MySQL Query is below
select PB.*, P.*, WhoCreated.*, WhoPlacedBid.* from tblprojectbid PB
Inner Join tblproject P on P.projectid = PB.projectid
Inner Join tbluser WhoCreated WhoCreated.UserID = P.WhoCreated
Inner Join tbluser WhoPlacedBid WhoPlacedBid.UserID = PB.WhoCreated
Where PB.FreelancerAwardedProjectStatusID in (4, 5)
and WhoCreated.UserID = 3
and PB.Reviewgiven = 0
Below is the query written in CodeIgnitor.
$this->_ci->db->select('PB.*, P.*, WhoCreated.*, WhoPlacedBid.*');
$this->_ci->db->from('tblprojectbid PB');
$this->_ci->db->join('tblproject P', 'P.projectid = PB.projectid');
$this->_ci->db->join('tbluser WhoCreated', 'WhoCreated.UserID = P.WhoCreated');
$this->_ci->db->join('tbluser WhoPlacedBid', 'WhoPlacedBid.UserID = PB.WhoCreated');
$this->_ci->db->or_where('PB.FreelancerAwardedProjectStatusID', 4);
$this->_ci->db->or_where('PB.FreelancerAwardedProjectStatusID', 5);
$this->_ci->db->where('WhoCreated.UserID', 5);
$this->_ci->db->where('PB.Reviewgiven', 5);
$query = $this->_ci->db->get();
Can you please help in correcting the above query to make it equivalant to MYSQL query above ?
$this->db->select() accepts an optional second parameter. If you set it to FALSE, CodeIgniter will not try to protect your field or table names with backticks. You don't need to repeat $this->_ci->db-> untill you don't want to add join or conditions with a conditional statement. Use where_in() for checking the same column name with more than one value . And you can optimize the code like this:
$this->_ci->db->select('PB.*, P.*, WhoCreated.*, WhoPlacedBid.*',FALSE)
->from('tblprojectbid PB')
->join('tblproject P', 'P.projectid = PB.projectid')
->join('tbluser WhoCreated', 'WhoCreated.UserID = P.WhoCreated')
->join('tbluser WhoPlacedBid', 'WhoPlacedBid.UserID = PB.WhoCreated')
->where_in('PB.FreelancerAwardedProjectStatusID', array(4,5))
->where(array('WhoCreated.UserID' => 5, 'PB.Reviewgiven' => 5))
Little corrections:
1) add second parameter false to select() to avoid backticks.
2) used where_in
$this->_ci->db->select('PB.*, P.*, WhoCreated.*, WhoPlacedBid.*',false);
$this->_ci->db->from('tblprojectbid PB');
$this->_ci->db->join('tblproject P', 'P.projectid = PB.projectid');
$this->_ci->db->join('tbluser WhoCreated', 'WhoCreated.UserID = P.WhoCreated');
$this->_ci->db->join('tbluser WhoPlacedBid', 'WhoPlacedBid.UserID = PB.WhoCreated');
$this->_ci->db->where_in('PB.FreelancerAwardedProjectStatusID', array(4,5));
$this->_ci->db->where('WhoCreated.UserID', 5);
$this->_ci->db->where('PB.Reviewgiven', 5);
$query = $this->_ci->db->get();
let me know if it's working.
