ZF1: unit testing of authentication functionality - php

I am new to unit-testing and trying to implement first set of tests for Index controller in Zend Framework 1 application.
In this controller I have a login action that uses Zend_Auth for checking provided user's credentials. I don't quite understand what is the best way to test it:
Create separate test database config. Before making any tests upload SQL file with initial state of the database and set this test database as a default database.
Redefine (somehow) Zend_Auth so that it always return predefined array with user information (or empty array) and test this scenario. I found this implementation in Zend Framework 2, but no for version 1.
I would appreciate any advice and links to projects in ZF1 that have unit testing for authentication and functionality connected with database in general.
Here is a login action of Index Controller that I'm going to test
public function loginAction()
$loginForm = new Form_Login();
$modelUser = new Model_User();
$formData = $this->getRequest()->getPost();
$flashMessenger = $this->_helper->getHelper('FlashMessenger');
$authAdapter = new Zend_Auth_Adapter_DbTable(Zend_Db_Table::getDefaultAdapter());
$auth = Zend_Auth::getInstance();
$result = $auth->authenticate($authAdapter);
if($result->isValid()) {
$userData = $authAdapter->getResultRowObject();
} else {
$loginForm->addError("Incorrect email/password");
//Retrieve Facebook App ID
$this->view->facebookAppId = Zend_Registry::get('facebookAppId');
$this->view->googleClientId = Zend_Registry::get('googleClientId');
$this->view->loginForm = $loginForm;
$this->view->userMsg = $flashMessenger->getMessages();
So, I thought, maybe I can use Zend_Test_DbAdapter, set it as a default adapter and make it to return predefined set of data?

I've found out 2 ways to work with db data during unit tests:
public function testStudentLogin()
$config = new Zend_Config_Ini(APPLICATION_PATH."/configs/application.ini", APPLICATION_ENV);
$testDatabaseConfig = $config->testDb;
$connection = Zend_Db::factory($testDatabaseConfig);
$this->request->setPost(array('form_email' => 'student', 'form_password' => '123'));
So, here you store test db credentials in application.ini. Then you initialise connection to it through adapter and change Zend_Db_Table::setDefaultAdapter.
public function testStudentLogin()
$adapter = new Zend_Test_DbAdapter();
$stmt1Rows = array(array('user_id' => 1, 'email' => 'student', 'password' => '202cb962ac59075b964b07152d234b70', 'user_type' => 'consumer', 'zend_auth_credential_match' => 1));
$stmt1 = Zend_Test_DbStatement::createSelectStatement($stmt1Rows);
$this->request->setPost(array('form_email' => 'student', 'form_password' => '123'));
Here you use Zend_Test_DbAdapter where you can predefine what data will be returned. I think that using separate database for test purpose makes your code cleaner, so I'll probably use this approach. If you have other ideas/best practices let me know


