Including external stylesheets in a PHP file - php

<link href="/app/app.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
The above is the code I'm using to access a stylesheet, but it's not working at the .
Some extra details:
This is in a .php file, but it's located within the head of an html section
I'm working on a temporary url (i.e. 'my.ipa.dd.res/'). This might be the reason it's not working.
It's a stylesheet I'd like to use on several pages, which is why I'm trying to point to a root directory (so that I don't need the file in every single folder I create).

Well I think you need to store your root directory path as a string to include your css file with an absolute URL.
Something like :
<link href="{$absoluteRootPath}/css/styles.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">

If you remove the leading slash it will look for the css file in the folder relative to the current.
<link href="app/app.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
Edit: to reuse in multiple scripts in different dirs you would need to specify an absolute path, so to avoid having to change it in multiple places when you go live (ie stop using the temporary url) you should define a variable.
// set absolute path to the stylesheet
$cssPath = 'http://my.ipa.dd.res/';
<link href="<?php echo $cssPath; ?>app/app.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
Depending on your php architecture you may need to define $cssPath as a global or you may be able to add it to an existing config variable. This is completely dependent on your framework.

I've been having this same problem recently. Here's what worked for me
Now on the index page, replace link rel="/app/app.css" href="stylesheet" type="text/css"
?php include 'style.php' ?
And on the style.php page insert the following tags:
style and /style
You can put the regular CSS between those two tags. See if that works. BTW for some reason I can't insert the greater or less than symbols without making the code disappear... Forgive me, I'm new here..


Codeigniter,PHP what is different echo base_url() vs base_url()?

I'm confuse. echo is use when you want to show that to front. but I guess importing css file url is not need for show to front because you just refer to location of url.
Sometimes, import css without echo, it's work fine.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php base_url();?>css/animate.css">
but sometimes If I did not use echo, it will not work.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="<?php echo base_url();?>css/style.css">
What's this meaning?
base_url calls a function, echo in front means display the output of the function.
I believe that the reason why it works "sometimes" is because the file that works is on the same level as the css folder itself. Meaning your index.php will work, however going to {somefolder}/somefile.php wont work, as that too will look for its own css folder, inside {somefolder}.
Generally what I do is place a slash infront of the path itself, that eliminate the need to use a function to begin with, and it also means that no matter how many sub-folders you may have it will always load the same style.css file.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/style.css">
Using that will guarantee it works on all pages you may have, taken you have a css folder in the public_html folder, or website root directory.

PHP Website - Loading Stylesheets in Sub Directories

I'm building a PHP based site with this directory structure
The Problem
So I'm working on road.php and I obviously need to be able to link to both style.css and bootstrap.css, but when I declare at the start of road.php to include the header.php and footer.php it is like as if it cannot find the stylesheets and the site reverts back to the default 1990s look.
I have also found that any form of link on the page loads a 404. I'm only just starting out with PHP because I need some more power in my sites, but I just can't seem to get my head around the super basic things.
I just don't know what to do and I'm finding myself turning my back on the whole PHP language.
Thanking you in advance,
Stu :)
I can't be certain without seeing the actual content of header.php (in perticular the part where you import the stylesheets), but it sounds like you are using a relative path to your stylesheets. Something like <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="css/style.css" media="screen" />. This works fine for index.php, but since the other pages are inside the subfolder bikes, they will be looking for the CSS files in
The solution is to provide an absolute path. Something like this:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" media="screen" />
This way, it doesn't matter if the page is inside a subfolder (or a subfolder of a subfolder) - it will allways look for the CSS file in the right location.
If you are using multiple domain names, or for some other reason you cannot hardcode the domain name, you can prepend a slash (/) to the path as well:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/style.css" media="screen" />
This path is relative to the root of the website, not to the current directory.

