Activate a Topic for a Page programmaticaly concrete5 5.7 - php

The goal is to activate an existent topic in a Blog Entry page. Normally a user does this in the Pages Attributes section like so:
Now my goal is to do this programmaticaly. I won't post all my trials (since 2 days) here because it's just crap, but here's what I've done so far.
First I add a Blog Page to a chosen parent Page (ID 157):
use Concrete\Core\Page;
$parentPage = Page\Page::getByID(157);
$template = \PageTemplate::getByHandle('blog_entry');
$entry = $parentPage->add($type, array(
'cName' => 'My title',
'cDescription' => 'description',
'cHandle' => 'my_title',
'cvIsApproved' => true,
'cDatePublic' => $publishDate->format('Y-m-d H:i:s')
), $template);
As the newly created page is a blog_entry template the Blog Entry Topics is already assigned.
Then I create a Topic and add it to its Topic Tree (Blog Entry Topics) like so:
use \Concrete\Core\Tree\Type\Topic as TopicTree;
use \Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\Topic as TopicTreeNode;
use \Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Node as TreeNode;
$topicTree = TopicTree::getByName('Blog Entries');
$parentTopic = TreeNode::getByID($topicTree->getRootTreeNodeObject()->treeNodeID);
$item0 = TopicTreeNode::add('udland', $parentTopic);
How to activate/assign this Topic(Udland) to my page ($entry)? (As shown in the image)
I know it must be related to the DB-tables CollectionAttributeValues and atSelectedTopics. Also the Classes CollectionValue and CollectionKey must be involved.
I could add those entries manually in the DB but this isn't a good idea because I don't know what data is necessary to make this work correctly. The topics are used to filter Blog entries so I'm quite sure that there are other tables involved and as a Core developer said: "These are fragile little things" ;-).
As this version of concrete5 is a complete new launch, the developer docs aren't complete and after 2 days of digging inside the core code I'm just desperate.
Update (after a week of digging...)
I managed to do a hack taken out of a Controller method: (/concrete/controllers/panel/page/attributes.php -> submit()).
I know this isn't the way to go at all but it's my best trial so far:
(I just include the NameSpaces here to make clear what Classes I'm calling)
use Concrete\Core\Page;
use Concrete\Core\Page\Collection\Version\Version;
use Concrete\Core\Workflow\Request\ApprovePageRequest;
use CollectionAttributeKey;
use \Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\Topic as TopicTreeNode;
Get the Attributes ID by handle:
$ak = CollectionAttributeKey::getByHandle('blog_entry_topics');
$attributekID = $ak->getAttributeKeyID();
get the topic
$item_one = TopicTreeNode::getNodeByName('Udland');
then simulate a posted form by:
$_POST = array(
'topics_' . $attributekID => array($item_one->treeNodeID)
I know this is so ugly and a big hack & not reliable at all but as said it's taken out of a Controller...
Then I do a slimmed version of the submit() method:
$c = Page\Page::getByID(157);
$published = new \DateTime();
$nvc = $c->getVersionToModify();
$nvcObj = $nvc->getVersionObject();
$data = array();
$data['cName'] = $nvcObj->cvName;
$data['cDescription'] = $nvcObj->cvDescription;
$data['cDatePublic'] = $published->format('Y-m-d H:i:s');
$data['uID'] = '1';
$setAttribs = $nvc->getSetCollectionAttributes();
$processedAttributes = array();
$selectedAKIDs = $attributekID;
if (!is_array($selectedAKIDs)) {
$selectedAKIDs = array();
$selected = is_array(array($attributekID)) ? array($attributekID) : array();
foreach ($setAttribs as $ak) {
if (in_array($ak->getAttributeKeyID(), $selected)) {
} else {
$processedAttributes[] = $ak->getAttributeKeyID();
$newAttributes = array_diff($selectedAKIDs, $processedAttributes);
foreach ($newAttributes as $akID) {
$ak = CollectionAttributeKey::getByID($akID);
So as said before this is really ugly but it's the best trial so far and somehow it works.
Then approve the Request by doing:
$pkr = new ApprovePageRequest();
$u = new User();
$v = Version::get($c, "RECENT");
But what really makes me wonder is that method inside of /concrete/src/Attribute/Key/Key.php where finally the thing should happen (in my humble opinion):
* Calls the functions necessary to save this attribute to the database. If no passed value is passed, then we save it via the stock form.
* NOTE: this code is screwy because all code ever written that EXTENDS this code creates an attribute value object and passes it in, like
* this code implies. But if you call this code directly it passes the object that you're messing with (Page, User, etc...) in as the $attributeValue
* object, which is obviously not right. So we're going to do a little procedural if/then checks in this to ensure we're passing the right
* stuff
* #param CollectionValue|mixed $mixed
* #param mixed $passedValue
protected function saveAttribute($mixed, $passedValue = false)
/** #var \Concrete\Core\Attribute\Type $at */
$at = $this->getAttributeType();
if ($mixed instanceof AttributeValue) {
$attributeValue = $mixed;
} else {
// $mixed is ACTUALLY the object that we're setting the attribute against
//todo: figure out what $nvc should really be since it doesn't exist in this scope
$attributeValue = $nvc->getAttributeValueObject($mixed, true);
if ($passedValue) {
} else {
So I'm really curios to see what the reliable and system-suitable way is to resolve this.

