Has anybody got any HTML code/know if its possible to fill a table with data from a excel spreadsheet uploaded to the site directory?
I want to display a table of data on my PHP site, and wondered if it is possible to just add the data to a excel spreadsheet and update in the site directory rather than have all the information manually added as HTML rows.
You might want to try out Google Sheets - you can import data from Excel.
Then you can use Sheetrock.
Sheetrock is a JavaScript library for querying, retrieving, and displaying data from Google Sheets. In other words, use a Google spreadsheet as your database! Load entire worksheets or leverage SQL-like queries to sort, group, and filter data. All you need is the URL of a public Google Sheet.
The main limitations are:
As stated in the description. The Google Sheet needs to be public.
This javascript method may not be as fast as php.
A few months ago, my supervisor needed me to create a form to collect some data - at the time, the most sensible thing to do was just to whip together a Google Form, no problem. Now it turns out that the data collection program needs to expand, and it makes more sense to direct the form to a MySQL database (using PHP) instead - again, no problem, already done. However, for reasons I won't elaborate on here, my supervisor still wants that data to go to the original Google Sheet as well.
My question - is it possible to submit form data to two separate sheets when one is a MySQL table and the other is a Google Sheet?
I know that feel bro ;)
There's some resources to handle boss requests:
PHPExcel Class is a library written in pure PHP and providing a set of classes that allow you to write to and read from different spreadsheet file formats, like Excel (BIFF) .xls, Excel 2007 (OfficeOpenXML) .xlsx, CSV, HTML...
You will need an script to process the outputs.
Excel / CSV > MySQL
MySQL > Excel / CSV
If you need directly to work with Google Docs, you will have to follow the previous steps and play with the following project:
php-google-spreadsheet-client is a library that provides a simple interface to the Google Spreadsheet API.
You will need to store data in MySQL and pass it to Google.
Second idea:
If your boss neet it NOW, you can give a chance to Zapier and do it fast. If you don't need a very fast sync time, it can be a good free option.
I hope it helps :)
Very sorry if this is not in the right place etc. I have been researching this for a while but its raised more questions!
I have developed a spreadsheet which I use to set a teams duties for a shift. There are 5 teams, each with staff which can change day to day.
the spreadsheet works fine, but its too complicated for some users. I am therefore trying to develop a straightforward web based form.
All the data is on the spreadsheet, held on a network drive (essentially locally).
I need to be able to have several combo/select boxes which get their values from a range of cells from the XLS. Along with the ability to output the final selections to a XLS sheet.
Finally, it needs to be able to load the previous day values on load.
What is the best way of developing a web page for this? Is Jscript the best option? Can I access a local file with jScript?
Thanks in advance
The easiest option for you is to use google web forms. These allow creation of forms that will submit data to a google spreadsheet. Which is essentially an uploaded version of your local spreadsheet and can be downloaded to excel.
In case if you want more control and programming, pure javascript cant play with files, you need server side too. Javascript is not necessary unless you want to make your app do some visually fancy stuff. Since you mentioned php as a tag of this question, it seems you are a bit familiar with php. The task you have mentioned can be done using php programming as below:
Read excel file using an excel plugin
Parse relevant data using a text matching function, may require regular expressions knowledge.
display the form by building up the html and putting in the variables using the data obtained above.
Write a method to save the data submitted by the form to the same excel file using the excel plugin.
As its not convenient to play around with excel files. A better option would be to generate csv file or use a database using a database class . csv files can be parsed easily using text.
Charts and Tables display data from database on a webpage. Is there way to export the data and charts as displayed into Excel and Powerpoint?
It's possible using libraries like PHPExcel and PHPPowerPoint, why not take a look at those and then come back if you have any specific problems
I have developed a VBA spreadsheet that runs locally and with obtain data from other sources continuously.
I want to find a way to extract / access the data inside this spreadsheet through php and then output some processed data using a browser and these data will update accordingly as the spreadsheet updates itself.
Anyone can show me how to achieve this? Both the spreadsheet and the php will run locally on a windows machine if that is easier...
Thanks very much for your help :)
I just developed an application that does this the idea is to use http requests on_change events in the spreadsheet.
vba code for request in excel
Function httpRequest(ByVal path As String) As String
Set HttpReq = CreateObject("MSXML2.ServerXMLHTTP")
HttpReq.Open "GET", path, False
httpRequest = HttpReq.ResponseText
End Function
On your php side you have to develop the part where the data is mapped in the database. And of course the view of the data. As for realtime you have to go for something more elaborate like a table that holds the latest changes and check for such changes every now and then unless there is some mechanism to do so.
In excel there exist timers to acomplish polled checking for updates
for web you should to use ajax for seamless updates have a look at http://datatables.net/
You can use PHP Excel Reader to display the data quite easily from the spreadsheet - I think this is the simplest of the PHP Excel libraries that will do what you want and simply set the page to refresh on a regular basis.
Using this library is pretty much as simple as this:
<?php echo $data->dump(true,true); ?>
Once you have told it where the file is to display the output pretty much as would be expected to see in an Excel Workbook. (Here is a link to an example that they have up and running online)
This means you won't get any locking issues as the read is done rather quickly (assuming a reasonable file size and users won't really ever be more than a few minutes/seconds behind.
You want PHP to just generate HTML from Excel sheets? Excel supports HTML generation natively.
Try Save as Web Page to test the quality of HTML produced by Excel. If it's OK then all you'll have to do is write a small piece of VBA that will be generating HTML from your spreadsheets automatically.
Sort of CMS build in Excel.
I have a google chart which is a table and I need to have an option to export the data to excel or csv.
Can this be done within google charts API? I found a few pages with code but that was with the data coming from google docs where as my data is coming from mySQL. My table also has some StringFilters so the exported data should only be the data left after filtering.
If this can't be dont via the API what would be the best way to do this... Can I get the filtered data into any other format that I can use?
Any help is much appreciated
Upload to a Google Spreadsheet using PHP (you may want to use ajax for this) or server side language of your choice and convert to Excel from there.
Use the built in toolbar functionality: