imagemagick export jpg / png appearing inverted - php

I am using the imagemagick library to create a png or jpg from 2 images. The jpg / png is creating fine but one of the layered images appear inverted. It should have a white background but instead has black.
I have an uploader script which resizes the image and saves to an upload folder:
$maxsizeHeight=113; // MAX HEIGHT
// create new Imagick object
$image = new Imagick($_FILES["fileToUpload"]["tmp_name"]);
// Set to use jpeg compression
// Set compression level (1 lowest quality, 100 highest quality)
// Strip out unneeded meta data
// Writes resultant image to output directory
// Destroys Imagick object, freeing allocated resources in the process
Then the second part i combine with a background image:
exec("convert $backgroundimg -interline-spacing 4 -font 'arial' -fill black -pointsize 16 -annotate +220+520 \"$newtext \" null: $logoPath -geometry +$POS_x+$POS_y -layers composite -layers optimize $save_file");
However, i get the following:


My php image server using Imagick produces much larger png8 files after cropping / scaling down

I'm trying to set up a simple PHP image server to allow me to add just large file for each of my images and then scale and crop them as needed. For my test file I start with a png8 exported via "save for web" from illustrator of size 2400 x 1200, which has a filesize of 21.6KB.
When I use Imagick's cropThumbnailImage function to reduce it to 600 x 600 the resulting file is 62.1KB (three times the size for a substantially smaller image). A 600 x 600 crop of the same image saved from illustrator clocks in at about 8.2KB. I can accept a modest file size increase for the added convenience, but an ~8x increase is just too much.
When saving the file I make sure to force the output to png8 so it doesn't default to a lossless png format, but other than that I'm clueless as to how to resolve it.
Here is my processing code:
//create working image
$image = new Imagick( $this->orig_file );
// Set Compression
$image->setImageCompressionQuality( 9 );
//scale image to height
$image->cropThumbnailImage ( $this->w, $this->h );
// strip extra data
// save file
$image->writeImage( 'png8:'.$this->output_file );
Here are my test files:
Original Full scale image outputted by illustrator.
Cropped 600 x 600 image generated by imagick.
[EDIT: As per Mark's suggestion below I added the following changes]
// replacing cropThumbnailImage with:
$image->resizeImage(0, $this->h, imagick::FILTER_TRIANGLE, 1);
// crop
$start = ($image->getImageWidth() / 2) - ($this->w / 2);
$image->cropimage($this->w, $this->h, $start, 0);
// reduce colors to 20
$image->quantizeImage($this->q, 1, 0, true, false); // using 20 as $this->q
The end result goes from 62.1KB to 50.4KB, better but still over double the size of the fullsized image, and many times larger that the illustrator save for web version at that size.
600x600 image reduced to 20 colors and resized not thumbnailed
Your original image has 33 colours and weighs in at 22kB.
If you resize like this (albeit at the command line):
convert jabba.png -resize 600x600 -strip png8:result.png
the output file will be 6.6kB.
If you resize like I suggested with -scale:
convert jabba.png -scale 600x600 -strip png8:result.png
the output file will be 5.0kB.
If you retain -quality 9 in there, you will end up with > 25kB.

Resizing animated .gifs with ImageMagick

I know this has been asked in a few different ways before but I am running into what seems to be a unique problem. I am using the following code to resize animated .gif images:
convert $image -coalesce $image
convert -layers OptimizeTransparency -quality 60 -size 220x220 $image -resize 220 +profile '*' $thumb`
In theory this should generate a thumbnailed/resized version of the .gif at 220px X 220px and keep it at a reasonable size by reducing quality and optimizing transparency, but in production it takes a 255kb .gif and turns it into a 1.5mb thumbnail. What is wrong with this code and how can I create more optimized .gif thumbnails?

