invoke the function you want
I can't write you the whole code. I could only give you some hints. You need to build the code from it. Hope I've given you right hints that could help you.

How to get dynamic home page

I have a index.html file consist of certain data with refresh button.
On pressing refresh button it will call refresh.php.
Refresh.php connects database and gets new updated data from database (Say- today's event data) And shows updated data in that refresh.php page
this is what I do.. But I want dynamic home page and want to remove refresh button. In short- whenever user loads homepage..that division should display updated data from database. So should I use .index.php and use php code in index.php itself will work?
I dont want to use asp/ajax/cookie/session. Please give me idea apart from these. Thanks :)
You could check the file's age, e.g.
$ca_file = '/path/to/foo.blah';
if (is_file($ca_file)) {
// check if file is not older then 1 hour
if (time() - filemtime($ca_file) <1 * 3600) {
$ca_news = 'y';
That would check if the file is not older then 1 hour. You'll probably want something smaller. Now all you need to do is to check the value of $ca_news and do your magic.

PHP Check if a user is online

Could anyone tell me why this doesn't work? In my database lastactive is 2013-12-10 16:15:12, updates every time a user refreshes any page on my website.
I select it and set it as a variable:
$lastactive = $row[5];
Here's where I thought it should work, but doesn't. Using 10 seconds for testing.
if(time() > $lastactive+10){
print('<div id="user_online_status" style="color: #aaa;">[OFFLINE]</div>');
else if(time() < $lastactive+10){
print('<div id="user_online_status">[ONLINE]</div>');
You're comparing a unix timestamp to a MySQL datetime string. You need to convert it to a unix timestamp before comparing the two:
$lastactive = strtotime($row[5]);
Replace your SELECT statement from:
SELECT lastOnline FROM user
to something like...
that's it. You're currently checking the Date string against a UNIX Timestamp.
I dont see its good idea to check for time.
What if user doesnt refresh the page , he let the page open and went to eat ? . he will be loggedout? it will be anonying.
I guess better is to use unload
$(window).unload(function() {
// Send an Ajax request to logout.php
if user doesnt refresh the page, you can check it on server using cron.
$limit = $userOnline+60; // cron set to run every minute
if($userOnline < $limit)
$userStatus = "offline";
$userStatus = "online";

Stop rand() code after limited page refreshes

I'm using a code that generate a random word from a database using ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1 (not many rows so it runs okay) . Is it possible, using php, to only allow the user to refresh the page a few limited times (either by clicking refresh manually or using a form['submit'] button) and then stopping the random function so it sets to the last value?
I know I can count page visits/refreshes by using sessions/cookies but I'm not sure how to stop the code running.
Barely constitutes an answer but too long for a comment - what is it exactly that you don't get?
<?php session_start();
// ...
$_SESSION['myCounter'] = 0;
if($_SESSION['myCounter'] < $myLimit){
// Do random DB query
$_SESSION['lastResult'] = $dbResult;
// Do something with result
echo $_SESSION['lastResult'];
// ...
There are even examples on the manual pages...
A IF statement would suffice
IF ( pagecount < 3 )
Execute code
Don't execute code
Set a flag on your PHP Script using a session say, $_SESSION['runRand'] = 1;
Run the random word db code only when the above variable is set to 1.
So when the user runs this script first time...
Store the first random word which was generated from DB into a session variable say $_SESSION['firstRand']=$randNum;
So when the user clicks the refresh button or submit, the PHP script gonna load again and a new random word will be generated, now don't store that word, just compare it to the one with the session variable $_SESSION['firstRand'];
When the user keeps clicking refresh and do the same process again, at some point the random word will match with the $_SESSION['firstRand']; , at that time set the session variable $_SESSION['runRand'] = 0; . Now , eventhough the user presses the refresh button the random code from DB will not be generated.

How to prevent users to open same page more than once at a time

On my website people earn points by seeing a page. They get 1 point for each second they keep the page open (the page keeps rotating Advertisements).
Some people have started exploiting this by opening that page multiple times all together and hence are earning more points! for example if the user open the page 10 times then he is earning 10 points for each second. I don't want them to earn more than 1 point per second.
How can I prevent the users from opening that page more than once at the same time?
Thanks in advance.
note : My website is php based.
I have on easy but not reliable way in mind:
Set a Sessionvar like
$_SESSION['user_already_on_page'] = true;
Now you can check for this variable and return an error page or something like that.
//maybe the user has left unexpected. to workaround this we have to check
//for the last db entry. Examplecode:
$query = mysql_query($_db,'SELECT LastUpdated FROM Pointstable WHERE U_Id = $uid');
$row = mysql_fetch_array($query);
if((time()-$row['LastUpdated']) < 5)
die("You are already on this page!");
//$_SESSION['user_already_on_page'] is set but the last update is older than 5 sec
//it seems, that he unexpectedly lost connection or something like that.
To unset this variable you could fire an AJAX-Script on pageclose that unsets this variable.
So your unsetonpage.ajax.php could look like this:
<?php $_SESSION['user_already_on_page'] = false;?>
And your JS-Part (using jquery):
$(window).bind('beforeunload', function(eventObject) {
This should work.
Add the time when the page is opened to the database. Whenever the page is opened check if the difference b/w that time and current time is less than xx seconds then redirect the user. If the difference is more than xx seconds then update that time.
//--- You make session in startup called (my_form)
if (!empty($_SESSION['my_form']))
if ($_SESSION['my_form']== basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']))
} else {
$_SESSION['my_form']= basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
} else {
$_SESSION['my_form']= basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