Here's what I came up with that does work. You were pretty close.
use \Concrete\Core\Tree\Type\Topic as TopicTree;
use \Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Type\Topic as TopicTreeNode;
use \Concrete\Core\Tree\Node\Node as TreeNode;
$parentPage = \Page::getbyPath('/blog');
$template = \PageTemplate::getByHandle('blog_entry');
$entry = $parentPage->add($type, array(
'cName' => 'ooops',
'cDescription' => 'hmmmm',
'cHandle' => 'yay',
'cvIsApproved' => true,
'cDatePublic' => '2015-12-21 00:00:00'
), $template);
$item0 = TopicTreeNode::getNodeByName('udland');
if (!$item0) {
$topicTree = TopicTree::getByName('Blog Entries');
$parentTopic = TreeNode::getByID($topicTree->getRootTreeNodeObject()->treeNodeID);
$item0 = TopicTreeNode::add('udland', $parentTopic);
$entry->setAttribute('blog_entry_topics', array($item0->getTreeNodeDisplayPath()));
It looks like the attribute takes in an array of node display paths and that is how it sets the selection. Additionally, you have to use the \Page alias, and not the fully qualified namespace as you were doing, otherwise you get an error about it being unable to clear the cache.


How to properly display a calculated value of a non-db field in the ListView?

In Suitecrm/SugarCRM 6.5
I need to modify the ListView. Showing the value of a field based on a certain condition.
In the Account module, the name field may be empty based on certain conditions, I require that when this occurs show the value of a custom field. To do this, first I tryied using 'customCode' + smarty as usual in Edit/Detail vies, but in several posts mention that this is not possible in the ListView. The concession is to use logic hooks + a non-db field to store the calculated field. Following this SO answer I have written the following:
Custom field at custom/Extension/modules/Accounts/Ext/Vardefs/custom_field_name_c.php
$dictionary['Account']['fields']['name_c']['name'] = 'account_name_c';
$dictionary['Account']['fields']['name_c']['vname'] = 'LBL_ACCOUNT_NAME_C';
$dictionary['Account']['fields']['name_c']['type'] = 'varchar';
$dictionary['Account']['fields']['name_c']['len'] = '255';
$dictionary['Account']['fields']['name_c']['source'] = 'non-db';
$dictionary['Account']['fields']['name_c']['dbType'] = 'non-db';
$dictionary['Account']['fields']['name_c']['studio'] = 'visible';
Label at suitecrm/custom/Extension/modules/Accounts/Ext/Language/es_ES.account_name_c.php
$mod_strings['LBL_ACCOUNT_NAME_C'] = 'Nombre de cuenta';
Logic hook entry at custom/modules/Accounts/logic_hooks.php
$hook_array['process_record'] = Array();
$hook_array['process_record'][] = Array(
'Get proper name',
Logic hook at custom/modules/Accounts/hooks/ListViewLogicHook.php
class ListViewLogicHook
public function getProperName(&$bean, $event, $arguments)
if (empty($bean->fetched_row['name'])) {
$bean->account_name_c = $bean->fetched_row['person_name_c'];
} else {
$bean->account_name_c = $bean->fetched_row['name'];
// Here I also tried, but same result
// $bean->account_name_c = empty($bean->name) ? $bean->person_name_c : $bean->name;
listviewdefs.php at custom/modules/Accounts/metadata/listviewdefs.php
I added the field
'NAME_C' =>
array (
'width' => '20%',
'label' => 'LBL_ACCOUNT_NAME_C',
'default' => true,
After these modifications and repair I hope to see the field full with the right value. But it appears empty. I have verified that the logic hook is properly called, but the name andperson_name_c fields are always empty. In case it is relevant I have verified in Studio that the name fields in Account is typename I do not know what this means when it comes to obtaining its value.
I appreciate your comments
The problem is in the logic hook is due to first that the $bean does not have access to the custom fields, so I have to invoke them using $bean->custom_fields->retrieve(); Also the name field is always empty, I had to use DBManager to get only the name field.
The logic of the final logic hook is the following:
class ListViewLogicHook
public function getProperName($bean, $event, $arguments)
// Get access to custom fields from $bean
// Get access to name property using DBManager because $bean->name return null
$sql = "SELECT name FROM accounts WHERE id = '{$bean->id}'";
$name = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql);
// Assign a value to non-db field
$bean->name_c = empty($name) ? $bean->nombre_persona_c : $name;
I was not familiar with the method $bean->custom_fields->retrieve() and at the moment I do not know why is empty the name field and I understand others fields remain empty.
I hope this is useful
We achieved that doing an after_retrieve hook, very fast and simple - This is taken from a working example.
public function RemoveCost(&$bean, $event, $arguments)
global $current_user;
$roles = ACLRole::getUserRoleNames($current_user->id);
$bean->cost = 0;
$bean->cost_usdollar = 0;
All you need is to define and add this function to the module logic_hooks.php
You can even tailor down to specific calls:
if (isset($_REQUEST['module'],$_REQUEST['action']) && $_REQUEST['module'] == 'Opportunities' && $_REQUEST['action'] == 'DetailView')
As some times there are views you do want to show the field, for example quicksearch popup.

