I have an image that is uploaded to the server, I then get the image information and resize using imagick, this works great on my local server (xammp) but when I upload to site to godaddy, only certain images load. Here is a snippet of code;
$image = frameEngine($_FILES['myFile']['tmp_name'];
$tempHeight = $image->getHeight();
$tempWidth = $image->getWidth();
$inches = $image->getInches();
In the class frameEngine it reads;
Class frameEngine {
private $image;
private $height;
private $width;
private $dpi;
function __construct($file) {
$this->image = new Imagick(realpath($file));
$this->width = $this->image->getImageWidth();
$this->height = $this->image->getImageHeight();
$this->dpi = $this->image->getImageResolution();
public function getHeight() {
return $this->height;
public function getWidth() {
return $this->width;
public function getInches() {
$dpi = $this->dpi;
$iw = round(($this->width / $dpi['x']*100)/100,2);
$ih = round(($this->height / $dpi['y']*100)/100,2);
return array('w' => $iw, 'h' => $ih);
I get a division by zero error in getInches() obviously because Imagick is returning 0 as image height and width, therefore I believe imagick is failing on the image. The image is obviously fine as it works on my local server.
Two things before you come to the conclusion that Imagick is not working
Make a test script and use phpinfo() . Hit the page from your browser and look for imagick mentioned in that page. If this is not mentioned then boom! you need to contact your hosting provider for this
Secondly, make sure that file upload is enabled and file is uploaded properly by using old-school var_dump
Hope this helps fella!
private function processImageUpload($image,$image_name){
//using image png function to change any image from jpeg to png and store to public folder
$img = imagepng(imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($image)), config('app.LOGO_MEDIA_PATH').'/'.$image_name.'.png');
* TODO : change the image replacing functionality
* from static name to upload to uploads folder
* and get URL form settings table
$url = "/front/common/img/".$image_name.'.png';
return $url;
I enable the imagick extension in php.ini file but didn't happen anything
I got the solution..Just need to add case with the image type. In this we can't convert png to png.
private function processImageUpload($image,$image_name){
if($image->getMimeType() !== "image/png"){
//using image png function to change any image from jpeg to png and store to public folder
$img = imagepng(imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($image)), config('app.LOGO_MEDIA_PATH').'/'.$image_name.'.png');
$image->move(config('app.LOGO_MEDIA_PATH'), $image_name.'.png');
* TODO : change the image replacing functionality
* from static name to upload to uploads folder
* and get URL form settings table
$url = "/front/common/img/".$image_name.'.png';
return $url;
this is my scenario:
I have a Laravel 6.x application and I'm using the FlySystemAzureBlobStorage package to store images on Azure Blob Storage.
Then I want to use the InterventionImageCache package to get and cache the images for faster client's downloads in different sizes.
I've already done it in this way:
public static function getImageResponseForApi($storageDiskName, $imagePath, $width = null, $height = null)
//check if the image exists on disk
$exists = empty($storageDiskName) ?
Storage::exists($imagePath) :
if ($exists) {
$image = empty($storageDiskName) ?
Storage::get($imagePath) :
if (!empty($width) || !empty($height)) {
//use the image cache function to get the cached image if exists
$image = \Image::cache(function ($ima) use ($image, $width, $height) {
//check if height and with are higher than original or not
$ima->make($image)->resize($width, $height, function ($constraint) {
$sizes = getimagesizefromstring($image);
$headers = [
'Content-Length' => strlen($image),
'Content-Type' => $sizes["mime"]
return \Response::make($image, 200, $headers);
} else {
return null;
There is a problem working in this way: I must download the image from azure blob storage before the system can check if a resized cached version of it exists.
The Azure package i'm using doesn't provide the possibility to get the image paths, so I can't find another solution to my problem.
So, is there a way to achieve the image caching without I have to download the file every time?
I use a separate route for showing/caching the image in my blade.
I store the image as BLOB in MYSQL PRODUCT table identified by product_id
<img src="/dbimage/{{$product->id}}.png" >
Route::get('/dbimage/{id}',[ProductImageController::class, 'getImage']);
class ProductImageController extends Controller
public function getImage($prodcutImageID){
$rendered_buffer= Product::all()->find($productID[0])->image;
$response = Response::make($rendered_buffer);
$response->header('Content-Type', 'image/png');
return $response;
This makes the browsers cache the images
I want to have a Route that takes image Dimension and source and return Cropped and resized image via timthumb php script.
I put timthumb.php file in a folder in public directory and I wrote this Route:
Route::get('/showImage/{w}/{h}/{src}', function ($w , $h , $src) {
$img = 'public/plugins/timthumb/timthumb.php?src='.$src.'&w='.$w.'&h='.$h;
return Response::make($img, 200, array('Content-Type' => 'image/jpeg'));
})->where('src', '[A-Za-z0-9\/\.\-\_]+');
But nothing happen.
How can I access to timthumb.php file and send it required parameters and get result image?
this is structure of Public directory and placement of timthumb and images folder :
According to , I try :
$img = 'public/plugins/timthumb/timthumb.php?src=../../'.$src.'&w='.$w.'&h='.$h;
And :
$img = 'public/plugins/timthumb/timthumb.php?src=public/'.$src.'&w='.$w.'&h='.$h;
But none of them does not work for bellow URL:
I suggest using league/glide. Watch Using Glide in Laravel to get started.
The better way to use timthumb image in Laravel using intervention/image
Install this package.
