Overlapping intervals and the amount of overlaps - php

This question might be similar to others but is a bit different. Let's say we have a set of intervals that goes like this let's say A-9 are numbers but for the sake of formatting I used letters):
<-a---> <------c--->
<--d-> <--b------->
So we have the Main interval which goes from I to Z, the interval a that goes from M to S and so on.
Now I want to have the intervals where I have the most overlaps WITHIN the main one (which is essentially the basic constraint) that would be M-O with (a and d) and Q-S (a and b) and U-Z (b and c) with 2 overlaps each (everything beyond Z is out of the question because it is outside the main interval
I essentially want a list (aka array) of the intervals and the number of overlaps inside the Main, while not counting the main into that number (sorting not needed there are enough ways to do this) in PHP.
I thought of making a picture of the intervals and then counting the colors for each pixel column but that's
averting the problem
probably pretty slow
so, TLDR, I need a solution that
works in PHP
is relatively fast
is reliable
gives you the overlapping intervals with their overlap count
has a main interval used as base constraint which is not counted to the overlap.
I know it's a very specific question but I am not that well versed in Math and algorithms.

Build 2 vectors. One contains the start points and one contains the end points of each interval.
Sort the 2 vectors.
While you have something in any of the two vectors:
pick the minimum between the 2.
If you picked it from the vector with start points increment the number of overlapping intervals by 1, else decrease it by 1.
If your point is also the starting point of the main interval set a flag that you results are valid now.
If your point is the end point of the main interval you can stop.
If the flag is set then you can compare the current number of overlapping intervals with the max so far and update accordingly.
You can decrease 1 from the max to ignore the main interval. You can keep a list of sections where you have the max count (Just make sure you clear it when you getter a better result).
This is O(NlogN) with the number of intervals you have.

The basic algorithm for this is go over the whole length with a counter that increases when you meet a start point and decreases when you meet an end point.
Keep track of the maximum this counter gets to.
Go over the whole length again, this time add locations to your result array when:
1. You are within the MAIN part borders.
2. Your counter (which is maintained the same way) is equal to the maximum you calculated before.


