mysql query very slow but i use "group by" function...
i remove group by query and query very fast.
How can I solve this problem?
my query code:
$myquery1 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM konucuklar
WHERE status=''
and category='football'
GROUP BY matchhour
ORDER BY id asc");
while($myquery1record = mysql_fetch_array($myquery1)){
$myquery2 = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM konucuklar
WHERE mactarihi='$bugunt'
and statu=''
and kategori='futbol'
and macsaati='$myquery1record[matchhour]'
ORDER BY id asc");
while ($myquery2record=mysql_fetch_array($myquery2)) {
// code
Your first query does not comply with SQL standards and will be processed by mysql only if strict sql mode is not enabled.
You are issuing the 2nd query in a loop based on the results returned by the 1st query. So, if the 1st query returns 10 rows, then you will execute the 2nd query 10 times. This is very slow. You should rewrite the 2 queries as one, since both queries query the same table and have almost the same where criteria.
No idea what the 2nd while loop does, as I can't see where $listele is defined.
The slow down might not be related to the GROUP BY clause. Try adding an index on columns you need to .
Link to understand index :
MySQL Profiling might also help you in your endeavour
Your queries are not optimized and probably could be done better in other way incluiding using only one composed query (JOIN) to fetch all data at once.
Also if your tables have lots of items is good practice to create INDEXES to the fields uses in the common queries for the filter to make the search faster.
Example, your firs select has this complexity (and probably is not well formed)
SELECT * FROM konucuklar WHERE status=''
and category='football'
GROUP BY matchhour
ORDER BY id asc
But is used only to get the matchhour for the second query. The minimal optimization is to use a query to fetch only the required field.
SELECT DISTINCT matchhour FROM konucuklar WHERE status='' and category='football'
Within a piece of code I'm refactoring, a while loop iterates through a result set from a database query and performs a subset of queries.
In most cases, these loops can be extracted to perform fewer queries with a larger set of passed parameters.
However, I'm not sure how to handle this specific query where an ORDER BY and LIMIT 1 make ita little trickier to work out how to optimise it. Any points would welcome on how to approach this query type:
$e = array( ... );
foreach($e as $i=>j) {
$sql = "SELECT a FROM b WHERE c = '".(int)$j."' ORDER BY f LIMIT 1";
$res = $db->query($sql);
A possible way would be to select without the ORDER/LIMIT conditions and filter in PHP via PHP loops but only 1 query, but is there a better way to reduce the result set returned?
To clarify better, I'm extending with some more information. If there are 5000 records that would otherwise be returned in the simplified structure above, then we'd need 5000 in the final result set as well after optimising the query out of the loop. The LIMIT 1 clause doesn't allow that to be done in the outer SQL, but I haven't worked out a way to do that with an inner query or sub query yet. It was this element that I wanted to sanity check with better/more experienced minds.
Any pointers welcome!
Thank you
I think building your query this way should get you the results you are expecting :
SELECT a FROM b WHERE c in(1,2,3,4,5) GROUP BY c ORDER BY min(f);
As GROUP BY will only output a single row of each column "c".
$results_ts = mysqli_query($connection, "SELECT id, title, description, content
FROM prose WHERE title LIKE '%$search_title%' LIMIT 10");
if(isset ($_GET['search_title'])){
while($title_arr = mysqli_fetch_array($results_ts)){
echo $title_arr[id]; //and so on...
And that works as I wanted.
but when I try to add , count(*) after where content is, than while() loop echoes only one result, even when $title_arr[4](which stands for count) results in many.
Is it possible to do it this sort of way, or should I be running two separate queries?
You shouldn't do that in one query.
Think about the result you're expecting: when you do a count(*) query, what you get back is a result with only one row and one value. If you select multiple lines, then what should it do? Inject the count into each row of the data?
From a logical perspective, those are two different things you're looking for.
EDIT: counting the rows in your result after the fact is probably the best option, but that won't work if you're only looking for the first 10 entries, and there's no reason to SELECT the whole table if you don't need all the data. That's why count(*) is fulfilling such a different role.
COUNT() is an aggregate function so you can't use it like this. But if all you want is the number of rows this query would have returned you can use SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS to get the number of rows that would have been returned if thee was no LIMIT clause. You then can get the results by calling SELECT FOUND_ROWS() after your query is run.
I am using the ActiveRecord library that comes with the PHP framework CodeIgniter. I frequently find myself needing to query the database for a number of rows using a LIMIT clause, but also needing to know the total number of rows I would have pulled had I not included the LIMIT clause. For example, this is frequently the case when I provide pagenation for many results. I only want to pull 20 records at a time, but I also need to know how many rows there are in total which match my query where clause. I need to create 2 slightly different queries, a count query:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE [where_clause];
And a 'paged' query:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE [where_clause] LIMIT 0,20;
Is there an elegant solution to this problem with ActiveRecord? There doesn't seem to be anything out of the box which will help me. Obviously I can write around the problem with my own PHP but it would be ideal if I could take advantage of some aspect of the library to not have to duplicate code, etc.