Add domain URL to href and src relative paths

I'm using a MVC model and I can invoke webpages with URLs like My folder structure is the following:
views - the views folder
js - the javascript and jquery folder
css - the stylesheets folder
images - the images folder
In views folder are contained web pages used to show data to the users. They can include scripts, images and stylesheets. The following snippet is incorrect
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css" media="all" type='text/css' />
since the webpage is called with the URL above, and css can't be found with a relative path. To solve the problem, I have defined a DOMAIN variable in PHP and changed the code into
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo DOMAIN;?>css/style.css" media="all" type='text/css' />
This works, but forces me to add the <?php echo DOMAIN;?> snippet to each href and src attribute on each page. Is it possible to automate it? I've tought to use the :before selector but I don't have idea how to use it in this case.
Any ideas? Thanks in advance.
:before only applies to CSS, so that's not of use here.
There's really no way to do automatically add it in PHP that wouldn't be cpu-intensive, and/or require a significantly more complex setup than it sounds like you have right now. Using find-and-replace in your code editor is the best option.
Using <?= DOMAIN; ?> instead would be shorter, BTW. (See this question for more info)

Calling a file with PHP keeping local URLs of called file

i have two files:
1.- root/folder/folder/themes/themeindex.php
2.- root/index.php
I want to include themeindex.php in index.php so when you enter to root directory, it will load the theme without taking you to (or showing you) the root/folder/folder/themes/ path.
I'm struggling to find or figure out a way to include the themeindex.php file but keeping the URLs local to its themes folder.
Meaning my
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" />
will remain as that and I won't have to turn it into:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/folder/folder/themes/style.css" />
I hope this all makes sense.
Hopefuly this explanation of my reasons helps a bit more...
1.- I want the final developer to be able to create themes as intuitively
as possible. So, the URLs remain as simple and intuitive as possible.
2.- I need to include the active theme into the root
directory, so it autoloads when the root is opened.
So if you combne, my reason number one, with my reason number two, then you
might understand how important it is for URLs to remain local and easy to
Instead of style.css you could request style.php, a file you define that uses imports root/folder/folder/themes/style.css and echoes it outright.
you can give a base tag in your code and point it to: the folder where you have the css files.
In root .htaccess file, add next lines:
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^style.css$ /folder/folder/themes/style.css [L]
To include the theme file is simple:
The other issue is specific to HTML. HTML needs to have the web path (not the absolute path) to the file so it can load it and use it.
The best you can probably do is something like:
href="<?php echo $theme_dir; ?>style.css"
but that will still expose your theme directory. Why are you trying to hide that directory?
Response to comment:
If you take the code I have above and let your developer know how to structure their own content directory. All you would need to do it keep track of something like $active_theme_root and echo that out to load their own customized theme. As far as I know, you cannot set an HTML include directory, so HTML will need to know the web path to all needed assets
Best solution may be to have them use a global stylesheets folder for all themes ("root/stylesheets"). They would then link to this global folder in a relative manor:
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="stylesheets/mytheme/style.css" />

Include and path problem

// This is index.php
include 'tem/u.html';
<!-- This is u.html -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" media="screen" />
<p> abc </p>
Now my problem is when i run h.html -> Ok with style.
But when i run index.php -> Ok without style (because now the index.php include style.css, not tem/style.css)
Need a fix
If possible, refer to a domain relative path to the style.css, for example
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/style.css" media="screen" />
If that is not possible, you need to keep track on the page base in some way, which I cannot tell because I do not know enough about your application. But anyway, like
<link rel="stylesheet" href="<?php echo $pageBase; ?>/style.css" media="screen" />
where $pageBase is a variable containing the url to the root of your application.
I'm assuming that the tem directory is supposed to be for some sort of template, and so you don't want it to be directly exposed to the user; rather, you want to be able to include the files so that they're accessible via index.php, possibly with the option of later changing what files are included.
You could create another PHP file called style.php (in the root directory) which would include tem/style.css. You could do this for any other files that your templates used as well — the idea being that each PHP file in the root directory would correspond to a "role" in the template, not a particular template file, so that the template could later be changed without everything needing to be rewritten.
This might get a bit cumbersome if you had a lot of files required by your template, so it might be better to have a single script that could be instructed which file to load (through a $_GET variable). But in that case, you need to be very careful not to allow the user to specify arbitrary files. I'd suggest avoiding this approach until you're more proficient in PHP.
EDIT: On second thought, I'd suggest using a <base> tag in your template HTML file, as suggested in my comment on #gnud's answer.
This has nothing to do with PHP or include. This has to do with your browser, and how URLs are interpreted.
When your browser is pointed at and asked to load "style.css", it tries to load - this is known as a relative url, relative to the current document location.
When your browser is at and is asked to load the stylesheet in the same way, it tries Maybe you see the problem?
As for a solution, you might use a domain-relative path for the stylesheet ("/tem/style.css").
just always use absolute path to your css file
<link rel="stylesheet" href="/tem/style.css" media="screen" />
that's all
