In my form, I'm having 8-9 fileds. In which all are hard-coded, Except one, which should come from database.
UsersControllers.php (controller)
public function actionRegister()
model = new Users();
$modelUserType=UserType::find()->select(['id', 'type'])->where(['status' => 1])->all();
return $this->render('register', [
'model' => $model,
'module' => $this->module,
Values are coming if i do print_r($modelUserType);
But, i don't know to show all those "UserType" table values in views for radio button.
$form->field($modelUserType, 'user_type')
->radioList(array('1' => 'An Individual', '2' => 'Firm')) // Here.
->label('Are You')
register.php (view)
<?= $form->field($model, 'password')->passwordInput()->label('Password') ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'confirm_password')->passwordInput()->label('Confirm Password') ?>
$form->field($model, 'user_type')
->radioList(array('1' => 'An Individual', '2' => 'Firm'))
->label('Are You')
<?= $form->field($model, 'company_name')->textInput() ?>
I'm not getting any tutorials or I am not able to find the correct tutorials for it.
Little help needed. Please help me. Thanks.
public function actionRegister()
$model = new Users();
$modelUserType=UserType::find()->select(['id', 'type'])->where(['status' => 1])->asArray()->all();
foreach($modelUserType as $k=>$v){
return $this->render('register', [
'model' => $model,
'module' => $this->module,
I have a quick question. I implemented a dropdownList in a _form.php. Now my action crate won't work properly anymore. I am not sure if there is an issue with me sending the request to the action. But it's not really doing the trick anymore.
With the $form->field($model, 'team_idteam')->textInput() it worked just fine. So, this is what I have so far on the _form.php:
<div class="user-has-team-form">
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'team_idteam')->textInput() //<-- This works perfectly. ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'teamIdteam')->dropDownList(ArrayHelper::map(Team::find()->all(), 'idteam', 'name')) <-- This does not work at all ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'user_iduser')->textInput() ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'oncallduty')->checkbox() ?>
<div class="form-group">
<?= Html::submitButton(Yii::t('app', 'Save'), ['class' => 'btn btn-success']) ?>
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>
My actionCreate looks like this:
public function actionCreate()
$model = new UserHasTeam();
if ($this->request->isPost) {
Yii::info("Test1"); // <-- It get's up to this point.
if ($model->load($this->request->post()) && $model->save()) {
return $this->redirect(['view', 'team_idteam' => $model->team_idteam, 'user_iduser' => $model->user_iduser]);
} else {
return $this->render('create', [
'model' => $model,
The visuals work perfect and I can even chose different teams. If I create new teams, or delete old ones, they are shown or not shown as well. I have to admit I am a bit lost here.
I dumped the $_POST array after the $model = new UserHasTeam(); and it gave out the following array:
'_csrf' => '0rkl0EAuFwjy9kdJNVQfVTQOkT22Kzo8bdvLAg2X0P_i0Ui-DEAkQ6WxfzsEAkwfBE_1UvNCDlsEjLtOefXmyA==',
'UserHasTeam' => [
'teamIdteam' => '3',
'user_iduser' => '1',
'oncallduty' => '0',
Yep. I am quite an idiot every now and then.
This is how I solved it:
<?= $form->field($model, 'team_idteam')->dropDownList(ArrayHelper::map(Team::find()->all(), 'idteam', 'name')) ?>
I have this kind of problem. I have an input text that have template of radio in it.
the problem is that I want to get the value of that radio when I check it and store it to the database field.
my idea is to create a variable from model but i can't pass the radio value to that variable when i save it.
please help me I am stuck with it.
here is the images of view:
Controller action:
public function actionCreate()
$model = new QbQuestion();
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
$answer = $model->answer;
return $this->redirect(Url::to(['qb-question/index']));
} else {
return $this->renderAjax('create', [
'model' => $model,
<div class="qb-question-form">
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin([
'layout' => 'horizontal',
'fieldConfig' => [
'horizontalCssClasses' => [
'label' => 'col-sm-4',
'offset' => 'col-sm-offset-4',
'wrapper' => 'col-sm-8',
'button' => 'col-sm-8',
'error' => '',
'hint' => '',
]); ?>
<?php echo $form->errorSummary($model); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'q_cat')->dropDownList(
ArrayHelper::map(QbCategory::find()->all(), 'id', 'category'),
'prompt' => 'Select Category'
]) ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'q_date')->dropDownList(
ArrayHelper::map(QbDate::find()->asArray()->all(), 'id',
function($model, $defaultValue) {
return $model['month'].' '.$model['year'];
'prompt' => 'Select Date'
]) ?>
<?php echo $form->field($model, 'question')->textarea(['rows' => 5]) ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'q_c1', [
'inputTemplate' => '<div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">'.
]); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'q_c2', [
'inputTemplate' => '<div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">'.
]); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'q_c3', [
'inputTemplate' => '<div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">'.
]); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'q_c4', [
'inputTemplate' => '<div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">'.
]); ?>
<?php echo Html::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? 'Create' : 'Update', ['class' => $model->isNewRecord ? 'btn btn-success' : 'btn btn-primary']) ?>
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>
thanks in advance.
radio field that you have take will always return 1, So you can't identify selected answer. You can do it normal html as below:
Change in Your Form file :
<?= $form->field($model, 'q_c1', [
'inputTemplate' => '<div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">'.
'<input type="radio" name="QbQuestion[answer]" value="q_c1">'.'</span>{input}</div>',
]); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'q_c2', [
'inputTemplate' => '<div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">'.
'<input type="radio" name="QbQuestion[answer]" value="q_c2">'.'</span>{input}</div>',
]); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'q_c3', [
'inputTemplate' => '<div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">'.
'<input type="radio" name="QbQuestion[answer]" value="q_c3">'.'</span>{input}</div>',
]); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'q_c4', [
'inputTemplate' => '<div class="input-group"><span class="input-group-addon">'.
'<input type="radio" name="QbQuestion[answer]" value="q_c4">'.'</span>{input}</div>',
]); ?>
Here ,QbQuestion['answer'] return you the selected answer.
Change in controller:
public function actionCreate()
$model = new QbQuestion();
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
// if you have answer attribute in model class than load that attribute
// no need of this line $answer = $model->answer;
// no need of this line $model->$answer;
// you can do it manually as below
return $this->redirect(Url::to(['qb-question/index']));
} else {
return $this->renderAjax('create', [
'model' => $model,
The reason your attributes are not saving is because you haven't tied the field to the model, so incorrect field names are being submitted in the form.
It seems to me as if what you need is a radioList. The Html::radio() method just adds a radio button, not tied to any model. To use a radioList you need to do something like this;
First, create an array of possible answers in your view file;
$answers = array('q_c1' => $model->q_c1, 'q_c2' => $model=>q_c2, 'q_c3' => $model=>q_c3, 'q_c4' => $model=>q_c4);
Now, because it's a radio list, it will only submit data for one of the radio button. It will not allow selection of more than one radio button. Because of the way you are storing your data, you will need a temporary model attribute to store this value oin while the model gets populated and validated. Create this in your model like so;
public $answerToQuestion;
And allow it to be massively assigned;
public function rules() {
return [
[['answerToQuestion'], 'safe]
Now you can create your form field like this;
echo $form->field($model, 'answerToQuestion')->radioList($answers);
Yii should now generate the list of radio buttons with the correct names to tie them into your model and allow them to be massively assigned.
The attributes submitted by the form will be of the form (assuming your model is called Question;
Question[answerToQuestion] => 'q_c2'
It will pass validation. It's now up to your model logic to decode the selected answer into the relevant fields in your database.
I got two related tables(models) [Sub with primary key id] and [Case with foreign key sub_id]. I created Sub with id=4. I want to create data of Case model in view.php(form) of Sub model. I did a "Create Case" Button which refer to the actionCreate of Case model.
This is my "Create Case" button in sub/view.php:
<?= Html::a(Yii::t('app','Create Case'), ['/case/create', 'sub_id' => $model->id], ['class' => 'btn btn-primary']) ?>
It looks like in the
This button referred me to the create form of Case model, where i should get the field sub_id = 4. Now my _form.php has
<?= $form->field($model, 'sub_id')->textInput() ?>
What should i change to get the automatically filled field sub_id with id of parent model?
UPDATE: I added relevant code from the appropriate view, controller files.
I didn't changed model files.
