Twitter Search API - Popular tweets not working - php

I am experiencing an issue with the Twitter Search API. I am trying to grab the total amount of retweets for the 100 most popular tweets, for the subject the user gives.
I am trying to achieve this with this code.
ini_set('display_errors', 'On');
//Include Tokens file
//Include Auth lib
//Grab subject from url
$subject = $_GET["subject"];
$url = '';
$getfield = '?q='.$subject.'&count=100&result_type=popular';
$requestMethod = 'GET';
$twitter = new TwitterAPIExchange($settings);
$result = $twitter->setGetfield($getfield)
->buildOauth($url, $requestMethod)
$json_output = json_decode($result, true); //getting the file content as array
$count = 0;
$total = 0;
foreach($json_output['statuses'] as $tweets) {
$count = intval($tweets['retweet_count']);
$total = $total + $count;
echo '{"data":[{"retweet_count":'.$total.'}]}';
While this code is working great when I use result_type=mixed or result_type=recent, it will, for some reason, not work when I change it to result_type=popular even-though the Twitter API has listed as an option in their documentation. Twitter Search API documentation . It doesn't return any errors when I run the request, it doesn't show any feedback. When I replace popular with mixed or recent, the code works excellent. Been stuck on this for a while, help would be greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance!

I think this will depend heavily on what you search for. The Twitter search API only lets you retrieve Tweets from the past week. If there were no popular tweets for that week, you won't see any results.
For example - a search for "Android" shows these popular results
But if I search for "qwertyuiop" there are no results from the API
Even though a normal Twitter search shows results


JSON Decode PHP (Curl vs File_Get)

Currently, I am trying to use the Twitch API to grab Twitch stats such as current viewers, Title, and more I am running into an issue with #File_Get_Contents when using this my request seem to be delayed or not getting them as quick as I refresh, i.e. I think the results may be cache'd.
For example here is my old code
$twitch = json_decode(curl_get_file_contents(''.$twitch_channel), true);
$display_name = $twitch['display_name'];
$game = $twitch['game'];
$status = $twitch['status'];
$url = $twitch['url'];
$avatar = $twitch['logo'];
$views = $twitch['views'];
$followers = $twitch['followers'];
The main issue with this is it didnt seem like it updated every time I refreshed, so I looked into using cURL for better results + I heard it's much quicker with load time!
Here is my current curl code
$requesturl='' . $twitch_username;
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$twitch = json_decode($cexecute,true);
$display_name = $twitch['display_name'];
$game = $twitch['game'];
$status = $twitch['status'];
$url = $twitch['url'];
$avatar = $twitch['logo'];
$views = $twitch['views'];
$followers = $twitch['followers'];
Your log is showing PHP Notice, You don't have any error. I change a lil bit your code to test it and It's working. So you're probably just no printing your vars.
Check your code with a print_r online
So ultimnately I figured out what the issue was, it's XAMP Curl not working for whatever reason. It's setup properly in the PHP.ini, I have the Two .DLL in my Sys32. So I dont know why this isn't working

tweets on last moments with twitter search api

Well, what I'm trying to do is quite obvious. I am receiving tweets as shown below :
$options .= 'q='.urlencode($hash_tag);
$options .= '&page=15';
$options .= '&rpp=100';
$options .= '&result_type=recent';
$url = ''.$options ;
$ch = curl_init($url);
$xml = curl_exec ($ch);
curl_close ($ch);
$affected = 0;
$twelement = new SimpleXMLElement($xml);
foreach ($twelement->entry as $entry) {
$text = trim($entry->title);
$author = trim($entry->author->name);
$time = strtotime($entry->published);
$id = $entry->id;
echo '<hr>';
echo "Yazan : ".$author;
echo "</br>";
echo "Tarih : ".date('Ymd H:i:s',$time);
echo "</br>";
echo "Tweet : ".$text;
echo "</br>";
and as you can check on this link : linkToTrial I can receive tweets. But they are so old for me! I want to receive tweets in last moments, at least in last 5 mins. Here it says
This sounds like something you can do on your end, as created_at is one of the fields returned in the result set. Just do your query, and only use the ones that are within the last 5 seconds.
but when you check my example, you will see that I'm not even receiving the last tweets. Where am I doing wrong? Where?
Any answer will be appreciated. Thanks for your responds.
You're using a deprecated API ( that will cease functioning on May 7, 2013 -- you'll want to move to the v1.1 Search API -- see for docs.
It looks like the specific reason you're getting older results with this query is that you're starting on page 15 -- the end of the result set. The most recent tweets will be at the beginning of the result set -- page 1.
In API v1.1, the concept of paging no longer exists for the Search API. Instead, you navigate through the result set using since_id and max_id, details here:

