My Code:
$RuleNameArray = array();
$dbgetreportsrulename = new DB_MSSQL;
$dbgetreportsrulename->query("Select RulesID,RulesName_Lang_$languageid as RuleName from Main_Rules");
for ($igrn=0;$igrn < $dbgetreportsrulename->num_rows();$igrn++) {
if ($dbgetreportsrulename->next_record()){
$dbgetreportsrulename_RuleID = $dbgetreportsrulename->f('RulesID');
$dbgetreportsrulename_RuleName = $dbgetreportsrulename->f('RuleName');
$RuleNameArray = array($dbgetreportsrulename_RuleID => $dbgetreportsrulename_RuleName);
How i can keep all entry in $RuleNameArray, because now he keep only last entry.
If you want to keep your all entry then your $RuleNameArray should be :
$RuleNameArray[$dbgetreportsrulename_RuleID] = $dbgetreportsrulename_RuleName;
You can try like this also,
$RuleNameArray[] = array($dbgetreportsrulename_RuleID => $dbgetreportsrulename_RuleName);
I'm trying to get the total times two authors have edited or coauthored books. (They are selected by a user using checkboxes, so I've used GET to see if the checkbox is selected).
I am cross referencing the authors 'a' (mj) and 'b' (ms) from 'a's' (mj) xml doc that features all their publishing information.
Currently I have this:
if ($_GET['author'] == 'mj55'){
$getMj = new DOMDocument();
$mjxpath = new DOMXpath($getMj);
$mjAuth = $mjxpath->query("////author[#id = 'mj55']")->length;
$mjEdit = $mjxpath->query("////editor[#id = 'mj55']")->length;
$mjResult = ($mjAuth + $mjEdit);
if ($_GET['author'] == 'ms10' ) {
$mjmsA = $mjxpath->query("////author[#id = 'ms10']")->length;
$mjmsE = $mjxpath->query("////editor[#id = 'ms10']")->length;
$mjmsTotal = ($mjmsA + $mjmsE);
echo $mjmsTotal;
if I put an echo $mjResult at the end of the first if statement, I get the correct output. But I don't get any output at all from the echo $mjmsTotal
you used a nested if and that's why you are getting a result of only first if.. try to use both the if statement totally independent with each other. Here is an example-
$getMj = new DOMDocument();
$mjxpath = new DOMXpath($getMj);
if ($_GET['author'] == 'mj55'){
$mjAuth = $mjxpath->query("////author[#id = 'mj55']")->length;
$mjEdit = $mjxpath->query("////editor[#id = 'mj55']")->length;
$mjResult = ($mjAuth + $mjEdit);
if ($_GET['author'] == 'ms10' ) {
$mjmsA = $mjxpath->query("////author[#id = 'ms10']")->length;
$mjmsE = $mjxpath->query("////editor[#id = 'ms10']")->length;
$mjmsTotal = ($mjmsA + $mjmsE);
echo $mjmsTotal;
You can reduce this to one condition, this saves having to hard code all of the different authors/editors.
First check if the author is set, then include this value in the XPath expressions...