Laravel Eloquent Database Validators Not Working In Slim 3

I am developing in Slim 3. I decided for Eloquent as ORM and would like to use Illuminate validators in middleware to validate info that comes to my Controllers.
Validation rules that do not need to use database to validate work great but I am having trouble using database validators.
I do not get any errors it just does not pass when it should.
As far as I understand it I should create validator factory and then call make function. Example:
$v = $this->validatorFactory
->make($toCheck, $this->rules[$route], $this->messages);
if ($v->fails()) {....}
Since it works for all routes that do not need database I won't go here in any more detail. I think the problem is with how I add PressenceValidator to my factory.
I do it like this.
private function initiateValidatorFactory($dbConnectionSettings)
$validatorFactory = new ValidatorFactory(
new Translator(new FileLoader(new Filesystem(), "en"), "en"),
$sqlConfig = $dbConnectionSettings['mysql'];
$dsn = 'mysql:host=' . $sqlConfig['host'] . ';port=' . $sqlConfig['port'] . ';dbname=' . $sqlConfig['database'];
$connection = new Connection(
new \PDO($dsn, $sqlConfig['username'], $sqlConfig['password']),
// var_dump($connection->select('SELECT * FROM platform;'));
// die();
$resolver = new ConnectionResolver(['mysql' => $connection]);
// var_dump($resolver->hasConnection('mysql'));
// die();
// var_dump($resolver->connection('mysql'));
// die();
$verifier = new DatabasePresenceVerifier($resolver);
// $verifier->setConnection('mysql');
$this->validatorFactory = $validatorFactory;
I would like to note that this raw SQL query which is commented out works at that point. That is why I don't think problem is with Connection class.
Notice how I created almost dummy FileLoader but I don't think I need it for my use case (or I might I am not sure).
All commented out checks look ok.
I tried googling and saw that people mention something about "booting eloquent". I tried to find where I could do that in my code but wasn't successful.
Last thing is I am missing is how I write my rules. Example rule is this:
'platformid' => 'exists:mysql.platform,platformid'
PS don't ask why we have column "platformid" in table "platform" =).
I am using illuminate/validation 5.5 and illuminate/database 5.5.
Thank you for your time and any help you can provide in advance.
I somehow figured it out. It is hacky but I think I can live with it now. I don't quite understand why this approach works but it does.
So I have database service provider like this:
$capsule = new Manager();
////////CONFIGURE MYSQL\\\\\\\
$sqlConfig = $pimple['settings']['db']['mysql'];
'driver' => $sqlConfig['driver'],
'host' => $sqlConfig['host'],
'database' => $sqlConfig['database'],
'username' => $sqlConfig['username'],
'password' => $sqlConfig['password'],
'charset' => 'utf8',
'collation' => 'utf8_unicode_ci',
'prefix' => '',
], $this->connectionName);
$pimple['db'] = function ($c) use ($capsule) {
return $capsule;
I call that in my dependencies.php
Then when I come to routes I do this:
$container = $app->getContainer();
$validatorMiddleware = new \....\Middleware\BaseMiddleware($container->get('db'));
I changed my middleware init to this
private function initiateValidatorFactory($dbConnectionSettings)
$validatorFactory = new ValidatorFactory(
new Translator(new FileLoader(new Filesystem(), "en"), "en"),
$resolver = new ConnectionResolver(['mysql' => $dbConnectionSettings->getConnection('mysql')]);
$verifier = new DatabasePresenceVerifier($resolver);
$this->validatorFactory = $validatorFactory;
Notice how my variables don't make sense any more but you will figure it out how to make it nicer and stuff. (me included). Most important thing is this works somehow. I know it is hacky. If you wish to post an answer that does not include hacks please do =).

How can I use Doctrine 2's console tools with dynamically generated EntityManagers?

