I'm quite new here, be patient, please.
I'm trying to make notice board project in Symfony2 using FOSUserBundle.
I try to get logged user id to put it into form created with form builder (and then to MySQL database).
One of attempts is:
public function createNoticeAction(Request $request)
$notice = new Notice();
$form = $this->createFormBuilder($notice)
->add("content", "text")
array("class"=>"FOS/UserBundle/FOSUserBundle:", "choice_label"=>"id"))
->add("isActive", "true")
->add("category", "entity",
array("class" => "AppBundle:Category", "choice_label" => "name"))
->add("save", "submit", array("label" => "Save"))
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
return $this->redirectToRoute('app_user_showuserpage');
I tried many solutions again and again and I get some error.
You already have the user object Symfony > 2.1.x
In you Controller like this:
$userId = $this->getUser()->getId();
Don't ->add field in you FormBuilder, its not safely. Set this value in you Controller and don't ->add this field in FormBuilder
for symfony 3.2.13
have excelent solution (just because is working, but is dangerous if someone discover it in pure HTML)
1) first build YourFormType class.
add normal field in Forms/YourFormType.php (if not, formbuilder tell you that you passing smth not quite right (too many fields) ; -) )
'label' => 'echhh', //somehow it has to be here
'attr' => ['style' => 'display:none'], //somehow it has to be here
2) in your controller
public function addSomethingAction(Request $request){
$form = $this->createForm(MyModelFormType::class);
//set field value
$request->request->set("prodModelAddedById", $this->getUser()->getId());
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
$product = $form->getData();
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$this->addFlash('success', 'record was added');
return $this->redirectToRoute('products');
return $this->render(
'newprod' => $form->createView(),
you are passing a field and variable to formbuilder (settig it already to default value!)
and important thing, becose of BUG in my opinion - you can't in your form type set method:
public function getBlockPrefix()
//return 'app_bundle_my_form_type';
can't work properly if your POST data from form are in bag (parameterbag)
no entity managers, no services, no listeners...
hope it helps.
I have two entities called, Ticket & TicketUpdate.
Each Ticket can have many TicketUpdates, but every TicketUpdate can only have 1 Ticket.
Next I have a form which shows the current Ticket, but also allows me to add 1 TicketUpdate & change attributes of Ticket.
This is my controller:
* #Route("/ticket/{id}", name="app_ticket")
public function ticket(Request $request, Ticket $ticket)
$ticketUpdate = new TicketUpdate();
$form = $this->createForm(TicketUpdateType::class, $ticketUpdate); //custom form type
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
return $this->render('ticket/view.html.twig', ['ticket' => $ticket, 'form' => $form->createView()]);
class TicketUpdateType extends AbstractType
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
->add('text', TextareaType::class, ['label' => 'update', 'required' => false, 'attr' => ['class' => 'textarea-sm'])
->add('ticket', TicketType::class, ['label' => false, 'by_reference' => false]) //custom Type for Tickets
->add('submit', SubmitType::class, ['label' => 'save']);
public function configureOptions(OptionsResolver $resolver)
'data_class' => TicketUpdate::class
However, this solution does not work for me. Symfony always wants to create a new Ticket entry, instead of changing the old one.
Is there any way to fix this?
May you know, a magic with symfony forms, with you can get an Entity (Ticket), like in your example, I dont know... but this will working:
* #Route("/ticket/{ticketId}", name="app_ticket", requirements={"ticketId"="\d+"})
public function ticket(Request $request, int $ticketId = 0)
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$ticket = $em->getRepository(Ticket::class)
'id' => $ticketId
if ($ticket instanceof Ticket === false)
die('Ticket dont exist with the requested ID.'); #Just return here some error message
$ticketUpdate = new TicketUpdate();
//Because your setTicket() setter inside your TicketUpdate Entity
//sure have nullable typehinted argument (?Ticket $ticket)
//if this is a valid doctrine relationship
//(but if i'm wrong, please show the touched parts of your TicketUpdate entity)
$ticketUpdate->setTicket($ticket); #<-- here is an "old" Ticket $ticket
$form = $this->createForm(TicketUpdateType::class, $ticketUpdate); //custom form type
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid())
//I'm working a lot with doctrine relationships
//In many time necessary using a setter in the both Entity
$ticket->addTicketUpdate($ticketUpdate); #You know this setter! Change, if my tip wrong
return $this->render('ticket/view.html.twig', [
//Now, this is an instance of the Ticket
//not an int ID!
