I'm trying to make (as immature as this sounds) an application online that prints random insults. I have a list that is 140 lines long, and I would like to print one entire line. There is mt_rand(min,max) but when I use that alongside fgets(file, "line") It doesn't give me the line of the random number, it gives me the character. Any help? I have all the code so far below.
$file = fopen("Insults.txt","r");
echo fgets($file, (mt_rand(1, 140)));
Try this, it's easier version of what you want to do:
$file = file('Insults.txt');
echo $file[array_rand($file)];
$lines = file("Insults.txt");
echo $lines[array_rand($lines)];
Or within a function:
function random_line($filename) {
$lines = file($filename) ;
return $lines[array_rand($lines)] ;
$insult = random_line("Insults.txt");
echo $insult;
use file() for this. it returns an array with the lines of the file:
$lines = file($filename);
$line = mt_rand(0, count($lines));
echo $lines[$line];
First: You totally screwed on using fgets() correctly, please refer to the manual about the meaning of the second parameter (it just plainly not what you think it is).
Second: the file() solution will work... until the filesize exceeds a certain size and exhaust the complete PHP memory. Keep in mind: file() reads the complete file into an array.
You might be better off with reading line-by-line, even if that means you'll have to discard most of the read data.
$fp = fopen(...);
$line = 129;
// read (and ignore) the first 128 lines in the file
$i = 1;
while ($i < $line) {
// at last: this is the line we wanted
$theLine = fgets($fp);
(not tested!)
I want to check the file's size of local drives on windows OS.But the native PHP function filesize() only work when the file size less than 2GB. The file which greater than 2GB will return the wrong number.So,is there other way to get the file size which greater than 2GB?
Thank you very much!!
You can always use the system's file size method.
For Windows:
Windows command for file size only?
#echo off
echo %~z1
For Linux
stat -c %s filenam
You would run these through the exec php command.
PHP function to get the file size of a local file with insignificant memory usage:
function get_file_size ($file) {
$fp = #fopen($file, "r");
$filesize = #ftell($fp);
return $filesize;
In first line of code, $file is opened in read-only mode and attached to the $fp handle.
In second line, the pointer is moved with fseek() to the end of $file.
Lastly, ftell() returns the byte position of the pointer in $file, which is now the end of it.
The fopen() function is binary-safe and it's apropiate for use even with very large files.
The above code is also very fast.
this function works for any size:
function fsize($file) {
// filesize will only return the lower 32 bits of
// the file's size! Make it unsigned.
$fmod = filesize($file);
if ($fmod < 0) $fmod += 2.0 * (PHP_INT_MAX + 1);
// find the upper 32 bits
$i = 0;
$myfile = fopen($file, "r");
// feof has undefined behaviour for big files.
// after we hit the eof with fseek,
// fread may not be able to detect the eof,
// but it also can't read bytes, so use it as an
// indicator.
while (strlen(fread($myfile, 1)) === 1) {
fseek($myfile, PHP_INT_MAX, SEEK_CUR);
// $i is a multiplier for PHP_INT_MAX byte blocks.
// return to the last multiple of 4, as filesize has modulo of 4 GB (lower 32 bits)
if ($i % 2 == 1) $i--;
// add the lower 32 bit to our PHP_INT_MAX multiplier
return ((float)($i) * (PHP_INT_MAX + 1)) + $fmod;
note: this function maybe litte slow for files > 2gb
(taken from php comments)
If you're running a Linux server, use the system command.
$last_line = system('ls');
Is an example of how it is used. If you replace 'ls' with:
du <filename>
then it will return an integer of the file size in the variable $last_line. For example:
472 myProgram.exe
means it's 472 KB. You can use regular expressions to obtain just the number. I haven't used the du command that much, so you'd want to play around with it and have a look at what the output is for files > 2gb.