We are using Doctrine 2 in our app, but due to our infrastructure, we do not have a static configuration for database connections. Instead, we have a collection of singletons in a service provider for each database we need to connect to, and we select a random database host for then when we connect.
Unfortunately, we are seeing some performance degradation in Doctrine's getRepository() function. I believe the issue is that Doctrine needs to generate its proxy classes at runtime (even in production) because we cannot figure out how to configure the CLI tools in order to create them at build time.
We are using the Laravel framework for the application.
Here's an example of our Laravel service provider which makes the repositories available for dependency injection.
use App\Database\Doctrine\Manager as DoctrineManager;
use Proprietary\ConnectionFactory;
use App\Database\Entities;
use App\Database\Repositories;
use App\Database\Constants\EntityConstants;
class DoctrineServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
// Create a singleton for the Doctrine Manager. This class will handle entity manager generation.
$this->app->singleton(DoctrineManager::class, function ($app)
return new DoctrineManager(
EntityConstants::ENTITY_CLASS_DATABASE1 => [app_path('Database/Entities/Database1')],
EntityConstants::ENTITY_CLASS_DATABASE2 => [app_path('Database/Entities/Database2')],
// Register the first repository
$this->app->singleton(Repositories\Database1\RepositoryA1::class, function ($app)
return $app[DoctrineManager::class]
// Register the second repository
$this->app->singleton(Repositories\Database1\RepositoryA2::class, function ($app)
return $app[DoctrineManager::class]
// Register a repository for the second database
$this->app->singleton(Repositories\Database2\RepositoryB1::class, function ($app)
return $app[DoctrineManager::class]
Here's the class that generates EntityManagers for Doctrine:
use Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Setup;
use Doctrine\ORM\EntityManager;
use Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Connections\MasterSlaveConnection;
use Proprietary\ConnectionFactory;
class Manager
private $c_factory;
private $paths;
private $connections = [];
private $entity_managers = [];
public function __construct(
ConnectionFactory $cf,
array $paths
$this->c_factory = $cf;
$this->paths = $paths;
public function getConnection($name, $partition = false, $region = false)
// Get a list of servers for this database and format them for use with Doctrine
$servers = self::formatServers($name, $this->c_factory->getServers($name, true, $partition, $region));
// Generate a connection for the entity manager using the servers we have.
$connection = DriverManager::getConnection(
'wrapperClass' => MasterSlaveConnection::class,
'driver' => 'pdo_mysql',
], $servers)
return $connection;
public function getEntityManager($name, $partition = false, $region = false)
// Should these things be cached somehow at build time?
$config = Setup::createAnnotationMetadataConfiguration($this->paths[$name], false);
// Set up the connection
$connection = $this->getConnection($name, $partition, $region);
$entity_manager = EntityManager::create($connection, $config);
return $entity_manager;
// Converts servers from a format provided by our proprietary code to a format Doctrine can use.
private static function formatServers($db_name, array $servers)
$doctrine_servers = [
'slaves' => [],
foreach ($servers as $server)
// Format for Doctrine
$server = [
'user' => $server['username'],
'password' => $server['password'],
'host' => $server['hostname'],
'dbname' => $db_name,
'charset' => 'utf8',
// Masters can also be used as slaves.
$doctrine_servers['slaves'][] = $server;
// Servers are ordered by which is closest, and Doctrine only allows a
// single master, so if we already set one, don't overwrite it.
if ($server['is_master'] && !isset($doctrine_servers['master']))
$doctrine_servers['master'] = $server;
return $doctrine_servers;
Our service classes use dependency injection to get the repository singletons defined in the service provider. When we use the singletons for the first time, Doctrine will use the entity class defined in the service provider and get the connection associated with the repository.
Is there any way we can enable the CLI tools with this configuration? Are there any other ways that we can optimize this for use in production?
I was able to solve the problem thanks to a suggestion from the Doctrine IRC channel. Since the CLI tools can only handle a single database, I created a doctrine-cli directory containing a base-config.php file and a subdirectory for each of the databases we use.
Here's an example file structure:
|- database1/
| |- cli-config.php
|- database2/
| |- cli-config.php
|- base-config.php
The base-config.php file looks like this:
use Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\HelperSet;
use Doctrine\DBAL\Tools\Console\Helper\ConnectionHelper;
use Doctrine\ORM\Tools\Console\Helper\EntityManagerHelper;
use App\Database\Doctrine\Manager as DoctrineManager;
use Proprietary\ConnectionFactory;
require __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap/autoload.php';
class DoctrineCLIBaseConfig
private $helper_set;
public function __construct($entity_constant, $entity_namespace)
$app = require_once __DIR__ . '/../bootstrap/app.php';
// Proprietary factory for getting our databse details
$connection_factory = new ConnectionFactory(...);
// Our class that parses the results from above and handles our Doctrine connection.
$manager = new DoctrineManager(
[$entity_constant => [app_path('Database/Entities/' . $entity_namespace)]],
$em = $manager->getEntityManager($entity_constant);
$this->helper_set = new HelperSet([
'db' => new ConnectionHelper($em->getConnection()),
'em' => new EntityManagerHelper($em),
public function getHelperSet()
return $this->helper_set;
Here's an example cli-config.php from the database directory:
use App\Database\Constants\EntityConstants;
require __DIR__ . "/../base-config.php";
$config = new DoctrineCLIBaseConfig(
return $config->getHelperSet();
Now, I'm able to cycle through each of the directories and run commands like so:
php ../../vendor/bin/doctrine orm:generate-proxies
For our build process, I wrote a simple shell script that cycles through the directories and runs the orm:generate-proxies command.