Subset Sum floats Elimations

I will be happy to get some help. I have the following problem:
I'm given a list of numbers and a target number.
subset_sum([11.96,1,15.04,7.8,20,10,11.13,9,11,1.07,8.04,9], 20)
I need to find an algorithm that will find all numbers that combined will sum target number ex: 20.
First find all int equal 20
And next for example the best combinations here are:
11.96 + 8.04
1 + 10 + 9
11.13 + 7.8 + 1.07
9 + 11
Remaining value 15.04.
I need an algorithm that uses 1 value only once and it could use from 1 to n values to sum target number.
I tried some recursion in PHP but runs out of memory really fast (50k values) so a solution in Python will help (time/memory wise).
I'd be glad for some guidance here.
One possible solution is this: Finding all possible combinations of numbers to reach a given sum
The only difference is that I need to put a flag on elements already used so it won't be used twice and I can reduce the number of possible combinations
Thanks for anyone willing to help.
there are many ways to think about this problem.
If you do recursion make sure to identify your end cases first, then proceed with the rest of the program.
This is the first thing that comes to mind.
subset_sum([11.96,1,15.04,7.8,20,10,11.13,9,11,1.07,8.04,9], 20);
function subset_sum($a,$s,$c = array())
foreach($a as $xd=>$xdd)
This is possible solution, but it's not pretty:
import itertools
import operator
from functools import reduce
def subset_num(array, num):
subsets = reduce(operator.add, [list(itertools.combinations(array, r)) for r in range(1, 1 + len(array))])
return [subset for subset in subsets if sum(subset) == num]
print(subset_num([11.96,1,15.04,7.8,20,10,11.13,9,11,1.07,8.04,9], 20))
[(20,), (11.96, 8.04), (9, 11), (11, 9), (1, 10, 9), (1, 10, 9), (7.8, 11.13, 1.07)]
DISCLAIMER: this is not a full solution, it is a way to just help you build the possible subsets. It does not help you to pick which ones go together (without using the same item more than once and getting the lowest remainder).
Using dynamic programming you can build all the subsets that add up to the given sum, then you will need to go through them and find which combination of subsets is best for you.
To build this archive you can (I'm assuming we're dealing with non-negative numbers only) put the items in a column, go from top to bottom and for each element compute all the subsets that add up to the sum or a lower number than it and that include only items from the column that are in the place you are looking at or higher. When you build a subset you put in its node both the sum of the subset (which may be the given sum or smaller) and the items that are included in the subset. So in order to compute the subsets for an item [i] you need only look at the subsets you've created for item [i-1]. For each of them there are 3 options:
1) the subset's sum is the given sum ---> Keep the subset as it is and move to the next one.
2) the subset's sum is smaller than the given sum but larger than it if item [i] is added to it ---> Keep the subset as it is and move on to the next one.
3) the subset's sum is smaller than the given sum and it will still be smaller or equal to it if item [i] is added to it ---> Keep one copy of the subset as it is and create another one with item [i] added to it (both as a member and added to the sum of the subset).
When you're done with the last item (item [n]), look at the subsets you've created - each one has its sum in its node and you can see which ones are equal to the given sum (and which ones are smaller - you don't need those anymore).
As I wrote at the beginning - now you need to figure out how to take the best combination of subsets that do not have a shared member between any of them.
Basically you're left with a problem that resembles the classic knapsack problem but with another limitation (not every stone can be taken with every other stone). Maybe the limitation actually helps, I'm not sure.
A bit more about the advantage of dynamic programming in this case
The basic idea of dynamic programming instead of recursion is to trade redundancy of operations with occupation of memory space. By that I mean to say that recursion with a complex problem (normally a backtrack knapsack-like problem, as we have here) normally ends up calculating the same thing a fair amount of times because the different branches of calculation have no concept of each other's operations and results. Dynamic programming saves the results and uses them along the way to build "bigger" results, relying on the previous/"smaller" ones. Because the use of the stack is much more straightforward than in recursion, you don't get the memory problem you get with recursion regarding the maintenance of the function's state, but you do need to handle a great deal of memory that you store (sometimes you can optimise that).
So for example in our problem, trying to combine a subset that would add up to the required sum, the branch that starts with item A and the branch that starts with item B do not know of each other's operations. let's assume item C and item D together add up to the sum, but either of them added alone to A or B would not exceed the sum, and that A don't go with B in the solution (we can have sum=10, A=B=4, C=D=5 and there is no subset that sums up to 2 (so A and B can't be in the same group)). The branch trying to figure out A's group would (after trying and rejecting having B in its group) add C (A+C=9) and then add D, in which point would reject this group and trackback (A+C+D=14 > sum=10). The same would happen to B of course (A=B) because the branch figuring out B's group has no information regarding what just happened to the branch dealing with A. So in fact we've calculated C+D twice, and haven't even used it yet (and we're about to calculate it yet a third time to realise they belong in a group of their own).
Looking around while writing this answer I came across a technique I was not familiar with and might be a better solution for you: memoization. Taken from wikipedia:
memoization is an optimization technique used primarily to speed up computer programs by storing the results of expensive function calls and returning the cached result when the same inputs occur again.
So I have a possbile solution:
#compute difference between 2 list but keep duplicates
def list_difference(a, b):
count = Counter(a) # count items in a
count.subtract(b) # subtract items that are in b
diff = []
for x in a:
if count[x] > 0:
count[x] -= 1
return diff
#return combination of numbers that match target
def subset_sum(numbers, target, partial=[]):
s = sum(partial)
# check if the partial sum is equals to target
if s == target:
print "--------------------------------------------sum_is(%s)=%s" % (partial, target)
return partial
if s >= target:
return # if we reach the number why bother to continue
for i in range(len(numbers)):
n = numbers[i]
remaining = numbers[i+1:]
rest = subset_sum(remaining, target, partial + [n])
if type(rest) is list:
#repeat until rest is > target and rest is not the same as previous
def repeatUntil(subset, target):
currSubset = []
while sum(subset) > target and currSubset != subset:
diff = subset_sum(subset, target)
currSubset = subset
subset = list_difference(subset, diff)
return subset
--------------------------------------------sum_is([11.96, 8.04])=20
--------------------------------------------sum_is([1, 10, 9])=20
--------------------------------------------sum_is([7.8, 11.13, 1.07])=20
--------------------------------------------sum_is([9, 11])=20
Unfortunately this solution does work for a small list. For a big list still trying to break the list in small chunks and calculate but the answer is not quite correct. You can see it o a new thread here:
Finding unique combinations of numbers to reach a given sum