Imagemagick Crop command not giving perfect result

I am using Imagemagick for resizing and cropping image.
Test Image :
I need to re-size it for 300 x 320 frame for this first I am resizing the image and then cropping it and i am using the following commands:
exec("convert /uploadImagePath -thumbnail 300 /newImagePath");
exec("convert /newImagePath -gravity Center -crop 290x310+0+0 /newImagePath");
But it gives me following image
As you can see image is not complete. Where am I mistaken?
(Answer is updated, providing an illustrated example for -liquid-rescale further below now)
Your original image's dimensions are:
489 x 640 pixels
Your desired dimensions seem to be:
290 x 310 pixels
This cannot scale to these dimensions without either:
cropping (do not keep all areas of the intial image)
keeping desired width (give up desired height)
keeping desired height (give up desired width)
distortion (do not keep the aspect ratio when scaling)
padding (add more pixels to one or more edges)
removing pixels where it's not obvious ("liquid rescale" or "seam carving" -- see Wikipedia)
Your result shows '1.' (cropping), which you don't like. So you have options '2.' (keeping width), '3.' (keeping height), '4.' (distortion), '5.' (padding) and '6.' (seam carving) left to test.
'2.': Keeping desired Height
convert WPTgp.jpg -resize x310 keep-height.jpg
Resulting Image has dimensions of 237 x 310 pixels.
Keep Height....
(determine width automatically)
'3.': Keeping desired Width
convert WPTgp.jpg -resize 290x keep-width.jpg
Resulting Image has dimensions of 290 x 380 pixels.
Keep Width.....
(determine height automatically)
'4.': Distortion
convert WPTgp.jpg -resize 290x310\! distorted.jpg
Resulting Image has dimensions of 290 x 310 pixels.
(ignore aspect ratio -- distort image if required to fit dimensions)
'5.': Padding
convert WPTgp.jpg \
-resize 290x310 \
-gravity center \
-background orange \
-extent 290x310 \
Resulting Image has dimensions of 290 x 310 pixels. (Orange background was added only to demonstrate that the 'extention' of the image did work.)
(keep aspect ratio -- extend image for desired dimensions)
'6.': Seam Carving
convert WPTgp.jpg -liquid-rescale 290x310\! liquid.jpg
The above would be the command you'd spontaneously derive from quick-reading the ImageMagick command options reference. However, it doesn't work well, and instead I used:
convert WPTgp.jpg -liquid-rescale 599x640\! -scale 290x310 liquid.jpg
convert WPTgp.jpg -liquid-rescale 599x640\! -scale 48.4% liquid.jpg
Further below is an explanation why I needed to modify it....
Sorry -- I cannot provide example picture right now; this requires the additional ImageMagick delegate liblqr (liquid rescaling library) to be installed, which I don't have at this moment) I've now had the opportunity to create a 'liquidly rescaled' version of the original image.
Caveats about Seam Carving / '-liquid-rescale':
As stated above, the last image is not the result of my originally proposed command, but of one of these two modified versions:
convert WPTgp.jpg -liquid-rescale 599x640\! -scale 290x310 liquid.jpg
convert WPTgp.jpg -liquid-rescale 599x640\! -scale 48.4% liquid.jpg
Remember, we have an original image of 489x610 pixels, which we are expected to scale to 290x310 pixels. But -liquid-rescale isn't good at rescaling in two dimensions at once -- it's designed to scale into one direction only (horizontal or vertical). If you try to do both at once, results may not be what you'd expect. Here is the result for the originally proposed command:
convert WPTgp.jpg -liquid-rescale 290x310\! liquid.jpg
LQR gone wrong
That's why I came up with the two modified commands which work in two steps:
First, apply liquid rescaling to the horizontal dimension only, expanding the original's width from 489 pixels to 599 pixels.
Second, apply 'normal' aspect-ratio-keeping scaling to the intermediate result to produce the final image.
$inputFile = "WPTgp.jpg";
exec("convert {$inputFile} -resize 290x310^ -gravity Center -crop 290x310+0+0 picCropped.png");

