I ran the homestead make command successfully.
Afterward, I ran the vagrant up command in the vendor/bin folder, but I get the following error:
Vagrant failed to initialize at a very early stage:
There was an error loading a Vagrantfile. The file being loaded
and the error message are shown below. This is usually caused by
a syntax error.
Path: C:/xampp/htdocs/all-projects/project1/vendor/bin/Vagrantfile
Line number: 0
Message: LoadError: cannot load such file -- C:/xampp/htdocs/all-projects/project1/vendor/bin/vendor/laravel/homestead/scripts/homestead.rb
The path to homstead.rb is incorrect. Such a path does not exist and the homestead.rb file is in another folder for the project. How do I fix the homestead.rb path that is automatically used by vagrant?
P.S. the /laravel folder is present in the project directory.
You need to edit your Vagrantfile. In there is a line that references homestead.rb. Mine looks like
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/scripts/homestead.rb')
Update this to be the correct path.
I've been trying to deploy my Laravel 6 App to the standard environment of Google App Engine the whole day, but seems like I'm just stuck at how to make cache and some "local" files to work.
This is the error I get when I try to load any page:
(1/1) InvalidArgumentException
Please provide a valid cache path.
in Compiler.php line 36
at Compiler->__construct(object(Filesystem), false)
in ViewServiceProvider.php line 92
at ViewServiceProvider->Illuminate\View\{closure}(object(Application), array())
in Container.php line 799
at Container->build(object(Closure))
in Container.php line 681
at Container->resolve('blade.compiler', array(), true)
in Application.php line 785
I followed every tip at this question, this tutorial and this issue, but anything seemed to help me.
As CACHE_DRIVER, for convenience, I'm trying to just use file, instead of database or any other else. So, my app.yaml, have the additional env_variables :
APP_SERVICES_CACHE: /tmp/services.php
APP_PACKAGES_CACHE: /tmp/packages.php
APP_CONFIG_CACHE: /tmp/config.php
APP_ROUTES_CACHE: /tmp/routes.php
I know that the /tmp folder is the only writable folder for the App Engine Standard Environment. With that in mind, I put the above at app.yaml, and even tried renaming /storage folder to /tmp.
I've added the following line to my bootstrap/app.php file:
$app->useStoragePath(env('APP_STORAGE', base_path() . '/tmp'));
At my composer packages, I made sure that it doesn't have facade/ignition. Also, as I can't run any command after deploy my app to Google App Engine, at composer.json I have:
"post-autoload-dump": [
"post-install-cmd": [
"composer dump-autoload",
"php artisan config:clear",
"php artisan view:clear",
"php artisan cache:clear"
I also tried to put at post-install-cmd php artisan storage:link, while using $app->useStoragePath(env('APP_STORAGE', base_path() . '/storage')); and the /storage folder as storage itself, but nothing worked.
I have the whole folder tree for caching at my /temp (or /storage, if this is the right way) folder:
Also, besides the views not rendering, I noticed that when trying to load the favicon.ico, located at /public folder, it returns an 500 error. I am new to AppEngine, but even reading everything I can find I've been struggling to make it work. I really appreciate any help.
I figured out I had some config files published at /config, and besides changing /bootstrap/app.php, some of them had their own path to /storage folder. So, my solution was just gave up on using files cache, and for the views cache, and some other packages I had, use the path /tmp, at their respective config files. Also, I removed all cache cleaning artisan commands from composer, as I wasn't sending any cache files to deploy.
Also, I needed to make some changes in order to be able to access /public files, like some local css and js. For this, I followed these docs.
I was struggling with the same problem today and the solution was I changed the 'compiled' value in config/view.php to a root folder:
Go to root directory.
mkdir compiled_views
Change 'compiled' value to 'compiled' => realpath(base_path('compiled_views/')),
I solved it by explicitly adding the APP_STORAGE env in config/view.php:
'compiled' => realpath(env('APP_STORAGE', realpath(storage_path('framework/views')))),
(which surprises because I do have $app->useStoragePath(env('APP_STORAGE', base_path() . '/storage')); added to app.php - but it seems that it didn't yet(?) override storage_path )
I'm trying to use the laravel 5.7 bootstrap4 preset, but have problems using it.
Do you guys know why I see this error? Why is the file missing? I have not changed the path to anything.
kgp43:~/workspace (master) $ php artisan preset bootstrap
In Bootstrap.php line 41:
copy(/home/ubuntu/workspace/resources/sass/_variables.scss): failed to open stream: No such file or directory
I found the error.
All folders in the Assets directory has to be moved up one level.
It should not be needed to move the content of the Assets folder (accoring to laravel - but it was for me to run the preset command.
I've started learning how to use PHPUnit. However, I'm facing a problem which I have no clue how to solve.
I have a folder called lessons and inside there is a composer.json which I installed PHPUnit with.
The output resulted in a folder called vendor and a sub-folder called bin which has the phpunit file in it.
In the cmd I typed: cd c:/xampp/htdocs/lessons/vendor/bin. Now the cmd folder sets to the same folder as phpunit. I've created a directory in lessons which I called tests (lessons/tests) which I store all of my tests in. I've created a file called PracticeTest.php with a very simple test script in it.
When I go back to the cmd and type phpunit tests I get cannot open file tests.php When I try to type phpunit PracticeTest I get cannot open file PracticeTest.php. When I try phpunit tests/PracticeTest (with .php or without) I get the same error that the file could not be opened.
My suspicious that it has something to do with that face that the cmd is pointing at the lessons/vendor/bin directory, but I'm not sure if it is really the problem or how to fix it.
just to arrange the paths:
Thanks in advance!
Go to path project:
D:\>cd www
D:\wwww>cd lessons
And execute:
D:\www\lessons>vendor\bin\phpunit tests
PHPUnit 4.8.27 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Time: 1.34 seconds, Memory: 5.50MB
There was 1 error:
1) UserTest::it_should_be_able_to_construct
PHPUnit_Framework_Exception: Argument #1 (No Value) of PHPUnit_Framework_Assert
:assertInstanceOf() must be a class or interface name
Tests: 7, Assertions: 4, Errors: 1.
It Works!!!!
This is what worked for me.
vendor/bin/phpunit ./tests/PracticeTest
I was getting the same, but if you type phpunit then tab you will see what directory you are in and it should autosuggest. Then navigate to your test file.
I had include_path sections separated by comma. It has to be semicolon on Windows.
I have created a phpunit.bat in the root folder of my project containing
#ECHO OFF SET BIN_TARGET=%~dp0/vendor/phpunit/phpunit/phpunit php "%BIN_TARGET%" %*
Now it works.
I started working on yii framework in last 2-3 days....
i am trying to follow this tutorial simple mailer ....
After copying the files into extension folder and after writing these lines into configuration file, when I openned the index page of my test application, it gives me the following exception:
throw new CException(Yii::t('yii','Object configuration must be an array containing a "class" element.'));
and below is the screenshot of stacktrace:
Can anyone help me out here?
after copying the files into extension folder
You have to copy simplemailer into modules directory '/protected/modules/...
cp modules/SimpleMailer/commands/MailerCommand.php commands/
Execute installations:
cd /your/app/directory/protected
./yiic migrate create add_simplemailer_tables
./yiic migrate up
cp modules/SimpleMailer/commands/MailerCommand.php commands/