Kanboard emails are sent from my email via banbo.
and in email body at the end kanboard is writen
how to remove these 2 things
which framework is it using that I can get write path to study it
I have resolved the issue
1- to change email sender edit app/core/EmailClient.php search for via kanboard
2- to change footer of email edit /app/Template/notification/footer.php
but still don't know which framework they have used, that I can study that 1
I've searched some forums and also here, but I can't find an answer for this question:
Would it be possible to send a second email (based on a custom mail template), to the customer after registration?
I know that are a functions who send the Mail::Send item and I want to send a second email after that action. But I can't find the file with that function. If I found that function I can change the code to send my second mail.
I'm on Prestashop v1.7.
This mail is sent by function sendConfirmationMail() available in classes/form/CustomerPersister.php.
If you want to modify that function, I advice you create an override of this file in override/classes/form/CustomerPersister.php
I have installed latest version 4.8.1 of Contact Form 7 wordpress plug in.
Configured settings with authorised sender but when teting form mail doesnt not send.
Checked the App Engine request logs and found this:
Mail error: Input header 'X-WPCF7-Content-Type: text/plain' is not whitelisted for use with the Google App Engine Mail Service.
I'm not sure of what this error means and therefore how to fix?
Using standard wp_mail is never recommended.
I suggest using Wordpress Easy WP SMTP to set the email sender details.
Then you can tell Wordpress to send from a specific mailbox.
For example anything#[APP_NAME].appspotmail.com
you can go to the mail tab option, you find out there is a 'To' input field in this field add you email address for e.g : abc#example.com
and in from field add your name short code for e.g :[your-name] [your-email]
same goes for subject : [your-subject]
add these configuration to your contact-form-7 it will help you out
Everything in the title! Just want to know if it's possible or not to change the mail subject, I'm working with Symfony2.6 and the Elao\ErrorNotifierBundle to send error mails in the prod environment.
It doesnt look like there's an option to change the e-mail subject.
However you can manually change the subject to your liking, in the Notifier class.
Well, I'm trying to create a newsletter, that will send emails to users in a database. The newsletter itself would draw "events" and other activities from a database. Whats the best way to take that list, and put them in an email? I was thinking about putting them into an html page, then sending an html email, but not all emails support html(like school email). What would your guys recommend? Could you point me to some good resources?
Also, this is for a school project, so I cant use any open source type stuff, unfortunately :(
You are correct in your assumption that if you are creating html newsletters, you will also have to do a text based version for clients that don't support html or ones that ask to have e-mail be sent only in text. You will need to make sure your code sends both versions to recipients. You could also ask the recipients for their preference and send them the specific version that they requested.
For html e-mail it is highly recommended to read the following two articles by CampaignMonitor (they specialize in e-mail marketing sofware):
HTML E-mail Design Guidelines
Guide to CSS support in email
Note that I am assuming you are asking for help with the actual construction of the html for the email not the code needed to create and send the newsletter.
Good luck with your project.
==== UPDATE ====
So it seems that you actually need help in developing this project. Since this is a homework, I will provide some general advice that should steer you in the correct direction and get you started on the project. Then, if you have any specific problems with your code, you can ask about them on Stackoverflow.
There is really two things that need to be done here:
In PHP, dynamically contruct a variable that contains the html or text versions of the e-mail that needs to be sent.
Loop through your contact list and e-mail the contents of that variable.
Sending E-mail
I will start with the sending e-mail portion, because the links provide bellow also show you how to construct the message. Also, in your comment you said you already know how to contruct an html from a database. The following links show you two ways to send e-mail. You can either use the Mail function that comes with PHP or download the PEAR_Mail package. If you are allowed to use additional libraries and want to send html e-mail, I would recommend using the PEAR_Mail, because it makes things much easier if you want to send a both an html and text version of an e-mail together.
Note: To send an e-mail you will need to use some sort of mail server. If you are using Windows, you can install the SMTP service that comes with IIS or you can use an external smtp service such as google to send your e-mails.
Construct E-mail
The complexity here will depend on whether you just want a plain text e-mail or html. For either case you will need to read the event data from your database and add it to the message that you want to send.
Some Seudocode:
Loop through datarows
message = DataRow[EventDate] + " " + DataRow[EventName] + "\n"
Loop through recipients
mail message
Hopefully this gives you a start. I would recommend getting php to send out an e-mail of a static html or text first. Once you have that code working you can start working on adding the functionality of reading event info from a database and sending it out.
Hope this helps.
Hi guys I'm integrating basic email capabilities in my application and I would like to be able to incorporate a decent reply / forward email facility. I have it covered with sending my own uploaded attachments but what about in situations where I recieve a message in my inbox with attachments and wish to forward that same message along with the attachments already attached to it as well as be able to choose which of the attachments to include and which not to.
Auto save/dowload the files in a temporary folder.
When a user (re)sends the email check through a form which of the attachments he wishes to send, and with the information of the form re-attach the files