Create fixed length non-repeating permutation within certain ranges in PHP

I've got a table with 1000 recipes in it, each recipe has calories, protein, carbs and fat values associated with it.
I need to figure out an algorithm in PHP that will allow me to specify value ranges for calories, protein, carbs and fat as well as dictating the number of recipes in each permutation. Something like:
getPermutations($recipes, $lowCal, $highCal, $lowProt, $highProt, $lowCarb, $highCarb, $lowFat, $highFat, $countRecipes)
The end goal is allowing a user to input their calorie/protein/carb/fat goals for the day (as a range, 1500-1600 calories for example), as well as how many meals they would like to eat (count of recipes in each set) and returning all the different meal combinations that fit their goals.
I've tried this previously by populating a table with every possible combination (see: Best way to create Combination of records (Order does not matter, no repetition allowed) in mySQL tables ) and querying it with the range limits, however that proved not to be efficient as I end up with billions of records to scan through and it takes an indefinite amount of time.
I've found some permutation algorithms that are close to what I need, but don't have the value range restraint for calories/protein/carbs/fat that I'm looking for (see: Create fixed length non-repeating permutation of larger set) I'm at a loss at this point when it comes to this type of logic/math, so any help is MUCH appreciated.
Based on some comment clarification, I can suggest one way to go about it. Specifically, this is my "try the simplest thing that could possibly work" approach to a problem that is potentially quite tricky.
First, the tricky part is that the sum of all meals has to be in a certain range, but SQL does not have a built-in feature that I'm aware of that does specifically what you want in one pass; that's ok, though, as we can just implement this functionality in PHP instead.
So lets say you request 5 meals that will total 2000 calories - we leave the other variables aside for simplicity, but they will work the same way. We then calculate that the 'average' meal is 2000/5=400 calories, but obviously any one meal could be over or under that amount. I'm no dietician, but I assume you'll want no meal that takes up more than 1.25x-2x the average meal size, so we can restrict out initial query to this amount.
$maxCalPerMeal = ($highCal / $countRecipes) * 1.5;
$mealPlanCaloriesRemaining = $highCal; # more on this one in a minute
We then request 1 random meal which is less than $maxCalPerMeal, and 'save' it as our first meal. We then subtract its actual calorie count from $mealPlanCaloriesRemaining. We now recalculate:
$maxCalPerMeal = ($highCal / $countRecipesRemaining) * 1.5); # 1.5 being a maximum deviation from average multiple
Now the next query will ask for both a random meal that is less than $maxCalPerMeal AND $mealPlanCaloriesRemaining, AND NOT one of the meals you already have saved in this particular meal plan option (thus ensuring unique meals - no mac'n'cheese for breakfast, lunch, and dinner!). And we update the variables as in the last query, until you reach the end. For the last meal requested it we don't care about the average and it's associated multiple, as thanks to a compound query you'll get what you want anyway and don't need to complicate your control loops.
Assuming the worst case with the 5 meal 2000 calorie max diet:
Meal 1: 600 calories
Meal 2: 437
Meal 3: 381
Meal 4: 301
Meal 5: 281
Or something like that, and in most cases you'll get something a bit nicer and more random. But in the worst-case it still works! Now this actually just plain works for the usual case. Adding more maximums like for fat and protein, etc, is easy, so lets deal with the lows next.
All we need to do to support "minimum calories per day" is add another set of averages, as such:
$minCalPerMeal = ($lowCal / $countRecipes) * .5 # this time our multiplier is less than one, as we allow for meals to be bigger than average we must allow them to be smaller as well
And you restrict the query to being greater than this calculated minimum, recalculating with each loop, and happiness naturally ensues.
Finally we must deal with the degenerate case - what if using this method you end up needing a meal that is to small or too big to fill the last slot? Well, you can handle this a number of ways. Here's what I'd recommended.
The easiest is just returning less than the desired amount of meals, but this might be unacceptable. You could also have special low calorie meals that, due to the minimum average dietary content, would only be likely to be returned if someone really had to squeeze in a light meal to make the plan work. I rather like this solution.
The second easiest is throw out the meal plan you have so far and regenerate from scratch; it might work this time, or it just might not, so you'll need a control loop to make sure you don't get into an infinite work-intensive loop.
The least easy, requires a control loop max iteration again, but here you use a specific strategy to try to get a more acceptable meal plan. In this you take the optional meal with the highest value that is exceeding your dietary limits and throw it out, then try pulling a smaller meal - perhaps one that is no greater than the new calculated average. It might make the plan as a whole work, or you might go over value on another plan, forcing you back into a loop that could be unresolvable - or it might just take a few dozen iterations to get one that works.
Though this sounds like a lot when writing it out, even a very slow computer should be able to churn out hundreds of thousands of suggested meal plans every few seconds without pausing. Your database will be under very little strain even if you have millions of recipes to choose from, and the meal plans you return will be as random as it gets. It would also be easy to make certain multiple suggested meal plans are not duplicates with a simple comparison and another call or two for an extra meal plan to be generated - without fear of noticeable delay!
By breaking things down to small steps with minimal mathematical overhead a daunting task becomes manageable - and you don't even need a degree in mathematics to figure it out :)
(As an aside, I think you have a very nice website built there, so no worries!)