I am running this query in phpmyadmin and it works fine. But on running it in joshcam's MySQLi Database class it gets wrong data
, s.ta
, s.zamanSarfShode
saateruzane s
projhe p
kareruzane k
s.ProjheId =
AND = s.ruzId
k.ruzGregorian = date(now())
PHP code :
$con->join('projhe p', 's.ProjheId =');
$con->join('kareruzane k', ' = s.ruzId');
$con->joinWhere('kareruzane k','k.ruzGregorian', 'date(now())');
$tines = $con->get('saateruzane s',null,' ,s.ta ,s.zamanSarfShode ,');
The definition for joinWhere is
public function joinWhere($whereJoin, $whereProp, $whereValue = 'DBNULL', $operator = '=', $cond = 'AND')
So you don't need to pass in every part. Instead, try this:
$con->joinWhere('kareruzane k','k.ruzGregorian = date(now())');
Though better than date(now()) is CURDATE()
$con->joinWhere('kareruzane k','k.ruzGregorian = curdate()');
However, I'm not sure you should be using a join here, since it's part of the WHERE clause on your original query, not the JOIN clause. So instead do
$con->where('k.ruzGregorian = curdate()');
With just a fast look on this lib docs, I found this:
'createdAt' => $db->now(),
// createdAt = NOW()
In your case try use
$con->joinWhere('kareruzane k','k.ruzGregorian', $con->now());
I have a problem with active record codeigniter ver 2 wih special criteria like this:
$this->db->select('t_po_detail_item, t_process_shif, m_machine_lines, m_machine_mac, t_po_detail_no,
t_prod_lot, CONCAT(t_prod_lot, "-", t_prod_sublot) AS nolot,
COUNT(t_prod_sublot) AS qtybox, SUM(t_process_qty) AS qtypcs,
ROUND((SUM(t_process_qty)*m_process_weight)/1000,1) AS qtyberat', FALSE);
$this->db->join(self::$table2, 't_process_prod_id = t_prod_id', 'left')
->join(self::$table3, 't_prod_lot = t_po_detail_lot_no', 'left')
->join(self::$table5, 't_process_machine = m_machine_id', 'left')
->join(self::$table4, 'CONCAT_WS("-",t_po_detail_item, t_process_cat) = CONCAT_WS("-",m_process_id, m_process_proc_cat_id)', 'left');
$this->db->where('t_process_cat', 16);
$query = $this->db->get(self::$table1);
there are have special criteria join condition with concat WS. If i use standard query mysql, the query is running ok.
$sql = 'SELECT t_po_detail_item, t_process_shif, m_machine_lines, m_machine_mac, t_po_detail_no, t_prod_lot, CONCAT_WS("-",t_prod_lot, t_prod_sublot) AS nolot,
COUNT(t_prod_sublot) AS qtybox, SUM(t_process_qty) AS qtypcs, ROUND((SUM(t_process_qty)*m_process_weight)/1000,1) AS qtyberat
FROM `t_process`
LEFT JOIN t_prod ON t_process_prod_id = t_prod_id
LEFT JOIN t_po_detail ON t_prod_lot = t_po_detail_lot_no
LEFT JOIN m_machine ON t_process_machine = m_machine_id
LEFT JOIN m_process ON CONCAT_WS("-",t_po_detail_item, t_process_cat) = CONCAT_WS("-",m_process_id, m_process_proc_cat_id)
WHERE t_process_cat=16
GROUP BY(nolot)';
$query = $this->db->query($sql);
There are wrong in my active record code ?
When using MySQL functions inside Codeigniter query builder, you need functions to be outside quotes "", so you need to pass an optional fourth parameter to join, which says rather to escape the inputs or not, and your query becomes,
$this->db->join($table, $condition, $join_type, false);
Read more here: CI Docs - Query Builder
I have this query can someone help me transfer it to codeigniter style in model.
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `comment` c
WHERE c.comment_article_id = a.`News_News_ID`
) AS counta
`news_news` a
I try this and it work nicely but im not sure it is good practice
$sql="SELECT a.*,
( SELECT COUNT(*) FROM comment c WHERE c.comment_article_id = a.`News_News_ID` ) as counta
FROM `news_news` a";
$query = $this->db->query($sql, array('News_Cate_ID' => $cate), $start, $display);
Use join instead of sub query and according to your query you didn't need where condition while using joins
$this->db->select('a.*,COUNT(c.*) AS counta');
$this->db->from('news_news AS a');
$this->db->join('comment AS c', 'c.comment_article_id = a.News_News_ID');
$query = $this->db->get();
For more information
Try below code. This query will return each article with comment count
$this->db->select('a.*,COUNT(c.*) AS count');
$this->db->from('news_news a');
$this->db->join('comment c', 'a.News_News_ID = c.comment_article_id ','LEFT');
$query = $this->db->get();
I want to select data from my database table with join query, but my it doesn't work.
My query:
$this->db->join('schedule', 'schedule.itemid = we.cid');
$this->db->join('schedule', 'schedule.itemtype = 'testitem'');
This line makes problem with schedule.itemtype = 'testitem':
$this->db->join('schedule', 'schedule.itemtype = 'testitem'');
How can I solve this?
You don't need to join same table twice.
But just to extend ON clause:
$this->db->join('schedule', 'schedule.itemid = we.cid AND schedule.itemtype = \'testitem\'');
$this->db->join("schedule", "schedule.itemid = we.cid");
I believe there are two problems here. The first problem is that you are using one too many quotes in the second join line in your query:
You have: $this->db->join('schedule', 'schedule.itemtype='testitem''); < extra quote
It should be: $this->db->join('schedule', 'schedule.itemtype=testitem');
Second problem: your join doesnt make sense.
Your statement:
$this->db->join('schedule', 'schedule.itemid = we.cid');
$this->db->join('schedule', 'schedule.itemtype = testitem');
Translates to:
JOIN schedule ON schedule.itemid = we.cid
JOIN schedule ON schedule.itemtype = testitem
WHERE we.isActive = Y
As you can see you are joining the same table twice on different lines, not only that but what table does "testitem" belong to? We are left to assume that you perhaps want the join where itemtype = testitem which will mean this:
JOIN schedule ON schedule.itemid = we.cid
WHERE schedule.itemtype = testitem
AND we.isActive = Y
Therefore your final Codeigniter query should be:
$this->db->join('schedule', 'schedule.itemid = we.cid');
$this->db->where('schedule.itemtype', 'testitem');
This will work:
$this->db->join('schedule', 'schedule.itemid = we.cid');
$this->db->where('schedule.itemtype', 'testitem');
$this->db->query('select we_tbl.c_name from we we_tbl,schedule sch_tbl where sch_tbl.itemid = we_tbl.cid AND we_tbl.idActive = '.$activeData);
Try this query according to your problem this could get the data you need.
I've tested on different database but i tried to perform what you're trying to get.
cat_tbl.CategoryName ,
Products pro_tbl,
Suppliers sup_tbl,
Categories cat_tbl
pro_tbl.SupplierID = sup_tbl.SupplierID AND
pro_tbl.CategoryID = cat_tbl.CategoryID;
Two possible problems, depending on what your desired outcome is:
If you need to make two joins and are getting an error with the second join clause, try using double quotes to enclose the constant value on the condition or you'll get a parse error:
$this->db->join('schedule', 'schedule.itemtype = "testitem"');
If you need to join only once with multiple conditions, use parentheses:
$this->db->join('schedule', '(schedule.itemid = we.cid AND schedule.itemtype="testitem")');
You query is equivalent to writing:
select * from we
inner join schedule on schedule.itemid = we.cid
inner join schedule on schedule.itemtype = "testitem"
where we.isActive = 'Y'
but what you seem to need is
select * from we
inner join schedule on (schedule.itemid = we.cid AND schedule.itemtype = "testitem")
where we.isActive = 'Y'
On your original query, you are doing two joins. In the latter, you'll do only one with multiple conditions.
Will you give me an example of a delete query that use a left join using Doctrine?
It's not possible. See that:
You have to use a subquery in the where clause:
Try something like that:
$q = Doctrine_Query::create()
->delete('TableB b')
->where(' NOT IN (SELECT FROM TableB b \
INNER JOIN b.TableA a WHERE > NOW() AND a.channel_id = 10)')
Its not necessary to write the query in plain sql, you can still use the QueryBuilder for that:
$entityManager = $this->getEntityManager();
$queryBuilder = $entityManager->createQueryBuilder();
$subQueryCityDataSources = $queryBuilder->getEntityManager()->createQueryBuilder()
->from(CityDataSource::class, 'cds')
->where('cds.dataSource = :dataSource')
$queryBuilder->delete($entityClass, 'd');
$queryBuilder->where($queryBuilder->expr()->in('d.cityDataSource', $subQueryCityDataSources->getDQL()));
$queryBuilder->setParameter('dataSource', $dataSource);
$query = $queryBuilder->getQuery();
This generates this query:
AppBundle\Entity\ConcreteData\News d
d.cityDataSource IN
AppBundle\Entity\CityDataSource cds
cds.dataSource = :dataSource
Important note: you have to append all the parameters in the outer query.