$files = `find / -type f -size +2097152`;
This function returns the size for files > 2GB and is quite fast.
function file_get_size($file) {
//open file
$fh = fopen($file, "r");
//declare some variables
$size = "0";
$char = "";
//set file pointer to 0; I'm a little bit paranoid, you can remove this
fseek($fh, 0, SEEK_SET);
//set multiplicator to zero
$count = 0;
while (true) {
//jump 1 MB forward in file
fseek($fh, 1048576, SEEK_CUR);
//check if we actually left the file
if (($char = fgetc($fh)) !== false) {
//if not, go on
$count ++;
} else {
//else jump back where we were before leaving and exit loop
fseek($fh, -1048576, SEEK_CUR);
//we could make $count jumps, so the file is at least $count * 1.000001 MB large
//1048577 because we jump 1 MB and fgetc goes 1 B forward too
$size = bcmul("1048577", $count);
//now count the last few bytes; they're always less than 1048576 so it's quite fast
$fine = 0;
while(false !== ($char = fgetc($fh))) {
$fine ++;
//and add them
$size = bcadd($size, $fine);
return $size;
To riff on joshhendo's answer, if you're on a Unix-like OS (Linux, OSX, macOS, etc) you can cheat a little using ls:
$fileSize = trim(shell_exec("ls -nl " . escapeshellarg($fullPathToFile) . " | awk '{print $5}'"));
trim() is there to remove the carriage return at the end. What's left is a string containing the full size of the file on disk, regardless of size or stat cache status, with no human formatting such as commas.
Just be careful where the data in $fullPathToFile comes from...when making system calls you don't want to trust user-supplied data. The escapeshellarg will probably protect you, but better safe than sorry.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I will appreciate every single response no mater the quality of content. :)
Using php, I'm trying to create a script which will delete several lines within a text file (.txt) if required, based upon whether the line starts with a 0 or a negative number. Each line within the file will always start with a number, and I need to erase all the neutral and/or negative numbers.
The main part I'm struggling with is that the content within the text file isn't static (e.g. contain x number of lines/words etc.) Infact, it is automatically updated every 5 minutes with several lines. Therefore, I'd like all the lines containing a neutral or negative number to be removed.
The text file follows the structure:
-29 aullah1
0 name
4 username
4 user
6 player
If possible, I'd like Line 1 and 2 removed, since it begins with a neutral/negative number. At points, there maybe times when there are more than two neutral/negative numbers.
All assistance is appreciated and I look forward to your replies; thank you. :) If I didn't explain anything clearly and/or you'd like me to explain in more detail, please reply. :)
Thank you.
$file = file("mytextfile.txt");
$newLines = array();
foreach ($file as $line)
if (preg_match("/^(-\d+|0)/", $line) === 0)
$newLines[] = chop($line);
$newFile = implode("\n", $newLines);
file_put_contents("mytextfile.txt", $newFile);
It is important that you chop() the newline character off of the end of the line so you don't end up with empty space. Tested successfully.
Something on these lines i guess, it is untested.
$newContent = "";
$lines = explode("\n" , $content);
foreach($lines as $line){
$fChar = substr($line , 0 , 1);
if($fChar == "0" || $fChar == "-") continue;
else $newContent .= $line."\n";
If the file is big, its better to read it line by line as:
$fh_r = fopen("input.txt", "r"); // open file to read.
$fh_w = fopen("output.txt", "w"); // open file to write.
while (!feof($fh_r)) { // loop till lines are left in the input file.
$buffer = fgets($fh_r); // read input file line by line.
// if line begins with num other than 0 or -ve num write it.
if(!preg_match('/^(0|-\d+)\b/',$buffer)) {
Note: Err checking not included.
php is not particularly elegant, but still...
Load whole line into variable trim it and then check if first letter is - or 0.
$newContent = "";
$lines = explode("\n" , $content);
foreach($lines as $line){
$fChar = $line[0];
if(!($fChar == '0' || $fChar == '-'))
$newContent .= $line."\n";
I changed malik's code for better performance and quality.
Here's another way:
class FileCleaner extends FilterIterator
public function __construct($srcFile)
parent::__construct(new ArrayIterator(file($srcFile)));
public function accept()
list($num) = explode(' ', parent::current(), 2);
return ($num > 0);
public function write($file)
file_put_contents($file, implode('', iterator_to_array($this)));
$filtered = new FileCleaner($src_file);
Logic and methods can be added to the class for other stuff, such as sorting, finding the highest number, converting to a sane storage method such as csv, etc. And, of course, error checking.
