Owncloud + Hooks - php

I am trying to add some Hooks to my OwnCloud app called Metadata, and i can't seem to figure it out (the hook is not being fired).
I tried following the content https://doc.owncloud.org/server/8.2/developer_manual/app/init.html and https://doc.owncloud.org/server/8.2/developer_manual/app/hooks.html (although it seems like the second one is outdated).
Basically all i am trying to do for now is the catch the pre-rename hook and write something to a file.
My code is :
namespace OCA\Metadata\AppInfo;
use OCP\AppFramework\App;
$app = new App('metadata');
$container = $app->getContainer();
$container->query('OCP\INavigationManager')->add(function () use ($container) {
$urlGenerator = $container->query('OCP\IURLGenerator');
$l10n = $container->query('OCP\IL10N');
return [
// the string under which your app will be referenced in owncloud
'id' => 'metadata',
// sorting weight for the navigation. The higher the number, the higher
// will it be listed in the navigation
'order' => 10,
// the route that will be shown on startup
'href' => $urlGenerator->linkToRoute('metadata.page.index'),
// the icon that will be shown in the navigation
// this file needs to exist in img/
'icon' => $urlGenerator->imagePath('metadata', 'app.svg'),
// the title of your application. This will be used in the
// navigation or on the settings page of your app
'name' => $l10n->t('Metadata'),
\OCP\Util::connectHook('OC_Filesystem', 'post_rename', 'OC\Metadata\Hooks', 'postRename');
and then myapp/hooks.php
namespace OCA\Metadata;
use OC\Files\Filesystem;
use OC\Files\View;
class Hooks {
// private $userManager;
public static function postRename($params) {
file_put_contents("/var/www/data/owncloud_print2.log", "post_rename");
nothing ever gets written to the file. i have also tried other approaches all with no luck. anyone knows what i am doing wrong??

my connecthook was wrong. it should be:
\OCP\Util::connectHook('OC_Filesystem', 'post_rename', 'OCA\Metadata\Hooks', 'postRename');


Yii2 create multilingual site for ajax search fields

I'm using Yii2 and I want to create a web application with the ability to perform fast searches.
For example, when I type characters in a textbox, results displayed.
It's easy with ajax when we have only one language but how about in multilingual mode?
First set up multi language for your site there is doc for this.
Best way of auto support multi language for your site is using cookies variable for language. You can set up language cookies from any action as
public function actionLanguage()
if (isset($_POST['lang'])) {
$language = $_POST['lang'];
if (($langaugeModel = \app\models\Langauge::findOne(['name' => $language])) !== null) {
$varLang = [
'id' => $langaugeModel->id,
'name' => $langaugeModel->name,
'iso1' => $langaugeModel->iso1,
'iso2' => $langaugeModel->iso2
$cookies = new Cookie([
'name' => 'lang',
'value' => json_encode($varLang),
return $this->goBack((!empty(Yii::$app->request->referrer) ? Yii::$app->request->referrer : null));
} else {
throw new NotFoundHttpException('The requested langauge does not exist.');
} else {
return $this->goBack((!empty(Yii::$app->request->referrer) ? Yii::$app->request->referrer : null));
Here what I did was i placed all the language support of site in database and generate necessary cookies variable and placed it on client browser.
Next set up be before request event of your yii2 site in config/web.php file as
'as beforeRequest' => [
'class' => 'app\components\MyBehavior',
then create components\Mybehaviou.php file and place this code
namespace app\components;
use yii;
use yii\base\Behavior;
class MyBehavior extends Behavior
public function events(){
return [
\yii\web\Application::EVENT_BEFORE_REQUEST => 'myBehavior',
public function myBehavior(){
if (\yii::$app->getRequest()->getCookies()->has('lang')) {
$langIso = 'sdn';
\yii::$app->language = $langIso;
$langaugeVar = \yii::$app->getRequest()->getCookies()->getValue('lang');
$langauge = json_decode($langaugeVar);
$langIso = $langauge->iso2;
\yii::$app->language = $langIso;
This create your site language which depends on client because it depends on cookies of client.
Then create your search controller according to site language(\yii::$app->language)
for ajax search you can use select2 Widget. you can find demo and configuration on this link