php - how do I display 5 results from possible 50 randomly but ensure all results are displayed equal amount

In php - how do I display 5 results from possible 50 randomly but ensure all results are displayed equal amount.
For example table has 50 entries.
I wish to show 5 of these randomly with every page load but also need to ensure all results are displayed rotationally an equal number of times.
I've spent hours googling for this but can't work it out - would very much like your help please.
please scroll down for "biased randomness" if you dont want to read.
In mysql you can just use SeleCT * From table order by rand() limit 5.
What you want just does not work. Its logically contradicting.
You have to understand that complete randomness by definition means equal distribution after an infinite period of time.
The longer the interval of selection the more evenly the distribution.
If you MUST have even distribution of selection for example every 24h interval, you cannot use a random algorithm. It is by definition contradicting.
It really depends no what your goal is.
You could for example take some element by random and then lower the possibity for the same element to be re-chosen at the next run. This way you can do a heuristic that gives you a more evenly distribution after a shorter amount of time. But its not random. Well certain parts are.
You could also randomly select from your database, mark the elements as selected, and now select only from those not yet selected. When no element is left, reset all.
Very trivial but might do your job.
You can also do something like that with timestamps to make the distribution a bit more elegant.
This could probably look like ORDER BY RAND()*((timestamps-min(timestamps))/(max(timetamps)-min(timestamps))) DESC or something like that. Basically you could normalize the timestamp of selection of an entry using the time interval window so it gets something between 0 and 1 and then multiply it by rand.. then you have 50% fresh stuff less likely selected and 50% randomness... i am not sure about the formular above, just typed it down. probably wrong but the principle works.
I think what you want is generally referred to as "biased randomness". there are a lot of papers on that and some articles on SO. for example here:
Biased random in SQL?
Copy the 50 results to some temporary place (file, database, whatever you use). Then everytime you need random values, select 5 random values from the 50 and delete them from your temporary data set.
Once your temporary data set is empty, create a new one copying the original again.