Trying to highlight current menu item in Drupal 8 using hook_preprocess_menu

I have the below function to create active trail functionality. So if I were to have /blog as a "parent" and a post of /blog/mypost, when on mypost the blog link would show as highlighted. I don't want to have to make menu items for all the blog posts. The problem is when caching is turned on (not using settings.local.php and debug turned off) the getRequestUri isn't changing on some pages. It seems to be cached depending on the page. It works fine with page caching turned off but I'd like to get this working with caching. Is there a better way to check for the current path and apply the active class?
function mytheme_preprocess_menu(&$variables, $hook) {
if($variables['theme_hook_original'] == 'menu__main'){
$node = \Drupal::routeMatch()->getParameter('node');
$current_path = \Drupal::request()->getRequestUri();
$items = $variables['items'];
foreach ($items as $key => $item) {
// If current path starts with a part of another path i.e. a parent, set active to li.
if (0 === strpos($current_path, $item['url']->toString())) {
// Add active link.
$variables['items'][$key]['attributes']['class'] .= ' menu-item--active-trail';
I've also tried putting this into a module to try and see if I can get the current path to then do the twig logic in the menu--main.twig.html template but I have the same problem.
function highlight_menu_sections_template_preprocess_default_variables_alter(&$variables) {
$variables['current_path'] = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
After a very long time trying all sorts of things, I found an excellent module which addresses exactly this problem. Install and go, not configuration, it just works:
Stable versions for D7 and D8.
I tried declaring an active path as part of a custom menu block, and even then my declared trail gets cached. Assuming it's related to the "There is no way to set the active link - override the service if you need more control." statement in this changelog, though why MenuTreeParameters->setActiveTrail() exists is anybody's guess.
For the curious (and for me when I search for this later!), here's my block's build() function:
public function build() {
$menu_tree = \Drupal::menuTree();
$parameters = new MenuTreeParameters();
// An array of routes and menu_link_content ids to set as active
$define_active_mlid = array(
'view.press_releases.page_1' => 385
$route_name = \Drupal::request()->get(RouteObjectInterface::ROUTE_NAME);
if (array_key_exists($route_name, $define_active_mlid)) {
$menu_link = \Drupal::entityTypeManager()->getStorage('menu_link_content')->loadByProperties(array('id' => $define_active_mlid[$route_name]));
$link = array_shift($menu_link);
$parameters->setActiveTrail(array('menu_link_content:' . $link->uuid()));
$footer_tree = $menu_tree->load('footer', $parameters);
$manipulators = array(
array('callable' => 'menu.default_tree_manipulators:checkAccess'),
array('callable' => 'menu.default_tree_manipulators:generateIndexAndSort'),
$tree = $menu_tree->transform($footer_tree, $manipulators);
$menu = $menu_tree->build($tree);
return array(
'menu' => $menu,
[adding a new answer since this is a completely different approach than my earlier one]
If a CSS-based solution is acceptable, this seems to work okay:
.page-node-type-press-release {
a[data-drupal-link-system-path="press-room/press-releases"] {
// active CSS styles here

Joomla render full article by id with "JModelLegacy getInstance article"

I'm stuck trying to get joomla full article to render in a tab. The tab is working. I just can´t render the article content. This is where I am now.
This is helper.php
public static function getArticle($articleId)
JModelLegacy::addIncludePath(JPATH_SITE.'/components/com_content/models', 'ContentModel');
$model = JModelLegacy::getInstance('Article', 'ContentModel', array('ignore_request' => true));
$article = $model->getItem((int) $articleId);
$fullarticle = $item->fulltext;
$itemsHtml = '<div>'. $fullarticle .'</div>';
return $itemsHtml;
And this is in default.php
else if ($list_of_tabs['use'][$i][0] == 'article'){
echo '<div class="tab-pane '.$active.'" id="'.$i.$rid.'">'.
modJpTabsHelper::getArticle($list_of_tabs['article'][$i], $params) .
If you need more info. Don't hesitate to ask.
What are you trying to achieve: to write your own Joomla! extension which displays articles in a tab or you just need to display your J! articles in a tab?
If it's a latter, then there are already some nice and free (as in a "free bear") add-ons written just for that.
You are trying to use the model part of an MVC as a thing to render.
You should use the MVC system - using a controller to gathering the model and the view, and then you can render the model with the attached view, via the controller.
So you use something like (I've not tested this - you will need to correct it).
$filter=array('id' => $i->query['id']);
$options=array('filter_fields' => $filter,'ignore_request' => true);
$ctl = new ContentModelController();
$view = $ctl->getView( 'Article');
$model = $ctl->getModel( 'Article','',$options);
you may need to set params from application, eg..
$model->setState('params', JApplication::getInstance('site')->getParams());
then continue
$view->setModel( $model, true );
$result = $view->display();
Make sure that you have JLoader::import'ed any classes/classpaths - j. tends to fail silently if they aren't found, which can be difficult to trace.
Sorry, it's only a partial solution - but hopefully it may put you on the right track.
Here was the problem:
$fullarticle = $item->fulltext;
Article object from model was in variable $article not $item:
$article = $model->getItem((int) $articleId);
So getting property fulltext from article object should be:
$fullarticle = $article->fulltext;

Create a Joomla! Article Programmatically

I have created my own component. When I add a new record to my component, I also want it to create a new article in joomla (i.e. using com_content).
I found this on stack overflow Programmatically adding an article to Joomla which explains how to do it. The code makes sense, and looks like it will work. The problem is that once methods start being called that are contained in com_content, all the relative URLs in com_content break down and joomla throws an error.
Does anyone know a way to overcome this? A comment from the link above suggests that changing the current working directory to the com_content one before including it will work, but I'm not 100% sure on how to do this.
It's not possible to change the working directory because its a constant. To work around this issue you could choose not to use ContentModelArticle at all and instead use the table class only:
$table = JTable::getInstance('Content', 'JTable', array());
$data = array(
'catid' => 1,
'title' => 'SOME TITLE',
'introtext' => 'SOME TEXT',
'fulltext' => 'SOME TEXT',
'state' => 1,
// Bind data
if (!$table->bind($data))
return false;
// Check the data.
if (!$table->check())
return false;
// Store the data.
if (!$table->store())
return false;
Note that the code above does not trigger the before/after save events. If that is needed however, it should not be a problem to trigger those events. Also worth noticing is that the field published_up will not be automatically set and the articles within the category will not be reordered.
To reorder the category:
$table->reorder('catid = '.(int) $table->catid.' AND state >= 0');
The error I get says:
File not found /var/www/administrator/com_mynewcomponent/helpers/content.php
I got around the problem by creating an empty file at this location to suppress the error message and manually including /var/www/administrator/com_content/helpers/content.php with a require_once statement.
Support Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.0
JTableContent is not autoloaded prior to Joomla! version 3.0, so it needs to included:
if (version_compare(JVERSION, '3.0', 'lt')) {
JTable::addIncludePath(JPATH_PLATFORM . 'joomla/database/table');
$article = JTable::getInstance('content');
$article->title = 'This is my super cool title!';
$article->alias = JFilterOutput::stringURLSafe('This is my super cool title!');
$article->introtext = '<p>This is my super cool article!</p>';
$article->catid = 9;
$article->created = JFactory::getDate()->toSQL();
$article->created_by_alias = 'Super User';
$article->state = 1;
$article->access = 1;
$article->metadata = '{"page_title":"","author":"","robots":""}';
$article->language = '*';
// Check to make sure our data is valid, raise notice if it's not.
if (!$article->check()) {
JError::raiseNotice(500, $article->getError());
return FALSE;
// Now store the article, raise notice if it doesn't get stored.
if (!$article->store(TRUE)) {
JError::raiseNotice(500, $article->getError());
return FALSE;

Best practice to place meta tags, links and styles in zend framework?