Does anyone know of one? I need to test some upload/download scripts and need some really large files generated. I was going to integrate the test utility with my debug script.
To start you could try something like this:
function generate_file($file_name, $size_in_bytes)
$data = str_repeat(rand(0,9), $size_in_bytes);
file_put_contents($file_name, $data); //writes $data in a file
This creates file filled up with a random digit (0-9).
generate_file() from "Marco Demaio" is not memory friendly so I created file_rand().
function file_rand($filename, $filesize) {
if ($h = fopen($filename, 'w')) {
if ($filesize > 1024) {
for ($i = 0; $i < floor($filesize / 1024); $i++) {
fwrite($h, bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(511)) . PHP_EOL);
$filesize = $filesize - (1024 * $i);
$mod = $filesize % 2;
fwrite($h, bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(($filesize - $mod) / 2)));
if ($mod) {
fwrite($h, substr(uniqid(), 0, 1));
chmod($filename, 0644);
As you can see linebreaks are added every 1024 bytes to avoid problems with functions that are limited to 1024-9999 bytes. e.g. fgets() with <= PHP 4.3. And it makes it easier to open the file with an text editor having the same issue with super long lines.
Do you really need so much variation in filesize that you need a PHP script? I'd just create test files of varying sizes via the command line and use them in my unit tests. Unless the filesize itself is likely to cause a bug, it would seem you're over-engineering here...
To create a file in Windows;
fsutil file createnew d:\filepath\filename.txt 1048576
in Linux;
dd if=/dev/zero of=filepath/filename.txt bs=10000000 count=1
if is the file source (in this case nothing), of is the output file, bs is the final filesize, count defines how many blocks you want to copy.
generate_file() from #Marco Demaio caused this below when generating 4GB file.
Warning: str_repeat(): Result is too big, maximum 2147483647 allowed
in /home/xxx/test_suite/handler.php on line 38
I found below function from and it's working like charm.
I have tested it upto
17.6 TB (see update below)
in less than 3 seconds.
function CreatFileDummy($file_name,$size = 90294967296 ) {
// 32bits 4 294 967 296 bytes MAX Size
$f = fopen('dummy/'.$file_name, 'wb');
if($size >= 1000000000) {
$z = ($size / 1000000000);
if (is_float($z)) {
$z = round($z,0);
fseek($f, ( $size - ($z * 1000000000) -1 ), SEEK_END);
fwrite($f, "\0");
while(--$z > -1) {
fseek($f, 999999999, SEEK_END);
fwrite($f, "\0");
else {
fseek($f, $size - 1, SEEK_END);
fwrite($f, "\0");
return true;
I was trying to hit 120TB, 1200 TB and more but filesize was limited to 17.6 TB. After some googling I found that it is max_volume_size for ReiserFS file system which was on my server.
May be PHP can handle 1200TB also in just few seconds. :)
Why not have a script that streams out random data? The script can take parameters for file size, type etc.
This way you can simulate many scenarios, for example bandwidth throttling, premature file end etc. etc.
Does the file really need to be random? If so, just read from /dev/urandom on a Linux system:
dd if=/dev/urandom of=yourfile bs=4096 count=1024 # for a 4MB file.
If it doesn't really need to be random, just find some files you have lying around that are the appropriate size, or (alternatively) use tar and make some tarballs of various sizes.
There's no reason this needs to be done in a PHP script: ordinary shell tools are perfectly sufficient to generate the files you need.
If you want really random data you might want to try this:
$data = '';
for ($byteSize-- >= 0) {
$data .= chr(rand(0,255));
Might take a while, though, if you want large file sizes (as with any random data).
I would suggest using a library like Faker to generate test data.
I took the answer of mgutt and shortened it a bit. Also, his answer has a little bug which I wanted to avoid.
function createRandomFile(string $filename, int $filesize): void
$h = fopen($filename, 'w');
if (!$h) return;
for ($i = 0; $i < intdiv($filesize, 1024); $i++) {
fwrite($h, bin2hex(random_bytes(511)).PHP_EOL);
fwrite($h, substr(bin2hex(random_bytes(512)), 0, $filesize % 1024));
chmod($filename, 0644);
Note: This works only with PHP >= 7. If you really want to run it on lower versions, use openssl_random_pseudo_bytes instead of random_bytes and floor($filesize / 1024) instead of intdiv($filesize, 1024).