Answer my own question, best way is to use SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS like so, Add this select call to your query:
$this->db->select('SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS *',false);
And then immediately afterwards to get the count:
$count = $this->db->query("SELECT FOUND_ROWS() AS count")->row('count');
i am running queries on a table that has thousands of rows:
$sql="select * from call_history where extension_number = '0536*002' and flow = 'in' and DATE(initiated) = '".date("Y-m-d")."' ";
and its taking forever to return results.
The SQL itself is
select *
from call_history
where extension_number = '0536*002'
and flow = 'in'
and DATE(initiated) = 'dateFromYourPHPcode'
is there any way to make it run faster? should i put the where DATE(initiated) = '".date("Y-m-d")."' before the extension_number where clause?
or should i select all rows where DATE(initiated) = '".date("Y-m-d")."' and put that in a while loop then run all my other queries (where extension_number = ...) whthin the while loop?
Here are some suggestions:
1) Replace SELECT * by the only fields you want.
2) Add indexing on the table fields you want as output.
3) Avoid running queries in loops. This causes multiple requests to SQL server.
4) Fetch all the data at once.
5) Apply LIMIT tag as and when required. Don't select all the records.
6) Fire two different queries: one for counting total number of records and other for fetching number of records per page (e.g. 10, 20, 50, etc...)
7) If applicable, create Database Views and get data from them instead of tables.
The order of clauses under WHERE is irrelevant to optimization.
Pro-tip, also suggested by somebody else: Never use SELECT * in a query in a program
unless you have a good reason to do so. "I don't feel like writing out the names of the columns I need" isn't a good reason. Always enumerate the columns you need. MySQL and other database systems can often optimize things in surprising ways when the list of data columns you need is available.
Your query contains this selection criterion.
AND DATE(initiated) = 'dateFromYourPHPcode'
Notice that this search criterion takes the form
FUNCTION(column) = value
This form of search defeats the use of any index on that column. Your initiated column has a TIMESTAMP data type. Try this instead:
AND initiated >= 'dateFromYourPHPcode'
AND initiated < 'dateFromYourPHPcode' + INTERVAL 1 DAY
This will find all the initiated items in the particular day. And, because it doesn't use a function on the column value it can use an index range scan to do that, which performs well. It may, or may not, also help without an index. It's worth a try.
I suspect your ideal index for this particular search would created by
ALTER TABLE call_history
ADD INDEX flowExtInit (flow, extension_number, initiated)
You should ask the administrator of the database to add this index if your query needs good performance.
You should add index to your table. This way MySql will fetch faster. I have not tested but command should be like this:
ALTER TABLE `call_history ` ADD INDEX `callhistory` (`extension_number`,`flow`,`extension_number`,`DATE(initiated)`);
consider "Query1", which is quite time consuming. "Query1" is not static, it depends on $language_id parameter, thats why I can not save it on the server.
I would like to query this "Query1" with another query statement. I expect, that this should be fast. I see perhaps 2 ways
$result = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM raw_data_tbl WHERE ((ID=$language_id) AND (age>13))');
then what? here I want to take result and requery it with something like:
$result2 = mysql_query('SELECT * FROM $result WHERE (Salary>1000)');
Is it possible to create something like "on variable based" MYSQL query directly on the server side and pass somehow variable $language_id to it? The second query would query that query :-)
No, there is no such thing as your second idea.
For the first idea, though, I would go with a single query :
select *
from raw_data
where id = $language_id
and age > 13
and Salary > 1000
Provided you have set the right indexes on your table, this query should be pretty fast.
Here, considering the where clause of that query, I would at least go with an index on these three columns :
This should speed things up quite a bit.
For more informations on indexes, and optimization of queries, take a look at :
Chapter 7. Optimization
7.3.1. How MySQL Uses Indexes
12.1.11. CREATE INDEX Syntax
With the use of sub queries you can take advantage of MySQL's caching facilities.
SELECT * FROM raw_data_tbl WHERE (ID='eng') AND (age>13);
... and after this:
SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM raw_data_tbl WHERE (ID='eng') AND (age>13)) WHERE salary > 1000;
But this is only beneficial in some very rare circumstances.
With the right indexes your query will run fast enough without the need of trickery. In your case:
CREATE INDEX filter1 ON raw_data_tbl (ID, age, salary);
Although the best solution would be to just add conditions from your second query to the first one, you can use temporary tables to store temporary results. But it would still be better if you put that in a single query.
You could also use subqueries, like SELECT * FROM (SELECT * FROM table WHERE ...) WHERE ....