Laravel Elixir BrowserSync doesn't show page - php

After watching the newest episode on Laracasts ( I decided to try out BrowserSync for Laravel Elixir.
To begin with I did the usual things for setting up a laravel project:
laravel new test
cd test
npm install
Then I tried to visit the BrowserSync UI at localhost:3001 but when I went to localhost:3000 where the actual site should be it just kept on loading and never showed the site itself.
gulp watch output:
[16:49:11] Using gulpfile ~/Sites/test/gulpfile.js
[16:49:11] Starting 'watch'...
[16:49:11] Finished 'watch' after 14 ms
[BS] Proxying:
[BS] Access URLs:
Local: http://localhost:3000
UI: http://localhost:3001
[BS] Watching files...
var elixir = require('laravel-elixir');
elixir(function(mix) {
mix.browserSync({ online: false });

Really great screen.
So i had same problem, i just run my server because in defaut setting elixir set proxy with ""
So you can lunch your homestead with configuration,
or just run php artisan with this configuration in your gulpfile
var elixir = require('laravel-elixir');
elixir(function(mix) {
online: false,
proxy : 'localhost:8000'


Live changes Wordpress

I'm looking for something like npm live-server, that refreshes my webbrowser every time I make changes to a document. Npm live-server doesn't work with PHP files.
Currently using XAMPP Apache/MySQL to run WP locally.
Any ideas?
For the one's that are interested: here is the final solution.
(Big thanks to #Kintamasis )
Install Gulp / Gulp BrowserSync
Create a gulpfile.js in your themes' folder.
var gulp = require('gulp');
var browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();
gulp.task('browser-sync', function() {
});"*").on('change', browserSync.reload);
Run gulp browser-sync in your WP theme folder.

Setting up BrowserSync for laravel on localhost with elixir

I'm trying to implement BrowserSync in Laravel with elixir. So the browser updates itself on every save i make in my .scss file
To simulate the php server
php -S localhost:8888 -t public // executed from project folder with git bash
Gulp.js File
var gulp = require('gulp');
var elixir = require('laravel-elixir');
var browserSync = require('browser-sync').create();
elixir(function(mix) {
base: './public',
proxy: 'localhost',
port: 8888
Everything runs ok. When i use gulp watch the function is watching my files and notices that styles.scss in the folder public/css/ updated. But my browser on localhost:8888 is not refreshing with the new css generated from the style.scss. Can someone suggest the changes I have to make to make this thing work?
Had to change a few things:
Simulate PHP server with following command:
php artisan serve --host=
elixir(function(mix) {
mix.browserSync({proxy: 'localhost:8000'});
This code is enough to let it run. Feel free to post suggestions.

How to change proxy in Laravel Elixir BrowserSync

I'm currently using Laravel Elixir and I have a problem with BrowserSync. When I changed the proxy into my domain, it still kept using no matter what. Here is my code:
elixir(mix => {
.sass('resources/sass/*.*', 'public/css/style.css' )
.scripts('resources/js/*.*', 'public/js/main.js')
], {
proxy: ''
And here is the result in the terminal
[16:57:38] Finished 'default' after 95 ms
[16:57:38] Finished 'watch' after 1.38 s
[BS] Proxying:
[BS] Access URLs:
Local: http://localhost:3000
UI: http://localhost:3001
UI External:
[BS] Watching files...
As you can see, it's still proxying at
Any idea how to fix this issue?
Try changing it to:
proxy: '',
files: [