PrestaShop 1.7 Add new resources and class

I created new resources with this code:
class WebserviceRequest extends WebserviceRequestCore {
public static function getResources(){
$resources = parent::getResources();
// if you do not have class for your table
$resources['test'] = array('description' => 'Manage My API', 'specific_management' => true);
$resources['categoryecommerce'] = array('description' => 'o jacie marcin', 'class' => 'CategoryEcommerce');
$mp_resource = Hook::exec('addMobikulResources', array('resources' => $resources), null, true, false);
if (is_array($mp_resource) && count($mp_resource)) {
foreach ($mp_resource as $new_resources) {
if (is_array($new_resources) && count($new_resources)) {
$resources = array_merge($resources, $new_resources);
return $resources;
And new class:
class CategoryEcommerceCore extends ObjectModelCore {
public $category_id;
public $category_core_id;
public static $definition = array(
'table' => "category_ecommerce",
'primary' => 'category_id',
'fields' => array(
'category_core_id' => array('type' => self::TYPE_INT),
protected $webserviceParameters = array();
Webservice is override properly. My class WebserviceRequest is copying to
but class isn't copying to /override/classes/ when i installing my module.
How to add new resourcess with own logic ? I want to add categories within relation to my table.
As soon as there is literally nothing regarding the API except Webkul tutorial... I tried to implement the "Webkul's" tutorial, but also failed. However seems that it's better to use hooks instead of overrides. I used my "reverse engineering skills" to determine the way to create that API, so-o-o-o, BEHOLD! :D
Let's assume you have a custom PrestaShop 1.7 module. Your file is mymodule.php and here are several steps.
This is an install method wich allows you to register the hook within database (you can uninstall and reinstall the module for this method to be executed):
public function install() {
return true;
Add the hook listener:
public function hookAddWebserviceResources($resources) {
$added_resources['test'] = [
'description' => 'Test',
'specific_management' => true,
return $added_resources;
That specific_management option shows you are going to use WebsiteSpecificManagement file instead of database model file.
Create WebsiteSpecificManagement file, called WebsiteSpecificManagementTest (Test - is CamelCased name of your endpoint). You can take the skeleton for this file from /classes/webservice/WebserviceSpecificManagementSearch.php. Remove everything except:
getContent (should return $this->output; and nothing more)
manage - you should rewrite it to return/process the data you want.
to your module file (haven't figured out how to include automatically).
Go to /Backoffice/index.php?controller=AdminWebservice and setup the new "Auth" key for your application, selecting the test endpoint from the permissions list. Remember the key.
Visit /api/test?ws_key=YOUR_KEY_GENERATED_ON_STEP_4 and see the XML response.
Add &output_format=JSON to your URL to see the response in JSON.
You have to use something like $this->output = json_encode(['blah' => 'world']) within manage method at WebsiteSpecificManagementTest.

The controller is not allowed by this plugin

I try to add a new controller which has one action called confirmAgbAction.
namespace Eddcapone\MyExtension\Controller;
* CustomController
class CustomController extends \TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Mvc\Controller\ActionController
* action list
* #return void
public function confirmAgbAction()
echo "<p>HALLO WELT</p>";
I even added it to ext_localconf.php
if (!defined('TYPO3_MODE')) {
die('Access denied.');
'Eddcapone.' . $_EXTKEY,
'Category' => 'list,show',
'File' => 'show',
'Download' => 'download',
'Custom' => 'confirmAgb'
// non-cacheable actions
'Category' => 'list,show',
'File' => 'topFive',
'Download' => 'download',
'Custom' => 'confirmAgb'
This is how I call the action in the template:
<f:link.action controller="Custom" action="confirmAgb" pluginName="Myfilelist" class="mbButton">Download</f:link.action>
However, i always get:
#1313855173: The controller "Custom" is not allowed by this plugin. Please check for TYPO3\CMS\Extbase\Utility\ExtensionUtility::configurePlugin() in your ext_localconf.php.
There are two common possibilities for your error:
You use a flexform to embed your plugin. Either you have not added Custom->confirmAgb to the allowed calls in your flexform or you have added it but did not update the plugin (plugin configuration only updates when you save the plugin/tt_content element)
You have two plugins on the page and the error is triggered by the other plugin because there the controller->action combination is not allowed.
PS: try adding this to your TS (setup.txt) and the plugins now should pick the default action if the given one is not found:
plugin.tx_yourextensionmvc.callDefaultActionIfActionCantBeResolved = 1
There could be more uncommon cases
You should absolutely avoid using $_EXTKEY in configurePlugin and other Extbase contexts. Extbase requires the Vendor.ExtensionName format - $_EXTKEY is in the lowercase_underscored format. Defining those parameters as hardcoded values should solve your problem with resolving controllers for your given plugin.
To be precise: use Eddcapone.Myextension as extension name parameter in your command(s) to register/configure plugins.

What is best practice for setting up a multiple webroot environment on a Lithium application?