Silex with Doctrine and PHP classes

So, I'm trying to get around in Silex. Just learn the way it works and I'm trying to use Doctrine in it. I can use it on the index.php, but I'd also like to use it in my classes. These lines are used in the normal root file (index.php):
$images = $app['db']->prepare("SELECT * FROM images");
$images = $images->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_CLASS, \AI\Models\Image::class);
So that would give me the ability to do something with the images. But I don't want to work this way. I'd like classes to do it all for me, so that I just script some methods which do all the hard work for me. That would let me just run one line for each Route in index.php
The problem is that I don't know how to connect with Doctrine from inside my classes. Because there is no '$app' in there. I think it would be weird to start the app inside of a class.
So let's say I wanted to create a user class. This SQL would give me all the users: "SELECT * FROM users". But how would I use Doctrine inside the User class?
namespace Models;
class User {
public function find($user){
if($user) {
$field = (is_numeric($user)) ? 'id' : 'username';
$sql = "SELECT * FROM users";
$data = // RUN QUERY $SQL
if($data->count()) {
$this->_data = $data->all();
return true;
return false;
In your index.php follow these steps.
Create instance of the silex application:
$app = new Silex\Application();
$app->register(new Silex\Provider\ServiceControllerServiceProvider());
Set the database configuration:
$config = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Configuration();
$connParams = array(
'driver' => 'driver',
'dbname' => 'dbname',
'host' => 'host',
'user' => 'user',
'password' => 'pass',
'charset' => 'charset',
'port' => 'port'
Connect to database:
$conn = \Doctrine\DBAL\DriverManager::getConnection($connParams, $config);
Now you have different ways to make this db instance accessible throughout your app. You can whether make a global variable adding the instance in it:
global $dbcon;
$dbcon = $conn;
Or simply add it to the $app itself:
$app['dbcon'] = $conn;
Furthermore you might want to add a constructor to your models like this:
public function __construct($db)
$this->db = $db;
You would need to inject those instances in your controller.
I looked through the docs real quick and think I found what you need.
Here is a link to the documentation page : http://silex.sensiolabs.org/doc/2.0/providers/service_controller.html.
the documentation page explains everything you need to know to get what you want to achieve.

ZF2 Unit test of login in wierd code

I am new to ZF2 and I want to test the login method in a legacy application. Or introduce Unit tests in old code :).
The code that I have is not done according to the manual; it seems super strange if I compare it to the manual examples or even best practices.
I the login method like this:
in this case the legacy is that Helper, Carts, Users, Userslogs and Usertests are models .... all of them extend DB.
In the module.config.php I have this code:
'service_manager' => array(
'factories' => array(
'Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter' => 'Zend\Db\Adapter\AdapterServiceFactory',
'AuthService' => function ($sm) {
$dbAdapter = $sm->get('Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter');
$dbTableAuthAdapter = new DbTableAuthAdapter(
$authService = new AuthenticationService();
$authService->setStorage(new StorageSession('session'));
return $authService;
'Helper' => function ($sm) {
return new Helper($sm);
'Users' => function ($sm) {
return new Users($sm);
'Carts' => function ($sm) {
return new Carts($sm);
I know that the DbTableAuthAdapter is deprecated but I have to understand how to modify this in order to change it in the best way possible. I have the feeling if I change this all the User, Carts etc models will crash.
My Unit test is like this for the moment:
<?php namespace ApplicationTest\Controller;
use Application\Controller\LoginController;
use Zend\Stdlib\ArrayUtils;
use Zend\Test\PHPUnit\Controller\AbstractHttpControllerTestCase;
class LoginControllerTest extends AbstractHttpControllerTestCase
protected $traceError = true;
public function setUp()
// The module configuration should still be applicable for tests.
// You can override configuration here with test case specific values,
// such as sample view templates, path stacks, module_listener_options,
// etc.
$configOverrides = [];
// Grabbing the full application configuration:
include __DIR__ . '/../../../../../config/application.config.php',
public function loginCredentialsProvider()
return [
['userDev', '12345'],
* #covers LoginController::loginAction()
* #dataProvider loginCredentialsProvider
* #param $username
* #param $password
public function testLogin($username, $password)
// prepare request
//->setPost(new Parameters(array(
//'user_login' => $username,
//'user_password' => $password
$helperMock = $this->getMockBuilder('Application\Model\Helper')
$serviceManager = $this->getApplicationServiceLocator();
$serviceManager->setService('Application\Model\Helper', $helperMock);
// send request
$this->dispatch('/login', 'POST', $this->loginCredentialsProvider());
$this->assertEquals('userDev12345', $username . $password);
// $this->markTestIncomplete('login incomplete');
* #depends testLogin
public function testLogout()
$this->markTestIncomplete('logout incomplete');
I tried different ways to test but no succes and of course that I get errors:
Zend\ServiceManager\Exception\ServiceNotCreatedException: An exception was raised while creating "Helper"; no instance returned
Caused by
Zend\ServiceManager\Exception\ServiceNotCreatedException: An exception was raised while creating "Zend\Db\Adapter\Adapter"; no instance returned
Caused by
PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Notice: Undefined index: db
The issues that I have are first how to get the test to pass with this code? I know that normally you do the test and after that the code but I need a starting point to understand the mess that I have in the application. Second, what is the easy or the best way to modify the "models" to not be a dependency for each method and then pass the test? How to modify the deprecated DbTableAuthAdapter in order not to brake all things?
Like i said I am new to ZF2 and Phpunit and I am stuck over this messy code and I have the best practices in my mind but I don't know how to put them in action in this code. Thank you for all the info that I will receive for this.
the solution is to add this line in the test, foreach model:
// access via application object..
$bla = $this->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('Tests');
the solution is to add this line in the test, foreach model:
$bla = $this->getApplication()->getServiceManager()->get('Tests');
Thank you i336_ :)