//so if you need the ID, you can get in twig, like:
//{{ ticket.id }}
'ticket' => $ticket, #Or: $ticket->getId()
'form' => $form->createView()
The requirements inside the #route means, the method will running only on pages, where the {ticketId} is numeric.
Update: I changed by_reference to true and removed every logic in my TicketType, which seemed to cause the issue.
Atleast for now I got it running. Here is my controller:
* #Route("/ticket/{id}", name="app_ticket")
public function ticket(Request $request, Ticket $ticket)
$ticketUpdate = new TicketUpdate();
$form = $this->createForm(TicketUpdateType::class, $ticketUpdate); //custom form type
if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->isValid()) {
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
//$em->persist($ticket); -> removed, will be automatically updated by symfony
return $this->render('ticket/view.html.twig', ['ticket' => $ticket, 'form' => $form->createView()]);
I am trying to persist an object of an entity to the database using symfony forms. The entity has an constructor therefore I am giving the object dummy data but I am not able to change this data with the forms. Does anyone have a solution how to create an object that requires a constructor?
public function new(Request $request)
$player = new Player("Dummy",0);
$form = $this->createFormBuilder($player)
->add('name', TextType::class)
->add('points', IntegerType::class)
->add('save', SubmitType::class, array('label' => 'Create Player'))
$data = $form->getData();
$name = $data->getName();
return $this->render('default/new.html.twig', array(
'form' => $form->createView(),
$name has always the value "Dummy" no matter what I type in the form.
You save $player here:
But your actual player data from form is in $data, and this $data should be stored:
Okay, seems that I found the mistake.
I did not define the POST Route for the same controller building the view.
sorry for that :)
I have Product entity related to Settings entity with one-to-one relation. All products are imported and Product don't have related row in Setting table at start.
When updating the product using Symfony proper relation is created so I have OneToOne between Product and Setting. This is done using simple INSERT statement:
INSERT INTO settings (id_product, setting_1, setting_3, setting_3) VALUES (11153, '0', '1', '1');
This insert is made automaticaly by Symfony thanks to annotations and method:
Unfortunately when I try to update product next time another insert to setting table is done and obviously I have and error becouse id_product is PK and have to be unique. What should I do to force Symfony to do an UPDATE instead of INSERT if there is a relation between Product and Setting? I create my music using the newest version of Symfony.
Update is not done in the same way that you would create an entity. Here is a very quick example (you'd have to handle a few exceptions etc.. but code is 'short' to show you the differences:
1 When your create a Task, you create a new entity Task and save it to the database
2 When you update a Task, you first fetch that task from the database and then save it to the database.
public function newAction(Request $request)
// create a task and give it some dummy data for this example
$task = new Task();
$task->setTask('Write a blog post');
$task->setDueDate(new \DateTime('tomorrow'));
$form = $this->createFormBuilder($task)
->add('task', 'text')
->add('dueDate', 'date')
->add('save', 'submit')
if ($request->isMethod('POST')) {
if ($form->isValid()) {
// perform some action, such as saving the task to the database
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('task_success'));
return $this->render('AcmeTaskBundle:Default:new.html.twig', array(
'form' => $form->createView(),
Update :
public function updateAction(Request $request, $taskId)
// get the task
$task = $this->getDoctrine()
$form = $this->createFormBuilder($task)
->add('task', 'text')
->add('dueDate', 'date')
->add('save', 'submit')
if ($request->isMethod('POST')) {
if ($form->isValid()) {
// update the task
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('task_success'));
return $this->render('AcmeTaskBundle:Default:new.html.twig', array(
'form' => $form->createView(),
I'd recommend that you check out:
Databases and Doctrine
I'm creating a simple list of shop carts with users and products assigned to it.