I have just found out that my script gives me a fatal error:
Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 268435456 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 440 bytes) in C:\process_txt.php on line 109
That line is this:
$lines = count(file($path)) - 1;
So I think it is having difficulty loading the file into memeory and counting the number of lines, is there a more efficient way I can do this without having memory issues?
The text files that I need to count the number of lines for range from 2MB to 500MB. Maybe a Gig sometimes.
Thanks all for any help.
This will use less memory, since it doesn't load the whole file into memory:
$linecount = 0;
$handle = fopen($file, "r");
$line = fgets($handle);
echo $linecount;
fgets loads a single line into memory (if the second argument $length is omitted it will keep reading from the stream until it reaches the end of the line, which is what we want). This is still unlikely to be as quick as using something other than PHP, if you care about wall time as well as memory usage.
The only danger with this is if any lines are particularly long (what if you encounter a 2GB file without line breaks?). In which case you're better off doing slurping it in in chunks, and counting end-of-line characters:
$linecount = 0;
$handle = fopen($file, "r");
$line = fgets($handle, 4096);
$linecount = $linecount + substr_count($line, PHP_EOL);
echo $linecount;
Using a loop of fgets() calls is fine solution and the most straightforward to write, however:
even though internally the file is read using a buffer of 8192 bytes, your code still has to call that function for each line.
it's technically possible that a single line may be bigger than the available memory if you're reading a binary file.
This code reads a file in chunks of 8kB each and then counts the number of newlines within that chunk.
function getLines($file)
$f = fopen($file, 'rb');
$lines = 0;
while (!feof($f)) {
$lines += substr_count(fread($f, 8192), "\n");
return $lines;
If the average length of each line is at most 4kB, you will already start saving on function calls, and those can add up when you process big files.
I ran a test with a 1GB file; here are the results:
| This answer | Dominic's answer | wc -l |
| Lines | 3550388 | 3550389 | 3550388 |
| Runtime | 1.055 | 4.297 | 0.587 |
Time is measured in seconds real time, see here what real means
True line count
While the above works well and returns the same results as wc -l, if the file ends without a newline, the line number will be off by one; if you care about this particular scenario, you can make it more accurate by using this logic:
function getLines($file)
$f = fopen($file, 'rb');
$lines = 0; $buffer = '';
while (!feof($f)) {
$buffer = fread($f, 8192);
$lines += substr_count($buffer, "\n");
if (strlen($buffer) > 0 && $buffer[-1] != "\n") {
return $lines;
Simple Oriented Object solution
$file = new \SplFileObject('file.extension');
while($file->valid()) $file->fgets();
Another way to make this is with PHP_INT_MAX in SplFileObject::seek method.
$file = new \SplFileObject('file.extension', 'r');
echo $file->key();
If you're running this on a Linux/Unix host, the easiest solution would be to use exec() or similar to run the command wc -l $path. Just make sure you've sanitized $path first to be sure that it isn't something like "/path/to/file ; rm -rf /".
There is a faster way I found that does not require looping through the entire file
only on *nix systems, there might be a similar way on windows ...
$file = '/path/to/your.file';
//Get number of lines
$totalLines = intval(exec("wc -l '$file'"));
If you're using PHP 5.5 you can use a generator. This will NOT work in any version of PHP before 5.5 though. From
"Generators provide an easy way to implement simple iterators without the overhead or complexity of implementing a class that implements the Iterator interface."
// This function implements a generator to load individual lines of a large file
function getLines($file) {
$f = fopen($file, 'r');
// read each line of the file without loading the whole file to memory
while ($line = fgets($f)) {
yield $line;
// Since generators implement simple iterators, I can quickly count the number
// of lines using the iterator_count() function.