I'm interested in having a unified backend environment for multiple users and having multiple frontend environments for users. All should run from a single application instance, which will be the equivalent of the app folder. I've gone back and forth on several configurations but keep running into inconsistencies once I get deeper into the app. Imagine something like the enterprise WordPress app: users need a unique webroot for their account for accessing their templates and digital assets, but one application instance runs the backend environment for all users. This is proving tricky on Lithium.
Right now, I set a basic environment parameter in the /[user]/webroot/index.php file, like so:
$env = ['webroot' => __DIR__, 'id' => 'generic_account'];
require dirname(dirname(__DIR__)) . '/app/config/bootstrap.php';
use lithium\action\Dispatcher;
use lithium\action\Request;
echo Dispatcher::run(new Request(compact('env')));
Then, in the Dispatcher, I have an extension class map the account:
Dispatcher::applyFilter('run', function($self, $params, $chain) use (&$i) {
//Map $env['id'] value to stored database connection
if (isset($params['request']->id)) {
foreach (array_reverse(Libraries::get()) as $name => $config) {
if ($name === 'lithium') {
$file = $config['path'] . '/config/routes.php';
file_exists($file) ? call_user_func(function() use ($file) { include $file; }) : null;
return $chain->next($self, $params, $chain);
Finally, in the Accounts::load() method, I pull connection settings from a master database and set those as the default Connection configuration:
namespace app\extensions\core;
use app\models\Routes;
use lithium\net\http\Router;
class Accounts {
public static function load(&$request) {
if (!is_object($request)) {
return false;
$class = [
'accounts' => 'app\models\Accounts',
'plugins' => 'app\extensions\core\Plugins',
'prefs' => 'app\extensions\core\Preferences',
'connections' => 'lithium\data\Connections',
'inflector' => 'lithium\util\Inflector',
'exception' => 'lithium\net\http\RoutingException'
$class['accounts']::meta('connection', 'master');
$bind = $class['prefs']::read('bind_account');
$key = $bind == 'domain' || $bind == 'subdomain' ? 'HTTP_HOST' : 'id';
$find = $class['accounts'] . '::' . $class['inflector']::camelize('find_by_' . $bind, false);
$account = call_user_func($find, $request->env($key));
if ($account == null) {
throw new $class['exception']('Account `' . $request->env($key) . '` doesn\'t exist.');
$class['connections']::add('default', json_decode($account->database, true));
$request->activeAccount = $account;
$request->params['webroot'] = $request->env('webroot');
$plugins = $class['plugins']::load();
return true;
* Allows users to store customized route definitions in `routes` table,
* hence the use of `app\models\Routes`.
public static function routes() {
$routes = Routes::all();
foreach ($routes as $route) {
Router::connect($route->match, [
'controller' => 'pages',
'action' => 'view',
'template' => $route->template,
'layout' => $route->layout
All this seems to work well for routing URLs and allowing for multiple front-end webroots. Here's the trick: when creating a webroot for admin interfaces, it's turning into a convoluted mess for keeping the asset paths straight. I've used Media::assets() to try to overcome this, but I have a feeling there's a more elegant solution out there. I've struggled to find any other examples or documentation that specifically addresses this kind of setup concern.
It's pretty straightforward, you're almost there. All you really need is a unique webroot/ directory per user, in addition to the normal bootstrap include and request-dispatching, you can include any other user-specific configuration, and register the main application, like so:
Libraries::add('yourApp', [
'path' => '/path/to/codebase',
'webroot' => __DIR__
This gives you the centralized codebase, but also allows for a custom webroot per user.
I have two platforms on lithium with a similar setup. I wrote a plugin called li3_saas to facilitate it which I think I still need to put up on github. But it does some similar things with loading from a master database and setting the default database to be user specific.
I would recommend an entirely different app for a global admin interface that can load your main app using Libraries::add(), possibly with the 'bootstrap => false option to skip loading the bootstrap.
I accomplish some things - like reusing css or js - with symlinks on the file system.
I do use Media::assets() to let my admin interface know where uploaded files exist. I create a custom key in there called 'upload' and use that when creating assets paths and urls.
I could elaborate on that. Can you give a more specific use case that you are trying to solve?

Codeigniter: call a function in View From Controller

I am New to Codeigniter. In my Sample Application I add a new Tab called "RegForm" in my Main.php(View Folder). When i Click the RegForm Tab it load the New Window(width='800px' height='500px'). i understand the concept but i dont know how to write coding in Codeigniter.
Basicall i call a function in Controller file when i Clicked the RegForm tab. and i need to call a function in View where i load a window with properties. amm i correct.
YOu could do this (if I understood correctly):
View 'someview' contains this link:
$atts = array(
'width' => '800',
'height' => '500',
'scrollbars' => 'yes',
'status' => 'yes',
'resizable' => 'yes',
echo anchor_popup('mycontroller/mymethod','Click this for a popup',$atts);
(anchor_popup is a funcion in the URL helper, just autoload it, it's really useful)
in Controller 'mycontroller':
class Mycontroller extends CI_Controller {
//function index()
// other functions
function mymethod()
$data['properties'] = $this->mymodelforthis->get_properties();
THen, in 'myview', you display $properties the way you want
Hope this helps, lmk
