Find presence then send push notification - php

I am using Openfire for the xmpp server and so far its been great. The problem I am facing now is with push notifications. The app is written in Xcode which gets user data from a PHP Api. Openfire is the xmpp server. The issue is that when the app sends a message to openfire I would need to also query the Php api to see if the user is online and if they are not, send a push notification. This would have to happen for each message sent and as you might guess that will affect performance with all those requests happening.
I have everything working, I just cant get past this hump. If only openfire would fife off a request of my choice upon receiving a message.
Can anyone suggest a better idea? Basically need to know if the user is online (presence) before so that I know to fire off the push notification.
One thing also for sending push notification php script is right or openfire have some plugin.

I think using php script to check for offline user is an expensive affair.
I have used ejabberd server. For which you can create custom modules using "offline_message_hook" and using this module you can invoke php script to send push notification.
This hook is called when someone send message to an offline user. Following link might be helpful.
If you are stuck somewhere, I can help.


Send commands from a server to swift app

I am new to swift and was wondering how could I send commands from a server to my iOS application ? For example imagine a website where I can click a button and that button would then trigger a pop up to all users of my app. Is this possible and if so can someone lead me in the right direction?
Much appreciated
Yes, you can
Silent Push Notification: Send a Silent Push Notification and handle in your app. But you need user permissions to receive Notifications. Add "content-available" : 1 to your notification content.
Using Sockets: There are many options to create connection b/w device and server. example:
It depends what you are trying to do, you might want to look at apple push notifications and see how they work. From there I would suggest looking into sending notifications to the apple server (that would send the push notifications to the app). I hope this sends you in the right path good luck!
I just assume that you have an application that a number of users are using and you have a web application that can show all mobile users.
For the most of cases, whenever a user is using the application, you let the application send a request with your user's information to your server and your server records the user information in the database.
When your website wants to show all the users' information, it just fetches all the information from the database instead of sending sort of commands to all applications to get information in real-time.
Of course, there is a more complex way to send commands to all running applications to get the results. However, it requires both server-side and client-side (ios application) implement functions sending commands in real-time using Socket or MQTT etc. This is more complex and it requires iOS application running in front or background at the same time.
I assume that using HTTP to record every mobile user is more suitable for your case.

Migrating GCM to FCM, should/could I keep my current GCM server side of code?

I've been using GCM service to send notification to my existing App, in PHP server, as per
Now I'm thinking of migrating to FCM. As per noted, the notification service URL "" has been changed to ""
As I'm still newly explore the FCM, I hope my question is not dump. I have two questions here.
1.) Once migrated to FCM in my client, can I still use back the same PHP code that send my GCM as per Or could I just change the API URL (to but retain all PHP code the same? (i.e. is '' backward compatible with ''?)
2.) Upon migrated to FCM (on the server push), and even when after I have upgraded my App to use FCM instead of GCM, I believe there will still be some user that's stick to the older App for a while using GCM. When I send push notification out, do I need to send to both FCM and GCM separately (i.e. I need to keep the old GCM server code for a while)? or I just need to send the FCM, and my old App (with only GCM) will still receive it?
I hope the answer is yes for both, but feel like not likely it's yes. So write to confirm my understanding.
The answer to both is Yes.
For #1, my post that you linked pretty much answers it. So just to confirm, using the FCM endpoint to send towards your GCM users should be fine. It's still compatible.
For #2, no need to send separate payload for GCM users. As I said above, it is backwards compatible.

Auto send GCM push notifications from server

Pretty much what the title says.
I got a perfect working GCM system which sends GCM push notifications to multiple devices on button click, though im building now a calendar system where users have to register his GCM register id.
Than 24hours before the task runs out i send them a message , 12 hours before the task runs out aswell & on the same time as the task runs out a new message.
It works when i for example refresh the page which sends the GCM push notifications, on the times which i said above.
But i want to let the server send these push notifications automatic.
Any ways how to trigger a function automatic without being on the webpage which sends the GCM or not on the application?
All help is welcome.
Also if there is a way to use this system in the application itself, tell me pls!
I think i can only make it work to use cron in the server itself, but I don't got acces to it.
Thats why im open for all suggestions!
You can use Cron Job In Hosting, so its take a time and write a php script that send the push notification, then cron job on specific time run that script and notification will be send.

Openfire and push notifications

I am writing an IOS app that is basically a jabber chat app. I am using Openfire for the xmpp server and so far its been great. The problem I am facing now is with push notifications. The app is written in Xcode which gets user data from a PHP Api. Openfire is the xmpp server. The issue is that when the app sends a message to openfire I would need to also query the Php api to see if the user is online and if they are not, send a push notification. This would have to happen for each message sent and as you might guess that will affect performance with all those requests happening.
I have everything working, I just cant get past this hump. If only openfire would fife off a request of my choice upon receiving a message.
Can anyone suggest a better idea? Basically need to know if the user is online (presence) before so that I know to fire off the push notification and I dont want to fire off two requests from my app per message sent. Thanks.
In openfire the messages to offline users are stored in ofoffline table. So your php code neednot worry about the status of the user if der is any entry in the ofOfline table it means the user was offline. Now create a scheduler that will keep looking in the ofOfline table for offline messages club them together and push notification to the user
i have spen lots of time for in XAMPPHP Library but cant find any proper solution. so for develop a web base chat application with jabber server. rather than using XAMPPHP, you can use "" it will be much faster than XAMPPHP and you can find more js plugin for Strophe js. and you can also find more ready made xmpp client base on strophe js. so it will better than XAMPHP.

C2DM and PHP Server

I'm trying to write the server side of my android app that uses C2DM. I'm going to write it in php. I basically am just doing tests right now. I copied the chrome to phone example for the actual android app and modified it to my liking. Right now my biggest question is the registration.
Let me get everything straightened out.
When registering the device for the first time, the app talks directly to my server. The server grabs the deviceid and responds back with a 200. Right?
So, on the php side of things, I grab the device id like $deviceid = $_POST['deviceId'] Right?
add it to my database. then respond back to the app.. How exactly do I send a particular response back? I assume in the header? I'm unsure how to do that.
Please confirm or deny that I'm on the right track and clear up any confusion.
Thanks for the help.
You don't respond back to the app. You must register your server with google's servers to get a server authentication token. You then use that server token and the device token in a post request to google's C2DM service to have google's servers send a push notification to the phone. Your app and your server never directly communicate when a push notification is sent in C2DM, it is all done through google, yet you need to implement a mechanism for your server to know the device id of the device it wants to send a message to.
This is a pretty detailed guide, though the server code is in Java:
Make sure you have really gotten the IDs before sending to the server. If you are using an emulator for testing, you could do an echo over at the php script so the message will appear in your logcat.
Google refreshes expired registration IDs so your application should be able to pick up new notifications/ids from google and handle the message by sending to the database.
