Product description in transactional email Magento - php

I am using magento 1.9.1 and the e-mail templates. I came with the following code, which should display the product description in transactional e-mails.
<?php echo $this->escapeHtml($_item->getDescription()) ?>
However it does not do that. Does anyone know if somewhere else in the code the description must be loaded first?
Greetings, Marcel

Try Using
<?php $_product = Mage::getModel('catalog/product')->load($_item->getProductId());?>
<?php echo $_product->getDescription();?>


simple shopping feed xml generator - bedingte SHopping Preise in PHP

I'm trying to adjust the product feed in an older Magento 1 shop with the add-on "Simple Google Shopping" so that the shipping costs are returned depending on the product weight.
This Plugin is php-based: User Guide
This is the snippet of code that doesn't work for me. Do you have any idea what the problem could be?
if( {weight} >= 31.5)
{return 79.90;}
{return 4.00;}
I've found the solution:
The problem was that, contrary to the user guide, the variable call has to look like this:
$weight and not '{weight}' or '$product->weight'

Move WooCommerce Subscription below orders

I have a Wordpress website on which I'm using WooCommerce & WooCommerce Subscriptions Add-on.
The problem is that under My Account page, the "My Subscriptions" field appears above the Welcome message. Please check this screenshot:
I would like the My Subscriptions field to appear below the welcome message.
I have no clue what to modify.. :(
PS: Using Avada Theme.
Could someone please help me? This is the website in question:
Open file /wp-content/themes/avada/woocommerce/myaccount/my-account.php, find these 2 lines in this file:
<?php woocommerce_get_template('user-welcome.php'); ?>
<?php do_action( 'woocommerce_before_my_account' ); ?>
Please check whether they are in same sequence. If not, keep it same as above. do_action( 'woocommerce_before_my_account' ); should be below woocommerce_get_template('user-welcome.php');

Can I give my own custom link to some categories in wp - ecommerce?

I am using Mazine template demo which is using wp-ecommerce plugin, In my website I have setup left Categories and Brands widgets, What I need is to link some of categories/Brands to link to my own custom URLs instead of opening category page.
Can I do that? Which specific file I need to change to achieve this?
At last got the solution,
Just Edit wpsc-category_widget.php file under Mazine folder , and added some conditions to change the link of some of categories.
<?php if($ti_curr_cat['name']=="Category Name"){ ?>
<?php echo $ti_curr_cat['name']; ?>
<?php }else{?>
<?php echo $ti_curr_cat['name']; ?>
<?php }?>
I've been using to build an ecommerce site. It only involves a one off payment which is very cheap. The price is £267

Magento Track shipment link on order view page not showing

I am unable to get the link to show up on admin end! My client is very irked by it missing. Any ideas?
The file adminhtml/default/default/template/sales/order/view/tab/info.phtml has the following code:
<?php if ($_order->getTracksCollection()->count()) : ?>
<?php echo $this->__('Track Order') ?>
<?php endif; ?>
adminhtml/default/your_template_name/template/sales/order/view/tab/info.phtml‌​ also has the same code.
I found out that the program formerly written by another programmer was not uploading the tracking numbers from the warehouse to the correct location in admin. It was adding it to the comments but not to the Shipment section. Once I fixed some code in the program to add the tracking numbers, all issues related were solved. Feel free to contact me if you need some help.

Show fax number in email (Opencart)

I'm using OpenCart v. and I'm trying to put the customer's fax number in the confirmation email. I've tried putting the following in the order_confirm.tpl template, but no avail:
Fax <strong><?php echo $customer_fax; ?></strong><br />
Do I need to modify the controller? I'm still a newbie at OpenCart.
You will need to edit the Model actually as well as the edit you have already done
$template->data['customer_telephone'] = $order_query->row['telephone'];
After it put
$template->data['customer_fax'] = $order_query->row['fax'];