My form for new cart looks like this:
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
$builder->add('cartName', 'text', array('label' =>'Nazwa koszyka:'))
->add('user', new UserForm(), array('data_class' => 'Zadanie\Bundle\Entity\User', 'label' => false))
->add('products','entity', array('label' => 'Wybierz produkty:', 'class' =>'Zadanie\Bundle\Entity\Product' , 'multiple' => true, 'required' => true))
->add('Zapisz', 'submit');
and everything is great except that i can submit the form even without selecting any product.
By far i just added "required" by jquery, but i don't like that. Can somebody explain to me why it is not working properly? :P
Here is the code from controller:
* #Route("/cart/edit/{id}",name="_edit_cart")
* #Template()
public function editAction($id, Request $request)
$cart = $this->getDoctrine()->getRepository('ZadanieBundle:Cart')->find($id);
if($cart == null)
throw $this->createNotFoundException('Nie znaleziono rekordu');
$form = $this->createForm(new CartForm(), $cart);
$em = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager();
$data = $form->getData();
$this->get('session')->getFlashBag()->set('message', 'Koszyk zaktualizowano.');
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('_main_carts'));
return array('form' => $form->createView());
i found a SOLUTION, ( don't know if the best, but works :) ) so if anybody encounters that:
You have to create your validation file ( validation.yml for example) under YourBundle/Resources/config, in which you have to put information about properties. In my case it was:
- NotBlank: ~
- NotBlank: ~
- Callback:
- [Zadanie\Bundle\Form\MyValidator, isUserValid]
and then i created MyValidator:
namespace Zadanie\Bundle\Form;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\ExecutionContextInterface;
use Zadanie\Bundle\Entity\Cart;
class MyValidator {
public static function isUserValid(Cart $cart, ExecutionContextInterface $context)
$context->addViolationAt('name', 'Proszę podać imię.', array(), null);
$context->addViolationAt('surname', 'Proszę podać nazwisko.', array(), null);
if(count($cart->getProducts()) == 0)
$context->addViolationAt('products', 'Proszę wybrać produkt.', array(), null);
#Mati, regarding your first question about how the required option works, this option only sets the required attribute in HTML5 so does not do anything server side. From the documentation
As of HTML5, many browsers can natively enforce certain validation
constraints on the client side. The most common validation is
activated by rendering a required attribute on fields that are
required. For browsers that support HTML5, this will result in a
native browser message being displayed if the user tries to submit the
form with that field blank.
Regarding your solution, that will certainly work though you may want to consider relying on the built-in validators. I'm fairly sure the product count constraint can use the built-in Count Collection constraint.
I have a form with one default value:
class GearType extends AbstractType
public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
->add('model', 'choice', array('choices' => $this->getModelChoices(), 'data' => 2));
one of the requirements is form can be pre-populated by re-sellers by passing parameters in URL. It is also nice feature for potential customers to copy and paste link to email, communicators, etc.
I did it this way:
* #Route("/car/gear")
* #Template()
public function gearAction(Request $request)
$form = $this->createForm(new GearType());
if ($request->isMethod('POST')) {
if ($form->isValid()) {
return 'is valid';
} else {
$get = $this->getRequest()->query->all();
if (!empty($get)) {
$normalizer = new GetSetMethodNormalizer();
$form->setData($normalizer->denormalize($get, new Gear())); # look here
return array('form' => $form->createView());
unfortunately field 'options' has always default value, instead value passed as a parameter.
I have tried to change line # look here into
$gear = $normalizer->denormalize($get, new Gear());
$form = $this->createForm(new GearType(), $gear);
but no result.
It seems that solution is passing additional parameter to GearType object. I do not like this solution. Does anyone know better way?
Add this snippet, and modifiy between the [ ] as appropriate
if ( [ passed parameters from querystring ] ){ //// New Code
$form->getData()->setOptions( [ processed parameter ]); //// New Code
} //// New Code
if ($form->isValid()) {
return 'is valid';
The reason for the field options always having default value may be the actual query. Instead of denormalizing and setting the data directly, modify else fragment to:
} else {
$form = $this->createForm(new GearType(), new Gear(), array(
'validation_groups' => array('not-validating')
The form will validate only against validations associated with the not-validating group, which will avoid showing the common required alerts if the form is built form GET.
Docs about 'validations-groups': http://symfony.com/doc/current/book/forms.html#validation-groups
The question is similar to: Entity form field and validation in Symfony2?