I have project-range meta tags that are need to be set.
I've put them in protected method _initMeta in Bootstrap class.
Are there any better options? What if I would like different set of this data for another languages?
protected function _initMeta(){
$view = $this->getResource('view');
$view->headTitle()->headTitle('Foo title');
$view->headMeta()->appendHttpEquiv('Content-Type', 'text/html; charset=UTF-8')
->appendHttpEquiv('Content-Language', 'any');
$view->headLink()->appendStylesheet('/foo.css')->headLink(array('rel' => 'favicon',
'href' => '/favicon.ico'),
I use config for basic (bootstrap) data as:
application.ini = "width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0" = "width" = "true" = "basic,keywords"
; format resources.view.headStyle.{MEDIA}.nfile =
resources.view.headStyle.all.1.href = "/css/basic.css"
resources.view.headStyle.all.1.conditionalStylesheet =
resources.view.headStyle.all.1.extras.title = "Basic style"
resources.view.headStyle.all.1.extras.charset = "utf-8"
resources.view.headStyle.all.2.href = "/css/ie.css"
resources.view.headStyle.all.2.conditionalStylesheet = "IE"
resources.view.headStyle.all.2.extras.title = "Internet Explorer style"
resources.view.headStyle.all.2.extras.charset = "utf-8"
; print media example
resources.view.headStyle.print.1.href = "/css/print.css"
; format resources.view.headLink.{REL} =
resources.view.headLink.humans.href = "/humans.txt"
resources.view.headLink.humans.type = "text/plain"
; ___ will be replaced by space, __ by point (or set another nest separator)
resources.view.headLink.shortcut___icon.href = "/favicon.png"
resources.view.headLink.shortcut___icon.type = "image/png"
At this point, maybe you have some special data. For example in:
project1.ini = ""
project.headLink.image_src.href = "/author.jpg"
project.headLink.image_src.type = "image/jpg"
And finally, you mix all in your
(example for *_initHeadLink()*):
// $options = your app options (basic)
// $projectOptions = your project options (special)
// $assets_url = your assets url
if ( is_array($headStyle = $options['headStyle']) ) {
foreach ( $headStyle as $media => $value ) {
foreach ( $value as $style ) {
$this->view->headLink()->appendStylesheet($assets_url . $href, $media,
$conditionalStylesheet, $extras);
$headLinks = array();
if ( isset($options['headLink']) )
$headLinks = $options['headLink'];
if ( isset($projectOptions['headLink']) )
$headLinks = array_merge($headLinks, (array) $projectOptions['headLink']);
// *array key, is the value for rel
foreach ( $headLinks as $rel => $value ) {
$rel = str_replace(array('___', '__'), array(' ', '.'), $rel);
$this->view->headLink()->headLink(array_merge(array('rel' => $rel), (array) $value));
Then, you can override these data from your Controller: setName, set...
I hope it helps ;)
You have several ways of achieving this. First and foremost, make sure the moment you define the metadata you already know what language will be loaded for the current request. Sometimes this may not be easy to determine at bootstrap time.
Having said this, besides the bootstrap, you can set the metadata on a:
Front Controller Plugin class (using for example the dispatchLoopStartup() or predispatch() methods).
Action Helper class (using for example the init() or preDispatch() methods).
At those points of execution you probably already determined the language to use, and can set the metadata accordingly. You can always change the metadata afterwards in your action controllers for specific cases in your application, so you're never really stuck if you previously specified metadata.
In my own work, I have this setup:
Front Controller Plugin, dispatchLoopStartup() method: determine language to load, giving priority to a "lang" GET parameter in the request object, then browser language, then default site language. I also use this to determine if the request is a normal request or an ajax request; if it's the former case, I register an action helper, see next...
Action Helper, preDispatch() method: load metadata depending on language and other stuff, load Layout and widgets, etc.
Action controller, someAction() method: if necessary, change some of the previously set metadata, for example headTitle(), which can depend on the effectively loaded content.
This arrangement makes sense to me, maybe it can help your approach?
The bootstrap is way to early for my projects. I add them in my controller/actions
$keywords = 'php,zend,framework';
... etc.
Actually very late almost at the end. At this point I would also know about language and other things.