JWT authentication in Laravel without database

I have a question regarding Authentication in Laravel 5.x. I’ve been specifically looking at tymondesigns/jwt-auth and irazasyed/jwt-auth-guard packages to do the JSON web token authentication token handling in my Laravel application.
I am not using a local database whatsoever, nor do I want to. I have environment variables set up in .env for my API’s URL, USERNAME & PASSWORD. The Guzzle PHP HTTP client is doing the trick just fine, connecting and returning data between the API and my application as needed.
However, I need to set up Authentication within my Laravel instance. I run into problems here, and the auth is wanting a DB connection.
$token = JWTAuth::attempt($credentials)
Here's the exception:
PDOException in Connector.php line 55:
SQLSTATE[HY000] [14] unable to open database file
How can I make use of JWT without using a database?
How can I COMPLETELY shut-off database connections within Laravel?
Using tymon/jwt-auth, I've set things up within the routes, Kernel, Middleware, etc.
I created a "claim" successfully, but I need to create the token by encoding the "payload."
$this->username = $request->username;
$sub = $this->username;
$iat = time();
$jti = md5($sub . $iat);
$aud = env('APP_URL');
$this->claims = [
'sub' => $sub,
'iat' => $iat,
'exp' => time() + (2 * 7 * 24 * 60 * 60),
'nbf' => $iat,
'iss' => 'khill',
'jti' => $jti,
'aud' => $aud,
$payload = JWTFactory::make($this->claims);
How do I get the custom token?
You should define a custom Authentication Provider and set it in config/jwt.php.
Example of provider
Put this class anywhere you like.
namespace MyNamespace;
use Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\Auth\AuthInterface;
class MyCustomAuthenticationProvider implements AuthInterface
public function byCredentials(array $credentials = [])
return $credentials['username'] == env('USERNAME') && $credentials['password'] == env('PASSWORD');
public function byId($id)
// maybe throw an expection?
public function user()
// you will have to implement this maybe.
Example of configuration
In the providers array in config/jwt.php, change this:
'auth' => 'Tymon\JWTAuth\Providers\Auth\IlluminateAuthAdapter',
to this:
'auth' => 'MyNamespace\MyCustomAuthenticationProvider',
Other considerations
Using the env() function anywhere is not good practice. It's better to use it in your config files, and then use the config() function anywhere else.
You may need to reimplement also the User Provider.
JWTAuth::attempt() won't help you with this, because it hits the database for you behind the scenes. You need some other way to check the environment credentials.
Add a custom method to a class somewhere which will do that for you or pass the credentials against the API you are hitting with Guzzle.
Code example:
public function authenticate($username, $password)
if(!$username === env('USERNAME') or !$password === env('PASSWORD')) {
// return a message that the user could not be authenticated or false.
// Generate the JWT token here and store it somewhere.
As a quick fix I decided to implement the following custom code...
1) Created custom middleware to handle the logic.
class CustomMiddleware
protected $loginPath = 'login';
public function handle($request, Closure $next) {
$logged_in = $request->session()->get('logged_in');
if (!$logged_in) {
return redirect()->guest('login')->with('flag','1');
return $next($request);
2) Added a reference to the middleware class.
class Kernel extends HttpKernel
protected $routeMiddleware = [
'custom' => \App\Http\Middleware\CustomMiddleware::class,
3) Added it to routes.php.
Route::group(['middleware' => ['custom']], function () {
// Add routes here
you can create jwt token without database using tymondesigns/jwt-auth package...
for that you have to use jwt::encode method...
let me explain ...
first you have to put your credential in .env file...
then i am recomending you to use custom claims ...
after that you can create jwt token using below code ...
$customClaims = ['foo' => 'bar', 'baz' => 'bob'];
$factory = JWTFactory::customClaims($customClaims);
$token = JWTAuth::encode($payload);
for further details you can refer below link