How to get the very first posts of a Group using Facebook Graph API

I have a group on Facebook where the users post funny pictures. I am developing a website that will present the posted pictures in a more organised and interesting way.
My approach is to use Facebook OpenGraph API.
I would like to know how I can obtain the first posts. Eg: the first 10 posts.
By default the graph API ({group_id}/feed/) returns the posts sorted from LAST TO FIRST.
I have read the page about Pagination ( So, I know about offset and limit parameters.
There appears to be no method of sorting the feed in any other order.
The only approach I can see it to download the whole feed and take what you need...
// Set your access token here...
$accessToken = 'XXX';
// Set your GroupID here...
$groupId = '123';
// Set the number of feed items required here...
$qtyRequired = 10;
$url = '' . $groupId . '/feed/?limit=100&access_token=' . $accessToken;
$feed = array();
while ($url) {
// Get the data from Facebook.
$curl = curl_init();
curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
$data = json_decode(curl_exec($curl));
// Store the feed to $feed.
if (is_array($data->data)) $feed = array_merge($feed, $data->data);
// Load the next page or quit.
if (isset($data->paging->next)) $url = $data->paging->next;
else $url = false;
// Feed will contain the oldest feed items.
$feed = array_slice($feed, -$qtyRequired);
You might be able to speed it up by specifying the exact fields you need.

eBay API - FindItemsAdvanced call in PHP does not return any response

Im trying to perform a simple call using ebays search API, when I make a call I get no response, and the problem is with the actual call itself.
$endpoint = '';
$responseEncoding = 'XML';
$version = '631'; // API version number
$appID = 'asdf3e6e3';
$itemType = "AllItemTypes";
$itemSort = "EndTime";
//find items advanced
$apicalla = "$endpoint"
$resp = simplexml_load_file($apicalla);
this call is the equivalent to
My question is what am I missing to make this simple search call?
It looks like you're trying to use eBay's Shopping API, specifically the FindItemsAdvanced call which I believe was deprecated quite some time ago and may no longer be functional (I no longer see it in the call reference). What you want to do is use use findItemsAdvanced from eBay's Finding API.
First, you'll need to change your API endpoint & query string parameters a bit (see the aforementioned findItemsAdvanced call reference for the specifics, but I believe it'll look more like this (I haven't touched my findItemsAdvanced calls in at least 6 months, so I haven't tested this):
$endpoint = '';
$responseEncoding = 'XML';
$version = '1.8.0'; // API version number (they're actually up to 1.11.0 at this point
$appID = 'asdf3e6e3';
$itemSort = "EndTimeSoonest";
//find items advanced
$apicalla = "$endpoint"
//."&MaxEntries=10" // look for an equivalent for this (maybe paginationInput.entriesPerPage?)
//."&ItemType=AllItemTypes" // not needed AFAICT, otherwise look at itemFilterType
."& RESPONSE-DATA-FORMAT=$responseEncoding";
$resp = simplexml_load_file($apicalla);
In addition to this, to use findItemsAdvanced, you must specify what you're searching for either by category (categoryId) or by keywords (keywords), hence the "Please specify a query!" error message.
So, you also need to add something like the following (assuming keywords):
$keywords = "something";
$apicalla .= "&keywords=" . urlencode($keywords);
Giving you the following:
$endpoint = '';
$responseEncoding = 'XML';
$version = '1.8.0'; // API version number (they're actually up to 1.11.0 at this point
$appID = 'asdf3e6e3';
$itemSort = "EndTimeSoonest";
$keywords = "something"; // make sure this is a valid keyword or keywords
//find items advanced
$apicalla = "$endpoint"
//."&MaxEntries=10" // look for an equivalent for this (maybe paginationInput.entriesPerPage?)
//."&ItemType=AllItemTypes" // not needed AFAICT, otherwise look at itemFilterType
."& RESPONSE-DATA-FORMAT=$responseEncoding"
."&keywords=" . urlencode($keywords);
$resp = simplexml_load_file($apicalla);
One final note: If you want to load further details of specific items that you find in your results, you'll still want to use the Shopping API (specifically the GetSingleItem & GetMultipleItems calls). So, you may ultimately use a mix of the Shopping & Finding APIs.
It should be something like:
$url = '';
$xml = file_get_contents( $url );
$xml = simplexml_load_string( $url );
Log-in to your ebay developer account and click on this link: Test your calls with API Test Tool
Hope this helps.

Count tweets using a hashtag

I'm developing a Twitter App and have a problem I cannot resolve. Could you help me please?
The app is for a promotion for a brand. We need to count every tweet using a hashtag and give the author of tweet #50000 a price. How can we take that data from Twitter API and identify tweet #50000? Thanks for your help!
We use PHP and MySQL.
I would start by looking into phirehose which will allow you to obtain the tweets. You can also use the Ruby Twitter Gem which is fairly well documented and seems to be easy to use if you are comfortable with ruby.
this php source code for get count hashtag(#) twitter
global $total, $hashtag;
//$hashtag = '#supportvisitbogor2011';
$hashtag = '#australialovesjustin';
$total = 0;
function getTweets($hash_tag, $page) {
global $total, $hashtag;
$url = ''.urlencode($hash_tag).'&';
$url .= 'page='.$page;
$ch = curl_init($url);
$json = curl_exec ($ch);
curl_close ($ch);
//echo "<pre>";
//$json_decode = json_decode($json);
$json_decode = json_decode($json);
$total += count($json_decode->results);
$temp = explode("&",$json_decode->next_page);
$p = explode("=",$temp[0]);
echo $total;
I was looking this up last night. You can request the URL ie.
(Here's the docs page
And on say a 5 minute cron script, keep a record of the last tweet ID you got, passing that to the search URL since_id parameter, while also keeping a count of how many tweets you have counted, optionally storing each tweet in a table for reference... that's my 2 cents