Permutations of Varying Size

I'm trying to write a function in PHP that gets all permutations of all possible sizes. I think an example would be the best way to start off:
$my_array = array(1,1,2,3);
Possible permutations of varying size:
1 // * See Note
// And so forth, for all the sets of size 2
// And so forth, for all the sets of size 3
// And so forth, for all the sets of size 4
Note: I don't care if there's a duplicate or not. For the purposes of this example, all future duplicates have been omitted.
What I have so far in PHP:
function getPermutations($my_array){
$permutation_length = 1;
$keep_going = true;
// Generate the next permutation and return it into an array
// Of course, the actual important part of the code is what I'm having trouble with.
$keep_going = false;
$keep_going = true;
return $return_array;
The closest thing I can think of is shuffling the array, picking the first n elements, seeing if it's already in the results array, and if it's not, add it in, and then stop when there are mathematically no more possible permutations for that length. But it's ugly and resource-inefficient.
Any pseudocode algorithms would be greatly appreciated.
Also, for super-duper (worthless) bonus points, is there a way to get just 1 permutation with the function but make it so that it doesn't have to recalculate all previous permutations to get the next?
For example, I pass it a parameter 3, which means it's already done 3 permutations, and it just generates number 4 without redoing the previous 3? (Passing it the parameter is not necessary, it could keep track in a global or static).
The reason I ask this is because as the array grows, so does the number of possible combinations. Suffice it to say that one small data set with only a dozen elements grows quickly into the trillions of possible combinations and I don't want to task PHP with holding trillions of permutations in its memory at once.
Sorry no php code, but I can give you an algorithm.
It can be done with small amounts of memory and since you don't care about dupes, the code will be simple too.
First: Generate all possible subsets.
If you view the subset as a bit vector, you can see that there is a 1-1 correspondence to a set and a binary number.
So if your array had 12 elements, you will have 2^12 subsets (including empty set).
So to generate a subset, you start with 0 and keep incrementing till you reach 2^12. At each stage you read the set bits in the number to get the appropriate subset from the array.
Once you get one subset, you can now run through its permutations.
The next permutation (of the array indices, not the elements themselves) can be generated in lexicographic order like here: http://www.de-brauwer.be/wiki/wikka.php?wakka=Permutations and can be done with minimal memory.
You should be able to combine these two to give your-self a next_permutation function. Instead of passing in numbers, you could pass in an array of 12 elements which contains the previous permutation, plus possibly some more info (little memory again) of whether you need to go to the next subset etc.
You should actually be able to find very fast algorithms which use minimal memory, provide a next_permutation type feature and do not generate dupes: Search the web for multiset permutation/combination generation.
Hope that helps. Good luck!
The best set of functions I've come up with was the one provided by some user at the comments of the shuffle function on php.net Here is the link It works pretty good.
Hope it's useful.
The problem seems to be trying to give an index to every permutation and having a constant access time. I cannot think of a constant time algorithm, but maybe you can improve this one to be so. This algorithm has a time complexity of O(n) where n is the length of your set. The space complexity should be reducible to O(1).
Assume our set is 1,1,2,3 and we want the 10th permutation. Also, note that we will index each element of the set from 0 to 3. Going by your order, this means the single element permutations come first, then the two element, and so on. We are going to subtract from the number 10 until we can completely determine the 10th permutation.
First up are the single element permutations. There are 4 of those, so we can view this as subtracting one four times from 10. We are left with 6, so clearly we need to start considering the two element permutations. There are 12 of these, and we can view this as subtracting three up to four times from 6. We discover that the second time we subtract 3, we are left with 0. This means the indexes of our permutation must be 2 (because we subtracted 3 twice) and 0, because 0 is the remainder. Therefore, our permutation must be 2,1.
Division and modulus may help you.
If we were looking for the 12th permutation, we would run into the case where we have a remainder of 2. Depending on your desired behavior, the permutation 2,2 might not be valid. Getting around this is very simple, however, as we can trivially detect that the indexes 2 and 2 (not to be confused with the element) are the same, so the second one should be bumped to 3. Thus the 12th permutation can trivially be calculated as 2,3.
The biggest confusion right now is that the indexes and the element values happen to match up. I hope my algorithm explanation is not too confusing because of that. If it is, I will use a set other than your example and reword things.
Inputs: Permutation index k, indexed set S.
L = {S_1}
for i = 2 to |S| do
Insert S_i before L_{k % i}
k <- k / i
return L
This algorithm can also be easily modified to work with duplicates.

