PayPal - Cancel Pre-approved Payment using API and PA key - php

How would I cancel a pre-approved payment using PayPal's API operations? I have the Pre-approval key of the payment to be cancelled but I can't find a way to do it.
I did some digging over the internet and found this CancelPreapproval API Operation but that document is not very helping for a starter like me. Few things are missing like what would be the link where I'd send the cancel request? Can't find any example. Need help.
I did tried cancelling the payment by using this code but it fails.
$security_user_id = $neworder->security_user_id;
$security_password = $neworder->security_password;
$security_signature = $neworder->security_signature;
$security_application_id = $neworder->security_application_id;
$headers_array = array("X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-USERID" => $security_user_id,
"X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-PASSWORD" => $security_password,
"X-PAYPAL-SECURITY-SIGNATURE" => $security_signature,
"X-PAYPAL-APPLICATION-ID" => $security_application_id,
$pay_result = wp_remote_request('', array('method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 20, 'headers' => $headers_array, 'body' => $maincode));

This PayPal PHP SDK will make it very quick and easy for you. Just extract it into your project structure as you would any other class, and make sure to setup the config file correctly with your own sandbox and/or live PayPal credentials.
Then you can look in the /templates and you'll see a CancelPreapproval.php setup and ready to go. It'll be fully functional. All you'll have to do is plug in your preapproval key and it'll handle the rest for you successfully.
There are lots of /samples and there is a file in /templates for pretty much every API call PayPal has.
You can get this done within minutes using that class. Let me know if you have any specific questions about it.


How to add a company logo to paypals SDK V2

I'am trying to add a company-logo by using the PayPal SDK environment in PHP.
I have seen that this is possible, but there is no documentation.
I tried the following without success:
'application_context' =>
'return_url' => "",
'cancel_url' => "",
'image_url' => "",
'logo_image' and LOGOIMG do not works also
Thanks for any hint in advance.
This depends a bit on the products you use, but generally you can create a Payment Experience Web Profile. See a sample here. After creating it, you will get a Profile ID.
When you initialize your payment, you can pass the Profile ID with the method setExperienceProfileId

stripe manual confirmation + connected account failing (confirmation_method + stripe_account)

I'm using Stripe's PHP SDK in a Laravel project, and I'm having a weird issue with 3d secure payments.
PHP Version : 7.4
Stripe-PHP : 7.75.0
When creating a PaymentIntent on behlaf of a connected stripe account using the stripe_account parameter, and the confirmation_method: 'manual' parameter, there's alway an error stating:
This PaymentIntent pi_XXXXXX cannot be confirmed using your publishable key because its confirmation_method is set to manual. Please use your secret key instead, or create a PaymentIntent with confirmation_method set to automatic.
This is how I created my intent:
$paymentIntentParameters = array(
'amount' => $priceAsCents,
'currency' => 'eur',
'payment_method' => $paymentMethodId,
'confirmation_method' => 'manual',
'confirm' => true,
$paymentIntent = StripePaymentIntent::create(
['stripe_account' => $store->stripe_token]
I followed everything said here:
I'm in a case where the webhook doesn't work for me, and where the confirmation_method: 'automatic' doesn't do the job too, because the confirmation is done on the frontend, and we only want cofirmations on the backend.
Is there any quick fix for this?
In order to perform server-side (manual) confirmation, you want to follow this doc. Specifically, instead of using handleCardPayment on the frontend, you use createPaymentMethod on the frontend, use the resulting PaymentMethod with a PaymentIntent on the backend, and then confirm on the backend. The linked doc shows the exact steps.
And for the 3d secure, you need to add handleCardPayment.

When using twilio's php notify API, how do you set your callback URL?