$file = '/path/to/file.txt';
$lineCount = iterator_count(getLines($file)); // the number of lines in the file
If you're under linux you can simply do:
number_of_lines = intval(trim(shell_exec("wc -l ".$file_name." | awk '{print $1}'")));
You just have to find the right command if you're using another OS
This is an addition to Wallace Maxter's solution
It also skips empty lines while counting:
function getLines($file)
$file = new \SplFileObject($file, 'r');
$file->setFlags(SplFileObject::READ_AHEAD | SplFileObject::SKIP_EMPTY |
return $file->key() + 1;
The most succinct cross-platform solution that only buffers one line at a time.
$file = new \SplFileObject(__FILE__);
$lines = iterator_count($file);
Unfortunately, we have to set the READ_AHEAD flag otherwise iterator_count blocks indefinitely. Otherwise, this would be a one-liner.
private static function lineCount($file) {
$linecount = 0;
$handle = fopen($file, "r");
if (fgets($handle) !== false) {
return $linecount;
I wanted to add a little fix to the function above...
in a specific example where i had a file containing the word 'testing' the function returned 2 as a result. so i needed to add a check if fgets returned false or not :)
have fun :)
Based on dominic Rodger's solution,
here is what I use (it uses wc if available, otherwise fallbacks to dominic Rodger's solution).
class FileTool
public static function getNbLines($file)
$linecount = 0;
$m = exec('which wc');
if ('' !== $m) {
$cmd = 'wc -l < "' . str_replace('"', '\\"', $file) . '"';
$n = exec($cmd);
return (int)$n + 1;
$handle = fopen($file, "r");
while (!feof($handle)) {
$line = fgets($handle);
return $linecount;
Counting the number of lines can be done by following codes:
$fp= fopen("myfile.txt", "r");
while($line = fgetss($fp)) // fgetss() is used to get a line from a file ignoring html tags
echo "Total number of lines are ".$count;
You have several options. The first is to increase the availble memory allowed, which is probably not the best way to do things given that you state the file can get very large. The other way is to use fgets to read the file line by line and increment a counter, which should not cause any memory issues at all as only the current line is in memory at any one time.
There is another answer that I thought might be a good addition to this list.
If you have perl installed and are able to run things from the shell in PHP:
$lines = exec('perl -pe \'s/\r\n|\n|\r/\n/g\' ' . escapeshellarg('largetextfile.txt') . ' | wc -l');
This should handle most line breaks whether from Unix or Windows created files.
TWO downsides (at least):
1) It is not a great idea to have your script so dependent upon the system its running on ( it may not be safe to assume Perl and wc are available )
2) Just a small mistake in escaping and you have handed over access to a shell on your machine.
As with most things I know (or think I know) about coding, I got this info from somewhere else:
John Reeve Article
public function quickAndDirtyLineCounter()
echo "<table>";
$folders = ['C:\wamp\www\qa\abcfolder\',
foreach ($folders as $folder) {
$files = scandir($folder);
foreach ($files as $file) {
if($file == '.' || $file == '..' || !file_exists($folder.'\\'.$file)){
$handle = fopen($folder.'/'.$file, "r");
$linecount = 0;
$line = fgets($handle);
echo "<tr><td>" . $folder . "</td><td>" . $file . "</td><td>" . $linecount . "</td></tr>";
echo "</table>";
I use this method for purely counting how many lines in a file. What is the downside of doing this verses the other answers. I'm seeing many lines as opposed to my two line solution. I'm guessing there's a reason nobody does this.
$lines = count(file('your.file'));
echo $lines;
this is a bit late but...
Here is my solution for a text log file I have which uses \n to separate each line.
$data = file_get_contents("myfile.txt");
$numlines = strlen($data) - strlen(str_replace("\n","",$data));
It does load the file into memory but doesn't need to cycle through an unknown number of lines. It may be unsuitable if the file is GB in size but for smaller files with short lines of data it works a treat for me.
It just removes the "\n" from the file and compares how many have been removed by comparing the length of the data in the file to the length after removing all the line breaks ("\n" chars n my case). If your line delineator is a different char, replace the "\n" with whatever is your line delineation character.
I know it is not the best answer for all occasions but is something I have found quick and simple for my purposes where each line of the log is only a few hundred chars and total log file is not too large.
For just counting the lines use:
$handle = fopen("file","r");
static $b = 0;
while($a = fgets($handle)) {
echo $b;