Popularity Algorithm

I'd like to populate the homepage of my user-submitted-illustrations site with the "hottest" illustrations uploaded.
Here are the measures I have available:
How many people have favourited that illustration
votes table includes date voted
When the illustration was uploaded
illustration table has date created
Number of comments (not so good as max comments total about 10 at the moment)
comments table has comment date
I have searched around, but don't want user authority to play a part, but most algorithms include that.
I also need to find out if it's better to do the calculation in the MySQL that fetches the data or if there should be a PHP/cron method every hour or so.
I only need 20 illustrations to populate the home page. I don't need any sort of paging for this data.
How do I weight age against votes? Surely a site with less submission needs less weight on date added?
Many sites that use some type of popularity ranking do so by using a standard algorithm to determine a score and then decaying eternally over time. What I've found works better for sites with less traffic is a multiplier that gives a bonus to new content/activity - it's essentially the same, but the score stops changing after a period of time of your choosing.
For instance, here's a pseudo-example of something you might want to try. Of course, you'll want to adjust how much weight you're attributing to each category based on your own experience with your site. Comments are rare, but take more effort from the user than a favorite/vote, so they probably should receive more weight.
score = (votes / 10) + comments
age = UNIX_TIMESTAMP() - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(date_created)
if(age < 86400) score = score * 1.5
This type of approach would give a bonus to new content uploaded in the past day. If you wanted to approach this in a similar way only for content that had been favorited or commented on recently, you could just add some WHERE constraints on your query that grabs the score out from the DB.
There are actually two big reasons NOT to calculate this ranking on the fly.
Requiring your DB to fetch all of that data and do a calculation on every page load just to reorder items results in an expensive query.
Probably a smaller gotcha, but if you have a relatively small amount of activity on the site, small changes in the ranking can cause content to move pretty drastically.
That leaves you with either caching the results periodically or setting up a cron job to update a new database column holding this score you're ranking by.
Obviously there is some subjectivity in this - there's no one "correct" algorithm for determining the proper balance - but I'd start out with something like votes per unit age. MySQL can do basic math so you can ask it to sort by the quotient of votes over time; however, for performance reasons, it might be a good idea to cache the result of the query. Maybe something like
SELECT images.url FROM images ORDER BY (NOW() - images.date) / COUNT((SELECT COUNT(*) FROM votes WHERE votes.image_id = images.id)) DESC LIMIT 20
but my SQL is rusty ;-)
Taking a simple average will, of course, bias in favor of new images showing up on the front page. If you want to remove that bias, you could, say, count only those votes that occurred within a certain time limit after the image being posted. For images that are more recent than that time limit, you'd have to normalize by multiplying the number of votes by the time limit then dividing by the age of the image. Or alternatively, you could give the votes a continuously varying weight, something like exp(-time(vote) + time(image)). And so on and so on... depending on how particular you are about what this algorithm will do, it could take some experimentation to figure out what formula gives the best results.
I've no useful ideas as far as the actual agorithm is concerned, but in terms of implementation, I'd suggest caching the result somewhere, with a periodic update - if the resulting computation results in an expensive query, you probably don't want to slow your response times.
Something like:
(count favorited + k) * / time since last activity
The higher k is the less weight has the number of people having it favorited.
You could also change the time to something like the time it first appeared + the time of the last activity, this would ensure that older illustrations would vanish with time.