if ( !empty($_GET['author'])) {
$getMj = new DOMDocument();
$mjxpath = new DOMXpath($getMj);
$mjAuth = $mjxpath->query("//author[#id = '{$_GET['author']}']")->length;
$mjEdit = $mjxpath->query("//editor[#id = '{$_GET['author']}']")->length;
$mjResult = ($mjAuth + $mjEdit);
echo $mjResult;
I get a little confuse here on how to alternatively replace the each() function since it was deprecated and I'm aware of that and fixed some of the while( list() = each() ) error case in my project. However, what other option should I use for this case:
foreach($new_id as $new_ids) {
list($key,$valueAddress) = each($address);
list($key,$valueCity) = each($city);
list($key,$valueState) = each($state);
if(isset($_POST['publicOnly'])) {
list($key,$valuePublicOnly) = each($publicOnly);
} else {
$valuePublicOnly = 0;
$propertyAddress = PropertyAddressManagement::find($new_ids);
$propertyAddress->address = $valueAddress;
$propertyAddress->city = $valueCity;
$propertyAddress->state = $valueState;
$propertyAddress->publicOnly = $valuePublicOnly;
You're not using the keys so just get the current value and then move to the next one:
foreach($new_id as $new_ids) {
$propertyAddress = PropertyAddressManagement::find($new_ids);
$propertyAddress->address = current($address);
$propertyAddress->city = current($city);
$propertyAddress->state = current($state);
$propertyAddress->publicOnly = isset($_POST['publicOnly']) ? current($publicOnly) : 0;
next($address); next($city); next($state); next($publicOnly);
However, if the keys are the same in all of the array then I think really this should work:
foreach($new_id as $key => $new_ids) {
$propertyAddress = PropertyAddressManagement::find($new_ids);
$propertyAddress->address = $address[$key];
$propertyAddress->city = $city[$key];
$propertyAddress->state = $state[$key];
$propertyAddress->publicOnly = isset($_POST['publicOnly']) ? $publicOnly[$key] : 0;
I'm having some trouble here V_shop_menu $order_uuid is not populating. Now I'm guessing this is because its yet to be created this is done further below. The problem I have is there are 2 statements here doing inserts to tables but they both rely on each other.
I have a bit of chicken and egg situation as I need $shop_menu_uuid from the top area to complete the bottom insert. I was led to believe that as they are in the same public function it would just work but this is not the case.
What do I need to do to make this happen?
public function add_shopmenu(){
$postData = $this->input->post();
$condition['conditions'][] = "site_name ='".$this->sessionInfo['site']."'";
$site = $this->frontguide_Model->selectSingleRow("t_place",$condition);
$site_uuid = $site['site_uuid'];
$condition['conditions'][] = "site_uuid ='".$site['site_uuid']."'";
$condition['conditions'][] = "shop_menu_name ='".$postData['shop_menu_name']."'";
$shopmenu_name = $this->frontguide_Model->selectData("v_shop_menus",$condition);
$condition['conditions'][] = "site_uuid ='".$site['site_uuid']."'";
$shopmenus = $this->frontguide_Model->selectData("v_shop_menus",$condition);
$shop_menu_enabled = (isset($postData['shop_menu_enabled']))?$postData['shop_menu_enabled']:"false";
$shop_menu_uuid = $this->frontguide_functions->uuid();
$v_shop_menu= array(
"shop_menu_uuid" =>$shop_menu_uuid,
"site_uuid" =>$site_uuid,
"order_uuid" =>$order_uuid,
"shop_menu_extension" =>$shop_menu_extension,
"shop_menu_name" =>$postData['shop_menu_name'],
"shop_menu_greet_long" =>$postData['shop_menu_greet_long'],
"shop_menu_greet_short" =>$postData['shop_menu_greet_short'],
"shop_menu_timeout" =>$postData['shop_menu_timeout'],
"shop_menu_enabled" => $shop_menu_enabled,
$vgu_response = $this->frontguide_Model->insert("v_shop_menus",$v_shop_menu);
$shop_menu_option_digits = $postData['shop_menu_option_digits'];
$shop_menu_option_order = $postData['shop_menu_option_order'];
$shop_menu_option_description = $postData['shop_menu_option_description'];
$shop_menu_option_param = $postData['shop_menu_option_param'];
$option = array();
$option['shop_menu_option_digits'] = $shop_menu_option_digits[$i];
$option['shop_menu_option_order'] = $shop_menu_option_order[$i];
$option['shop_menu_option_description'] = $shop_menu_option_description[$i];
$option['shop_menu_option_param'] = $shop_menu_option_param[$i];
$shop_menu_option_uuid= $this->frontguide_functions->uuid();
$option['shop_menu_option_uuid'] = $shop_menu_option_uuid;
$option['shop_menu_uuid'] = $shop_menu_uuid;
$option['site_uuid'] = $site_uuid;
$vgu_response = $this->frontguide_Model->insert("v_shop_menu_options",$option);
$order_uuid = $this->frontguide_functions->uuid();
$order_data = array(
“offer_uuid" => "a6788e9b-67bc-bd1b-df59-ggg5d51289ab",
"order_name" =>$postData['shop_menu_name'],
"order_number" =>$shop_menu_extension,
"order_continue" =>'true',
"order_order" =>'333',
"order_enabled" =>"true",
$v_orders = $this->frontguide_Model->insert("v_orders",$order_data);
Now I'm guessing this is because its yet to be created this is done
further below.