Laravel BrowserSync without proxy

I'm trying to use Elixir BrowserSync, one of the newest features of Laravel.
I added it to the gulp file
elixir(function(mix) {
when I run "gulp watch" it output this message
[20:49:20] Using gulpfile ~/Desktop/laravel/gulpfile.js
[20:49:20] Starting 'watch'...
[20:49:20] Finished 'watch' after 11 ms
[BS] Proxying:
[BS] Access URLs:
Local: http://localhost:3000
Automatically a browser is launched with the url http://localhost:3000 but nothing loads.
I think the problem is related to this line:
[BS] Proxying:
You can if you use BrowserSyncs server.
proxy: false,
server: {
baseDir: './'
Are you running multiple homestead sites? It looks like it defaults to proxying through if you do not include a proxy setting. If you don't host your local on it won't find it.
.browserSync({ proxy: '' });
Where is what you are serving the site with.
The direct answer to your question - it is not possible to not proxy the .browserSync. Long side-answer - you can still use elixir's implementation of browserSync in gulp, but you must have a separate PHP server to interpret the files.
Edit: I saw a way to not proxy by providing the script in the pages manually (by not giving any arguments in the .browserSync() call, but don't remember where and how to do it exactly.
The reason is that browserSync requests all the data from the server for you, injects a little javascript listener and displays everything else:
<script type='text/javascript' id="__bs_script__">//<![CDATA[document.write("<script async src='/browser-sync/browser-sync-client.2.9.11.js'><\/script>".replace("HOST", location.hostname));//]]></script>
One way is to php artisan serve --host= in a separate terminal to start up the server and then use the .browserSync({proxy: 'localhost:8000'}). It all works - the BrowserSync UI and all the calls to refresh the pages.
Note: I could not connect to artisan serve without the --host=
For those wanting an all automated solution via gulp, here it is:
Use the gulp packages gulp-connect-php and laravel-elixir-browsersync2. The first starts up the php artisan serve and the other connects it to browserSync.
Install the packages:
npm install laravel-elixir-browsersync2 --save-dev
npm install gulp-connect-php --save-dev
Add the required lines to your gulpfile.js:
var elixir = require('laravel-elixir'),
gulp = require('gulp');
var connectPHP = require('gulp-connect-php');
var BrowserSync = require('laravel-elixir-browsersync2');
elixir(function(mix) {
elixir(function(mix) {
base: './public',
hostname: '',
port: 8000
proxy: 'localhost:8000',
logPrefix : "Laravel Eixir BrowserSync",
logConnections : false,
reloadOnRestart : false,
notify : false
Then - simply gulp.
Disclaimer: This might not work with the gulp watch, but there might be people with the answer to that.
There is also a line PHP server not started. Retrying... before the [Laravel Eixir BrowserSync] Proxying: http://localhost:8000. It belongs to gulp-connect-php when trying to check if the server is running.
I found other solution on laracast for Bloomanity and it works with me like a charm!
$ php artisan serve --host=0
and then in your gulp add:
mix.browserSync({proxy: 'localhost:8000'});

Gulp PHP with BrowserSync and a proxy server throwing error

I had to redownload all of my dev tools after upgrading/reset on Windows 10. I can't seem to get my server working with gulp-connect-php, gulp-browser-sync, and http-proxy. The task (below) is actually from this answer: Gulp-webapp running BrowserSync and PHP.
This is on top of a generation of gulp-webapp from Yeoman. The regular "serve" works, but of course doesn't spin up PHP files. I had it working before the upgrade, but now the http-proxy errors out with an ECONNREFUSED when I try to bring up the URL. Note that it doesn't error out until I actually go to the URL, if the task is setup to not open the browser automatically, it won't error until I go to localhost:3000.
Any ideas the cause of this error?
Gulp Task
gulp.task('php-serve', ['styles', 'fonts'], () => {
port: 9001,
base: 'app',
open: false
const proxy = httpProxy.createProxyServer({});
notify: false,
open: false,
port: 9000,
server: {
baseDir: ['.tmp', 'app'],
routes: {
'/bower_components': 'bower_components'
middleware: function (req, res, next) {
var url = req.url;
if (!url.match(/^\/(styles|fonts|bower_components)\//)) {
proxy.web(req, res, { target: '' });
else {
]).on('change', reload);'app/styles/**/*.scss', ['styles']);'app/fonts/**/*', ['fonts']);'bower.json', ['wiredep', 'fonts']);
Gulp Run Task with Error
$ gulp php-serve
[07:30:09] Requiring external module babel-core/register
[07:30:11] Using gulpfile ~\...\gulpfile.babel.js
[07:30:11] Starting 'styles'...
[07:30:12] Starting 'fonts'...
[07:30:12] Finished 'styles' after 1.08 s
[07:30:12] Finished 'fonts' after 306 ms
[07:30:12] Starting 'php-serve'...
[07:30:12] Finished 'php-serve' after 183 ms
[BS] Access URLs:
Local: http://localhost:9000
External: http://x.x.x.x:9000
UI: http://localhost:3001
UI External: http://x.x.x.x:3001
[BS] Serving files from: .tmp
[BS] Serving files from: app
throw err;
Error: connect ECONNREFUSED
at exports._errnoException (util.js:746:11)
at TCPConnectWrap.afterConnect [as oncomplete] (net.js:1010:19)
I think I know the reason.
Check or you have php installed on your machine and added to your path variables.
open your command line and type:
$ php --version
If it returns:
sh.exe": php: command not found
It means it is not installed or not in the path variable.
You can install php by simply installing WAMP/XAMP or MAMP
To make sure it is in your path I like to use patheditor
There go through these simple steps
1) open Path Editor
2) click 'add' in the 'user' section
3) search the folder where php.exe is. (usually something like: C:/xampp/php)
4) click 'ok' and 'ok' again to close path editor
5) reopen your commandline tool and you will see that $ php --version will find the php.exe
Try to run your gulp task again. It should work!
There was a bad install of http-proxy and/or gulp-php-connect. I uninstalled them, cleared npm cache, and did a fresh install. Everything worked fine after that.