Update your Route:
Route::get('showImage/{w}/{h}/{src}', function ($w , $h , $src)
$img_path = public_path().'/'.$src;
$img = Image::make($img_path)->resize($w, $h);
return $img->response('jpg');
})->where('src', '[A-Za-z0-9\/\.\-\_]+');
OR Image Cache
Install intervention/imagecache package
Route::get('showImage/{w}/{h}/{src}', function ($w , $h , $src)
$img_path = public_path().'/'.$src;
$img = Image::cache(function($image)use($w,$h,$img_path) {
return $image->make($img_path)->resize($w, $h);
return Response::make($img, 200, ['Content-Type' => 'image/jpeg']);
})->where('src', '[A-Za-z0-9\/\.\-\_]+');
Image URL would be as below:
http://<< Domain Name >>/showImage/800/400/Desert.jpg
I'm creating an API in which I have a model called OnlineAds(), it has these columns title, full_discription, short_discription and image, I also created an input form to fill in these fields and upload an image, in the image field I add the image's name and store the image in this path: storage/uploads. I was able to retrieve the image and display it, but I still didn't figure out how to resize it before displaying (lets say I want it to be 300 x 300), can anybody show me how ?
Note: I tried to use Stapler and Imagine but they seemed to give multiple bugs and failed!
This is my controller:
public function show()
$img = OnlineAds::find(50)->image;
$path = storage_path('uploads') . '/' . $img;
if (File::exists($path)) {
$filetype = File::type($path);
$response = Response::make(File::get($path), 200);
$response->header('Content-Type', $filetype);
return $response;
You could look into using Intervention to take care of the image processing as well as handling the response. It can be as easy as this:
public function show()
$img = OnlineAds::find(50)->image;
$path = storage_path('uploads') . '/' . $img;
if (File::exists($path)) {
$img = Image::make($path);
$img->resize(300, 300);
return $img->response();
There are detailed instructions on how to install the Intervention library and integrate it with Laravel, and it shouldn't take more than a few minutes to get it up and running.
I'm looking to center crop and image using Imagick PHP apis (not command line version of Imagick).
Essentially I want to do what is possible via command line, using API. Here is an example via command line:
Here is what I'm doing (not working). It always crops the upper left corner of the source:
$this->imagickObj->setImagePage(0, 0, 0, 0);
Why is the setGravity not applying to the image before the crop? http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.imagick-setgravity.php says it should apply to the object (in this case the single image)...
Its too late for the original person who asked the question but for future visitors, correct solution is
bool Imagick::cropThumbnailImage ( int $width , int $height )
Sorry for late reply but I too stuck here just 30 mins ago and first google result redirected me here. Hope same will not happen with others.
Looks like there is not support, here is how I ended up doing it:
The Imagemagick object's cropImage() method's 3rd and 4th argument are defining the upper-left corner of the crop. Either try passing those as null (and use the setGravity() method), or you may actually have to calculate where the crop is supposed to take place and pop those numbers into the cropImage() method (and don't bother with setGravity()).
For what it's worth, I have done a lot of coding around Imagemagick using PHP, and due to the horrible documentation of the Imagemagick extension, I resorted to making lots of nice'd command line calls.
I have created component to crop and resize images
here is the code (yii2)
Component uses imagine/imagine extension, install it before
namespace common\components;
use Imagine\Gd\Imagine;
use Imagine\Image\Box;
use Imagine\Image\ImageInterface;
use Imagine\Image\Point;
use Imagine\Imagick\Image;
class ResizeComponent
* Resize image
* #param string $source source image path
* #param string $destination destination image path
* #param int $width
* #param int $height
* #param int $quality Jpeg sampling quality (0-100, 80 is best for seo)
* #return boolean is picture cropped
public static function resizeImage($source, $destination, $width, $height, $quality = 80)
if (file_exists($source) && is_file($source)) {
$imagine = new Imagine();
$size = new Box($width, $height);
$mode = ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_INSET;
$resizeimg = $imagine->open($source)->thumbnail($size, $mode);
$sizeR = $resizeimg->getSize();
$widthR = $sizeR->getWidth();
$heightR = $sizeR->getHeight();
$preserve = $imagine->create($size);
$startX = $startY = 0;
if ($widthR < $width) {
$startX = ($width - $widthR) / 2;
if ($heightR < $height) {
$startY = ($height - $heightR) / 2;
$preserve->paste($resizeimg, new Point($startX, $startY))
->save($destination, array('jpeg_quality' => $quality));
return true;
} else {
return false;
* Crop image
* #param string $source source image path
* #param string $destination destination image path
* #param int $width
* #param int $height
* #param int $quality Jpeg sampling quality (0-100, 80 is best for seo)
* #return boolean is picture cropped
public static function cropImage($source, $destination, $width, $height, $quality = 80)
if (file_exists($source) && is_file($source)) {
$imagine = new Imagine();
$size = new Box($width, $height);
$mode = ImageInterface::THUMBNAIL_OUTBOUND;
$image = $imagine->open($source)->thumbnail($size, $mode);
$image->thumbnail($size, $mode)->save($destination, array('jpeg_quality' => $quality));
return true;
} else {
return false;
The difference between crop and resize is :
crop cant display all image, so borders will be cropped (best for not informative thumbnails)
resize displays full image, but borders will be filled with static color (or transperency if needed) (best if all image needed to be shown, as in shop catalog)
Use this component statically, best practice as ServiceLocator