Yes you are right.
It is quite simple.
Insert v_shop_menus data without $order_uuid .
after inserting in v_orders, get the $order_uuid and update the v_shop_menus using $shop_menu_uuid.
I have little problem, because I have no idea how to do one thing. I want to return on page sometimes 3 values, sometimes 5, sometimes n and I have no idea how to do it. Here is my code (controller):
$result = count($countries);
$tablica = array();
for ($i = 0; $i < $result; $i++)
$tekst2 = "SELECT nazwa FROM product WHERE id = '$countries[$i]'";
$id_zap2 = mysql_query($tekst2);
$tablica[$i]['nazwa'] = mysql_fetch_array($id_zap2);
$tekst2 = "SELECT jednostka FROM product WHERE id = '$countries[$i]'";
$id_zap2 = mysql_query($tekst2);
$tablica[$i]['jednostka'] = mysql_fetch_array($id_zap2);
I want to return all these $tablica[x]['jednostka'] and $tablica[x]['nazwa']. But I have no idea how I can return it if I use this:
return $this->render('MainBundle:Default:addtolist.html.twig', array(
//What to do here?
Anybody have idea how I can solve this problem?
I wanted to return something like:
"testn0" => $tablica[0]['nazwa'],
"testj0" => $tablica[0]['jednostka'],
"testn1" => $tablica[1]['nazwa'],
"testj1" => $tablica[1]['jednostka'],
"testnn" => $tablica[n]['nazwa'],
"testjn" => $tablica[n]['jednostka'],
Just return this :
return $this->render('MainBundle:Default:addtolist.html.twig', array('tablica' => $tablica));
Then you can parse it in Twig to do whatever you want to.
I'm the data with the following code.
$parametre = mysql_query("select * from faturaparametre where musteri='$musteri' and
urungrubu='$urungrubu' and tasimasekli='$tasimasekli' and donem<= '$tarih' and donem2>= '$tarih' and teslimnoktasi='$teslimnoktasi1' and $agirlik BETWEEN min and max");
while($parametresonuc = mysql_fetch_array($parametre)) {
$fatparametreid = $parametresonuc[id];
$ynadresno = $parametresonuc[yuklemenokta];
Skip this procedure if you do not have the following variables: the next one in the list if there is no break in the last one in the search process, how can I do this?
$adresil1 = mysql_query("select * from adresler where id='$yuklemenokta'");
$adressonuc1 = mysql_fetch_array($adresil1);
$yuklemeadresno = $adressonuc1[adresno];
$yuklemeil = $adressonuc1[noktail];
$yuklemeilce = $adressonuc1[noktailce];
$yuklemeilb = "il".$yuklemeil;
This code does not run more than one priority finding. and do not find exactly the same thing
if(eregi($ynadresno, "$yuklemeadresno")) {
$ftid = $fatparametreid;
}elseif(eregi($ynadresno, "$yuklemeilce")) {
$ftid = $fatparametreid;
}elseif(eregi($ynadresno, "$yuklemeilb")) {
$ftid = $fatparametreid;
}else {
The array keys should be quoted,
$yuklemeadresno = $adressonuc1['adresno'];
$yuklemeil = $adressonuc1['noktail'];
$yuklemeilce = $adressonuc1['noktailce'];
$yuklemeilb = "il".$yuklemeil;