Image file size differences between Imagemagick and GD library

I have been doing some tests and found out that Imagemagick creates larger file sized images compared to GD library.
I have tried using thumbnailImage method and also resizeImage method (with different filters) of Imagemagick for creating an image of max dimension 1024x680 jpeg with JPEG compression and quality 80 and at 72 pixels per inch resolution and am also using stripImage method to remove unneeded meta data. The file size created by Imagemagick is always in the range of 700KB to 800KB depending upon various filters. On the other hand GD library produces an image of size 1024x680 which is only 41KB in size.
Can anyone please explain the difference in file sizes. I opened up the 2 files in Photo shop and checked to see any differences but could not find any (DPI, color profile, 8 bit channel etc), but still cant explain the difference in file sizes.
$srgbPath = "pathTosrgbColorProfile";
$srgb = file_get_contents($srgbPath);
$image->profileImage('icc', $srgb);
The size went down by 40KB giving an output of 711KB which is still pretty big. The Hi-res original file I am testing on is a jpeg of size 3008x2000 (4.2MB).
I think I figured it out, the method setCompression() does it for the Object and not the image, instead I used setImageCompression() and setImageCompressionQuality() and now the size has reduced to 100KB.. All good now!
Maybe the Quality settings of GD and ImageMagick aren't easily comparable, 80% in one does not mean the same as 80% in the other. I found the following note in an article form Smashing Magazine:
It turns out that JPEG quality scales are not defined in a specification or standard, and they are not uniform across encoders. A quality of 60 in Photoshop might be the same as a quality of 40 in one program, quality B+ in another and quality fantastico in a third. In my tests, I found that Photoshop’s 60 is closest to -quality 82 in ImageMagick.
So you may pay more attention on quality when comparing the different result files. Maybe the colors differ or the gd image has more artifacts.
The differnce seems rather large; when I did some tests a couple of years ago the file size of IM was about 5x the size of GD.
It would be interesting to see your actual code used.
I am at work at the moment but have a photo resized to 592 x 592 and the filesize is 50.3KB I know it is not the same size as yours but it was saved at quality 100
You can run this and see what IM says about the output files:
convert image -verbose -identify
You must be doing something wrong I have just run a test and the results are below - For some reason the thumbnail size is the same as the resize size! Maybe a bug.
Original file size: 4700 x 3178 2.31MB
-resize dimensions = 1021 x 680 186kb
-thumbnail dimensions = 1021 x 680 186kb
GD dimensions = 1024 x 682 100kb
$original = 'IMG_4979_1.CR2';
// Convert to jpg as GD will not work with CR2 files
exec("convert $original image.jpg");
$image = "image.jpg";
exec("convert $image -resize 1024x680 output1.jpg");
exec("convert $image -thumbnail 1024x680 -strip output2.jpg");
// Set the path to the image to resize
$input_image = 'image.jpg';
// Get the size of the original image into an array
$size = getimagesize( $input_image );
// Set the new width of the image
$thumb_width = "1024";
// Calculate the height of the new image to keep the aspect ratio
$thumb_height = ( int )(( $thumb_width/$size[0] )*$size[1] );
// Create a new true color image in the memory
$thumbnail = ImageCreateTrueColor( $thumb_width, $thumb_height );
// Create a new image from file
$src_img = ImageCreateFromJPEG( $input_image );
// Create the resized image
ImageCopyResampled( $thumbnail, $src_img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $thumb_width, $thumb_height, $size[0], $size[1] );
// Save the image as resized.jpg
ImageJPEG( $thumbnail, "output3.jpg" );
// Clear the memory of the tempory image
ImageDestroy( $thumbnail );

file size imagemagick thumbnails

I need to create thumbnails with imagemagick.. but the file size of the thumbnails is very LARGE!
convert -resize 80x80 -quality 70 file.jpg file-thumb.jpg
file.jpg (1100x825px, 75kb) => file-thumb.jpg (80x60px, 29kb)
It just don't give any sense the thumbs ends up so large!? What am I doing wrong?
Use this instead:
convert file.jpg -thumbnail 80x80 -quality 70 file-thumb.jpg
This strips all EXIF data etc. but keeps the color profile.
Note the image is read in first.