CaseController.php file looks like shown below
class CaseController extends Controller
public function behaviors()
return [
'verbs' => [
'class' => VerbFilter::className(),
'actions' => [
'delete' => ['POST'],
public function actionIndex()
$searchModel = new CaseSearch();
$dataProvider = $searchModel->search(Yii::$app->request->queryParams);
return $this->render('index', [
'searchModel' => $searchModel,
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
public function actionView($id)
return $this->render('view', [
'model' => $this->findModel($id),
public function actionCreate($sub_id)
$model = new Case();
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) {
return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]);
} else {
return $this->render('create', [
'model' => $model,
'parent' => $sub_id
public function actionUpdate($id)
$model = $this->findModel($id);
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $model->save()) {
return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]);
} else {
return $this->render('update', [
'model' => $model,
public function actionDelete($id)
return $this->redirect(['index']);
protected function findModel($id)
if (($model = Case::findOne($id)) !== null) {
return $model;
} else {
throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested page does not exist.');
sub/view.php file:
use yii\helpers\Html;
use yii\widgets\DetailView;
$this->title = $model->id . ": " . $model->fullname;
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = ['label' => Yii::t('app', 'Subs'), 'url' => ['index']];
$this->params['breadcrumbs'][] = $this->title;
<div class="sub-view">
<h3><?= Html::encode($this->title) ?></h3>
<?= DetailView::widget([
'model' => $model,
'attributes' => [
'label' => 'address',
'value' => 'Street: ' . $model->address->street . ' House ' . $model->address->house . ' Flat ' . $model->address->flat
]) ?>
<?= Html::a(Yii::t('app', 'Create Case'), ['/case/create', 'sub_id'=>$model->id], ['class' => 'btn btn-success']) ?>
case/_form.php file:
use yii\helpers\Html;
use yii\widgets\ActiveForm;
<div class="case-form">
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'id')->textInput() ?>
<?php if($model->isNewRecord && isset($parent_id)) {
$model->sub_id = $parent_id;
} ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'sub_id')->textInput(['readonly' => true, 'value' => $model->sub_id]) ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'case_date')->textInput() ?>
<div class="form-group">
<?= Html::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? Yii::t('app', 'Create') : Yii::t('app', 'Update'), ['class' => $model->isNewRecord ? 'btn btn-success' : 'btn btn-primary']) ?>
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>
With lack of any further information, to the best of my understanding this is what you are asking -
Taking the example in your picture, if user clicks on Create Case button, then a new form (Create Case) will open. In that Create Case form, among other input fields, there is a field for sub_id and it should be populated by default with the value 4 (since in the picture the ID of the User Harry Potter is 4).
Based on the above you simply need to do the following -
In your action (within the CaseController) for create case, you pass the sub_id like below -
/* ** CaseController ** */
public function actionCreate($sub_id)
//....other code
return $this->render('create', ['model' => $model,'parent_id' => $sub_id]);
And then inside the _form.php where you are showing the Create Case form you simply do like this -
/* ** _form.php ** */
//... other code
//if you are using _form.php for Edit Form as well,
//this prevents the value from the DB being over-written
if($model->isNewRecord && isset($parent_id)) {
$model->sub_id = $parent_id;
<?= $form->field($model, 'sub_id')->textInput() ?>
//... other code
This should be enough to display the value passed from the parent form.
I'm learning Yii2 by making a project.
I have two models: Company and CompanyFile. I'm using both of them in one form to create a Company, to upload related files and save them in associated table.
The problem is that the Company is being created but without uploading files and creating rows in associated table.
Here's the piece of Company Controller:
public function actionCreate()
$model = new Company();
$file = new CompanyFile();
if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $file->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
$attachments = UploadedFile::getInstances($file, 'attachment[]');
foreach($attachments as $a){
if ($a->upload()){
$file->company_id = $model->id;
$file->attachment = $a;
else {
return $this->render('create', [
'model' => $model,
'file' => $file,
return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->id]);
} else {
return $this->render('create', [
'model' => $model,
'file' => $file,
Here's the piece of CompanyFile model:
public function upload()
if ($this->validate()){
$nameToSave = 'uploads/' . $this->attachment->baseName . '.' . $this->attachment->extension;
return $nameToSave;
else {
return false;
Here's the views/company/_form.php:
<?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(['options' => ['enctype' => 'multipart/form-data']]); ?>
<?= $form->field($model, 'name')->textarea(['rows' => 1, 'style' => 'width: 400px;']) ?>
<?= $form->field($file, 'attachment[]')->fileInput(['multiple' => true]) ?>
<div class="form-group">
<?= Html::submitButton($model->isNewRecord ? 'Create' : 'Update', ['class' => $model->isNewRecord ? 'btn btn-success' : 'btn btn-primary']) ?>
<?php ActiveForm::end(); ?>
After submitting form I'm redirected to newly created company page. No files uploaded. What may be wrong? I couldn't find any info about correct way of saving multiple files to another table in Yii2.
It needed to be
$attachments = UploadedFile::getInstances($file, 'attachment');
'attachment' without brackets.
In radio button, value is coming. But, I want to display the name of that value.
my user_types (table)
id type status created_at
1 An Individual 1 2015
2 Firm 1 2015
UserController.php (controller)
public function actionRegister()
$model = new Users();
$modelUserType=UserType::find()->select(['id', 'type'])->where(['status' => 1])
return $this->render('register', [
'model' => $model,
'module' => $this->module,
register.php (view)
$form->field($model, 'user_type')
->label('Are You')
It's coming like this.
I want like this
So any idea how to bring 'type' column to display instead of 'id' column.
Mr Partykar and now i understand you.This is my answer.This is work to me also for render list of radio buttons. Please, reply this is fix your problem
public function actionRegister()
$model = new Users();
$modelUserType=UserType::find()->select(['id', 'type'])->where(['status' => 1])->asArray()->all();
foreach($modelUserType as $k=>$v){
return $this->render('register', [
'model' => $model,
'module' => $this->module,