I have the following code and it sends SMS notifications to my phone:
$notification = $twilio->notify->services($serviceSid)
'toBinding' => $batch,
'body' => $txt,
'statusCallback' => '' // <-- this doesn't work
However, even though the sending works, I can't seem to figure out their callbacks.
I'm scouring through their docs and I can't find how to set the callback URL. I see some of their resources use "url" while others use "statusCallback" (heck, one seems to use "redirect"). That being said, I can't seem to post to using them -- there must be a way to check the status of my notification.
So it turns out I was wrong on two fronts.
1) The callback URL needs to be passed to your messaging service this way:
$notification = $twilio->notify->services($serviceSid)
'toBinding' => $bindings,
'body' => $txt,
'sms' => ['status_callback' => 'http://your_callback_url' ]
2) wasn't working! I was testing the code above, after being assured by twilio support that it was valid, I decided to try and post to my own server and just capture the POSTed content. Sure enough, it was working as they suggested.
Edit: It wasn't clear to me at the time but the callback URL will be called for each SMS sent out for each status update. So that means queued, sent, and delivered. I initially thought that I'd just get a status update for the batch itself as I don't necessarily care for the status of up to 10,000 txt messages.
Your example passes the statusCallback parameter of the individual SMS service API to the universal notify API. This mixing won't work. The individual SMS service sets up a callback for that one particular message, which isn't efficient for batch sends. The universal notify API, in contrast, relies on web hooks, which are globally configured per service.
The simplest thing to do, in your case, is to use the individual SMS service API:
$message = $twilio->messages->create('+15551234567', [ 'body' => 'Hi',
'from' => '+15559876543',
'statusCallback' => '' ]);
To use the universal notify API, you'll need to set the PostWebhookUrl to the target URL when creating the notification service, and arrange for the code at that URL to handle onMessageSent messages. More at the "web hooks" URL above.
Caveat emptor: haven't tried any of this, and I haven't used Twilio in literally eight years, but the above is my theoretical understanding.

Credit Card processing using Pin Payments - - using omnipay gateway, card_token method (pin.js)

I am trying to integrate CC processing into my site. I am using Omnipay library to make the calls.
To not store CC details in my server, I am using the Pin.js token method.
On form submit page (after user fills in personal and CC details) javascript does a 'prevent default' and sends the data from forms (browser) straight to servers. Server sends a card_token in response and resubmits the form to my server.
This token is recieved successfully and I can output it in my tests.
I get into trouble when I take that token and send a purchase request to According to the API docs, I need not send user and card details when I send the token (the entire point of the token, really). I send this token along with other compulsory bits like email, amount, description etc.
This works when I cURL on my terminal and I get a charge success.
However, sending this purchase/charge request using the Omnipay library, each time I get a 422 (invalid resource) that asks for the user details and CC information. It should have populated this stuff from the token I sent.
I have scoured the API docs of both Omnipay and I don't seem to be doing anything wrong. What am I missing?
Here's my charge request:
$gateway = GatewayFactory::create('Pin');
$response = $gateway->purchase([
'email' => '',
'description' => 'Package',
'amount' => '99',
'currency' => 'AUD',
'card_token' => Input::get('card_token'),
'ip_address' => Input::get('ip_address')
Finally, it shouldn't really matter but if you'd like to know, I'm using Laravel 4.
Your example request has an amount of 99, the minimum amount for a Pin Payments charge is $1 (amount = 100).
I don't think this is the problem you are referring to though, it looks like Omnipay does not support using the card_token gear. If you go look over here - - you can see Omnipay isn't sending the card_token field with it's request, it only tries to send card details, which obviously aren't present from your example!
Perhaps you could get in touch with the Omnipay developers or write a pull request yourself!
This is fixed in Omnipay v1.0.4 - you should be able to use the token like this:
$gateway = GatewayFactory::create('Pin');
$response = $gateway->purchase([
'description' => 'Package',
'amount' => '99.00',
'currency' => 'AUD',
'token' => Input::get('token'),
'ip_address' => Input::get('ip_address'),
'card' => ['email' => ''],

Evernote Integration With PHP

I have successfully done with the authentication of Evernote with PHP.
And I have got this response.
Array ( [oauth_token] => S=s1:U=6316e:E=144fcfdfdb9:C=13da54cd1ba:P=185:A=maheshchari-2599:V=2:H=6da806fe92b9289cf0334f04e2afdc55 [oauth_token_secret] => [edam_shard] => s1 [edam_userId] => 405870 [edam_expires] => 1395813907897 [edam_noteStoreUrl] => [edam_webApiUrlPrefix] => )
Now, I want the list of notebooks of the user which has been authenticated with evernote.
I have done a lot of research online but I couldnt find any thing which helps, I have came to know that guid is necessary to get the list of notebooks.
From where I can find that? And how can i access the notestore and userstore?
How can i call the functions of notestore and userstore to fetch the data of user's account and user's notes in php?
Thanks in Advance.
Using the Evernote SDK for PHP, you can list notebooks like the way below:
$client = new Client(array('token' => $authToken));
$noteStore = $client->getNoteStore();
$notebooks = $noteStore->listNotebooks();
All the API references can be found here.
Also, you shouldn't make your token public. Please make sure your token string you put can't be used any more. If you need more help on this, you can get supports from Evernote developer support.
go to this link and download this zip then go to sample folder then go to client folder and run EDAMTest.php page.
and add authtoken.
